Everything You need to know about the G1000 Auto Pilot

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the first thing that you need to know about autopilot is these three boxes right up here these boxes tell us what mode we are in when it comes to autopilot so right over here we have our roll modes so it's gonna tell us whether we're heading towards the GPS vor or a specific heading things of that sort over here it's gonna tell us what autopilot status were in so whether that's autopilot or flight director we'll go over what each of those mean over here is the pitch mode so the pitch mode captures whether we're doing a vertical speed a flight level change or whether we're staying with a specific altitude and altogether the modes that are in green are the ones that are active and occasionally you'll have a white lettering or a white number any of the white lettering means that it is inactive so green is the one you need to pay attention to inactive sure kind of take note to what it is but the green is what is currently happening all right guys now that we're up in the air I'm gonna go ahead and show you the first two buttons it's gonna be the flight director button and the autopilot button the flight director button is a magenta arrow that pops up and tells you where you need to keep the yellow arrow in order to get to the destination you want or get to the fix that you want so the yellow is actually what the airplane is doing so if we're going like this we were pitching up five degrees now we're going side to side but the flight director is telling us hey this is where you need to be in order to follow the directions you gave me now right now it's in roll in pitch mode so all its going to tell us to do is stay at this exact roll in this exact pitch but let's say I changed it to heading mode and I've got a heading bug right over here so let's see where did it go heading mode and now see this purple arrow is telling us hey we need to be turning left to hit that heading mode so I'm gonna do that and get as close as possible and once we close in on this heading bug the flight director arrow is going to even out and go to or a horizontal position and there we are there now the thing with flight director is it is not going to take control of the stick so you manually have to move you can set something else so let's do another heading bug over that way and your flight director will say hey you need to be turning like this but you manually have to do it if you stay and don't do a thing you're gonna continue to go forward or if you're not trimmed out like I am you know you'll go up now if you want the airplane to take over that's when you hit autopilot the AP button now I can completely let go of the stick and it will continue one thing to note with autopilot is it only takes over the stick so the pitch and the roll will be taken over your yaw motion or your rudder is not going to be controlled by the autopilot your throttle is not going to be controlled by the autopilot the trim actually will so the pitch and roll is really the only thing that it touches and the pitch mode has to be set separately from the roll mode so just because you had to hit the heading bug that means it'll go to the heading but that doesn't mean that it's going to go to the bugged altitude that you have and vice versa if you hit it on a vertical speed to get to your bugged altitude it doesn't mean that it's going to go to the heading that you have so you have to come up here and make sure that it's in the correct setting that you want so right now it's in heading and now it's in pitch if you need to change that you'll have to change that separately all right now that we understand the difference between flight director and autopilot I'm gonna go ahead and show you the default modes that it puts you in which we kind of touched over this a little bit but once we hit flight director it's going to capture the exact pitch and the exact role that we're in so say we want to be straight and level right about there and I'm gonna hit flight director and it captured it right there so now I can manually do this or I can hit autopilot and it will track for me now let's say that we actually want to change the attitude we're in we want to kind of go up and to the left we can hit what is called the CWS button so I'm gonna go back into flight director so autopilot doesn't fight with me let's see flight director I guess you got to hit the autopilot button look I learned something new today you hit autopilot and it goes straight over to flight director now I can manipulate and I'm going to hit the CWS button right here and it's gonna capture that and I'm gonna hit autopilot again and now it didn't want to agree with me there so you do have to pay attention make sure that it went in there we go now I hit autopilot and now it's agreeing with me so it's very important in this example to make sure that what you did actually shows up you should always be checking these three boxes right here before moving on to something else and actually it's a good note to have these things can still go off so you need to be listening for the beep and watching into for the flashing yellow for instance if we're about to stall it's gonna automatically take us on out of that autopilot I'm gonna go ahead and show you what that looks like right now and bring this out you can see ninety seven once we hit the red it is going to start flashing yellow and turn to flight director mode so at that point we have to take over so here we go I'm gonna do it in an unrealistic mode hit the CW s button and there you go it is now going to try to capture that and watch the autopilot it's gonna start going up and soon it's gonna start losing speed this might take longer than I was hoping let's do a really ridiculous pitch right there and now we're gonna let autopilot take over auto pilots trying to keep up with that trying to keep up now that's actually not doing too bad there you go flashing yellow I guess isn't really flash but it turned yellow and now we're in flight director so now I have to take control of it go ahead and go to the horizon and I'm gonna hit the CW s button again to capture a new role in pitch right there and we are back in autopilot boy that autopilot really doesn't like me right now saying what kind of attitudes are you trying to put me in okay so that is the default mode roll and pitch it's not going to take you to any specific location or to any specific altitude it's just going to lock in the current pitch and the current role as easy as that and now I do have to show you actually where the CWS button is because you can see I wasn't pushing any of these buttons for that the CWS button is something that you would have on your stick for instance in the da 40 it is on the stick the front part of the stick you press it in and hold and it takes off the autopilot for a moment while let's hold it while it's held in and as you pitch you let go and the autopilot will turn back on in the attitude you were in when you let go up the button hopefully that makes sense all right so to set your CW s button I'm going to go ahead and come right up here on a pause the game not something convenient that real-life doesn't have a pause button and I am in my joystick I have it set for number 10 right now so CWS control wheel steering mode that is something that you will have to look up so find a button that you want it for click edits and lookup zws and you have a couple different options in this case there is a button for both CTA and CB doesn't really matter which one you set it for because they're both gonna do the exact same thing now that we understand the default modes the autopilot and flight director will bring up we're gonna go ahead and identify each of the modes in the role section so right now like we talked about before role is just going to keep the exact role that you had when you push the button it's not necessarily going to take us to any point it is just going to continue exactly as we have it so the other modes that we can have are the heading mode and the nav mode those are the two basic buttons that we can hit heading as we kind of saw a little bit before is going to go towards the heading bugs that we have so we'll go ahead and show you what that looks like let's say that we need to go to zero nine zero we set that there we can see zero nine zero is our heading and now we hit heading flight director changes and since we're on autopilot it is going to automatically do that for us now it is not changing our pitch in any way shape or form as a matter of fact it is staying in the stratum level pitch because that's where we had it when we turned on the autopilot all right there we are so it's coming in and it takes a couple minutes to get exactly where you want it to be like we said before if there is a strong wind it is not going to be using the rudder pedal it is only going to be using the the ailerons so if you want it to be a little more efficient you're gonna have to do that yourself so we'll go ahead and say do it 180 we hit that and since it's already on a heading mode come up here heading it's automatically gonna start going towards that now the next mode that we are going to take a look at is the nav mode and the nav mode is going to follow whatever we have set in the CDI so right now there's a vor to we have GPS and the vor one now let's say vor one we have one set up right here and it looks like it has its green identifier so we're in range we can get it signal so I'm gonna go ahead and at the direct - button and now we're going to go ahead and hit the nav now our flight director is going to follow this Green Line all the way there and since it's direct - we're going to fly direct to it well let's say we want to intercept another point we can change this and our flight director is going to start turning to intercept that line now this will take a while if we let it do its thing so I'm gonna go ahead and start talking about GPS GPS is the exact same once you are in nav mode this will automatically change for you so VR vor 1 and vor 2 will say vor right here well let's say we're going to do a direct - and direct to Lima Golf tango golf so there we go we have that set now we're going to set GPS there's our direct to line and as you can see autopilot is turning us around to intercept the GPS line and those are the basic role modes that you have the nav which will put you in GPS or vor the heading which will have you track the exact heading the magnetic heading that we have here and we have role mode which just captures what attitude of role you are in when you hit the button or when you hit the CW s button so now we're gonna go ahead and talk about the pitch modes the p i-- t-- or the pitch like we said before is going to capture the attitude that you were in when you hit the autopilot button or when you hit the flight director button or the CW s button it's gonna capture that and continue to go at that exact angle of pitch now there's a few other things that we can do the ones that we're gonna talk about today is the vertical speed in the flight level change so just like in the heading mode we have our bug over here it's currently on 200 so let's go ahead and change that to 2500 there we go and we'll start with the vertical speed button the vertical speed button is going to change altitude by paying attention to our vertical speed and that is done in feet per minute so if you're going up it's going up so for instance in this situation 100 feet per minute if you're going down it's you know - 500 feet per minute so let's go ahead and set that in the pitch mode you can see vs4 vertical speed and it's set for plus 100 feet per minute how we change this is coming over to nose up or nose down and we need our nose to go down in order to intercept 2500 actually I'm going to change that number to 6500 so nose down and we're gonna go nose down at we're gonna really bomb this out and go to nose down at negative 1000 now it's tracking right here you see negative 1000 that's our bug and it is going down now we have this inactive alts here so remember green means that that is what the autopilot is currently doing and alts is the inactive what alts does is it continues what the green is until it hits the bug so it's gonna continue to fall 1000 feet per minute until it hits 6500 and then it is going to even out now this alts button pops up automatically when you have a different a different bug set than what you're currently at so we'll go ahead and watch this as it continues to go down and actually I am impatient so I'm really gonna let it go down let's say really fast 2,000 feet per minute now you're gonna see this our speed is going up because autopilot doesn't pay attention to our throttle it doesn't control that so there are dangerous things that could happen so for instance let's say I don't want to be in the yellow so I'm really pulling my throttle back trying to get it back into the green well what's gonna happen when we hit our bug and the throttle is pulled back so far I almost have it to zero right now because we want to get back to the green well now we hit our altitude watch this change over here alt s alt 6005 it is now gonna hold six thousand five well I pulled my throttle back so we wouldn't go so fast but now that we're here we're losing a lot of indicated airspeed and soon enough we're going to stall out so we do have to pay attention to our throttle and that's something that we have to do your autopilot will not that is the the major danger with vertical speed is you have to pay attention to your throttle all right we'll also do a vertical speed to go up a little bit let's say we want to go up to it eight thousand five and I'm gonna show you what happens if you do stall I think we covered this a little bit already but again if we do something that is unrealistic our autopilot will try to do it and eventually fail so vertical speed we have that set lust zero so it's gonna stay exactly where it's at but now I want to push this up to something unrealistic and let's say like two thousand five hundred I'm gonna keep on hitting this hitting this hittin this there we go we're gonna climb at two thousand five hundred feet per minute that's impossible in this aircraft you can see our indicated airspeed is really dropping we are climbing in our autopilot is really trying to push that and eventually we're gonna hit this red line and watch what happens up here autopilot and we stalled the aircraft now it is an hour control and it changed over to flight director alright so again there's another instance of vertical speed being a little dangerous you do have to pay attention okay the next one that we're gonna look at is going to be our flight level change flight level change is a very handy one this is the one that I like to use the most and what it does is it pitches up or down depending on the indicated airspeed so you do have to know the air speeds that will be good for a climb and a descent for this aircraft I'm not exactly sure but I'm gonna go ahead and pitch for 75 knots I imagine that's probably pretty close for the best rate of climb I'm not 100% sure so if you do fly a Cessna 172 let me know I'd love to know all right so flight level change we want to go up to let's say 8500 we have it set there now we're going to do our flight level change and it bugs the exact indicated airspeed that you were at and we are going to have to push nose up or nose down in order to change the speed now it's a little wonky it's kind of reverse depending on how you think about it if you want to go up you're indicated airspeed will go down so we need to push nose up and you can see your indicated airspeed will go down because the further your nose is up the less indicated airspeed you have and I'm gonna go all the way to 75 there we have it there that's a pretty safe altitude you're not gonna stall might be a little slow for a climb but unlike the vertical speed it's going to hold that and continue to climb until it hits your bugged altitude and again here we have alt s which means once it gets to the bugged altitude it will change to alt which holds that specific altitude and here we go flight level change so if we look at our pitch modes we see it again flight level change 75 knots and we can see over here 75 and we can see here the bug at 75 and now this may take longer or shorter depending on how many feet per minute you go up and that's dependent on your density altitude and things of that sort so just because you're climbing at 600 feet per minute 75 doesn't mean tomorrow you'll be flying or going up at 600 feet per minute it only pays at - you're indicated airspeed and as you can see it's getting real close and it changed over to alt 8500 the bug disappeared the bug disappeared now we are on alt now this is something that you can also do - descent so let's go ahead and do that descend to six thousand five and as soon as we hit flight level change there is the bug right there now in order to go down we need to push our nose down which will actually bring the indicated airspeed up because as we point down we go faster I'm gonna hit we're really gonna bomb this because there's no turbulence today let's say 145 there we go and if you want to fall even faster pull your throttle back because it's gonna continue to point down because it's gonna have to point down more now that there's less throttle but if you're messing with your throttle again you will have to adjust it once you get down there because your autopilot does not pay attention to your throttle it does not control it and here we go coming into that six thousand five still alts and alt six thousand five hundred now since I had the throttle pulled back it is coming slow so manipulate our throttle chip forward and that's your flight level change that's the one that I like to use most vertical speed has its uses but flight level changes a little bit safer in my opinion now let's say you're gonna go up mm back up to 8,500 we're really just going up and down like a rollercoaster today and we're gonna do flight level change and we're gonna climb at 95 now let's say we're going and at some point you decide you know what I don't actually want to go to 8,500 let's say I want to go to 6700 we're gonna hit this alt button once we get there it's going to capture the exact altitude you're at I'm actually pretty impressed that I hit the button right at 6700 because it will go to whatever you have so if you're at 6,000 698 it'll capture it right there and keep it right there and when you push that alt button it actually does change your bug and everything and those are the basic pitch modes that we have the basic roll modes that we have and the autopilot modes auto pilot and flight director you do have a few other buttons here that you can learn a little bit more about that's the APR B C and the V and V I'm not gonna go over those today I have an idea of them but I'm not a hundred percent so I do want to study up a little bit more about that I have instrument course coming up next so I'm sure that I'll have a good amount of knowledge on those shortly thanks for watching the very end guys I appreciate that I will be coming out with more g1000 information so if you did enjoy this hit the bell above and it will notify you the next time I have a video out if you have any questions leave it in the comments below I do enjoy reading through those and if you have a question that I am not sure about I really value that because then I can take it to my CF eyes and ask them also be sure to add me on mixer I do live stream currently I'm really the only person mixer but I imagine that's going to change because we got the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 coming out
Channel: CapYtan_Clint
Views: 64,249
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Id: zziqKa9_h10
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Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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