Beginners Machinist Tool Box pt1 Tips #442 tubalcain

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how are you once again is tubal-cain your youtube shop teacher welcome back to the shop and today i'm starting two part video series in this is part one and the series will deal with the apprentice toolbox now several other creators have done similar videos I took a look at them and they're very good but this will be my version of it and part one here is just a discussion on toolboxes Kennedy boxes Gerstner boxes and what you want to have and what you expect to pay and where to find one and all that if you don't already have one so join me in the video and oh thank you for watching my videos and supporting my channel I appreciate it and I'll see you and many many more a hope let me start here talking about Kennedy boxes and even though this says craftsman on a craftsman soul the made by many different people over the years but the brown crinkled finished and the appearance of this knob here tells me that it was made by Kennedy for craftsman and just put their badge on it this is not all that old of one but this man died you might remember a video where I bought this I forgot what I paid but it wasn't a whole lot under $50 and these are real nice tool boxes you know I got a well I could probably got ten of them but not all of them are filled including this one this one has been jimmied here at some point because somebody lost the key or somebody was breaking into it and stealing it and they all have a cover like this but I hate the covers because I don't really take mine out of them of the basement here but if you if you work someplace you know you probably want to lock it every night I think they usually do if there's other employees there you're not the only person so that's what the cover is for sometimes I put these in the crawlspace out out of the way most of these boxes when you close the lid there's two little pins here and I'll show you that in another box but this one has not made that way when you close the lid and then turn the lock it locks both the door here and the top of it I don't have the key nor do I care that I don't have the key let me show you what it looks like on the inside you this I've never seen one made like that where this would rotate and this Bart lock the door or in this part locked the top maybe this one isn't a genuine Kennedy or it was specified by Sears to make it that way probably cheaper you see this graph turnin box when you unbuckle it right there did you see that pop up when that popped up it released the two pins that hold this so there's a pin here perhaps you can see the top of it and a pin right here and those are the locks and they go into these two little holes here so this is probably a little better but that and a little ball here so that that's locked in two places not just one place and I've seen plenty of these with doors all bent and jimmied and I think sometimes machinist gets to work in the morning and he loved he didn't bring his key along and he can't get through the day without the tools so he just forces it open I know I would this is my first Kennedy box my father gave that to me when I was 16 years old in high school and I've had it ever since so it's my favorite because of that then you've seen this in other videos it's still in remarkably good shape just a little bit of rust here on the plating but still ready to go to work and at that time well the year before my dad gave my brother our Gerstner chest so when dad gave this to me I was a little disappointed you know we got the old sibling rivalry going there that my brother gets the expense of oak chest and I get a 10-1 so I was hurt still AM you okay the average Kennedy chest is a 20 and a half inches long it opens at the top for your larger tools maybe hammers and things like that and when you open this up of course you've got what seven drawer so this is called the seven drawer chest and there are drawers that are about one inch and then a wider one here as well the head of the two longer ones they usually come with some separator through it I don't see anything and this one is a used chest but it's in nice condition that we've got a little paint falling off right there but you will soon outgrow this but I'm gonna show you what to put into it in the next video but you'll soon outgrow this and I'll show you how to overcome that well you can overcome up to of course with more boxes plus what I have in the other room you know this isn't meant to be a bragging so I hope this is fun so as your selection of tools increases you can buy what I call a riser some people call it a base I'm not sure what Kennedy calls it but there you got two more drawers and therefore your box fits on there perfectly well this is 22 inches that's why you see the 22 down here on that on that number and this gives you more drawers and this is a nice deep drawers over hammer for renters and things like that so this this is just a wonderful thing that you can roll like this with your toolbox and I'm going to tell you the prices here in a minute you can see here on my dad's chest that at some point here I came across a riser and this one isn't in very good condition but and it's missing a knob but nevertheless it's still a good unit but before I got that I'm welded up this that's quarter-inch plate with two on it so that I could slide things underneath and increase the bench space and I decided to use that even with the riser now this gets pretty tall so that I can hardly see into the top here without getting on my tiptoes but nevertheless that's it's a good deal and that again is on that craftsman you've base you've seen that before but you can get a Kennedy base too but it'll cost you a king's ransom let me tell you the price on these units here now in the Kennedy brand and they're available from KBC and other suppliers and the NARC abc's prices but perhaps they go on sale from time to time but the genuine kennedy in this size 7 drawer is 290 bucks the base down here or a writer is 200 bucks so you know it's down there as much for this as it is for this which is kind of surprising now if you get it in the wider one which I'm going to show you in a minute here which is the 8 drawer that's going to cost you three hundred and sixty dollars new and the base 220 not a whole lot different because they just made it a little bit longer I'm not sure if you can see it here but the base has handles here on the side so you can carry it let me talk just a little bit about Gerstner chests while I'm at it here and if you don't know what a gross your chest is they are oak chests they're beautifully made they're almost like a piece of furniture they're just beautifully finished but they are not affordable and that's why I guess I was jealous of my brothers but anyway a Gerstner chest in this size and they got a website I don't know if KBC or these other companies sell them but they've got a website so check that out Gerstner calm or something like that you're gonna do a search for that but a Gerstner chest will cost you $800 for the top and 800 for the riser now I don't know why that's about the same but if you get it in the wider one of the so-called eight drawer that's $1,800 girl you can buy a good used car that almost end of the base for that would be 800 as well so you can see that they're not affordable although I guess they are to some people you won't see a whole lot of them you very seldom see them used at auctions and if you do either they're incredibly old and beat up and all discolored and full of grease and stuff like that where I wouldn't want him anyway ball though I think some people buy them to restore them but you have to fight the antique dealers and the women for those women love them if they're nice for jewelry they're just perfect what necklaces and you know in brooches and all that stuff and so so women like those I guess they put them on their dresser I I don't really know so that that makes them unaffordable even as used items let alone as new and I really like these I tell you what I don't like about Gerstner chests the drawers will come out they'll fall out and when they tell you a little story I remember my dad after my brother brought it back from someplace my dad was carrying it down the stairs into the basement and he tipped it the wrong way all the the front fell off and all the drawers came out hit the floor some of them got cracked I know the knobs were damaged and my brother was just sick about it and so was my dad so that the drawers will come out and that's super annoying and of course they're very subject to moisture and water damage but I'm not saying anything bad about the Gerstner chest I used to really want one now I don't really care you can find a lot of these craftsman boxes at garage sales and I paid maybe 10 bucks for this and I got another one that I gave him a grandson Jordan for that I paid $5.00 for it in better condition than this and he keeps his - and junk it and these are perfectly nice boxes they might be made by Kennedy they do have the same knobs although maybe that those were made by another supplier for all of the companies I don't know really who made this but it does have the buttons and everything there it has the dividers they normally come with these dividers for several drawers not all the drawers but usually there's a long divider like this too and they're held in with spring like that so watch for these you usually get these real cheap because they're not brown and it doesn't say Kennedy on them but they're obviously serous old them and many different versions over the years you know what Roy this 7 drawer Kennedy box is a little bit of a repetition because it's no different than the others but I thought you might like to go back and watch this video where I actually buy this and talk about it and show you a surprise inside but if you don't want to go look at that video and I took just a short clip out of there and I'll show that right now if you'll bear with me one thing I noticed different on this box is that this little pool I've been calling is not what they're pulls that pull is a diecast zinc whereas all of the other ones that I've ever seen over the years are plastic and it's actually held on with a couple tiny little hex head bolts so this one is an absolutely perfect condition I believe that's the one that I'll show in the follow-up video as the apprentice toolbox that I fill up with tools so watch this clip now I think you'll like it thanks for staying with me I noticed it's quite heavy and I haven't looked incited yes so it's real cold out today I think I'll go in the house and I'll open that up we'll have a little unveiling to see what's in those drawers so maybe there's some tools and I was mighty heavy I brought this Kennedy box into the house because it's cold outside but it sure seemed heavy when I was carrying it from the garage so I'm there's a stuff in the drawers but those all look empty I have to open the top and see if there's something in there well I open the lid of the box and look what was in there well of all things that's my due grandson one month old Henry how are you doing - Henry oh Henry you know I want to raise this kid right so I'm gonna start him reading micrometer hair very soon hey buddy what does he weigh now about eight pounds he's eight pounds now it was about seven pounds so you know I guess if Keith Fenner can come out of a tool box my grandson can - and this is Henry now standing next to one of the tool boxes that you saw in a video a couple years ago remember that Henry say hi why not why not say hi here's a craftsman box I've had for a long time it's a bit rusty down here but note the logo on there but the way I've got this situated under a shelf I'm not really able to use the the top compartment very well because I can't get into it but this is one that is filled with my tool you've seen a toolbox tour of that I probably need to do those toolbox tours again because this is all changed here's a box I've had for several years and I never have filled it yet so this is empty there are handles on both ends of these longer what we call a trawl boxes this has been jimmied a bit here also [Music] and this is reinforced here real well I guess because this toolbox in a way a lot I suppose somebody might sit on there or something but it's reinforced maybe so they can make it out of a thinner mountain I really don't know there is no handle here you have to hold whether the ends would be too heavy they're all felt line but notice that it's craftsman when I opened it up probably made by Kennedy but who knows and this is I think I said it already this is an April they have nice slides on them and the drawers don't come all the way out I'll get back this to this in just a second I covered this in a recent video but this REM line here is really a nice one because it's got 11 drawers I don't know if Kennedy makes one with the 11 drawer so it's a little bit higher than the Kennedy boxes and that's a matching REM line base and way I think I told you my wife gave this to me either for birthday or anniversary long time ago she went right to the factory store which is no longer there in New York Vil Illinois but you're gonna find probably Waterloo boxes too that are made up like this or like the kennedy box or i'm not sure how many manufacturers there are but kennedy is by no means the only one you know I've been asked by countless people what's the purpose of this center drawer in these longer boxes and of course the purpose is it's a place to keep your cheese curds now some people that have a sweet tooth prefer to keep M&Ms in there and that'll work too but I like to keep my cheese curds in there but some people mistakenly believe that that is a drawer where you keep Machinery's handbook and just because it coincidentally fits in there and coincidentally has a finger hole in the bottom to push the Machinists book out but actually I believe that the whole and the bottom is users can you see that or not that's used to brush crumbs out of there but you could keep your machinery book in there if you had a notion you know what many people put clips or some way here and the lid where they can put their charge some of the books and things yeah years ago I put the spring in here it's just a a long spring and that can hold some of my charts and my and my booklets and things I don't know why they don't do that the factory because you need a place to do that so that's an idea for you this is just a long spring I don't even remember where I got it and I clipped that onto the ends here they're holes you know what and all the years I've been in the business I've never seen another box like this and you can see that it's a craftsman I don't know why they got the label up on the top here but it's like a half box I think it's made for half winded machinists I'm not sure but got a little cover on it typical appearance but maybe not made by Kennedy because it has knobs on I've never seen one with knobs on it those have the crinkle finish but we've got some rust going on in here and they had trouble I'll here keeping paint on the drawer and this is one where I do had pliers and things like that but this is a nice box as an overflow box or one that you could put some specialized tools in that you're gonna carry around to the job but I don't know if they still sell them like I say that's the only one I've ever seen I don't ever remember seeing them in a catalog either take that for what it's worth these eight drawer chests are about 27 inches long so of course you need a riser and they make them and here's one over here I do not have an empty one to show you and you're not going to see that many right and sometimes at an auction they're gonna sell them separate and the riser may cost every bit as much as the chest itself so so watch for a riser that they are so handy don't leave home without one nothing beats a good cup of coffee when you're in your shop well I hope you enjoyed part one of the video be sure and watch part two where I'm going to talk about what you ought to have in your chest as a beginner and maybe some things that you already accumulate as your life goes on and I hope that you guys will show up for my estate auction whenever that may be because you can see I've got a lot of stuff here for you guys to bid on so that concludes this episode this is a tubal-cain saying so long for now and I'll see you in part two you
Channel: mrpete222
Views: 68,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gerstner, machinist, logan lathe, atlas lathe, sherline lathe, boxford lathe, hardinge, lathe
Id: uGYAwiJoLO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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