Mandalorian robot actor and tiki (non-alcoholic Orgeat Fizz)

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my goodness sir spike i am c-3p of human cyborg relations and this is delicious we're doomed [Music] aloha folks welcome back to spike's breezeway cocktail hour there's a thing in tiki where how do you phrase that there's like this group that that keeps trying to push star wars into tiki and they're different things but also if you want to put star wars in your own tiki bar that's totally fine i'm not going to hassle you about it but i do have a friend who is like intimately connected to star wars which is super exciting for me because i do love star wars i love especially the first three were like kind of my thing my generation but he was also in the most recent stuff which also revived my whole faith in the whole deal i would love to bring on my buddy chris bartlett oh spike how are you thanks for being on the show no i'm i've been wanting to do this for a long time i've watched your show you're my style hero so i'm really happy to be here well thank you so much so there's this whole thing where there's this group of people who who are adamant that star wars can be tiki and i get the connections because like mos eisley is kind of like this weird tiki bar and supposedly have you been to the tiki team no but i want to on sunset boulevard there's this small little tiki barn for our fans of tiki everybody's like yeah i know since 1961 ray buen who came from dawn the beachcomber a lot of the great cocktail bars in los angeles he was one of the original bartenders they say that george lucas was there one night watching ray buen work and he was sketching and stuff and supposedly rabiew rabiewing the founder of the tqt was the inspiration for yoda really huh i thought you were going to say something else what was i going to say i thought you were going to say it was the inspiration for the cantina oh well i think it was also that yeah i do think it was that i've heard that from mike senior and uh it's kind of common lore within the tiki community huh so there is connections between star wars and tiki and you know the whole thing but you're a robot dude i'm a robot dude that's that's true yeah weird i play q90 bounty underdroid and outstanding audio space pilot but i also play other i play the teacher droid i played the ra7 droid which is the death star droid for those original trilogy yeah fans and for the last 15 years i've played uh live-action c-3po on television really yes so i'm kind of typecast and i love it yeah yeah robot dude it's so funny because it seems like you would uh you would have the looks to be an actor that's not a robot oh well well i don't take that in a weird way like it was funny because when ray griffin was here i was like have you ever done any real acting cameras wow i was like well don't take that the wrong way because i know that voice acting is certainly acting you mean on camera yeah i meant on camera actually and then she talked about how she was on that 70s show oh yeah uh i am working on a project at the moment where i am on camera and it's a real stretch for me because i play a uh 1950s dad driving an old car so i'm like where could i come up with this inspiration and i'm like this is my dream role i would love to well the funny thing is is that chris and i didn't know each other until a car cruise night about a year ago now right my buddy eugene and i drove up to la to the valley cruise night uh at the foster freeze now you showed up in your 1960 58 plymouth 58 plymouth yes it's a beautiful red big winged car yes yeah it was a car that i found in a barn um it hadn't run for 30 years the previous owner had passed away and had parked it in his garage i mean before he passed away and then his family didn't know that it was even in his barn for like 16 years because it was covered in boxes and tarp and everything so they cleaned it all out and found the car and they rolled it out and washed it and put it on craigslist and then i spent some time to get it running again i found a 1960 v8 and put that in it so same era fits right in rebuilt the transmission and everything and now it's a daily driver the reason why i like this car is because i'm a huge fan of the movie christine yeah which is about a killer 58 plymouth and so we've had some weird experiences in the car actually oh really yeah even up until recently the week it arrived my neighborhood almost burned down the entire hillside was on fire one block from us we had to evacuate and then fourth of july we went and watched fireworks and when we came back my passenger in the back seat goes chris don't move there's a scorpion on your shoulder and for sure there's a scorpion it was sitting right here we got it you know and then a scorpion yes and then just a couple weeks ago i pulled into a gas station and the engine caught on fire it is old cars like that it happens yeah but you know i put out fire really fast and uh with my bare hands so it's fine we replace the hose it's fine that night that we met was an interesting night because it was still like in the depths of lockdown yeah we were wearing masks we were wearing beards yeah we were also like driving through los angeles with zero traffic yeah that was spooky we parked on hollywood boulevard in front of theaters and took pictures and yeah like all over i have some some amazing shots that that you did and we showed up in the magazine yeah car culture deluxe yeah there's a whole feature about that night that was the first time i got to see your econoline pickup what year is it 61 61 right the first year first year with the uh metal flake paint and the the white fur interior very difficult to keep up with you and eugene in your cars oh yes the line 70 straight six it's not a matter of it not going fast enough it's a matter of me knowing that it won't stop quick enough oh won't stop quick enough i think the amount of body of the vans like allows them to stop better yes yes mine will slide mine will slide right through an intersection right because the engine and everything is right up front and there's no weight in the back so yeah so we're gonna do an interesting cocktail i did find this in trader vic's bartender's guide from 1972 when i when i said to chris i was like hey you should come on the show he's like yeah dude totally and then it got closer to the date and he's like uh by the way i don't drink and i was like but it's great because we've gotten a lot of requests for for cocktails that have no booze in them for a lot of the fans of the breezeway cocktail hour who don't drink because surprisingly there are people that watch this show who don't drink so yeah me included yeah yeah well thank you yes i love the tiki culture i love the atmosphere i'm excited to see what you have yeah i mean well i'm really excited to taste a trader vic's cocktail that has no booze in it so tonight we're going to make a cocktail called the orjat fizz and for this cocktail we will be using limes or jot and club soda super simple okay so let's jump into the cocktail if you want to grab that lime and if you would like to cut that thing in half we need a half an ounce of lime juice per cocktail so one ounce of lime juice i just literally picked this from the tree and they're a little they're still a little under ripe oh there we go oh there you go it's early in the lime season right now so there's not a ton of juice in these things oh we got another lime over here all right i guess yeah usually limes will produce about one ounce of lime juice but um not these it was a battle to get to one ounce with these things yeah all right the next ingredient is orjav have you ever experienced or shot before no do i shake it you could probably shake it yeah all right it's like an almond syrup uh yeah i smelled it what does it smell like i don't know hmm wait let me smell it kind of kind of nutty kind of vanilla oh yeah yeah one and a half ounces of oregano per cocktail okay and i'm gonna on the right side there one and a half i see it that line right underneath the one and a half right there perfect okay [Music] okay and one more of those okay perfect what we're going to do is we're going to shake this over ice then we're going to fill the rest of the glass with club soon let me give you some ice here you ever shaken a cocktail uh no i haven't how exciting yes it's very exciting all right so uh go ahead and pour that into that okay okay and then just put the top on there and then give it a whack now here oh oh to jam it in there got it okay all right yeah and then they say to shake more horizontal but like from your heart oh from my heart yeah yeah there we go wait turn turn sideways so the camera can yeah that feels nice oh you're even doing a thing fancy fancy bartending going on here right all right and then to get this thing off you just whack the side loosens up i'm gonna try and get these things even [Music] it's got these rings on the graphics so you can kind of yeah you can kind of measure i think that's probably good right there yeah okay i'm gonna add a little more ice and then you can go ahead and open that club soda okay and fill it to which line fill it to the top-ish maybe just short of the top [Music] this is going to be like a a limey fizzy almondy drink it's called what again with no booze or jot fizz or shot fizz i'm so scared of that thing sliding and like cutting your thumb off yeah it's okay you have to have a robot thumb put on would be the first time yeah so when you get when you when you notch them kind of don't go all the way to the middle okay yeah you kind of kind of step back a little bit from the middle got it all right i like your yeah i like your technique here yeah there you go nice okay but i also have a surprise okay super exciting at that's beautiful yeah it is really nice we have these little uh these little chicks i love it yeah little mermaids yeah are they mermaids they have white fins maybe grab that jar what was that oh is that like a technique yeah this technique never seen that tea total oh is it just kidding yeah i'm a cherry oh okay okay you can put her in front of the line you got that all over the side of the glass oh whoops that's all right so even if you're making like non-alcoholic cocktails you can still have a rad garnish like make it look great okay and then we have some bamboo straws here oh i see like this and so from trader vic's this is the non-alcoholic or shot fizz out fizz super excited here we go cheers dude cheers it tastes like a cocktail yeah it could use rum do you taste lime it's like you need to you need to mix up the lime it's in the bottom oh well we shook it oh yeah i'm new okay now i'm getting a lot i do get like a little bit of the citrus of the lime but it's real heavy in the oregon a little bubbly but not like not a fizzy drink right yeah no this isn't maybe we should have checked this out but you sh you don't shake soda it's like shaking a bomb it's a good drink yeah i would say that for anybody who's hosting a tiki party at their home usually you're gonna have soda water usually you're gonna have more shot this is a great simple solution to the people who are either driving or like somebody who's like yeah i just i don't like i don't want any booze and uh making one of these things it it feels like you're having a cocktail it's very citrusy i like it yeah yeah i'm gonna drink 17 of these and be like uh why am i not drunk yet um you want to hear a funny story yeah i totally did okay in 2009 okay lucasfilm uh gave me a call and said we would like you to come to washington dc i was like yeah sure i figured it was like the smithsonian or something like that yeah they said it's at the white house and uh but we don't know the president's schedule or anything that's more like okay fine it's probably just an appearance the white house yeah so uh they they wanted r2 and 3po and and chewbacca at the white house oh not just me what a wookiee they uh escort us to the green room which is the basement of the white house so i suit up and as the gold man and uh chewbacca just puts on his purse because he doesn't wear pants or anything two stormtroopers and the uh lady from lucasfilm get on the elevator okay we're riding up to the main floor that stops the floor early and the door opens and it's president obama standing there and he says whoa he goes oh can i get on with you and and we were like inside i was like this is the president of the united states this is the first time we even knew he was even gonna be here that is wild and so in the in the white house elevators they're really small because the white house is retrofitted obviously they didn't have elevators on this build so literally from a right here yeah to about here wide okay so it was very tight and and as c-3po i'm like bumping the president you know of the united states anyway so how about some room there buddy i'm a robot i'm terribly sorry oh you do the voice and i mean he goes uh well you look awesome and and hi seth why thank you anyway so then he goes uh he's riding up we need to get off the elevator and uh i just turned to the lucasfilm lady i said uh why he seemed very friendly so rad the same thing that ce3po said when he met lando calrissian who was also the administrator of his facility oh right wow and anyway all of us nerds cracked up at the moment but after that we did our thing and then we went to take a photo with the first family it turns out that michelle had called lucasfilm and said we are having an event at the white house we would like to have a couple of star wars characters there and they said well who would you like and they said well c-3po and r2d2 are they available turns out we were we went to take a picture he says she's real can you stand next to me and uh i said yes of course and then he says oh wait a minute oh can you say something to michelle for me and i was like why thank you for the invitation it's wonderful and then we all started laughing and then uh chewbacca puts his hands on the president and his wife on his head their heads because he's tall and you know his first hanging over their face and then right then the secret service rushed chewbacca oh yeah i told him to take your hands off there oh my god what the the balls on chewbacca right there sized you always let the wookie win in those situations oh yeah all right so i'm getting it so anyway then we take this photo and uh we're all laughing because this just happened with the secret service and and it was a great photo i was like i can't wait till next week when i get this photo and i can show my family and it took a year and a half to get the photo oh wow because of security yeah and all that yeah do you have the the photo that we can share yes i do it's right here it was like i was like where photo yeah anyway so he's uh president obama no matter how a person votes is a very warm friendly inviting guy um he also is a huge star wars fan and the reason i know is because he got c-3po he said it right the first time because a lot of times people are casual fans like oh call you r2d2 or uh three cpo oh you know they always mix it up yeah i can always tell the the good you know solid original trilogy fan sure when they say see if you're real yeah oh i brought something for you oh you did yes where is he oh here he is oh what i have my own action figure is that star wars action figure does that blow your mind yes it does because this is how i kept my imagination going yeah uh after i saw this incredible movie in 1977 is with action figure now this is the this is a bubble-headed one so it's not super action-y but uh it's what i got so i brought that well thank you so much to spike zero wow how rad and he kind of has a little bit of a tiki look to his face isn't he well thank you so much i really appreciate it you're welcome folks if you enjoyed this oh and actually i've got something for you too oh but here's a spikes breezeway cocktail oh this is cool enamel pin and so people who are on the show get one of those and then if you want to join the 10 tier of our patreon then you can get one of these also nice but that's the only way thank you spike yeah thank you i'm dude i'm so happy that you're able to be on the show and and thanks for uh having us explore this cocktail that is like a no booze cocktail because i think a lot of people out there gonna be super stoked about this i agree i really do yeah yeah cool thank you thank you for doing it and uh it was very delicious it really was i love the the whole making it yeah that this is a very interactive uh kind of a show so folks if you enjoyed this please be sure to like comment subscribe to the channel if you aren't already and uh follow chris and his wife on all their social medias what's your uh instagram uh chris f bartlett okay and spelled out d-o-t c-o-m yeah how creative of you and then you are at all of like the comic-cons and all that kind of stuff too right it's so much fun to meet fans of the show and to talk about speculation or hear the speculation it's just a real treat i used to go to conventions as a fan and suit up in costumes that i built and now you're on the other side of the table yeah that's that's really special so i'm grateful to do it let's see so we'll be in the unicorn in las vegas on october 1st lake city comic-con in coeur d'alene idaho october 16th rhode island comic-con november 5th so if you see chris at any of those comic-cons be sure to tell him that you saw him on spike's breezeway cocktail hour and maybe he'll enjoy one of these or shot fizzes with you i will for sure all right be sure to tell him that you saw him on the the uh what's this what's the show called maybe he'll enjoy one of these gin what do they call them no not board have you ever had one of these cherries no oh wow it's meaty that's a good cherry i know this is so expensive oh they're like 20 oh my gosh i'm so honored do you have any idea how many times you watched the the first three oh gosh i can't i don't have a number for that just a lot when we were kids you see it in the theater it was in the theater for a year so in 1977 you just kept going back every saturday going to see you know see the movie again and then when it was out of the theater it was over uh-huh yeah because there's no dvds or no vhs even there's no sequels it was just that yeah and so all we had was the figures we would end up playing with the figures you know yeah everybody had luke and vader and c-3po and r2 ob1 but then we also had like r5d4 you know snaggletooth oh yeah all these fringe characters which the mandalorian john favreau and dave filoni have said we played with these fringe characters and now we're making stories about these fringe characters like that's why when you're watching mandalorian you see things that look familiar but feel new you know so like you might see an r5d4 droid or you might see a little child that looks kind of like another pointy-eared green creature it's not the same but there there must be some there is a familiarity but it's new right yeah uh it's a really cool full circle the mandalorian absolutely revived my faith in the whole that whole cinematic world i guess and i love that it feels like a clint eastwood movie or like a spaghetti western at least the the first season for sure did i just think that favreau has approached it so correctly and uh yes if you would like to uh to call him and bring him onto the show oh if only i have the power to do right now yes he was a giant impact in my life because around what 1995 or 96 he put out a movie called swingers and that movie changed the face of southern california music that that stuff was already happening the swing scene was really it was already happening kind of underground and he was part of that and he was kind of documenting it a little bit but then once that movie came out and then pulp fiction came out all of a sudden surf music was huge again swing music was huge he really jump started the whole swing rockabilly and surf revival so fabric thank you i love smell lies oh wait let me look a little like pottery barn that's what it smells like i want a repo and then we're gonna fill the rest of the cocktail with or see how that's sliding away yes wow so my room my old roommate when i had a roommate here kevin stewart of big standing with all right boys uh he i handed him a glass of like a mai tai yeah and there was ice underneath it and we watched just slide off the bar oh and explode oh explode yeah yeah so dave filoni known for doing all animated series for lucasfilm like clone wars uh rebels they are have joined forces on the mandalorian uh they got together and are writing these stories and and just like you said the clint eastwood films you know those were stories and films that a whole generation maybe a couple generations wouldn't see oh for sure you know they wouldn't see those films yeah but now we have stories that are familiar to this lone gunman going from system to system with an ambiguous kind of moral code but ends up really being a good guy but also he's the the silent stranger or something like that yeah and that was not only that was good bad in the ugly those movies but also um high plains drifter right all those movies where i i'm such a giant like old western fan plenty of yeah so it really like when i started watching and i was like oh this is i just remade there are a lot of special effects but not used to show off right they're used to serve the story and it's just it's just so refreshing you know speaking of the special effects what's cool is like you said it it serves the story it's not it is not the story right one of my favorite favorite days of filming rachel was there my wife i saw on the script that that as q90 bounty hunter droid uh i would be flying the razor crest which is mando's ship and so every day i'd go in for filming you know i'm like is this the day i'm going to be filming flying driver space and it would be no we're just going to be you know doing a shoot out or something which in and of itself like i've been preparing for those things my whole life you know pretty fun in a real star wars shootout it must be a dream it's a total i mean like i said when people say did you ever dream that you would be doing that so i'm like every day every day i was dreaming this like yeah but i never thought it would actually happen right yeah so finally the day came when i was going to uh film in the razor crest which is a real practical wow and so john favreau said hey chris once you go uh get familiar with the cockpit and i was like okay i'm going and so i go in and i'm flipping all the switches and all the things and then all the levers and everything and they all work the lights all work really turn on and the switches yeah it was so cool so then i was so excited the night before that i didn't sleep oh so i was on this big day i was super tired it's it's all dark and calm yeah there nobody's around i'm surrounded by space because the volume is all around you which is the digital wall sitting in the cockpit and uh i was just taking it all in going oh my whole life i've waited for this moment and i passed out and i fell asleep in the cockpit and no one was around and john favreau director debra chow they stepped into the cockpit behind me and you know when you wake up you're startled awake and you don't have control over you yeah you're just growing up you're like yeah i was like hey hey how's it going you know like i'm so so out of but uh it was it was it was so much fun because when you're flying in a practical ship surrounded by this these tech screens it's space all the way around you so it looks like you're actually it feels and looks like i'm actually in space and the other thing spike is when i say my line jumping to hyperspace now when i do that all the stars stretch too nowhere like in the film so it's like driving your own star tours exactly right and it wasn't it was they triggered it when i said it so i had the power over the speed of hyperspin i was just like as a seven-year-old i'm like i can't believe this is happening i'm so you know grateful uh to do it but yes i did fall asleep in the razor crest are they filming new episodes this has been a great conversation you know the book of boba fett is coming in december another series that has spun off of the mandalorian which is really exciting okay tamara morrison is back and that is boba fett the next couple of years are going to be very exciting for fans of the mandalorian so it's good news yes if if it's anything like the mandalorian then i'm on board right yeah now i asked gray griffin this when she was on the show and and since she is like the foremost female actor in voice-over stuff um i was like let's see what kind of work you can get maybe i could do some voice-over work because she's like she's got all this clout right yeah uh i think that i could probably be a pretty good robot oh really yeah i think so like let's see now now we've already got um c-3po who's fluent in over six million forms of communication uh you know i don't wanna i don't wanna be see-through no no how about uh more of a sinister droid no no i just wanna be like a robot like uh walking down a hallway oh yeah or like uh sweeping what would that sound like just you know just being a robot i'd be like a robot oh you wanna be in a costume yeah you're saying you want to do a voice oh no no i want to be a robot oh okay yeah i don't want to do any voices i just want to like stand there right so a little tip for some droid acting would that pay a lot oh yeah yes it pays you you get um grapes uh in between shots as a craft table they feed robots grapes yeah yeah that's how we met gina carano i was sitting there eating eating grapes and i was standing next to this girl who i had no idea who she was i didn't follow fighting or anything or and and i was standing there and i just said hey i'm chris i'm i'm dressed in a droid costume up to here but my head is exposed then hey i'm chris and she goes oh hey i'm gina and uh i i was like oh what's your role today because mine's obvious i said uh what's your role today she said um i'm a ex-shock trooper i was like oh okay so she must be like a background or something yeah like she's getting cool shot and killed yeah so i go down and i go and sit in my chair and then she comes and sits in the chair right next to me and i'm like wait gina mandalorian i'm googling it real fast oh my gosh you know yeah like a giant star yeah a giant star right and and i was like uh i just really calmly because i was you know keeping it all inside and i'm like uh you know suddenly i realized you know she's super down to earth she was not like oh i'm number two on the show you know she was just like uh i'm just an ex-shock trooper you know have you been to many tiki bars in southern california no we're fairly new to the area and so we're we're still uh trying to get to know the area but we did go to the tonga room up in san francisco a couple of times which has the um you know the boat the band plays on a boat there's a rainstorm that all around yeah it's spectacular yeah pretty amazing from the 30s i think originally oh okay and then and then redesigned into a tiki bar tiki experience in the 50s late 50s oh cool yeah yeah before that it was themed as a like a cruise ship oh yeah rachel uh my wife and i went she's a super talented voice actor she has this really cool like voice of the future i like to say voice of the future arch villain kind of a voice really yeah yeah so so she's like you would hear a voice in a spaceport you know uh wait or or should you come on and do the thing your voice yeah is she here let me see oh there she is literally like right there yeah can you come into your voice come here ray your spaceport uh this dog is jingling through the show we'll say all droids report to docking bay 94 how about that and action all droids report to docking bay 94 oh my god you like that the voice that like is happening when there's stuff happening sometimes yeah oh my god these straws are really cool yeah they're really cool it's funny because i've been drinking this this whole time and like it feels like you're drinking a cocktail like it really does he does except it needs so he does need rum this is [Laughter] i think that first voice also would would work for like a countdown i actually that's on my demo really is it really like a bond like a bond count yes uh what do i say um what is it the launch commencing ten nine eight you didn't make it goodbye that's amazing well thank you so much for that what a treat that's embarrassing so we were on a break uh just in between scenes billboard was there carl weathers was there and myself and uh john favreau came over and goes i just wanted to sit with the cool kids and i was like oh that's not me uh you're talking about carl weather's legendary action hero oh bill burr amazing what's going to be predator yeah because he's an actor and a director yeah he opened up to us about what a director wants in his actors and he was like i i just wanted to share this with you because i know you would appreciate it and the thing he said was be on time come prepared and come with ideas oh come with ideas yes and so what i would do as an actor i would read my portion of the script and then i would just make up voices for the characters right i didn't know if they would be alien voices or if they would be if i would be voiced over dubbed over whatever oh right but i was just coming with ideas uh for these voices and so if you go back and watch the very first episode the ferryman we were doing a rehearsal and he's the guy who sit standing out on the ice and he's calling over speeders for people wanting to cross the frozen ocean mando comes out and i call over speeder all of his lines were in english and so i was like what would this guy be like guys kind of like a gritty maybe like a russian car salesman kind of you know and so i was just doing all the the lines and so john is sitting here dave fellaini sit here and i said um oh this speeder is brand new you know that kind of a voice and john goes oh that's good let's cartoon it down a little oh i was like oh okay because it's always better to the director would always rather have someone tone something down than have to like get energy yeah so you go deep and then let him pull let him pull yeah then i did again you know uh this speeder that just arrived on the spin wood flasher you know and then dave goes i wonder if this would be an alien voice now if you recognize that character that species in a new hope there was also grinden who was a kubaz sorry that was a super deep cut uh all these new mexicans was like i don't know yeah the blue guy uh no the guy with the with the with the goggles and the uh trunk oh yeah there's a spy remember he was like right so dave goes i wonder if this should be uh an alien voice okay and i was like i yeah i agree it should be even though i wanted to do the voice but it would be better for the character if he did it like that species that we're familiar with when i first got the call for the ferryman the girl from production called me and said chris we'd like to bring you in for the fairy man and i was like what show is this and she goes it's uh you know it's a star wars show and i was like uh can you tell me a little bit about this character like because i'm picturing shirtless definitely shirtless pointy ears and maybe some light wings the fairy man you know like maybe i'm lord of the ewoks or something um and so i said uh what am i going to be playing a flute or something she goes uh yeah i was like oh no my first character you know you know action in in star wars and it's going to be the fairy man playing a flute like uh it's fine i'm going to be in star wars uh that's fine i i don't care i'll be whatever you want me to be here right when i got there and saw the concept art for the fairy men who resembled very much the species in a new hope who was the the spy alerting the stormtroopers that the rebels were leaving on document 94. then i was a little relieved yeah one my first scene in star wars would not involve any nudity so that was good i think you're in an interesting position because you're able to play multiple characters in one show yeah like i'd be a robot guy super grateful for that right uh robots and creatures creatures want to be a creature too you could yeah come on man yeah you have the build of a creature [Music] more so than that perhaps a droid i'm a creature goodness the the things i've done for 3po if you if you watched the oscars a few years ago when you were on the oscars 3po and bb-8 and r2 rolled on as doing a tribute to john williams that was a real thrill that was you yeah and so you're like walking like well a little less drunk looking than that but uh more like this oh yeah and um anthony daniels pre-recorded the voice and then i did all the animation but if you went and watched lego masters which is a lego building competition show i played c3po there and i did all the voice myself on that wow yeah what a bizarre career like super rad though super fun um yeah i'm so grateful to be able to be part of the lucasfilm family and yeah and especially with this new series the mandalorian it's it's um like you said it's a a show that maybe revived your your feeling about star wars i'm easily entertained by star wars i love i love the ships the droids aliens you know jedi sith storm troopers i just like it when it's done well yeah right and i think the mandalorian really nails that i really just can't tell you how excited i am to come onto the show as a i guess a creature but i i wanted to be like a like a hallway robot but a creature is fine too so yeah thank you so much for that okay i'll see you what i can do about that uh like i said i try to bring ideas to this character so i come up with voices for all of them even though i you know i may not even uh be used you know for zero i thought well he's like c-3po mixed with boba fett where he's a droid but he's very cool and calculating when i went to do the the screen test for him i didn't know yet how i wanted him to move or anything but i just i just did the best i could with what i had i they gave me a pistol and but then i went home and he kind of looks like uh like a praying mantis yeah that's right so i went and watched a bunch of videos on praying mantis you know moving yeah they moved their body but not their head you know it's very like weird you know and then it's super funny but the voice i was thinking was okay a sinister c-3po you know uh might might sound like um all systems have been alerted to your presence the main entrance seems to be the only way in or out all other information on your level is restricted you know where threepio would say that in a much more positive and uplifting way yeah totally no that's that's rad anyway it's really fun to create these characters and bring them to life i love the work and um you know being able to meet people like you and talk about the stuff is a lot of fun well it's funny because the cars kind of like brought us together and then and then i was like wait you're on what show like the mandalorian yeah okay [Music] i'm so excited about this dude yes yeah very down-to-earth very next-door neighbor kind of a person that's really very sweet that's amazing uh yeah i also understand that she is currently looking for something to do so if she wants to come on the show also oh yeah you know fabro gina um yeah whoever else yeah the wookie the wookie there's a wookie on the mandolin no your buddy's a wookie oh the the one that attacked president obama oh yes uh chewbacca yeah you you should have chewbacca on the show i don't know you wouldn't fit over here right yeah which cons can i see what sorry these ones question oh now i gotta edit that in good here we go yeah chris you like strawberries hey chris come out and have some strawberries and uh and so i just stepped on your dog um i don't think it's gonna be loud enough astro you gotta stop bumping that please he's looking at me like what are you talking about wait hold on give me your necklace dog he keeps jingling okay no more jingling no more jingling dog [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Spike's Breezeway Cocktail Hour
Views: 4,323
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Keywords: how to drink, Steve the bartender, educated barfly, tiki drinks, exotic cocktails, vintage cocktails, mandalorian, Star Wars, c3po, chris Bartlett, rum, beachbum berry, trader Vics, orgeat fizz
Id: l6Ig9SaCoKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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