Behind the Scenes (2005)

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All will be revealed tonight, when we go behind the scenes of Eddsworld! A group of Flash animators brought together by one man instantly become united in the quest for bringing mind-blowing animations to the citizens of the internet. They work together in perfect harmony and all is well! ... Or IS it?! Uh... Yeah, well, I don't "regret" joining Eddsworld as such but... You know it's one of those things where you think to yourself... "What if?" You know? But, yeah, I get on with most of the team. Me and Tord have our disagreements occasionally but, you know, overall it's pretty sweet. Yeah... Tom, tell us about your alcohol problem. The alcohol. Yeah. It was a problem. I remember once I just got so abusive that Edd threw me out of the entire production of The Dudette Next Door... Which turned out to be a big hit! And, yeah, that was pretty bad. You know, it was a hit just because of that crappy lesbian plug but, you know! Um, well, yeah, Edd held an intervention and after a couple of months in rehab I returned as sober as um... As... Mm... Yeah. There was always tension in the group. Me and Tom didn't get along... Until recently. We would have fights where he'd call me "commie" and I'd call him "Jehovah's Witness!" Screw you, asshole! I just look back and laugh now. Tord, tell us about your hentai addiction. I won't call it an addiction. I just like hentai... A lot. I used to watch it every hour of every day. But I've started cutting back! But I'll always miss my 90 gigabytes of hentai... No, it's not gone! I just haven't looked at it for 3 hours. Uh, Eddsworld is very different from what it was like when I founded it a few years back but um... The concept is basically the same. It was originally just me and my animations but now it's, um, a bit more than that. Edd, tell us what it's like running a website like Eddsworld. Um, it can be quite hard running a website like Eddsworld. There can be problems with the animation; the comics; the crew; or sometimes Tom's alcohol level. It's also hard managing all the work. Like how many comics Tord needs to draw or how many bottles of Smirnoff need to be delivered to Tom or what animation is coming next. Of course life can be hard here at Eddsworld but we usually have time to take a break! Play a little practical joke... and on Fridays it's funny shirt day! There you have it... The trio's deepest, darkest secrets revealed! Tord's hentai addiction. Tom's alcohol addiction. And Edd's... Work... Addiction... Well, anyway, this has been Behind the Scenes of Eddsworld. Goodnight!
Channel: Eddsworld Extra
Views: 1,395,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eY_1mwHl1oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2016
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