Heart-Pounding Solo IFR Approach to Minimums

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this video has been sponsored by surf shark welcome back I'm here in yaan today and um the video before this I came in here this is the next day we're heading down to nadzab and the weather is not so great down there let's get started CU I'm kind of in a hurry today and then I'll tell you what I'm going to do all right low idle startup looks normal Andie is coming up over 35 itts coming up at a nice slow rate there we go I had to shoot the approach in last time I went into nadab and I just came out of there about or 20 minutes ago look back and there's a good chance I'm going to have to shoot the approach back in there because the way I normally get in through the mountains is just really scuzzy very poor visibility and I cannot guarantee myself that I can get in and I don't want to live lose from 9,000 all the way to sea level to find out I can't to have to go backwards cuz I don't have that kind of feel today I have my IFI Reserve but it does not allow me to mess around for a bunch of extra time go 5:30 on that we don't have any cargo just cuz I'm in a hurry today and I don't want to take any passengers or coffee today so I can get our missionary stuff done first and foremost today go ahead and invert our Flight Plan full caps and selectors are all good our controls are good our TOS train awareness we're turning off let's go ahead and line up so we're not draining F from our right tank a little slippery up here I start off here to the left side of the field just because it's so soft over there about a third of the way down about maybe 75 m has a really really soft spot so I want to stay to the left of that our rotate speeds 53 knots coming out of here this is a almost a 16% slope here at the top of this hill so it's a pretty steep hill our flaps are set at 20 we'll get them up there and then we'll verify so we're indicating 20 verifying 20 on both sides yep okay um this one is brakes releas is my committed after that I'm going no matter what we're going to be rotating at 53 knots we'll be air speed Alive by that basically that soft spot up there going to go full back and then kind of release it after that just so I can get the wheel off as much as I possibly can get our little lights on all station ja11 239 November Tango Echo taxi Y and AD up V 861 nov Tango EO Taxi all right well nober Tango Echo taxi ya nadzab one Po and I'll probably be shooting the approach getting in there um not the 350 radio I will advise once I get up to at least amended 10,000 no EO Tang above 1,000 just confirm TR uh you can request a 350 radial but um like I said previously the weather's not good there and I'm going to have to be tracking probably inbound on the 330 or the 3000 radial and probably going to be shooting the instrument approach for 0 Niner and there's my plan cop traffic no all right ignition condition flaps 20 Fuel and harnesses checklist is complete 1340 oh braks are slipping let's [Music] go now I am empty today so I'm taking off quick there we go yeah that's like half the distance I've been doing with all the coffee I've been flying out of here so much much quicker I want to take a quick second to share with you guys about today's video sponsor surf shark VPN now if you're unfamiliar with what a VPN is it's an app that goes on your phone or your computer that encrypts all of the data being sent from your device to the internet keeping you safe from those big companies and cyber criminals now I personally tried multiple VPN companies before going with surf shark and here's why so the first reason for me is I can have unlimited devices on one subscription account so I've got a family of five we've got a lot of phones and computers in our household but I'm only paying for one subscription so it's saving you money especially if you got a full family now the second reason I went with surf shark is I can change my devices location on the internet to basically make my phone think that I'm in the United States unlocking and unblocking some streaming services that I'm already paying for back in the States like Netflix or Amazon Prime now if you're thinking well Ryan I don't travel I don't out of the United States how is that going to benefit me well another way that you can use it in the United States so you can actually change your location of your device and unlock all of Netflix streaming libraries so for my kids when we're in the United States and the kids want to watch Teen Titans Go it's unavailable in the United States but if you switch over to Australia and our Netflix here where we use the kids can watch Teen Titans Go that's very important hooray so when you use my code down below you'll get three additional three months and the great thing is surf shark offers a 30-day money back so there's no risk involved so check out the link down below all right like I said we're heading up to 10,000 ft to get over top of these mountains behind me we've got quite a bit of cloud already at just 9:30 in the morning building up on those the whole ramu valley is just trash with like low clouds drizzly rain scattered 300 and overcast around maybe 5 to 7,000 something like that it's progressively supposed to get worse although sometimes things do change and it might get a little bit better but I'm expecting it to get worse and I'm expecting to shoot the instrument approach so that's the plan for now if I get over top of it and I can see down pretty good all the way down to the field then we'll not do the approach and we'll go in visually or marginally VFR like everything else in po guine pitching for 97 knots or so right now I'm at 6,000 so that's going to be my best angle of climb to get the most amount of altitude and the shortest amount of distance I'll be able to climb out climb these clouds right here and then just get right on my track over to the east side or Gap where I just came through granted maybe 20 25 minutes ago and it was right at 9,000 was I an overcast layer right at 9 ,000 so we will see what we can do once we get past these clouds then I'm going to go ahead and put my procedure and we'll go over everything together on the instate approach if I do have to shoot that but that way I'm already prepped for it and everything is good to go on it you know what I'm not going to out climb these clouds right now let's go 20 degrees of flps up forward 720 pitch up for 73 for my best angle there we go now I can lower back over so what that is is I I wasn't going to make the clouds at my VY so I need to go VX so I did 20° of flap prop forward power up to 740 for initially and then pitching for 73 knots and now I'm over so now I'm to pitch back down get my speed back up get my flaps out get my prop back to normal cruise and climb there we go over 80 we'll go back to 10 bring our PO on back 2,000 RPM over 90 we go zero and let's go ahead and call up morby for our clearance even though I'm probably not going to use it Mars V8 861 November Tango Echo departure departed y one time 31 on climb amended 1,000 estimating NAD up time 46 and um in about 4 minutes once I pass the east side or Gap I will be able to determine if I can get in VFR or if I will have to shoot the approach no [Applause] HC clear and control space control Zack 3 Radio 29 put in control airspace 350 radio not above 10,000 nov November EO Jing okay well let's go ahead procedure here we're going to select the approach for the rnav 09 lnav vnav this is the 09 I already shot this this morning and well my initial approach fix is all the way out at Westy which is really pain we go minimums actually we'll go temp comp so let's go ahead and grab the weather real quick [Applause] 128 decimal One n airport information St time to expect instrument approach Runway 27 West decent train no variable 3 temperature 25 2.24 f h 1012 Cloud that is 300 ft overcast above 5,000 ft visability reduced 5 km in slow Cloud patches caution Bird Okay information Fox Trot pretty much the exact same as it was earlier scatter 300 overcast 5,000 temp comp okay so this says we can come all the way down to 590 ft and temp was 25 so that brings us down an extra 10 ft and I'm about ready to go into the Aerospace here in a second unless I can I just cannot 100% verify that I can do it as approach November Tango Echo no Tango Echo n approach good morning morning again November Tango EO 23 miles to the north 10,000 um does not look like I'll be able to make it in visual requesting to shoot the uh Arnav 09er via Westy please with information [Applause] boxo Echo PR position clear to track direct and 4 the approach Runway 0 ner and when ready descend to 6,900 from present position cleared to track direct West Fe descend 6,900 no tangle [Applause] Echo all right all right Echo report W West over back all right if you're wondering why are you moving so fast Ryan maybe I don't look like I am but this is a very very busy flight already as is and then they have to shoot an approach um increases your workload uh tfold easily because it's only 11 minute flight so things happen quick collectors and brakes are good we can turn our toss train awareness back on our vref for landing is going to be rival 61 knots cuz I'm empty I'm not going to come in that slow cuz I'm coming in on the approach lights Inlet I'm going to get as much done as I can right now so so I don't have to worry about it later when I'm on the approach going down to 6900 we're going to hit altitude select so that we level off at 6,900 ft and let's shallow our descent so we get here a little bit closer to that AIS I've got we've got our Tower in here next yes coming across we 09er we're going to do our check our altimeter check at 1900 ft at our whiskey Fox R which is the Final Approach fixed down to 590 confirming 590 temperature 25 Our Miss is direct track to Whiskey Hotel straight ahead right hand turn track 124 to lared and then back across that line right there over to our notional approach fix at that point I'm probably going to be heading on somewhere else not coming back here probably gooka and worst case Goose app which is just down in this Valley I know that it's clear up the valley a little bit further on up and it's the same but the weather was wasn't quite as bad up to the north okay once we get up here okay so we've done our abort and everything prop and harness we'll get here in a minute we'll do harness now coming in at 6,900 ft that's when we going to start slowing down prop for 10° down to 11 by the time we get to Whiskey India we'll fly past that once we get past that that's our intermediate fix we were going to hit approach on my autopilot cuz this is going to change to lnav vnav instead of GPS terminal we're actually on the approach last time it did not it did not catch the Glide slope like it was supposed to kind of expecting it not to I'm going to hit altitude if that's the case to force it to collect or capture the Glide slope to force it to get going down visibility is 5,000 m our minimum for this is 2,000 so we've got 5 kilometers instead of 2 kilometers it was a super light rain earlier the biggest thing is just getting through the clouds right here at 5,000 ft is the biggest issue for today and I didn't want to descend from 10,000 all the way down to sea level going the normal way and then find out that I could not get past the wall because when I left an hour ago 45 minutes no it's an hour ago there was also a wall that I was not able to get through I had to go all way up to like 7 8,000 before I could get through over here that's why I've chosen to do this rather than marginal VFR and hope for the best this this increases my chances way higher of actually getting in pop and harness we'll get that in just a second out the West Fe a left hand turn it will turn a little bit early you can see right here so as I'm just about ready to turn I'm going to start doing my slow down now because I'm already losing a couple of miles in that [Applause] turn just verify 26 2.24 q112 all right one12 I thought there was something I was missing so one12 on that and the secondary for my q& I have to have that to be able to shoot the lnav V naav there's like a little note right here it says lnav V naav procedure temperature range blah blah blah blah and then also required local q& and temperature hey we are just about ready to make our turn inbound down to 3,300 ft at that point I'm going to go ahead and start pulling my power now up [Applause] forward just get that all set up for here here 3,300 so that when I start making my turn I can just hit my autopilot to start heading down vertical track vertical track last time I had to do 1,000 ft per minute just to be able to get down there in [Applause] time all right there's 10° of flaps prop is forward to make our turn reducing power no Tango West this time turning inbound your circuit [Applause] 56 the new approach change of Runway 09 and contact Tower 7 whis India clear for the arav 0 Niner contact to Whiskey India [Applause] no all right this should change over here in just a second 3,300 ft 900 ft per minute or on nav GPSs slowing down to 110 I'm going to bring my toron back to probably around 400 to 450 to get that 110 I go to 1,000 ft per minute definitely definitely lots of clouds so I'm at 6,200 so it's going to be about 7,000 ft getting back out of here so I going have to take extra fuel getting out of here from my climb to head back to yawan pick up passengers and head on to gooka these are things I'm going to have to think of for my next flight adding extra fuel to be able to make it to my end destination all right and once we get here 3300 we're going to level off for a few seconds and then again like I said that's at that point once we pass our whiskey India our intermediate fix we're going to hit approach on this and then if it doesn't catch we're going to hit altitude to force a Glide [Applause] slope information golf current and continue descend to 9,000 not below the steps and report again 50 DME can expect the approach Runway 27 information go 9000 report [Applause] and approach noo EO confirm q1012 noo Echo Q one11 one11 thank you all right I heard that it just switched over to that and that's the biggest thing I want is just my q& Q one11 we're going to update those two one11 flaps to go I've got 430 and I've got 110 knots so 430 on my torque 110 knots that's what we're looking for biggest thing is I want to get level Wings level and everything at my altitude by this point and then it should capture the Glide slope but if I'm still in a descent then I have to force it so I'm trying to get down there before then and that's why if you look down here I don't have my altitude to select on here because what's going to happen as I get closer it's going to slow my descent rate out and I don't want that to happen I want to force it to go all the way th000 ft per minute and then just hit altitude when I'm at my altitude so I get there and then just a quick level off hey that is all done all we have is flaps and Landing clearance once we get to Whiskey India 49 seconds we're switching to Tower Power no PR EO whiskey India this [Applause] time Runway 09 go land 09er noo okay now we've switched over to here now I'm going to hit approach and altitude there's our Glide slope there we go now I'm going to be bringing my power back SL on back it's probably going to dip down a little bit and then eventually get back onto it let's bring right back down to 430 cuz we knew that that's what got us 110 a minute ago we have flaps to go we're looking for 1900 right now it's saying the Glide slopes in right on but it's not showing me in the boxes we're looking for 19900 by the time we get to our whiskey Fox sh which is our Final Approach [Applause] fix hold shot at Delta Runway 27 expect short delay holding short Delta public to get past our Final Approach fixed two little yellow boxes going to come up we have to remain within those two boxes 75 ft just because this is a Precision approach there our 110 now we got into the boxes still on glide slope we have flaps to go which we'll get at the very very last second once we get in closer all right starting to see the ground starting to break up looks like we've got a another layer all the way down to probably about 1,000 ft so we're probably going to be going all the way down to 580 5 77 is what my minimums are which is directly over top of the field and we're climbing back up to 70 7600 back holding short Delta 27 and ready all right just about approach fix going down a bit here's coming up 1900 7 seconds we're above add if we're below don't do anything all right we're about 20 ft below so we don't do anything continuing on there's our Yellow Boxes by back expect delay uh Kodak Landing change Runway 09 the approach 09 570 all right starting to break up a little bit I think I should be able to break out according to what clouds I'm seeing seeing but it's going to be be close close to the mum so I'm thinking I see it I'm pulling power 20° of flaps immediately Alpha mic time check [Music] 23557 miles to go all right I think I'll break out right here there we go awesome okay looks like I should be able to make it just fine well I'm going to go ahead and put my 20° and get down like I just said cuz that cloud looks lower yes I am glad that I did not try to get in here marginally VFR it would have been a lot of work it would have been a lot of work and very marginal now these clouds are definitely at my minimums for sure back here right over top of the [Applause] field all right I'm coming in pretty fast I'm 61 or 61 knots is my vref I'm going 91 right now so I'm going to pull my power I'm just going to land with 20° of flaps start pulling my power out now just cuz I'm going to float for quite a bit longer than normal idle and ground effect float float float float I'm glad that worked there would have been a lot more work if that did not work and mess up Echo request if you can vacate VI CH to dispers those birds there between Bravo and Char thank you there's a lot of birds guys hope you guys enjoyed that that was a busy flight for me just a short flight but a lot happening that's for sure we don't shoot instrument approaches very often here in Pap guini so I actually kind of like that give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed that if you haven't seen any of my other videos go check out my channel and I've got more really bad weather ones and a lot of great WEA ones and a lot of really cool Mountain Air strips so see you guys next time don't forget guys to check out the surf shark link below and get three free months of protection when you use my code and thanks to Surf shark for sponsoring this video
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 48,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papua new guiena, flight vlog, missionary bush pilot, bush pilot, kodiak, mission aviation, MAF, ethnos 360, aviation, flying, vlog, crazy, insane, landing, takeoff, cockpit, pilot, bush, cessna 172, cessna, kodiak 900, kodiak 100, cockpit view, bad weather, flying a jet, STOL, IFR, becoming a pilot, Career in aviation, Travel, ATC, ATC audio, Flight vlog, flight simulator, flight sim game play, game play, FS, FS2020, flight sim, international flight, solo, pilots, IFR approach, minimums
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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