BEST Way to Make Crystal CLEAR Ice Cubes!! | Perfect for Whiskey

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today is Monday which means our glorious weekend is over and we are smack dab at the beginning of another workweek right side though Monday also means yep it's Manship Monday [Music] hello everyone welcome to another episode of mansion Monday hopefully this will bring a little cheer to your otherwise boring Monday I can't think of a much better way to relax after a long hard day than to sit outside on a nice evening with a nice glass of bourbon and a cigar if you are like me and you'd like to sit down in the evening sometimes with a nice glass of bourbon to relax or really any other adult cocktail for that matter you've probably heard about large form factor clear ice now before we go too deep into talking about ice we need to touch on the subject of putting ice and whiskey because if we don't touch on this I know people are gonna go bananas in the comments and I just want to try to head that off before we can get started there are a large group of people out there that think it is absolute blasphemy to add any kind of ice to a good whisky any kind of water any additive really of any nature some people think neat is the only way to drink whiskey of any nature bourbon scotch any that stuff me personally I follow the same school of thought as the good guys over at the YouTube channel whisky Bowl which by the way if you've never watched their YouTube channel if you're into whisky great channel drink your whiskey the way you enjoy it most screw the snobs it's your whiskey it's your money drink it how you want that being said I do tend to drink the vast majority of my whiskey meat however I do think some whiskies hold up really well to putting a little ice in them I think you can open them up a little bit if it's a really high proof whisky it can kind of mellow it out just a tad and here in Florida in the summer it's really really hot and frankly putting a little bit of ice in a drink is just makes it more refreshing when it's hot and that circles us back around to today's topic large form factor clear ice cubes in the best way to make [Music] to the mountain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now you're probably saying Jeremy it's just ice it cools the drink off what the hell well there are actually a couple benefits to large form factor clear ice the large Ice Cube's melt much lower which means you have longer to enjoy your drink before it gets all watered down and loses all its flavor they also just make your drink look good now I know some of you were saying that's a little frivolous who gives a crap what the drink looks like it's all what it tastes like and I agree flavour is the most important thing however there are some psychological factors at play here better something looks to you your brain is gonna play a trick you're gonna enjoy the drink more your brain is gonna fool your mouth into thinking it actually tastes better a lot of nicer high-end bars are starting to use custom clear ice these days a lot of them are custom making ice to best fit a particular cocktail so now what you're running into is there's a market out there for large form factor clear ice I'm sure you've seen some of the stuff out there you can buy on Amazon they look like this they're these silicone kind of ice cube trays that are made to make big ice cubes for your bourbon or whiskey or whatever drink you're having they even make some that are have like these big styrofoam things that go down in which is supposed to create a perfectly clear ice cube all these different things have a couple things in common one they're more expensive than they need to be to they only usually make a few ice cubes at a time so it takes forever to build up any stockpile of ice and three most of them that claim to make clear ice don't really work you've also probably seen some people talking or articles or stuff online talking about the different ways to make clear ice they've got people out there that say you should use distilled water and distilled water makes the clear ice and boil water or double boil water or you get the dew off of a unicorn's horn during a full moon like there's all this just crazy stuff out there I found that most of these just don't work the method I'm going to show you today and by the way I did not invent this method it's just one that I found and I've tested out it worked really well so I wanted to show you guys it's cheap it doesn't require any special water of any nature or anything like that it's relatively easy it produces good amounts of ice in one batch and it creates very very clear ice okay okay I got comments all the time enough of me drawing lists get to actually making the ice you're gonna need a couple things before we get started one you're going to need a small cooler with a removable lid I'll link the one I use you can get it on Amazon for like 12 or 13 bucks you could really use any small cooler but this one is really cheap and it's like the perfect size that you can fit easily in pretty much any freezer second thing you need a serrated knife of some nature like a long bread knife come deal most of you probably have one laying in your kitchen or somewhere and the last thing you're gonna need is a hammer well and a freezer but I would think that would be obvious it isn't obvious that you need a freezer then maybe you shouldn't be playing with knives so ignore this video alright so now we have all our supplies together let's jump downstairs in the kitchen so I can show you how to do this clear ice and we can throw these things where they need to be in the garbage and we're downstairs so this ko saing kind of crap telling me the first thing we're gonna do get our calming cooler how this method works is by directional freezing usually the reason you get cloudy ice is when you are using a standard ice cube tray like this the water is getting frozen from all directions so you end up getting air trapped in the middle of the ice cubes when you put your water in something like this and stick it in your freezer besides blob and all that it's insulated which makes it freeze from the top down because you're not gonna leave this in the freezer a long enough to freeze all the way through you're gonna end up with a block about this big on the top of perfectly frozen clear ice and there's gonna be a little pocket of water at the bottom where all your air and stuff is still at that will drain off and you'll see that part hearing a little bit but that's basically how it works it works through directional freezing and it really does work fantastic so first step you're gonna want to take your Coleman cooler take your lid off and you're gonna fill it with water you're gonna want to leave it about an inch inch and a half from the top because you want to leave room for expansion you know when sloshing around everywhere and stuff and then you're gonna put it in the freezer for 24 hours now quick note I did mention this does not require any special water to work it does and I've used just normal tap water and it worked fine however that being said you might get clear ice that doesn't mean your ice is gonna be the best it could be depending on how bougie and how snob you are through whiskey I live in Florida I will not make ice cubes out of tap water from here our tap water tastes like bath water it's gross I mean it is very chlorine EEMA it does not have a good flavor to it whatsoever and when you use big ice cubes like that in your drink the bad flavor of our tap water actually does change the flavor of the whiskey so I use filtered water for my refrigerator so you could use filtered water for your refrigerator you could use like a big gallon of drinking water from the grocery store or if you want to get like ultra bougie they actually do make water that is made from this mineralized type stuff that is basically the same water they use when they're proofing whiskey down you could even use that but that's gonna be some expensive ass ice because that crap is not cheap I would just probably recommend cheap gallons with filtered drinking water to filtered water from your refrigerator or if you live somewhere where your tap water is good and just use your tap water it's not gonna affect the clearness it's just gonna be a thing about flavor and taste so we're going to fill this guy up with water stick it in the freezer don't forget to leave your little inch and a half gap or so we'll be back in 24 hours boom 24 hours later Wako ice so now we're gonna start making this into our cubes the first thing you're gonna do is obviously get this out of the cooler so you can work with it all you're going to do how to do this portion over the sink actually this whole process I would probably do over the sink because it can be a little messy with the water I'm only gonna do this portion of the sink I'm gonna move over there because the Lighting's better but when you're doing at home probably best to do the whole thing under sink just for cleanliness all you do is write upside down now is here that all this has been out of the freezer for about five minutes sometimes when you turn it over if you just took out of the freezer it's not going to immediately come out but you know don't no way to state how quick don't immediately start trying to pry it out with a knife or bang it and trying to just give it about five minutes as soon as it falls just a little bit it'll fall right out so just turn it upside down and give it a few minutes you just thought while you're doing this over the sink though because the bottom of this is gonna have water still so it's good we everywhere see if you do this on a table all that [ __ ] would be all over your kitchen and you don't want that because when I do that over the same this brings us to free fun we don't want to make sure you have an unfrozen part in here I found that about 24 hours is the sweet spot if you take yours out and your block of solid ice is too thin or if you're frozen too far all the way through you can obviously depending on your freezer settings adjust your length of time but I found 24 hours is about right and you should come out with you know a good solid black ice on the bottom which we'll see here in a second and then this top part is just a hot little frozen bit you got to get this part off and get down to the good solid piece so you just get my serrated knife you're dealing with slippery stuff and a knife so this all mind our P's and Q's here clean off that top portion you just saw which is just basically like a hollow kaplan of water and you can see what you're left with is I mean that's a clear block ice come on you know that's clear look at look at got I'm a drip water look at that that is clear ice that's about as clear as you're gonna get we got all the excess off and then now we're going to start making our ice cubes but for this like I said if I were y'all I would do it all of the same I'm gonna move over there because I can get a better angle on the camera but another beautiful thing about this particular technique is you do have a big block of ice so you can really make it into anything you want if you're making cocktails and taller glasses like you know I don't know if I'm drinking that stuff I drink whiskey but if you are very good so kind of tall glass cocktail you could make these into any shape or size you want because you're starting with a big solid block ice now me personally I just drink whiskey and glasses similar to this so I just get mine into big cubes that are about have to fit into a highball glass or whatever you call these things and the easiest way to accomplish that it this stuff I was actually amazing how easy this is to do you take your serrated knife and again be careful you pick about you know how big of a dimension of cube you want and you just lightly go back and forth a little bit just a few times I'm not pushing down really hard I'm just kind of going back and forth saw a little bit you want to score it then you're gonna take your hammer and you just lightly tap the blade just and there you go it just splits and you should've seen I wasn't hitting that very hard or anything but it just breaks it right along where you had it pretty much and then from there got your big strip you want cube you just come over about size you want your cube same thing well salt a little bit get a nice little score and then just that one right there so yeah I'm saying I did not hit that hard now you have a nice block Oh to put in your whiskey so you just carry along and do that with the rest of the ice I'm gonna speed this up so you guys don't have to sit here and watch all this but I'm gonna do this the whole thing real quick there you go and that one block that only took a couple minutes to break up I've got 12 big blocks ice from that one sheet of ice we had out of there so this is making well more than most ice cube trays that you put in your freezer and they're perfectly clear and I think the imperfect kind of broken edges actually kind of hit light and stuff and I think they really look pretty cool personally I think this is the absolute best way to make clear ice and say you make these and there you go well crap that doesn't really fit down in there just perfect so you didn't go it's simple to shake these things down a little bit you can just take it watch your fingers and just Whiteley shave down a couple of sides until there you go boom fits in there just perfect like so after all that said and done you've spent about 13 bucks and you could reuse that cooler as many times you need to and make just tons and tons of this 12 blocks at a time now personally what I do is after I get done doing a batch of this I'll put them in a big freezer bag and throw them in the freezer and then I might do that a couple days in a row to build up a few batches of it and then I won't need to do this again for a long time so that's the method I think this is definitely some of the clear sights you're going to see it's really cheap it's easy to do and it's actually kind of fun so let's take this back upstairs and we'll finish this video out so that's it that's all there is to making some really crystal clear ice save yourself the effort of trying to collect the dew off of the east side of a mountain during a solar eclipse and all that other nonsense out there and give this try it is definitely the best way I've found to make big old clear ice cubes for that evening beverage maybe this will make that evening whiskey just a little more enjoyable I appreciate everyone stopping by to hang out with me for a little bit today I hope you enjoyed this video and found it useful if you did feel free to hammer that like button that always helps us out if you're not a subscriber please consider doing so we'd love to have you on board I hope everyone is having a fantastic week enjoy that whiskey and we will see you in the next video [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jeremy Siers
Views: 1,558,019
Rating: 4.8756938 out of 5
Keywords: Clear Ice, clear ice cubes, how to make clear ice, how to make clear ice cubes, best way to make clear ice, diy clear ice, diy clear ice cubes, whiskey, whiskey ice, whiskey clear ice, crystal clear ice, custom clear ice, best clear ice, huge clear ice, large clear ice cubes, how to make large clear ice cubes, how to make large clear ice blocks, how to make clear ice for cocktails, how to make clear ice for drinks
Id: n5H2Opjql9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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