Beginner's Guide to Buying Nerf Blasters

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did you know it's fairly easy for you to get tricked into buying crappy Nerf blasters from poorly written articles to misleading packaging it can get overwhelming trying to figure out which of these are actually worth buying if you want to make a last minute Nerf purchase but you have no idea what you're doing I'm here to give you some tips on how to build that intuition so you can buy Nerf blasters that don't suck how will I do that well recently myself and some of the most experienced Nerf content creators were invited to the world's largest Nerf battle before the event we took a look at local stores to decide which blasters were best against 4 000 people on the Dallas Cowboys football field I'll be sharing our combined expertise with you so you have the power to choose better Blasters for less money and beat your opponents one of the most popular questions is what is the most powerful Nerf blaster there's no singular Blaster that Towers among the rest but you can often determine which ones shoot farther based on their series or their ammo type in our case the highest performance series at this Target store include Dart Zone Pro which is similar to Adventure Force Pro blasters your find out Walmart Nerf rival Nerf Ultra and Nerf hyper Dart Zone Pro blasters are the most powerful of the bunch they're accurate use these tiny half link darts and are great for large Open Spaces these are recommended for ages 14 plus and since the world's largest blast of battle will have a lot of kids there we want to be nice and not Pelt them with these in this case Dart Zone Pro is off the table for us from that list of powerful series let me also explain why Nerf hyper and Nerf Ultra are not ideal choices for Blaster battles among other reasons Nerf hyper rounds are not frequently used in Blaster battles compared to other ammo types which makes it harder to recover these rounds from the ground the problem is once you shoot your hyper rounds you're never going to get us back and you're going to try to look for these tiny fluorescent walls and come back at night with a black light but for your interest Dr flux myself and many others agree that currently the Nerf hyper rush 40 is the best Blaster within the hyper series Nerf Ultra Series blasters exclusively use these bigger Ultra darts Again The Blasters and their darts aren't popular choices so we'll be avoiding these well I'm stoked for this because it's not at my target fun fact coop772 bought the ultra strike not for the Blaster battle but to review on his channel it's actually the same one you saw in his Nerf Ultra Strike review video so before buying always check what ammo type a blaster uses replenishing your ammo supply during a battle is much easier when you're using a mainstream ammo type but if you want to goof around go ahead be that unique person firing those Nerf Mega XL darts another popular question is what is the best Nerf blaster from our selection here this is what Dr flux had to say what would be your best pick well it's situational I mean if you're going for a high FPS games it'd be the max Striker or if you're going to like you know Blaster battle or an HVB or something probably the tomahawk like just comical stuff dare I say it but stuff like this yeah so sorry I can't give you a one answer but I was hoping for one sustained answer five sentences The Vault no no you're supposed to replace the D with a J man yeah yeah I totally agree with his choices throughout this video you're going to be hearing a lot of Nerf blaster recommendations so to check out the full list go down below in the video description if you buy anything using my links I get a bit of commission at no extra cost to you so thank you for supporting the channel the dart drum blasters are some of my favorite types of blasters they can hold a crap ton of darts without being extremely bulky and can be fairly easy to reload on the go the best Nerf blaster will be different for every person in situation and those answers will change as Blaster technology advances and choices become outdated that's why instead of asking what is the best Nerf blaster a better question to ask is how do I choose a good Nerf blaster this is just my method but looking through the lens of the Blaster battle I want to ask myself a few key questions is when picking my primary is it easy to reload does it have high capacity High rate of fire good performance does it put a smile on my face can I avoid selling my liver to afford this are you going to reach for this Carl yeah I mean that's this is a good one the Dart Zone Magnum X2 although kind of outdated now check so many of these boxes off this Dart drum Blaster is extremely affordable and reliable for the Blaster battle Coupe 772 bought it as his primary and my friend Carl followed suit I didn't see any rival blasters that I like better than the one I brought along in my luggage which is a Nerf rival roundhouse so I didn't buy anything for a faster rate of fire motorized blasters are the way to go a couple examples here are the Nerf Elite 2.0 Moto Blitz and the Dart Zone Tomahawk 60. oh this is new too the Moto Blitz I found out later on that the Moto blitz's release wasn't slated until later in the summer so we were lucky to see these on the store shelves to begin with I hope those questions I presented give you a good starting point on how to choose a blaster for your collection you'll notice that a lot of blasters I mentioned so far are not Nerf and that's my next tip despite the slogan it's not Nerf or nothing now more than ever that's further from the truth I invite you to look into other Blaster brands that are providing us with a world of options some of which include better and less expensive products compared to Nerf this is true in the world of blaster ammo almost let's answer the question what is the best ammo to use for Nerf rival and non-nurf branded rival compatible blasters the x-shock chaos rounds are practically identical to your regular Nerf rival rounds but they're a lot cheaper that's why you see Wacom S7 loading up on them here the adventure Force rounds you'll find at Walmart are also a solid choice for your traditional standard length darts in general choose a dart with a flat headed tip these travel in the air with a lot more accuracy for example at Target we found Dart Zone Red Diamond darts for this the obliteration of small children's means these are high quality and cost only about eight cents a dart much cheaper than Nerf darts Coupe 772 and Captain Xavier loaded up on these if you can avoid them don't use any Dart with a tip that looks like a nipple they're incredibly inaccurate Every dart brand is guilty of creating different versions of these if you want a purely practical Blaster without any wacky gimmicks be wary of Nerf crossover Blasters for example Nerf fortnite or Nerf Roblox blasters it's easy for a parent looking for a last minute gift to buy the most expensive and large blaster for their snot-nosed nephew when in fact they could get something for half the price that's more competitively viable with these types of blasters you're paying bigger bucks for the Cosmetic Allure of them but in some cases you may actually want that so then just ignore my advice here at Target we found an exception to my no crossovers advice the Nerf fortnite 6sh has a Whimsical fortnite design but is also a No-Frills six shot rotating cylinder Blaster that actually works well la liberte Cinemas ended up buying the 6 sh as his trusty blaster for the Blaster battle another Pro tip wear eye protection this is just common sense especially with blasters getting more powerful over the years it depends on your head shape but I find the Nerf branded glasses are fairly comfortable to wear for short periods of time even random goggles or safety glasses lying around in your house would work I normally don't use a full face mask but the world's largest blast of battle is a different story do you think just eyewear is good enough because I only have eyes I wouldn't I had something not swipe this right off he like I looked down at him he looked up at me and he basically like uppercut me and just swiped the mask off while like 30 people were shooting at me oh gosh okay so would you recommend that I get a mask then yes he's like 4 000 people all shooting Nerf guns simultaneously someone is going to shoot your camera the story is from Coop and welcome freaked me out enough that I just ended up buying a Nerf mask but man it really came in handy luckily later on during the event I could switch to sunglasses because I felt more comfortable that no one was going to be a dingus and aim for my face this is a no-brainer tip but at all costs avoid single shot blasters I mean some of them are cool and collectible but unless everyone is using one in a Nerf battle chances are you're not gonna win but funny enough welcome and Wi-Fi Channel were brave enough to go against the grain at certain times they were using the Nerf rival fate or the Nerf fortnite micro peely Blaster and I don't know how they did it but somehow they survived the event at one point rifi Channel managed to gather and Lead an entire Army of children with this freaking banana gun [Music] [Applause] this was one of the funniest moments at the Blaster battle for me for more advice on choosing good Nerf blasters check out my videos on the screen if you want more nerf advice like this let me know by liking the video and leaving a comment thanks for watching hope you do something great today and get that bread
Channel: legitbread
Views: 125,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to buy nerf guns, best nerf guns 2022, what nerf guns, how to buy nerf blasters, best nerf blasters to buy, what is the best nerf gun for a nerf war, what is the best nerf dart, coop772, nerf, buying nerf guns, buying nerf darts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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