Beginner's Guide to Creating Stylized Environments in UE4

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welcome back to stylize station a platform dedicated to sharing free knowledge with the digital art community today we're going to learn how to create this beautiful stylized cave scene and learn how to create simple stylized assets stylized grass shaders in unreal engine how to make fluffy foliage and some stylized texturing speaking of texturing if you want to learn how to master stylized texturing using substance painter feel free to join our latest course where you'll learn how to create beautiful stylized textures from scratch including anime and studio ghibli style textures i'll leave a link in the description if you want to consider getting the course now let's get into the video [Music] hello everyone my name is nikolai walchenko today i would like to make a small breakdown of my recent work in this video i will tell you how to quickly create simple stylized stones and add glowing magic runes to them how to create a simple landscape master material how i made the grass and as a bonus how to make a stylized tree in speed 3. i see no reasons to explain the importance of composition and i don't have much knowledge on it so let's go straight to creating assets first we make a roll shape with a small poly count now add potting guns do a clay polish and clean up the edges by hand to save time i really apologize with zero mesh do the mesh and project details from high poly [Music] uv i made in maya baking marmoset text of the stone in the substance pattern for styling you need as many gradients and smooth transition as possible add some noise to material add gradients to the edges little material adjusting unreal engine [Music] magical runes for the runes we only need the opacity mask create material choose decal mode connect opacity color is multiplied by a scalar and connected to emissive apply the material to the decal master material create a new material and enable use material attributes create two node set material attributes add a layer blend node for the first material set the blend mode to weight blend for the second height blend apply the material to the landscape go to paint mode and create weight blending if layers for each material result when connecting all materials maps baby for the grass we need a transparency map and gradient to adjust the color and intensity of the wind for convenience i have divided these maps into r and g channels blending two colors by gradient the color goes to base color and emissive at the same time how to create wind animation i will leave the tutorial in the description use the same principle to create flowers and diversify the vegetation first we need transparency map for the leaves and bark material for the trunk create leaf material and load opacity map [Music] create a mesh for this material [Music] do not forget to set two-sided mode duplicate the material and create the next mesh now let's create a material set add lifts to it let's move on to creating a tree create a trunk add branches to it add full edge to the branches apply this material says on the leaves at any time you can switch to the not editing mode for more control some generator setting tweaks [Music] add the bean create bark material and load maps apply this material to the tree [Music] [Music] the randomize button allows for a wide variety of results import the tree into the unreal engine and uncheck the tangent space normal check box in a foliage material settings this is necessary in order to have softened shading i use the same principle to make third tree and that's all hope this video was helpful [Music] bye you
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 118,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 4 environment tutorial, making a zelda environment in unreal engine 4, unreal engine 4 environment art, creating an environment in unreal engine 4, how to build environment in unreal engine 4, blender environment to unreal engine 4, unreal engine 4 environment course, unreal engine 4 environment course vol. 1 - the bigger picture, create environment in unreal engine 4, creating environments in unreal engine 4, 3d environment unreal engine 4
Id: DAZrBdQ4ask
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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