Nerf Dart Comparison | Which Darts are Best?!

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spoiler: EKIND waffle darts win with most accurate and precise

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/sp00kymemes 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Medic! I need... repairs!

So apparently Coop's a robot. Very nice test though. Looks like accustrike/K'nex EKINDs will be my next buy.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Elusive2000 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Do the ekind accustrike style darts wear out as fast as elite darts? I hate it when my darts get old and will barely fire.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SauronGamgee 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

As someone who's been using and recommending waffle darts for months, I can't help but feel pretty smug watching this video.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RazgrizInferno 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

The test's good but pretty synthetic... I was mucking about with the waffle tips over christmas and they definitely are more predictable but they're also a fair bit slower than koosh and drop faster, and that has an effect on hitting too. So your playstyle will have an effect.

But they are cheap and that's a big deal.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Northwindlowlander 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Those EKind waffle-tips look like pretty major winners. They're relatively inexpensive too, which is a big deal.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MGlBlaze 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Beware, I've been playing around with the ekind darts for a couple of months and I've noticed that the heads tend to come off. It's as though they didn't use enough glue. This has happened on flywheels and springers. I simply glue them back on with goop and it doesn't happen again. Also, the foam seems to be a little larger in diameter than most koosh or elites so they are a very tight fit in 17/32 brass. Just FYI.

Also, yes they are quite accurate.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/evilb 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

I've been waiting for this video ever since he said there'd be one during his initial Accustrike tests. Looks like I'll have to wait a week for them to get here, but yay EKIND waffles!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ViralVortex 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what up dude gross I'm Frank this is another dart comparison video so I'm going to nerd out and get really into detail on the features of these darts and their performance attributes to let you know what are the best Nerf darts quote best Nerf darts to buy right now extremely time-consuming to assemble this style of video so hopefully it's helpful to some so these are Norfolk lead darts if you're a nerf er you probably know what these are and they're pretty solid but you can definitely get more accurate than these because well they're elite darts if you ever shot one you probably realized right away I didn't hit what I was shooting at blast there must be a better way and there is or there are there are a lot of different better ways this is the nerf Elite suction cup dart which is an improvement on the nerf Elite dart which is also made by nerf and with these you get a slightly tighter group and just better consistency overall so you have a better chance at hitting stuff they recently released the active strike darts which I reviewed and compared to the existing darts the nerf you'll eat and suction and demonstrated the strengths of the nerf Accio strike darts they group tighter they shoot hard they're fantastic darts and I definitely recommend them but in that video I referenced some third-party options so I'm here to compare the existing Nerf darts to other darts not made by nerf the a kiya strike darts shoot pretty well but they're kind of expensive and Nerf darts are always a little bit more expensive than some third party alternatives so the quest of this video is not necessarily to find a superior dart but maybe one that shoots just as well but much cheaper which is just more reasonable so you can load up and stash up and just fling foam for days without worrying about the money full table of contents with time markers so you can click them and jump to that part of the video in the description already went over the nerf Nerf darts now to the Koosh gin 3 darts these are sort of my go-to third-party ones for the for the time being similar dimensions is the nerf you'll eat darts and these have a little rubber head with these little prongs which is a pretty cool texture for my tests I'm using these lime green ones but they have different color options available next darts I'm just going to call the Clorox don't know if I'm saying that correctly don't really care so long as I'm consistent within this video no harm no foul right I bought these on Amazon they're very similar dimensions as donor feel eat darts but the tips are designed pretty differently the orange part here is not a hollow plastic like on a nerf eel eat Dart when you push on the Elite dart you can compress it because it's hollow and filled with air this feels like hard plastic and when I shot myself with these and I had my Terra scout shoot me with all of these darts these stung a little bit more than the nerf eally darts and actually almost everything else and that's because the tip does not compress now pains not a huge deal we're not really playing with high-speed Nerf blasters or anything but you can feel the difference and you know it takes away from the fun I don't want to be flinching when I'm turning around a corner I just want to you know think about flinging foam at my buddy but those are chlorophyll arts for my tests I'm using these red ones but I think they also have different colors available links to these and everything as I label them in my video in the description but the next one are the most enduring to the chlorophyll arts these ones are light gray and when I say similar in design they have a solid head and they hurt just as much as the chloroform attak amount of pain it's not like I'm bleeding you know screaming up medic I need you no repairs but there's a noticeable difference when you get hit by this especially out of a higher power nerf blaster those are a most unlikely and they do have different colors available next are a few darts by iikind now that's the brand and they have different options available which actually perform differently the first of which are the nerf you leap dart style heads and for this testing I'm calling these II kind normal and that's because elite darts are kind of normal ish and the design there is just similar to the elite dart head it is a hollow head with a little hole in it but it doesn't compress quite as much as the nerf Elite dart these hurt a tiny bit more but honestly the difference is marginal the chlorophyll Sting's still staying more for my testing I'm using these lime-green ones again different colors are available next the same brand bayi kind and these are the suction cup darts they look just like the nerf elite suction cup and these feed through magazines with spring blasters name with flywheel blasters and yeah I heard derped when I accidentally ordered blue ones because the nerf elite suction are also blue whoops that made testing tricky very similar dimensions to the nerf Elite suction cup darts mine are blue different colors available next also made by E kind are this kind of a goofy looking head here for the sake of my testing I'm calling these II kind a cure strike style and that's because the heads are designed kind of like a cure strike actually now that I'm looking at them side by side not really but you know already edited that part of the video so I'm not going to change all those titles these are white with yellow heads I think they also have different colors available those are the only third-party options that I'm actually comparing today I also have a few other existing brand darts just to see how they stack up to everything else these are the X shot darts I've reviewed a few they're blasters next are the dart Zone darts I like quite a few their blasters they're chained fed what's it called the Scorpion and the other one super fun blasters lime green with blue heads and then the air warriors dark now these are also suction cup darts but they do feed through magazines and a little note about these other existing ones that aren't really third-party they are aftermarket these are real companies so I mean they're different than nerf but you know hopefully know what I'm saying but these are not optimized for Nerf blasters so it's kind of not fair to shoot these out of Nerf blasters but I did especially these X shot darts they are quite a bit shorter than Norfleet darts and I had a bunch of jams when I tried to feed this through my flywheel blasters which was annoying worth noting so it's not a super fair comparison but I didn't want to change up a bunch of different blasters because that would just be you know changing too many variables I'm trying to isolate the darts but if you saw these balls over here and you're like RK please please tell me you're going to throw in the rival blasters I did so not really directly comparable to these options because you just standard darts I did compare a few other options that are on the market the nerf rival balls firing out of the rifle chaos because rival balls are fun and it puts into perspective the groupings that I'm getting out of these darts also boom ko I can't say boom ko without saying boom Cove like all goofy like just because boom ko blasters are weird in a good way but I'm also shooting the the boom coke darts hopefully I know what I'm talking about they're also nerf mega just for the wels these aren't accurate at all and complete just out in left field because it's just not even fair the worker darts shot these out of a blaster I didn't shoot anything else add up like that's not really fair but I just wanted to show these because they think a group really well overview BAM done okay now the test that I'm running on each of them yeah all official with my notebook out first I weighed them on a super-sensitive scale then I put them on a chronograph then a shot I'm at my wall and drew a bunch of little pretty dots in post-production to illustrate their groupings for the tests of the main darts that I'm testing not the rival or that the complete oddities I'm testing with three different blasters and unmodified strife a modified strife and a springer the Tri strike that's to represent the different propulsion and some darts perform really well at the stock velocities and a flywheel but then when you ramp them up they just go nuts first up wait now I put 10 of each dart on the scale and then divided that answer by 10 and that's to eliminate my scale and consistency just in case it's a little bit off but also because darts way a little bit different from one to another so these are just averages but it's enough to kind of tell the difference between one and the other do you care about the weight no probably not but I'll show you a cool graph after the chrono though so the chrono data I tested again with the spring the flywheel and the upgrade flywheel anything special come out of the testing data no the coronagraph it's all pretty consistent now if you're saying okay somebody shoot a little bit harder or softer hmm I wonder if there's a correlation between that and the weight yeah yeah there is generally when you have the same propulsion Mecca try strike it has a fixed power output when you have a heavier projectile and it's shooting with the same power input it's going to have to go slower unless the aerodynamics are drastically changed and that's not even going to affect it that much at a muzzle velocity if I measured from 30 feet aerodynamics are going to be relevant but right out of the muzzle it doesn't have enough time to really slow down but check out this pretty graph I made in Excel it shows as you increase the weight of the dart the initial velocity goes down given the same blaster I just realized I haven't really provided any information that's useful yet so now to the groupings test which is more or less the most important part because you know chrono data some people care some people don't whatever and if it's not shooting fast enough just mod your blaster to make it shoot harder right but groupings you can't really mob the Blaster to make it shoot like tighter covered this before so I'm not going to get super into detail but tighter groupings are generally better you don't want to darts to go everywhere you want a nice precise group so then you can actually hit your target ideally you put your sights on somebody the darts going to go precisely where you're aiming so then you can actually hit people freakin hashtag sniper status even with something very consistent like the rival ball it's not perfect but you know the tighter the group the better because of how long it took to test everything and record everything properly I could only test in this house and I can only get 20 22 feet away from my target which is not very far away outdoor nerds are probably thinking 22 feet you know that's not going to represent anything at all but for indoor nerf errs how often you really engage beyond that like in my house I can't I mean if I could engage it further range I would for the sake of this test but I can't the further you go the bigger like change you're going to see in really crappy darts and then like nerf rival balls that group really precisely I've shown that in past groupings test but for this test whatever 22 feet that's all I can do I go outside I can't control wind and other variables to eliminate some of the human error here I did attach my laser pointer so you can see where I'm pointing the blaster the test is not how close can a dart get to the laser dot it's just showing where I'm pointing the barrel to prove that I'm pointing it at the same spot every time I've spoken of this topic incorrectly in the past so I want to just correct myself need to point out the difference between precision and accuracy accuracy is the group's tendency to hit the target or where you actually aiming in this target it's a plus sign accuracy is how close the darts are getting to that center point that is not being measured at all what I care about is the precision if I'm aiming right at the cross here and I'm grouping way over here completely off target but all ten balls or darts are right on top of each other that's really precise and as long as the dart is precise as a shooter you just get used to your blaster so you aim a little bit over here so then it's going to land on whatever you're aiming at the accuracy is generally controlled by the human where the precision is out of the blaster which not really the case for nerf it's typically just the darts so the laser is just indicating where I'm aiming and I'm just trying to get the tightest group possible and after I shot each of the three blasters I corrected these groups to the center so you can accurately compare one blaster or one dart to another because if I have a pocket and a left corner pocket in the right corner in the center shooting out of three different blasters it's not a bad dart necessarily you just have to learn to shoot the same dart out of different blasters so then you autocorrect and you kind of pull them all together and that's a more accurate representation of that darts precision however this is highly subjective and me manually doing that on my computer I didn't generate a heat map or calculate any mean that's just my eye kind of putting it on the center so it is subjective I need to be clear about that but I think it's helpful for those that clicked on the video just for the groups like 28 minutes later here we go the testing video [Music] you [Music] member [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Sunday and you cruisin down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah so that took hours upon hours to compile most of you guys dig this stuff but then there are a few who just know I need more I demand more you're garbage I do read all my comments so they hurt my fields all the fields in my heart poop so I'm going to give my opinion or reaction to these groups first the nerf you'll eat darts lol what like that that's probably the most consistently I've ever seen nerf you'll eat darts fire I wanted to retest them just because I didn't think that's an accurate representation but I didn't want to intentionally skew the data that's what I tested so that's what I have to record and show but seriously nerf elite darts have never shot that consistently I think they just had a little get-together in like hey we're gonna we're going to F with Frank's data so let's all hit the target next Elite suction pretty solid results a little bit tighter than nerf you'll eat generally speaking and I've reviewed that in the past occasionally you have flyers but you have Flyers with almost everything even nerf rival round sometimes next active strike this is not representing the same collection that I that I had last time in my last test and that's when I was running these tests I only had six active strike darts now I have a few more because I found them at Toys R Us but I think I was starting to wear out the six actors strike darts that I had because I shot them a lot and they aren't visibly worn out or anything but you know typically the phone gets a little bit more crinkled you know they've been out sometimes they Bend and whatever so the groupings weren't quite as tight where everything else I was testing was brand new next Koosh gin three darts these were pretty consistent not as many like complete crazy flyers like way out in left field or anything but not super tight groups next the claw refused feeding in my flywheel blasters and that's I think because the head doesn't flex because it's a hard plastic tip which makes it sting but it doesn't compress in the flywheel like the other darts and the consistency was kind of whatever like I could auto blir it feed weird and that Dart typically went off and just did something random especially out of the modified one there some serious slippage going on because did you know slippage next the most enduring issue as the chlorophyll arts because they I mean side by side if they're the same color I would assume they have the same Dart honestly but they had different results a little bit of slippage up in there to the eke I normal my notes only say blah so yeah blah the elite suction these were kind of bipolar these were funny because they were grouping really tightly but then their outliers because most darts shoot kind of weird every once in a while they were just completely out in left field but way far away from the rest of the group so like seven out of ten were just like doo-doo-doo in and randomly okay that looked a little weird but then randomly would just be like whoa complete myths just way over here those were really unusual findings he kind aksha strike holy balls these things are accurate fewer flyers are outliers and even when they did they weren't that big a deal so yeah super solid darts xshot dart zone and air warriors de blah and like I said they're not really optimized to feed through Nerf blasters the flywheel blasters I mean these are short the tips on the air warriors are different these were designed by their manufacturer to work with their manufacturers blasters not the nerf blaster so it's not really that fair but you know going over the weird ones nerf rival oh yeah sniper status up in here as we expected boom ko pretty solid but everybody who shot a boom ko blaster knows it's pretty consistent it looks weird and some people might think it's inaccurate because of the dramatic slope they don't shoot at the same velocity but the precision and the consistency is still there pretty solid and in the worker these were great actually and that was freehand no vise no laser grip because I didn't want to attach it it was just for reference anyways but that was by hand and I was still getting really tight groups and Mega Man just all of it mega what are you even doing here you're just goofy you're not performance start who do you think you are so a few specific overlays when I overlay absolutely everything you can't really see what's going on because they cover each other elite two suction kind of illustrates the funny groupings that I got out of the leaf blaster which I've never had before in my life and I happen to just get it when I tested these so whatever and then comparing elite tukuche and again these elite findings should be more spread out but they're not this is a representation of you know Koosh we're kind of the go-to for quite some time saying this is as pretty much as precise as a dart can get without spending too much like on suction cup darts and then elite compared to active strike because a cure strike darts are solid and again these were kind of worn out so this tests man but you can still see the a cure strike darts are grouping more tightly now their overall range is about the same but there's still a bigger hotspot in the center for the a cure strike darts saying more of them went to where you're aiming and then there are fewer outliers even though the overall range was about the same and again a heat map would have been perfect to illustrate this but that don't make me do stuff next elite versus the e kind a q strike style the white ones with yellow heads now oh snap man II kind a q strike spoiler the these are the winners very few flyers supe tight groups and they work and although the blasters that I tested them in and I even off-camera with other blasters they were grouped tightly with everything which is fantastic some of these darts were shooting pretty well and then with Springer's they were all over the place only with the flywheels they were feeding well you know whatever so if you want to be able to shoot any of your Nerf blasters accurately those are solid so what's the most precise thing you can get right now pretty much the nerf rival so the new ii kind a cure strike style versus rival rival you can still see a noticeable difference in the difference here would be much wider at like 80 or 90 feet again this test was less than 25 feet but it still shows how awesome these darts are even they're not complete nerf rival but their darts so you get the tech to cool blasters instead of the rival blasters which are more like toy blasters instead of like guns I don't know what made me say it like that I need to stop making videos late at night so concluding the video these are the darts I tested I tested way more than this off-camera these are the ones that I wanted to like show on camera because they're sort of the common ones right now people send me messages and comment about particular blasters all the time and I've just been collecting those and I've been testing them something so bad like I'm not even going to mention it just because it takes more time but out of these I would definitely recommend the e kind Akio strike style now I don't think that's what they call them but that's what I'm calling them link in the description box and it'll be called II kind a Q strike style available in different colors cheaper than Nerf darts and they group just really well whoops hopefully this video is helpful I could have made a six minute video and it would have taken an hour to cut and upload just to say hey these darts are awesome go buy them but I wanted to show you why they're awesome with the chrono date and all of that stuff this video took hours upon hours to compile so hopefully is helpful it'll be quite some time until I make another one just because it takes so freakin long and they're still going to be whiners like no you have to retest it fifty this this is worthless now it didn't test this other XY dart so worthless to her hey you you go make a freaking video see how long it takes I don't just go hey here's the dart and upload the video I edit stuff I'm already getting defensive and I'm talking about a hypothetical viewer instead of a real viewer I think it's because it's winter and everybody not in Florida is getting all pissed off and depressed because they're cold and stuff so they take all their anger out on my youtube channel and on their little keyboards they're like you're good you guys need to chill out bro just just chill out and get some Sun come down to Florida it's a super cold day today because it drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit I'm rambling that's the video hopefully it's helpful thanks so much for watching if you have any questions or comments leave them in the section below if that's the video thanks so much for watching bros as always stay tacticool
Channel: Coop772
Views: 2,278,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerf, nerfs, gun, guns, blaster, blasters, best, awesome, sweet, cool, epic, coop, coop772, dart, comparison, grouping, groupings, test, illustration, hardcoreparkourMF
Id: 8IwTM1fpzDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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