NEW NERF Zombie Strike Blasters!

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oh my eyes you just saw that [Music] dude I just saw I just saw Danny's car pull into the garage I don't know what the heck is going on I don't know where he was I don't know what's happening he just came in he just came in dudes what's going on what's that got some zombie strike line blasters that picked up what these new these are yeah man it's all brand new dude I haven't seen these before I wrap these up as Christmas friends for the kids let's open them up yeah but you just said let's open them up I start gonna wrap these up as presents for kids and then I'm gonna open them yeah maybe yeah Christmas time you can see I'm gonna know right now doing a vlog are you honestly gonna turn down our loyal loyal subscribers and not let them see this this guy's guys in the comments below tell me if you want Danny and I to unboxes right now why would you wait till Christmas I was like I think so this is a total of over a hundred dollars right here birthday blasters so I don't know if I'm gonna buy more Christmas gifts can we like read box them in and then kind of give them out as gifts like that so you're saying so you're saying $50 plus $70 is more than 100 yeah let's do this no no I want to unbox this green one what is this called what is this that one is the rape chain rip chain huh zombie strike rip chain this one over here well you know what we'll talk about it more when we open it up sure wait so after we open these up yes are you gonna like put them back together so they look new and then put them under the tree zap strapping and the tree we're gonna waste money man let's go unboxing all right right Tommy's looking for some night what am I supposed to cut this open with a banana idiot yeah that's a man work ah yeah man just you know open up a few drawers Barry check it out what are we going with Angela what am I supposed to do with this cook one of these blasters come on man now wouldn't want to go well my supposed to cheese grated my supposed to cheese grated open idiot just going yeah I go down there man that's what the Maggs are there you go whoo that's your big boy right there isn't it over this one yeah guys had they clicked like for these two blasters I hope so I hope so yeah early Christmas presents unboxing here we go here we go I'm kind of excited about that blaster I haven't seen anything in person before wait let's see what this is the zombies are getting stronger and so are we whoa inventing new battle gear and teaming up with other zombie fighters to keep strength guys are you the other zombie fighters are gonna team up with big boy toys from the zombie apocalypse whoa whoa whoa whoa so much stuff happening here check it out this song he has a mohawk what does that work zombie with a mohawk huh amazing party was undead just okay so we go whoa whoa whoa whoa that looks at Pig we got the 25 darkening 25 darts dude that's not bad that's not bad they could have done a bit more but not like a thousand geez what's going on here dropping stuff everywhere instructions get out of here what am i what I'm talking about these instructions man no I just put away to read all right first impressions talk to me the sticker on what is that believe it also looks mean you're gonna leave that on yes yes yes all right so what what are you thinking right now first impressions I like green darts he likes green darts I like I like neon neon all right we've got a problem there's a sealed plastic bag Oh how are we gonna make them look new we probably know why because I won't you have to tape it up and gosh that's fine just keep going you know what I don't know first impressions it doesn't look as good without that obviously that chain there so let's see when you pop that on how that's gonna look but I'm not too impressed right now not to impress dude it doesn't look that great right now I don't know what's so special about this dude's check chick check it out I don't know I don't know like maybe when you put that on it'll look better we'll see he's loading it up though well you know what I like about the whole zombie strike line mm-hmm is the green color don't think what isn't green so why is this one not green every other one most of them are green I would say I think they're all green except now this one because it's a special edition I think they're running out of things to do so they're like hey why don't we put out I mean look at this isn't this the one called the modulus line you mean oh no no no the other one yeah yeah yeah yeah it is we actually that's right we have one nostril we can compare thank you exactly what they did no you know what all right all right let's do it let's lock and load this guy over here all right Rick channel 25 cards guys give me a life that took a long time get him alike for loading up 25 darts and he's popping on the rip chain or the chain all right here we go okay so that's looking better now okay that's looking better Wow what do you think that's all right looking but you look better without it so yeah I mean look you didn't look as good without it it looks pretty crazy right now did you see that what just happened that lost power after those are floater those newfies it was like what is happening let's let's hope that was it god I just can you yeah yeah let's do it over the shoulder let's hope that was a one-time thing ready yeah all right okay I was about all right that was a bad first look for nerf but yeah okay dude try one move if I was in a zombie apocalypse or the zombie horde and I just finished loading it with all this laughing in my face yeah and this is true oh my eyes you just saw that I we're now making this table uses all that another one another one no no joke how far that go one foot in it's true one foot is straight never seen anything I've never I need a moment here I need a moment this is so it god I think it was $50 something like that 55 mm Wow Wow yeah with pathetic Wow oh my god Oh two duds and one decent I've done well maybe cuz it's too I don't know I don't know we're done with that one do you test these out there before you send them out into the world I don't know what they do okay why don't you unbox the next one what what's the name of this how do you pronounce this guy's let me spell it wrong CD it's supposed to be scavenger this guy's there's spelling stuff wrong too it improves scavenger oh my god all right let's uh let me grab a knife as well and get into this look like say I'm a little bit or excited about this by that's why you're a sad sad man how old are you don't worry about it here we go guys zombie strike survival system this thing features a survival system yes system it's a system but it doesn't mean it's a very much the same thing as modulus blasters where you can attach different things to them but they just call it a survival system for the zombie lines oh it's kind of like describing us is the same thing as the modulus slider wait is that I'm not sure yeah that a double notch shot yes and I feel it you can hit two nuts at the same time like this ee not shot guys click like right now oh my god double nut shot do you like this movie right now let us know hope you like this double nut shot blaster I'm gonna be the safety guy I'm gonna grab some scissors boxes things other than tonight and first thing we're unboxing interesting check it out guys whoa a double nothin shot dude click like right now for this blaster let us know the comments below if you like it will you think of it the thing is shouldn't if you want to hit both nuts shouldn't the barrels be sideways yeah or he supposed to shoot of like a gangster maybe like that then you hit both nuts let's move from that topic guys this this is a family-friendly channel we're talking about walnuts of course that's right okay I think you're gonna lose a finger I'd be careful you know I'm not a very coordinated person wow there's so many strings well why they do this you know why they do this so you can't return it because you've already cut these things it's their little trick is how are you gonna go return it over you chopped it up too bad sucka too bad sucka alright so this is the main body of the blaster as you mentioned earlier this is the same setup as that old blasters on the line one will go loop it's important it's bigger well we'll compare without a bigger we can compare but it's the same concept alright so what else do we get with this we get our little flashlight looks like it so this is a flashlight setup that you can cut to give away your location to the zombies that here's a bright light follow the light down there what we got here a scope so this is our little scope looking thing alright so yeah what's the thing on the side is that to hold extra extra anecdote so it holds this extra extra here so you would do that yeah see I see that is that not sturdy or okay there's everyone out then so that's how that works what do you think of that um gosh I don't like how it's sticking around near the barrel so far ahead I think it should be a little further back you know what I mean it wasn't sticking out so far I don't like the way it looks oh maybe you're just dumb so maybe this can go there this way here we go oh man Danny's fault good job nerve that's actually good yeah we got that yeah that looks a lot better Danny than the way you had it and then finally I think this is the last in the Box guys do we get this barrel extension okay so that goes at the front here just like that and also the double nut shot you store it Oh case you guys shoot some zombies in the nuts walnuts guys walnuts we're talking about walnuts dudes alright so that goes there so this is how this blaster looks click like right now guys let me know let us know in the comments below what you think of his Buster if you like it if you like this survival system concept because I'm assuming they're gonna come up with this no you know what you know what I want to know you know what I want to know guys tell me if if you had the choice which one would you get Wow okay great which one we get there I think I know which one they thick but I don't I don't want to how do one give it away okay so I don't want well they're deciding let me go grab the other zombie line blasted that you talked about and bring it up here are you gonna follow me yeah dummy it's a vlog can I idiot don't close the door on me you're more on guys Danny Danny doesn't know how blogs work because he's a dumb-dumb wait where is this plastic that sling fire that's what it's called yes sling fire see what I mean see what I mean is bolt action and it has the same the ammo goes in the same place exact same let's go check it out let's go do this guys who thinks Danny's gonna wipe out who thinks Danny's gonna win oh wow I called it and I called it oh there's nothing okay bye all right all right head to head pull them up lift him up boom there we go what'd I tell you guys it's just a it's the big brother of it yeah it's the big brother slightly bigger same concept oh you know what let's let's screw this off how do I get this off that off what do we get now look pretty much yeah no yes no no give us a call I got some ideas for you all right so load it up man let's fire it we fired the rip crap does this come with ammo kidding me if that doesn't come without my I'm gonna punch you in the face for wasting money no that's got no that's got to it's gotta have it it's go what is wrong with you do one thing I was noticing I wasn't even looking for that I was what I know is that this thing it's slammed fire everything's popping up in slang it's got a slime fire switch so when you switch it on you can fire this thing hey how could you load it up so you can show them what do you think I don't understand can you put at least one dart in there for the love of everything that is good yeah again cuz this Danny I know you as much as he annoys me if so let me know in the comments below yes all right put it in like five okay here we go one more six all right let's hope this goes further there we go let's hope let's hope okay you just that you just slam fired it you just slam fired it into the roof let's put it back to normal here we go that's all right good hit the wall so now when you switch it over this is what I was curious about but you don't actually have to pull the trigger check it out dude I get it like that all right so guys for a consistency right this one definitely beats the other one that one two out of three were pathetic big time so if you wanna if you have to get one of these in zombie apocalypse I'd go for this one cuz it's more consistent yeah but you know what looks wise I don't know we try not you know what looks wise I prefer the old oh the old one I like it that I like that it's smaller and I prefer this green range between the two if you want do that and a little target thing we'll just go let's go you do both you do both you there all right so I this one's already loaded up let me just pop in a dart into the mom and why did you have to fire them all sign it man how many do we try to they get one shot each one shot each output three just paste in here can you try not to somebody's gonna get hurt let's do this [Music] and let's see which one will reach the door I'll move up here alright go okay that one far yeah I think so know what you know what though I got no I gotta come back here man cuz I'm not so sure this is even get it gonna get as far as I just got it there's no trickery there it's all sitting the way should be so just let's just fight it out that's all oh my god wait wait let me okay go right oh wow wow she went further than yours it actually went further hit the glass on the door that was actually this doesn't make sense this bus is that the farthest yeah because we've shot other stuff recently it didn't go that and I was like pretty straight to I don't know I don't know what to do because this that was pretty good but it's not consistent so I don't know up to you guys personally I would take the other one because I will take consistency over the little extra power you think of these two blasters we thought you would pick and most importantly subscribe alright goodbye you
Channel: Big Boy Toys
Views: 1,074,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NERF, nerf, Nerf Zombie Strike, Nerf Zombiestrike, Nerf Scravenger, Nerf Ripchain, Nerf Zombie Strike Scravenger, Nerf Zombie Strike Ripchain, Nerf Zombiestrike Scravenger, Nerf Zombiestrike Ripchain, Nerf blaster, Nerf zombie strike blaster, Nerf Zombiestrike blaster, nerf zombie blaster, nerf zombie, Big Boy Toys, Bro Vs Bro, gunvsgun, toys, toy, unboxing, Nerf unboxing, Nerf review, gunvsgun Nerf, big boy toys nerf, New Nerf
Id: M3a_YKjCrl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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