Behold the ice shell garnish! [Pinup Palmer returns]

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let's go [Music] aloha folks welcome back to spike's breezeway cocktail hour i didn't think this was gonna happen so soon she is a uh a relentless pain no she's lovely i'd like to welcome back to the show miss pinot palmer you guys sick of me yet because i sure hell am am i a pain in the what finish your sentence please i think your love to your i think you're lovely it's gonna be a long night let's get started what are you running the show now i don't know so for tonight we're gonna make a cocktail again from don the beachcomber this is a cocktail that i chose because it is so lovely just like sarah miss pinup palmer [Music] it's the mystery gardenia and the exciting what's it oh called god they're shooting at us i hate that it's called the mystery gardenia the exciting thing about this cocktail is that it's served in a coop with an ice shell garnish have you ever had a cocktail with an ice shell in it honestly no i have not so for this cocktail we will be using limes gardenia mix from bg reynolds angostura bitters okay there you go yes and white cuban rum from havana club once you grab a lime grab a lime if you will please cut that in half yes sir careful well you get the biggest knife okay so what we're gonna do is we need one ounce for two drinks [Music] one mm-hmm we gotta squeeze it yeah you gotta squeeze it i did okay so let's put this down and then oh i just learned a secret from my buddy the educated bar floor cut off the tip yeah i watched okay okay so you cut off deep just the tip well you i mean not just the little tip like you want to well get in there a little bit more like uh like to like here okay like there you go so that it gets the best end of the line yeah and our buddy from the educated bar fly who came by the show so that you get more lime juice out of it that way cool so let's put it in okay and squeeze away go all the way down on top of it there you go like that that's an easier one than the one we were using before uh yeah um not there yet still got a ways to go just maybe just try it with the whole thing in there okay okay squeeze in the lime [Music] this is very difficult okay okay there it is perfect you're so good at this bam okay one ounce for two cocktails or half an ounce per cocktail what what it's not even open i know that's what's so exciting i've never even tasted gardenia mix before i can't say that i have either okay we got something okay bam okay so for this cocktail we need three quarters of an ounce of gardenia mix per cocktail smell it cause it's been pretty intense nine intense smelling doesn't smell as good as a flower did you freeze it no it's not frozen i think we need something to jab at it is it all like congested up here at the top it's like all freaking weird up here let's try one of these brass straws to see if we can get this to oh that's hard returning the batter sir the colonial time the gardenia mix of colonial times is that supposed to be like that here taste this good really no oh my god [Music] what it wasn't good no [Music] what do you do okay god a mess just happened oh there we go three quarters of an ounce per cocktail which means one and a half ounces yes dump it in make sure it's all in there okay two dashes of angostura bitters per cocktail dash away on dasher this this one no a little guy oh little guy yeah do you know how to do a dash no this is a dash one two okay so there's a specific try it with a lid on first no all the way up and all the way down there you go oh god all right let's do it dramatic drum roll please [Music] okay three more three more okay try not to spray it at me on the way back up was that good enough that was good okay stop strong or something is that why okay yeah if you put too much in it it's strong okay and then so the booze we need booze yeah we do all right what is this havana club puerto rican rum yes you want me to open this up too it's already all right what are you um what do you think about corks [Music] [ __ ] what are you doing where are you going water i'm done with she doesn't like that question i don't know i like corks okay one and a half ounces per cocktail so there's one and a half of there and another one and a half right here did you already dump the broom in there yep no all right if you mentioned cork one more damn the exciting thing about this cocktail is it is served in a coop like this but with an ice shell garnish right and the ice shell like protrudes above the lip of the glass this is the snowflake you can get on amazon it's not too expensive but i swear this thing looks ridiculous it is a great tool you just uh unscrew the lid there throw some ice into the top lock this guy back on and then hold it here and turn it here it's actually really easy to turn yeah it's easy huh that's good okay so the ice comes out of the bottom here so once we have this what we're gonna do is we're gonna knock this stuff into the glass okay and then you're gonna take the muddler and you're just gonna compress it gently it's a it's kind of a big art project it's a real giant pain in the ass but once you have it it's like a rad little treat basically if you're really thirsty and wanting a drink this is probably not the drink for you yeah there's other cocktails that are quicker but the idea is that you have this little thing protruding around the edge that's pretty so if you really want to take some time and really put your hand around it and form it you really can you want to try finesse it yeah and it was banging in first your hand around the back okay well now it's all ugly but you can kind of like shape it i'm very good at this no you are okay that looks good now if you took some more time and you like filled in some of the holes then this would be the perfect ice cube a rice shell yep so here's the trick though so we could spend way more time on this yeah freeze it and then do the whole thing but we already made some so watch this wow look at that here are the the finished ice shells yes lovely so now that we have these what we're gonna do real quick is throw some ice into the mixing tin pick it up to the blender there the mixer i'll go all the way against the back and all the way up little bit out there and then [Music] [Applause] how long about six seconds what about six seconds okay that's probably good there was that fun yes and what we're going to do is we're going to put a gate on this thing here and strain into these beautiful glasses with the beautiful ice oh it's kind of pink oh that's pretty how lovely that's like peachy wait this had mint in the picture it had mint in the picture guys and i mentioned it to him earlier so i just grabbed a tiny tiny little mint thing off of my plant over here and it says to put the most beautiful and most delicate piece of little mint and what are you supposed to do with men oh you're supposed to i know i don't know i don't know if you're supposed to smack one tiny little piece of mint okay we're just going to put it right in the middle what a delightful little treat gorgeous and so from down the beach comber in hollywood california this is the mystery gardenia what is it what's in it let's try it okay cheers cheers look how pretty that is i love the little touch of mia oh it smells better now oh that's interesting mysterious what is it it's like why am i drinking it like this you can taste a lot of rum right yeah yeah i can it's hard to explain it's florally florally is that a word sure it is a got a bit of floral quality to it but also kind of like almost kind of creamy from the the gardenia mix but citrusy and sweet and sweet yeah on the back end it gets really sweet like really smooth and sweet yeah just like me why is he the worst the worst [Music] liz is here everybody hmm she doesn't want to be announced this is actually really good down to that oh my god imagine slurping this up in a fine dining restaurant in the 1950s yes can you can you imagine this thing showing up to your table like how fancy right oh it's absolutely beautiful i just imagine ordering it now at a bar and you're like can i have this and they're like there's like a long line and he's all [ __ ] spitting it out this is a terrible drink to ask for your bartender on a packed night yeah like a friday night terrible terrible drink delicious to drink but a bartender's worst nightmare basically i don't know how they do because they still make this garnish at maikai so i don't know how they do it they must have some kind of system because it took me so long to create this thing what are you eating the garnish yeah quite the lady isn't it like a snow it's like a snow cone who's that look you know what that looked like oh i know what that looks like no it's like a snow cone i think it's really good though that's a it's a delicate drink it's not something that you would make like all the time or right no this is like really fancy yeah really fancy kind of almost like a dessert drink but not so yeah yes pair it with like vanilla and stuff i think it would actually be really good i bet you if you pour that over vanilla ice cream a tasty treat like somebody be kind of like an ice cream soup huh yeah maybe maybe it's like an alcoholic snowtop for the kids [Music] so so you just announced a uh what what are you laughing for how you segway into things all right next segment yeah what all right what do you want me to ease into it stop eating your cocktail don't tell me what to do all right so do you ever listen to podcasts are you a fan of podcasts geez spike i am a fan of podcasts why do you ask is that a better segue for you i have a new podcast with my very good friend gabby that i've known for about 10 to 11 years and it is called the talky horror podcast show clever name right talky horror talky horror so it's like the rocky horror favorite show oh the rocky horror picture show but it's called the talky horror podcast show but we're talking everything about horror from horror movies scary movies horrors of daily life anything that's spooky ooky and dooky in my pants no but it's supposed to be a funny comedy show we have a couple of great guests that are in the horror industry that are going to be on it with us and so um we're excited yeah okay cool so then what like what episode do you think i will show up on the show when you come over and you make us a spooky drink and then we could talk about the horrors of your dating life it's the scariest thing of them all um ladies regular comedienne here comedienne yeah that's how they say it no but what would you want to talk about on my podcast uh you know i'd probably come up with something super interesting like what corks i feel like you're gonna keep biting into this ice and eventually you're just gonna bite a chunk out of the glass maybe i live dangerously spike okay what else do you got no that was that was the whole show yeah i was like oh yeah she's got that uh she's got that podcast thing coming up so i can ask her about that you don't want to ask me anything interesting and then like that's pretty much the whole show well we did shoot a bunch of photos today we did yeah a lot of stuff in the poodle room my fancy photography room so pretty and pink thank you what is that oh there's the mint this is really good i like this watered down i really i do i honestly yeah like i like eating the ice i do too this is good for like a fancy dinner in the summer outside this drink yes yeah that's where i would like it and outside where would you like it outside in the summer after dessert or during dessert that's where she'd like it that's where i would like it i would like this drink oh i would what oh what no oh the drink if you enjoyed that please be sure to like comment and subscribe and follow miss pinup palmer on her instagram it's uh peanut palmer peter palmer it's right there simple as that yeah and i guess that's all cheers thanks for coming on the show again thanks it was a quick one huh don't eat the glass i'm not eating it supposed to tell me when i look like shh all right go not my job wait what are you doing i'm just do it bitters and white cuban rum we're using havana club [Music] who has no idea you'll see and you'll soon edit while you're editing it later oh no is it going to be usable yeah i mean it's sarah yeah i know hi folks this is the commercial of the hour while spike's going to go get a knife because clearly he's incompetent to do his own damn job that he's done for at least how many times now 54 times yeah it's like he's acting like it's his first so this is a lime where it came from i don't know that's great this is a cup this is a thing this is apparently a blender this is me this is a glass as you can still see their knife and then knife it off where the hell do i put this i didn't get a bag i need a bag [Music] no bag no knife why are your nails so long because i'm a woman this place gonna go get a napkin no i told you i'd never leave you again wow try it again with corks but okay so this is the what the hell is this thing called snowflake broken you [ __ ] me up your bar's attacking me wait wait wait oh my god is it [ __ ] up did i get up yeah you need to cut you guys you have a podcast that you're starting i am and it's all about leprechauns how they come at you in the middle of the night where they're from ireland what they're hiding where are they hiding mystery drink they're oh they're hiding mystery drinks tell them the story about jared leto he's not going to come after me is he no he doesn't even care jared leto uh before we start this conversation about you if you do want to come on the breezeway cocktail hour and refute everything that this crazy person is saying about you the invitation is over got that jared go on with your story okay ladies and gentlemen picture it sicily 1982. i ran into jared leto about a couple years ago and i was working a thing called hhn which was universal studios halloween horror nights and my job there was to be a go-go dancer oh okay and the go-go dancers at hhn i have to give this background story to make sense okay are the first things you see when you go to hhn and they are women who are dressed in scantily clad outfits when i say that i mean a bra and underwear and just doused in blood yes pretty provocative you know and that was my job and it was a really fun job and one day all of a sudden a celebrity walks in they come through the gates all the time and my pa walks up to me margot at the time she goes um jared leto would like to speak with you and okay at this time so there are celebrities that just go to the management and go i'd like one of your go-go dancers basically this is what honestly and he was like can i talk to her i didn't know who jared leto was at this point in time yeah he's done a lot but it was just complicated he was a little bit before my era like i didn't listen to 30 seconds to mars or anything so is that his band that's his band see i don't know anything i don't know and so i was like sure i guess and so he comes up to me and he's got long hair and he's all and he's like hi and i'm like hi he's like how you doing and i'm like looking around good and he's like yeah what are you i'm like what do you mean and he goes like you're so exotic and i went white okay i must have had a lot of tatter on that day or something yeah but i was like i'm white and he's like oh that's cool it's cool he just like keeps like looking around he's like we should hang out sometime and i'm like okay and immediately he like snaps his little fingers like like this and his little like assistant guy comes right up with like a blackberry and looks exacerbated by the way like as if this is a routine wait he brings his assistant with him to hollywood horror nights he was taking all everybody that works on his team to halloween hearts this was his treat to them oh okay that's how i figured that out but he had his little assistant there who came up and got my number email and everything basically but ask me like this okay what's your email your you know your phone number please date of birth you know social security number like asking as if it was this or was a routine that this guy has to deal with all the time and i was just like yeah sure whatever like not not thinking i'm gonna hear anything from it yeah sure so i go inside and i go jared leto just got my number and everybody was like freaking out and i they were calling me stupid they're like you don't know yeah you know and i go no not really so they started showing me pictures and i was like oh the guy from fight club with the blonde hair he gets the speed out of him that's where i knew him from oh so i was like oh click in my head click click click yeah that night i got a text from him i was like oh he actually texted me he wanted me to hang out that night immediately i was like no yeah i've been go-going all night and i'm covered in absolutely not months go by and he keeps in contact with me like little emails here and there just like how are you nothing sexual nothing weird just very short conversation to the point mind you he's asking me to hang out like every now and then and i managed to come up with an excuse every time wait what you didn't want to date a celebrity guy no not him what about like ben affleck no i'm not gonna have like uh what about like uh about like val kilmer top gun belt kill him oh so like 40 years ago yes not batman belle kilmer not now no bill skarsgard hands down yes to him but at this point in time jared leto was filming uh the dallas buyers club and during this period he wanted academy award for it and he was playing like the transgendered like aids person and had to like get really skinny for the job so at this point time i didn't get cute adorable dear little i got skinny gaunt jesus long hair with a beard jared leto yeah that sounds hot and i've heard terrible stories about him and what he does to like girls and just kind of how he is and my guard is already up one day he asks me he goes let's hang out i make up a random excuse i say oh i have water world rehearsals and they're going late tonight so wait what i mean water world rehearsals yes you're in water world without kevin costner yeah were you on the sailboat with him now i was in the stunt show at universal studios yeah webbed toes no that's no i wear boobs to cover your webbed toes sure oh you were the s you were a stunt girl yes man i was playing helen yeah they called stunt man too stunned woman not a woman i'm a stunt man yeah surfer a red bikes something i see your bike over there does it have a bell on it that's really cute it has two bells i'm a stunt man chinching [Music] stunt person to another yes i lie i haven't worked for waterworld for two years but it was just a good excuse i was like yeah that sounds about right and he goes wait water world is that at universal studios and i'm like yes and he goes up i live right around the corner come by after rehearsal and i went [ __ ] so i'm talking to my friend gabby and i'm like i don't know what to do oh gabby from the talkie board uh what's it called the show talky horror podcast show yeah it's catchy now i have to go there and the what i have to wear is like something like as if i were going to do a stud show yeah so you have like coveralls on i had to commit to this live okay i really did at universal studios there is the porn industry the vivid entertainment building okay he lives right next to it like up in those hills oh that's convenient he lives right there right near universal studios okay awesome great life should have made up something else like i was at my parents or something yeah like you drove to canada well i gave gabby my information where i was at because i was absolutely horrified because he met me in a very sexual way you know what i'm saying so already the odds are not in my favor you know saying i'm getting out of this with friendship i don't think so i get to his house it's around 10 o'clock at night i'm scared of [ __ ] and you know me i love conspiracy theories yeah and he's at like the top of the list of like illuminati scum is he really yeah like everybody always mentions him and it's quite fascinating i get up to the house and i notice all the lights in the house are off great sign love it makes a girl very easy huh liz [Music] tell gabby that i arrived here i text jared and i'm like i'm here and he goes great come on in i go to the gate i open up the gate i walk in still seeing the lights are on i knock on the door and the door kind of already pushes open and i went great i'm going to be a sacrifice tonight this is fun so i creek open the door and i look inside and the only thing i can see is from the moonlight coming in through the windows and my heart like sinks to the oh on the floor no because because like i said with like illuminati stuff normal people have i don't know couches chairs in their living room i have those guess what your little couches and chairs no he had all the statues and artifacts from a very specific movie that i recognized immediately and it was from clockwork orange oh no and if you know clockwork plus like illuminati symbolism yeah that is like oh he had all the weird statues with like the milking titties and stuff like all in his living room and i was just like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] of course he would like this movie of course he would like this movie and then out of the dark all i hear is this an eternity goes yeah you're pretty brave to come in here alone and i'm like oh no and out from the shadows comes jared leto let me tell you what he is wearing okay let me just picture it jesus like marilyn manson jesus long hair to hear bearded skinny matching blue silk pajamas top and bottom unbuttoned all the way to like almost here like almost to his navel yeah bunch of chains that are kind of just dangling and he has slippers on so that's what was the stuffing oh yeah hey but i'm just like that's how he showed up to you well i'm in his house but he knew you were coming over and he's wearing pajamas and slippers yes yes i feel like every girl's dream right yes pajama jesus well if you're a famous guy with lots of money and some horrifying clockwork orange props maybe that's like how you do it maybe then we just went into his kitchen he fed me vegan pizza he doesn't drink so he had like bubbly champagne like the fake stuff and we just talked awkwardly because i couldn't ask him anything hey and it was just a very awkward conversation because he answered like a politician where he like circles around things because he was like i'm like i don't have a wire on me i'm not gonna [ __ ] press or anything i'm just asking you the same questions that you're asking me right and then nothing i say is going to impress this man because when i walked in his kitchen mind you all his trophies his academy awards everything are in his kitchen and here's his sink here's his window yeah and they're all just kind of going eh just throwing up there like not even like stacked nicely in his kitchen oh you do spend a lot of time in your kitchen i do you think jared leto spends a lot of time in his kitchen i don't know i don't think so but they're all just like thrown up there and i go okay if he doesn't give a [ __ ] about a county award me doing any job oh i don't want to talk about myself because because she's not gonna even got i was so guarded that he even like put his hand on me he's like i'm not trying to scare you and i'm like yeah i'm not scared i'm feeling not scared i was terrified then he just showed me around his house was it big ass no it was like up in the hills kind of one of those old 1960s kind of long houses you're you walk on the second floor but then there's a downstairs on the lower floor and i remember he had a jacuzzi in his backyard he go see the jacuzzi i could see universal from my backyard that's when i thought about you the other day and i was like that's cool i guess thank you and so after he showed me the house i went cool i would like to go now and he goes oh okay uh let me walk you to the door he walks me to the door he gives me a hug he goes now you know where i live now neighbor and i go yes i do talk to you later but and i just went you know how terrifying you're probably like thank god this guy didn't do whatever they do did i need to hang out with him no could i have just not messaged him back absolutely but however once in a lifetime when an academy award winner is like why don't we hang out hang out and i go well this has to be a good story either i'm going to die yeah or this is going to be a very funny interesting story because i know you'll be able to tell on a moderately successful tiki cocktail show eventually yes now you guys get to know my story of jared leto hope you enjoyed it at this cocktail hour yeah i wasn't expecting that story oh that's it yeah okay dude do the sign off i don't know what you do i don't know what you i don't know we'll do whatever you would do thank you so much folks for tuning in to spike's breezeway this week with me peter palmer cocktail oh speed smack a picture of myself now wait what was it thank you so much you guys for tuning in to spike's breezeway cocktail hour i am pin of palmer and this is the spike man himself aka corkmaster and we will see you guys next week or at least he will and i'll be watching from my couch aloha what do you say hello oh you're so sweet [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was a good story thank you got any stories about jared leto or celebrities or anything like that um what happened with marilyn manson he comes to halloween horror nights too and he likes to look under people's skirts like this solid move yeah really yep and then if people like call him out on him he's probably like marilyn manson i was like and they're just like walking in line he just does weird [ __ ] like very sexual oh thanks lit you look great i like this really watered down i know really good that ice tree was super good i don't think that's like really part of the drink but i could fully eat another one of those ice things i don't think i've ever like drank the whole entire drink on this like episode you never have no i think i just slowly just kind of go well that was nice yeah like i think this one's my favorite so far oh wow yeah and the other cocktails that we did with you were the shark's tooth shark's tooth and something with a mint that i beat the fog cutter right simone podca fog cutter yes which was very minty which i mean this would be good with men too i think i just there was a little piece of mint i think i just like mint in a drink like if it has mint i think you're talking to me like in a good way not the jared leto way no he doesn't drink so he wouldn't come on the show i don't want him on the show anyway he doesn't drink alcohol yeah beat it jared leto awkward conversation that was my night with a celebrity beat that people kind of feel like awkward conversations every time that you're on the show with me well can't help that you're awkward because you use cork as a pick-up line oh that's how awkward you were oh okay so that's what i do is i use cork as a pickup yeah this is what you would do ready yeah pretend you're a woman okay an attractive woman look at me i'm a beautiful woman i'm spike all right i'll talk to you later don oh who's don don i mean who's don action pretty woman i'm you go i'm a beautiful woman yes you are hello beautiful woman yes my name's spike oh yeah that's my real name what an amazing name thank you what is your name doesn't matter anyway how do you feel about corks it's my favorite thing in the world she would never say that she would never say that is that your woman yeah that's how it was my favorite thing in the world that's how women talk that's how you sound like in real life it's not always something yeah you sound like about one of the old ladies who's that cooking lady and she cooks the joy of cooking that doesn't sound like an attractive woman to me try again oh give me a better one hi hi big boy don't you like my legs what that's like a hot chick right yeah man look at my boobs and spike would be like yes very nice very nice but about core
Channel: Spike's Breezeway Cocktail Hour
Views: 4,754
Rating: 4.9581881 out of 5
Keywords: tiki, pinup palmer, pinup, rockabilly, tiki bar, mystery gardenia, don the beachcomber, how to drink, Steve the bartender, educated barfly, cocktail, craft cocktail, tiki cocktail, spike's breezeway cocktail hour, beachbum berry, total tiki
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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