Nightmare in Paradise 012819 - Evangelist Claudius Morgan

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] Wow [Applause] [Music] Wow [Applause] until second one to check right [Music] lines some zone but other companies on the street are you ready [Music] let's all get on the street I what's the caption for tonight everybody in the video put something under reasons my thank you [Music] we just read on the screen [Music] taller so know who know how it goes on [Music] everybody's subtopic but tonight hey guys I want to begin tonight with a statement that makes shopping my life Charlie I see Mike maybe not but they just went way down the street believe us a statement I did not bring sting into this universe you need to say that it may be surprised when I sit again Adam did not bring sin into this universe let's explore the Bible find out we have some reason here let's go be bothered Aveda is equal 20 verses 12 hours after to one of the jars for the safari was founded if you should get the context of the versus the scripture uses the king of tyre on camera whatever as a figurative description of Lucifer so this verses are talking about Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer who is now called and turbulent Oscar originated and lived in heaven so that was created by God come on some a true I'm so Lucifer agency I lived in her now [Applause] therefore is not God the problem with sin is not Jesus the problem with shimmer is not the money goes the problem is not the Creator is anybody who's put in the street he died because of that yes we are has prompted by mister by visa [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the bubbly surfer that simply come in because of this so I can say after your read the scripture did not consent into the syllables all the human beings becoming focused on God created man in fact created everything you can see am i speaking to present the three inches narrative shows that God created light in fact when God came on the scene oh stop because because the Sun the Sun the moon and the stars stars devotional transcendent position transcendence Beach high [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] silly isn't it when it was time to make woman as I told it a state he changed a hook tomorrow because the waters have created she was built took his time to put those things in place [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] but no no other sense not the wisdom of God before he creates the fish he makes the seats of his henchmen I'm talking about dr. what's he watchin before he creates the birds he makes the skies so the birds can fly before he creates man he creates the language manitowoc in fact everything from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hands I see [Applause] I the you [Applause] Oh [Music] soon the song Oh Oh [Applause] after class put India the Bible says Genesis 1:31 and God saw everything I made it was very bad [Applause] nice full tree there Sonia the scope is cosmic fish in the sea but in the air there's joy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] No [Applause] when I was the past in the church in the city church in my country when we comes into the room I give the heavy force the arm which tests are given I given the body tests which sounds and you're free and I'm looking at it because team under session begins in the eyes and you better tell well then I give him the practice I see any level and then when he started praying in the midst of the pray started talking foolishness what I hope is I start going I say another smaller because you know Holden will hit you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you the guy is mountain eyes and nose apart the guy really sparkly Sehun where the devil is mighty but the girl [Music] [Music] I can see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] exactly killing tree don't sing it's a lovely but you see that's it don't touch it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you Oh [Applause] this is because and the woman said the serpent you may eat of the fruit of the tree representa she does not have even spoken she should have put on Venus that you send boys are eatable [Music] when these men come after you wonder what you to do son sir mr. e companies are super sweet that's uh but of the fruit of the tree which is in between a Pentecostal worship of a big church in here kids my grandfather after church named lighthouse it's like you're saying and immediately and she was this and my daughter said to me [Music] she said keep on possible and then she's personally debuted after she got after she kissed me I'm the pastor of this church but in my dream I saw a big fella down [Applause] and she said I could not see recognize his face and will not recognize his posture but the song that he sang was the same song that he sang the song [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on so is it ready so he speaks to the stuff I know the song who speaks put it you shall not [Applause] hallelujah stop it the prison of still be powerless but one of us wanted to make Mary was watch it watch it watch it and then you might say that when a sovereign held the food the food does not practice and she says my God said that he will but he is not in fact the skin of the serpent started deception and the salty can be so powerful when you chew when you see the very inception [Applause] [Music] indiscriminate briefs and contemplating that she question how is the serpent he has eaten lives and no Muslim speech my pastor even that was always look at her problem is she it is clear that since volunteering at the SSR other sin lay in his opposition to God he refused to submit to the will of God allowing God to determine the course of his life simply put out on the screen put it my sister sister Putin the original sin [Applause] retrieval some to a high manfully dollar Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I put this thing together food you understand yes return I'm sure they're like a display that Adam did not bring sin in this remotes single originated in the angelic world but sin is in US and in this woman because you should have and what this is devastating as this person on the street but my sister came to the human race not because of Satan's rebellion but because of atoms [Music] we have bits of bad decisions in that culture really have some idea that I said I mean a bad decision getting married - oh yes I wish I wasn't born in Ghana was born in my I have made some bad decisions in my life and I'm suffering now but Isis in Calypso I used to drink rum for breakfast ramen for lunch from fess up and since you do I need to do nothing [Applause] [Applause] when you take that 10 you don't feel like eating absolutely shall have developed gastro just top of this world that given me everything free Bush water therapy that therapy is still there because the wages of sin is gas autism but $10 Jesus answer [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I like Jesus and you need you [Music] you Jesus Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] because I know [Music] [Music] [Applause] and so what this machine is this footage provisions for those of us who choose not to sing [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and so because of landing any pirate put the proprietor paradise that so that similarly not really constantly you know hardly than adequate of sin yes in fact the story of redemption buyers you might set a guitar neck neck in this fashionable distinct see the most invited not recover and constantly only is none you see there some scholars I study the scholars they are all super super of Syrians what they are saying is that confidence time for us before God [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah one scholar Stephanie came home from the wilderness after 40 days and 40 nights I was sitting here and a spell consumers hungry - Allah he said if we don't be yourself down by the turtle disposal but even though she was hungry he poured from Scripture he said I was a temple I saw the piece of the temple often came up to the ground we went up to the high mountains as far as we could and he showed him the cities of the world and he said all this could be yours and Jesus said to him sir that you know and then the future I choose for you what we need to do is to turn from living in our opposition in Christ the 1st Corinthians 15:22 come and evaluate what you get with Adam in the same way all the brains to life because of their union with Christ I'm so happy there became a sermon I [Music] [Applause] [Applause] by the man you should all see I used to say muscular system church every stop I wish I was report I thought sure they took me to the chest bone I see too much then I preach once and it will be preached and I got beautiful study God is koneko my most subjects was kicked out of schools I told the students did kick out the spoon for me I went and I tried free subjects accounts Commerce accounts Commerce and English I gotta pee [Applause] I kept reaching the Commish the crisis tonight one since the second problem is the public God then I met a woman who wouldn't promise she taught me how to speak put your tongue between your teeth probably so we found money I lost the college then they brought GD in the country along with the classes every day and she's teaching English and I'm in the BA mr. C mr. Hawkin are you paying attention [Applause] oh not studying oh I don't know so Saturday night over the book study I don't know what thing she said to me when you go in the class there are four questions to have a room and two are very close but I got into the example when I close I didn't know which one so I closed my eyes and I said in Jesus we hit another college she's accepted and we went after secondary school I was still do my hair so when I went to college when my secondary school for high at the airport the results came from the TV applause well I went to the Polish they put me in English [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what is done for me when comes to Christ is not always fat so they come on this to pay when the King stuff in every somewhere give it to me fancy this was a stripper no faster than nobody's an alcoholic it is something in a big long jealousy not chalky no shoes [Applause] [Music] you understand this with the gospel gives us choice between Arabic when it comes to politics to what who you want your convictions but if you don't like what happens you have a little bit sports for you the day before I catch you you have the decidable ever expecting us the star anise problem instantly sense come on somebody say so John 3:17 for God sent not his son into the hall to watch when the only the middle again you're stopped you're stopped reading but let's go ahead after 2 1 2 what it says after 3 1 2 3 2 preview - Jesus somebody say we know what if you don't deal with sensitivity yeah very mankind also the trusted Jesus Moses chose rather to suffer affliction with the people what is it most babies are choice or true because you become close of a good story the priest a puppy because it's a notoriously but that lighthouse peach in the Sun who are New Covenant estates will end of systole but then this is the Carolinas us about cattle division in now something had changed at all how to know account when you see what is that the friction that the guy is body taken to the pool hasn't given back trust about finish mission are so I made an appeal came up till but its leadership of special she looked a capacitor pasta she says she sexy to the mirror appointment as he choose them choose they from six so she came and she can wanna go shopping this oh the Sabbath and they said that by God's grace I screamed at me I can't even remember the last one she said the Sabbath is full of jewels and I should have come up 13 42 42 when the Sun was what for the Jews and the Greeks imagined reskin the pond and said preach unto us about your creature - the truth the next hour you started on the next day when I said I suppose our sisters even go to that and conquer the past the one in Jack sermon everybody needs though and we circled her we prefer she said she came up to me the next day and said that's all superintendent or she has to give up her credentials how can she become a pastor the 7th edition I see the become a pastor say in our school it hastily cretan to you before for years I said you still go to back away and you still get the stuff that I keep a good friend I preached I am King and she worked there I could hear mother says they must keep their responses I said you go to all this stuff just in a little wooden house it has a extension that she lives there I was in the room pressing the book about this because there's about to be a more because there's no beach already somebody burst in the door mr. Stevens just in kitchen so we serve in sahaja yoga and I can't blow another Llosa see where there there's a whole funnel news with the pasta and she kicked in yet Jesus what are super sensor administers Lucy for me Jesus Lee its sister Stephens me what is tonight my choice is to choose Jesus as well tonight I decided to live a life that pleases Jesus is this noticed as well for the next one your step you [Music] so we call this up the trees 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 tonight when you stand you tonight I have decided that I want to live in the paradise where sin will never exist again [Applause] I love [Music] [Music] that's how I sleep such I'd sleep sexual had so many operators a lot of the challenge stretch your hands this time close your eyes and semicircle my desires to be see whatever you want me to try will do now let's ever you want me to buy the because other people let's sit together you can put your hands down the Lord is my shepherd together after two months I despair was destroyed my soul didn't mean hearts righteousness - my my [Music] this is this [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Gav Duncanson
Views: 21,299
Rating: 4.4514284 out of 5
Keywords: sin, satan, adam, eve, tree of life, tree of knowledge, south bahamas conference, north bahamas conference, shiloh sda, freeport sda, bethany sda, eight mile rock sda, music, bass, cameron palmer, claudius morgan, rasheed mullings, gavin duncanson, owen scott, cordell strapp, grand bahama, bahamas, nassau, nightmare, good news gospel explosion
Id: NP_hOigYkEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 9sec (4089 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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