15 Beginners Tips for Wartales | Guide to Wartales

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[Music] hey guys welcome to another video today we're in a new game this is war tales and it was released recently and it drew my attention you basically lead a group of warriors across the land and you have to survive and those survival elements are really what caught my eye you take on missions and encounter baddies and explore the landscape i've really enjoyed playing it so what i thought i'd do is put together a tips video so let's begin tip one when you first begin you have four characters if you click on the camp option or press c it brings you to the screen and they're around the campfire if you right click to inspect the character on the left hand side there is a a professions slot now if you click on this it opens up a series of shields at the beginning only the tinkerer is revealed now assigning these to your characters is important it gives them a benefit it's a it's a free benefit but to get new professions what you need to be able to do is go to the location where that profession is being carried out and it kind of gives you an idea of what that involves so for example if you're near a town you can go to the forge and there if you click on the actual anvil it opens up blacksmiths for you and you can then assign one of your characters to being a blacksmith and they get the benefits from it and it's free if you go out of this particular screen and depart here you'll see there's a coastline at the top here if there is a little star flashing it indicates you can fish there and if you go to that spot you can appoint someone as a fisherman and then they will gain benefits from that particular assignment so it's definitely worth putting your professions in for your characters tip two your characters your warriors will need to be paid on the top right hand corner there will be an orange number appear beneath your crowns okay this indicates how much wage is due for your current warriors now if you don't pay them they get unhappy all you have to do is camp go to fire when you sleep it will ask you to pay the wages and you can pay it from that amount there they will now be happy that they have their money so one of the things you need to do is make sure you have enough crowns on your body on your person before you rest because this is the time that they will ask for payment and if you can't pay it at this point and your characters really slow down we need the rest then you need to sell stuff if you can reach somewhere if you can't then you'll have to go without paying them and that can cause problems like defection for example players may leave the party usually i found the first time you don't pay they just become unhappy tip three when you are resting you're gonna need a certain amount of food depending on how many uh characters you have six is a number one for when you first begin so i need to fill the meal section with the equivalent of six food so for example some meat here wolf meat lovely some grapes um maybe some mutton and the third tip is to include some alcohol when you sleep say for example some brandy here because that gives a happiness bonus bar of one and that is a really useful thing you can see that when you do that you get a buff and you get these uh elements there current is plus two plus three treat bonus plus two well fed plus one food it's important to keep your troops happy and an easy way to do that is just to include a bit of alcohol with their meal when they rest tip four you will need to recruit new adventurers at some point and the best place to do that is at an inn or a tavern or pub whatever you want to call it in a settlement and when you go into the settlement gives you these options and you can click on the in now it takes you inside and then gathered around the tables there are characters that are outlined in white um you can see here these ones here and you can talk to them and then they will offer their services for a fee now i can't afford this one because i don't have enough influence but you can inspect them it gives you the details about the character and what you can expect and then you can obviously match that in with your party because you want a variety of different types of character that can do different things tip five as you travel around the map you will see there are resources that can be gathered there's a little kind of star that hovers over them you can go up to it will pick them up and then be added to your inventory that was some comfrey now you can use these to craft but you can also use them to sell the very nature of the game is that you do need quite a bit of money to keep things operating so gathering these up and then selling them to travelers or towns is a really good way to make money tip six valor points are crucial you can gain them by resting and by using passive feats or skills when you go into combat they're listed along the bottom and you can see two types orange are gained by resting usually and they will go you can carry those through to the next combat if you don't use them and yellow ones which you gain through passive skills when in combat say for example down here we have pelinas he has a passive skill valorous jewel every time this unit engages in combat you gain one valor point and over here we have another passive skill valorous support every time his unit ends now turn next to an ally does not engage in combat you gain one valor point so there are ways of increasing your valor points during combat now why would you do that well they trigger special abilities that you can use so for example we have here um grimman he's going to move into range here of these boar now he can fire his normal vicious shot which he'll do there but he can also use a valor point to fire recoil shot click on that skill there you can see it's got a little yellow pip next to the icon there and you can fire so he's used a valor point and one disappears from your little tally here at the bottom of the screen so having those at hand is really really useful and in fact i would recommend that you use them in situations where you're up against it don't just use them in fights where you know you're gonna win anyway save your valor points and use them to good effect when you really need them tip seven when in combat protect your archers so griman here at the back is my archer i want to keep him out of the way of these wolves it's not going to be easy we're outnumbered here four to six so i am thinking i want to make sure he's out there because he also can fire a distance because he's the archer and he has a special ability recoil shot so he can fire twice as long as i can use a valid point as we previously discussed so he has a range as well so i need to make sure these walls don't run out to him first so i'll place him behind but in the same notion if you're fighting people with archers you need to make sure you get your your warriors your melee warriors to attack their archers if an archer is engaged in hands-on combat he has to stay in that combat and cannot withdraw without taking damage or an attack of opportunity so if you can then engage your enemies archers and protect your own you will definitely have an advantage tip eight also thinking about the battlefield we've looked at archers you need to consider what else is on the field what obstacles are in the way how is it going to affect movement of your enemy this wolf has to go around this rock to reach or he'll go straight for that one there the same goes to your characters obstacles will create hazards but there's also bear traps now the computer ai will have its warriors run across bear traps towards your characters so you can use that as a way of causing extra damage to your enemy if you just stay behind a bear trap you can also navigate around a bear trap if you if you have your character attack say this wolf on the left here he will run straight across unless you make him run around the bear trap so just be mindful that bear traps can be a bit of pain and they will cause damage to your character even if he has full armor it goes past the armor and causes actual damage so they're quite dangerous usually as well there are spears within the battlefield they're just upright and stuck in the ground ready to be hefted out and thrown at your enemy if you see any of those you can move your character towards us bear in mind they have a range as well but they can be quite handy and give you an extra attack so look out across the battlefield and assess what hazards there are that your warriors will face tip nine when you're fighting you can click on the enemy which is fascinating because what it does is it shows you the sorts of damage they can do and the passive abilities that they have so each attack against the unit without armor applies bleeding all right so these are interesting things to know and it kind of directs you as to who you might send in to attack a particular enemy so remember you can click on your enemy and see what special abilities they have tip 10 there may come a time when you're losing a battle now given this situation i will probably beat these wolves but one of my players vin ham he has two health left but he also has a bleed and it does six damage each turn now next turn he's going to fall and then to turn after that he's going to die and i'm looking across at my at the walls here he's got 34 health left still which probably means he will last two turns in which case vinham will die and i will lose him permanently so what i need to do is assess where the battle is if a player is going to die you might just let them die and progress in such a way but you can also retreat which i'm going to do here so tip 10 you can retreat from battles do you want to sound retreat from battle now there's going to be a cost but and you will see they are all alive still i can heal and repair i can heal and repair these guys and i haven't lost the character so to prevent characters from dying in combat like that you can retreat tip 11 as you move across the map you can enter buildings like so this is an abbey and inside you get a scene and they're often very beautiful very impressed with the graphics now you can have a scan around and you can inspect different things within this room but what i wanted to just explain here is you can actually hold the right mouse button down and turn the image and this sometimes reveals additional objects and look here you've got this this is locked here this crypt which isn't exactly apparent when you come in over this side and then there's also a locked chest over here now holding the right mouse button and scrolling it shows a bit more about the space tip 12. when you come into a building and we've seen just seen this abby you can click on the locked items and try and pick the lock now if you succeed in doing this then and you need a thief by the way and when you click on it it will open up the option to be able to do so you can select one of your characters to do it it brings up this big lock now obviously you need lock picks to be able to do it and actually picky locks is more straightforward than you think it just takes a little bit of know-how so as you turn it and you gently click the left mouse button if you hear a noise like that it means the lock pick will break and you're not in the right spot so you've got to turn the lock pick keep pressing gently and holding the left mouse button down a bit longer if you get no noise then it will pick that particular lock that particular bolt will come across you can hear there's a noise there when i clicked it i'm gently lightly clicking the left mouse button that's not right see that's quieter you need to better go all the way through there you go no noise that's sounding pretty good if i go this way say for example it makes a noise it's going to break it you keep moving it around until it makes no noise as you click it you can pick it now because we picked a lot they don't know that i'm in that case so i'm going to take these items and these are valuable items you can sell or use very handy tip 13 make good use of towns and cities in respect of repairing your items and healing your players you need raw materials to repair your armor and you need medicine to heal your characters they're quite difficult to come by but if you go to a town you can go to the forge if you speak to the person behind the counter here they will offer the option to repair your items so you don't have to use your difficult to come by raw materials which you'll need out on journeys the same goes for healing you can go to the apothecary and speak to the person there and there'll be option to heal your characters and you have to use up your resources that i stress will be really important for when you're out on mission deep in the countryside tip 14. if you're out on an adventure and you find that your companions your adventurer's armor has been destroyed up here his arm is fine if that's destroyed you can always swap it out if you can't afford to repair it with one you have in your inventory you see here and then that awards the armor i have found at times it is quite useful to have a spare set of armor that you can throw on one of your adventures if you keep it in your inventory tip 15 you can upgrade lots of different elements of your party and the campsite when you set up a camp you can select your tinkerer on the workshop and you can build a tent for example so we'll craft a tent so the tent appears in your inventory here right click on it and it's then placed into a camp and you get the bonus from it so one extra valor point after the arrest which is definitely worth it makes a huge difference in your combat so guys there's 15 tips i hope you like them i've certainly really enjoyed playing this game so far if you found useful click the thumbs up if you're not stopped already be good if you could and i will see you in the next video thanks for watching you
Channel: Pitstop Head
Views: 57,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wartales, guide to wartales, survivaol game, fantasy game, Shiro Games
Id: OpjHJnaZxX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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