Beginners Guide To Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey

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this is your one and only fire spark aid one with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome to ancestors at the humankind Odyssey today I'm gonna guide you through a things you should know as a new player let's get to it the first thing that you should take note is when you boot the game up on PC because that's what it's on right now it recommends did you play it with the controller some of you may not have a controller some of you may be like me and just would prefer to play with mouse and keyboard but it shows all the controller actions as you see here it's saying press a to start if you don't have a controller that may be confusing for you a is spacebar so you can just hit spacebar and there you go that will start your new game so I already have a game going but what I'm going to do is create a new game here to walk you through a bunch of steps so I'm going to click new lineage and then we have a bunch of different slots here so I'm just gonna click new slot we're gonna give it a name and then we're gonna click confirm so you have a couple of different options here I highly recommend doing first time it's gonna give you more options that way if your monkey dies or one of your monkeys dies you have other ones to continue the game after that it takes you to the player help choices so you have total useful immersive and riveting I highly advise if this is your first playthrough to do the tutorial because this game does not hold your hand it doesn't even give you much of the tutorial it gets you point you in the right direction and says go so that was one of the reasons I'm making this guide I'm going to do useful because I don't need the tutorial then after that you pick the sex you would prefer to play we're gonna go with male for this one and we're gonna click start so after seeing who made the game and watching a short video you will be a small little tiny monkey at left in the middle of the jungle to survive no this is just how you start out you're going to do what this it tells you to do on the screen so for me it's to hit e4 intelligence and then we're going to look around and then what we're going to do is just click on this and identify it we see that that's a hiding spot now what I'm about to tell you here goes for any time in the game at any point you can do this if you hit e to memorize what memorize does is it temporarily on your map because you don't actually have a map so now if we look around you can you see there we see other spots that we could go to but if we pop out of this we don't see those anymore but we still see the one that we marked this is very useful for navigating around the map and you're gonna make use of it a lot once you get to the location it tells you what to do to hide you hit the corresponding key if you're playing with controller it'll tell you what the hit I'm just going to click the mouse button and hide after you hide as a little baby it will then put you in control of one of your adult primates we have a couple of them you can see them over there in the distance the first thing we're going to talk about is senses your senses are super handy and they're gonna provide you a ton of info that you don't otherwise have because as you can see we have a very limited HUD on the screen so we're gonna talk about those first to go into our senses we can hit cue and we have a couple of different options here right now we are on sound sound is really good for finding of course things that make noise mainly predators and your companions so if you're out about you have multiple companions following you maybe you don't know where they're at one got stuck somewhere or something like that you can use sound and call and you see what I call the baby lights up a little more and we can see that the baby is over there and then we can focus on baby and hear him and we know that that's the baby and we can also then mark it so if we hold it down identify see it memorize it and now we know that that's where the baby's at and we can get to it quickly and easily now we have other options here we have smelling smelling is really good for a finding of food and other monkeys primates whatever whatever we're calling them so if we go to smell let's go back to that and we go like this so we can see that they're over there and this is good for finding ones that aren't part of your tribe because they'll be on the map and random places and you can sniff them out you can also sniff some predators smelling is extremely good for food once you've identified a food source you can pretty much always find it through smelling last we have intelligence intelligence is really good for identifying stuff that's on the map like specific locations those diamonds there are special locations and then items to use so like sticks and stones and stuff like that you can identify those with intelligence okay so now that we understand how our senses work we're gonna go over here and grab the baby be very careful when you're up in a tree you can fall and you can die now once you've found the baby you're gonna want to go back to your settlement and the easiest way to find that is to use your intelligence so if we swap to our intelligence and see there it's marking resources on the map that's a resource that's a resource and that's more than likely a resource but what we're after is our base right there's our base so in order to get to it easily we can identify it then we can memorize it and now when we back out it's going to be there and we can easily find it again now that we've rescued this little baby and we're back at the base let's talk about babies babies are super important you need them in order to gain experience essentially so in this game experience is the neuronal energy and you get that by doing things but and when you're doing things if you don't have a baby around then it doesn't do anything you don't get anything for it so babies are super important so I'm just gonna run through a few things here about them so that you understand every pretty much everything that I figured out that you can do with them so far one females can only have two babies so each female can have two babies as far as I can tell babies don't need to eat and drink you can control them and even when you're controlling them and the day passes they just don't need to eat and drink they have the stamina and health bar and all that stuff but it just everything just refills automatically you can put babies down and pick them up on the bed so if we go to a bed this is the bed and we hit Z to lay down you can see we can drop the baby off once you drop the baby off you can pick the baby back up by looking at it so we can have it piggy back again we're going to go back down here and we're going to drop the little baby off you can also control the baby if we look at it and we click analyze then we can switch now you can analyze and switch to any monkey at any time provided it's in your your vision so we could switch back to the dad we could go over there and switch to another we could switch to this little baby yeah you can you play is your whole clan I find the little babies super handy for when things start to get cluttered around your base area and they will because you don't really have any storage you just put things on the ground if you pick things up and then put them back down so you're gonna put them all over your base and that's that's basically your storage I find since they're so tiny and small and close to the ground that it's easier to target things so just a little a little tip for that one the other thing babies can't go out of the bounds of the camp without the parents so if you want to know where the bounds of your camp are you just take one of these little babies and you just run out to the wilderness and you will start to have the fear of the unknown and I'll show you what that looks like here over run past this this is the fear of the unknown so this happens to babies and the adults the elders don't have fear of the unknown they can actually just keep going forever the adults can get further away from the camp much further before they have the fear but babies they're right there at the the camp limits so you can use this to scout the limit of your camp last but not least not only our babies super important for learning and everything but they can't learn on their own they can't craft they can pick things up move things around they can climb do pretty much everything the adults can do but they cannot craft so because babies are so important I highly advise to keep one on the back of whichever primate you are playing at all times that way anything you do you make sure that you get experience for it if you take more than one part primate out I highly advise putting a baby on both of their backs because the more babies you have around you the faster you gain experience so now we got that out of the way let's talk about men your primates and your clan is a whole first off each of them have that little orb down there at the bottom you can see it's flashing green with a red border around it that red border is because I need to either eat or drink to fill that back up if you're doing stuff that's strenuous like rock climbing swinging through trees any of that you use up the green orbs so see that there it's starting to go and it's showing the white orb underneath of it the green orb is your energy the white one is your stamina you don't want to burn down to your stamina so take a break and just stop doing stuff and then the green one will refill to the bounds of your stamina your stamina will change when you eat and drink and then that will give you a more energy to burn as a whole now the red orb is your life and if that goes down you don't get that back so if it takes away it doesn't it doesn't come back it gets reduced from poisons injuries and as you age so once you go into the age screen and you advance 15 years the babies become adults the adults become elders and the elders die when that happens their vitality will shrink you don't get vitality back it also reduces with bleeds which I guess is considered an injury and you burn it away if you burn through your stamina so try to keep the green bar up don't burn through your stamina unless unless you have to you can burn down to the point where the stamina is almost gone and then eventually slowly get that back but you don't want to burn health so in order to fill our stamina back up so that we can have more energy we need to eat and drink when you wake up first thing in the morning it shows you a bar of food water and sleep or I should say 3 orbs of food water and sleep the smaller those are the more you need those things also you can see that our stamina in the middle there has gone down as well we do not have much energy we can refill those things by eating and drinking now you don't have an actual bar to know when those things are full but they do give you indicators so if we come over here to the water and we start drinking you can see that it will - pulse see a pulsing yellow so you essentially just keep drinking until it stops doing that that's how you know when you've maxed out your I guess water meter so we're just gonna keep drinking and it takes a while it's probably a lot longer than you expect it to be so we'll just keep drinking until that happens that way we know that that orbit is stretched out as far as it'll go and our our meter is basically maxed out so there you go just flashed green and now we know that we don't need to drink any more that our water is full next we need to eat so we're gonna find something to eat these here are a great source to of food so we can eat these we're just gonna grab one you're gonna have to inspect it you have to inspect everything before you eat it so we're just gonna hold down queue and inspect it gonna tell us we discovered a new food these are safe to eat so we're gonna eat it and then when you eat and drink the rest of your clan should do the same I don't know why they're not but they should yeah there they go they're doing it so they will eat and drink when you eat and drink so let's keep doing that so we're gonna grab another one and we're gonna eat and we're just gonna keep doing that until the meter is full it'll it'll eventually do the same thing that the water did there's also ferries we can eat over here as well so we're gonna grab some of these discover them as a new food and now we're gonna eat them okay and now we're full and our bar or or but I keep calling it a bar but it's an or bar or AB is maxed out do you're responsible for your whole clan you need to make sure that they've got enough to eat and enough to drink you can swap to any of them at any time but you can also just check their status by highlighting them and analyzing you can see that yeck is good yaks orbit is almost full and we can do this one same there they're good and we can go over here and check this one this one could probably use to eat or drink a little more so what we'll do is we'll just switch and we'll come over here and we'll make sure that they've had enough water okay so they've had enough water they need to eat so we're gonna continue to eat with them so you're responsible for all of your monkeys it's a good idea to keep them in full health so just keep keep eating and I know somebody's probably gonna give me a hard time for calling them monkeys primates we're just gonna keep eating until this one's maxed out that way all the primates are in in good health and if we need to take control of any of them they're good to go okay so we're gonna swap back to our other one here and now let's talk about buffs and debuffs as you can see we currently have a buff so when they're displayed with the little shield down there in the bottom left hand side that is a buff this is essentially above against breaking bones so we can fall much further than normal and it's kind of like a shield of protection against falling and you can fall much further than you think without taking damage if we had a broken bone because we did fall too far out of a tree you can eat those green things over there that grass whatever that stuff was called and it will give you the buff and it will help cure your broken limbs so let's see if we can do this one more time we'll try to try to fall off of here okay there we go you can see I fell and I didn't get any broken bones but it took away the buff you can see right now that we are cold because it's raining one of the ways to deal with being cold and also get protection from fall damage is to eat these red leaves so we're gonna inspect these because I haven't inspected them yet and then we will be able to eat them and they will give us a buff against being cold as well as taking fall damage as you see there and now we're no longer shivering we don't have the little snowflake and we can eat a couple of those to stack the buff even longer now later we're going to get a tool that allows us to grind grinding these red leaves grinds them into a paste and when you eat that paste it will max out those two buffs so the the bar will be full blue they'll last a really long time eating some foods will cause you to have these negative status effects a mile you can eat the foods the status effects are slightly inhibiting and more annoying than just anything I have this mushroom here and I'm going to eat it and you can see it gives me like that green stomach and it also gives me above whatever that's for I don't know you get it when you eat too many berries but the green stomach thing is a debuff so in order to make that go down quicker and this is with most of these d buffs like this that you get from eating food just come over to the water and start drinking and you can see here that them as we drink it starts to decrease really quickly so it's like flushing your system so if you get any of these like the green stomach or the one that we had the protection against right now you can just come over here and drink and it will make that go away relatively quickly once we get the grinding tool we can grind this plant up here which currently if we just eat it in this state will give us fall damage protection but once we get the grinding tool and we grind it up into a paste we can actually apply that on our bodies to cause clotting and stop bleeding if you get a hit by something that causes you to bleed usually a predator attack you will bleed out until you die unless you stop it by clotting using this grind ground up is one option and then there is a fruit out here in these trees that you can get you don't eat it you actually just apply it all over your body and I will show you what that looks like but you're gonna need to identify that fruit and find it early game and once you've once you've done that you can find it again relatively easy so what we're gonna do to find it is we're gonna use our sense of smell and this actually I noticed this a few seconds ago I want to point it out I told you that sense of smell could be used to find strange primates so if we do that here and focus and then identify you can see there that we just identified that's a another primate that we can actually add to our clan but what we're after is the clotting fruit and we can find that by just sniffing around so that's a question right now but we know that there there's something there that's most likely a food so we're going to do is just jump over there to it and right here it is this is what it looks like it's right there and if we get in the the right situation here we can grab it there we go so we got one and now we're just going to inspect it once we inspect it it's considered a tool and then you can see that it gives us the option to apply so if we apply that all over ourselves it will prevent any clotting so there we go we're just going to apply it we don't have any bleeding right now but you know we're gonna create clotting so now we have a clotting buff on us so that if we do get any bleeds on us for the time being while we have that buff we will prevent some of the damage that they can cause last but not least we have coconuts so coconuts are up there in the tree and you can identify those with smell as well but you can find our initial ones here in the camp and these renew often so like especially after every save and reload so we're just going to grab one of them now you can't get to them easily right away when you first get into the game we have no way of opening these so if we inspect it you can see our only option is to inspect it again or drop it but once we get the ability to switch hands which I'm about to show you we can then pick up a rock and bash it with a rock and drink it and get to the anti poison buff from it so let's just drop that there we're gonna come back to that later so we can evolve by coming over to the bed and laying down and now you can see we have the evolution option so I'm going to hit E now we can pick nodes to evolve so one of the first ones you're gonna want to get is this one here so this gives us the option to switch hands this starts your whole crafting experience you can do some early on crafting without switching hands and we'll get to that in a second but switching hands allows you to get on your main tool path and then we have the other one over here that we can learn as well so we're just going to use that one it just gives us increased sense okay so now that we've evolved we're going to back out and I'm going to show you this coconut real quick so we're just going to grab the coconut we're gonna swap hands and we're gonna grab this obsidian and now we can well we have to inspect the obsidian because you have to inspect everything as a monkey case and once we've inspected it it tells us that it's a tool we can hold spacebar down to go into our crafting this is essentially your crafting menu and then we're just going to bash it now you want to be careful how hard you bash don't like crank your hand up all the way your hand is your meter and they don't give you any type of this is the sweet spot you kind of just got a feel for it so start light you can just do little light taps like that and then just get heavier till you start to see stuff chip away and there you see the little bit of chip fall away that's that's where we want to be so right about there one more there though hit the coconut nice and hard but everything's a little bit different and if you fail at it you'll just shatter it so now we need to drop the rock swap hands back and now we can inspect the cracked coconut and that's gonna tell us it's a food source and now we can drink it and it will give us I think it's two buffs I don't remember which to it I know one's poison I don't remember what the other one is right off in all the very bubbly thing again so there you go but the poison ones the main one that you're after because the other one goes down relatively easy poison needs to be taken care of very quickly because that will eat away at your vitality okay let's talk about tools now so tools are considered pretty much anything that's not food all the stuff that you pick up sticks branches stones all of that or considered tools and you can actually do some early on crafting before you have the ability to switch hands if we grab this branch off of here and we place it in a pile and technically this is building and not crafting and then we continue to do that so we'll place another one down and eventually it will give us the option for construction so we'll grab another one and we'll place that one down and now we can start construction when you're doing construction have your primate be you want the thing to be because it goes underneath of you so if I'm like over here and I started now it'll pop underneath of me over here so if I want it to be up against this then I need to come over here and look at it in hit II and you can see it went underneath of me and now we can just do this keep hitting spacebar till we build it and there you can see we built a branch barrier the other thing that we can build is beds so these here are used for beds so we need to inspect it first and once we've inspected it then we can place it down and then we can do the same thing we just place down a pile of them and then jump on them a couple times and then it will become a bed like these over here now we can also use these four different types of tools so if I pick this back up and I have not figured out what these are used for yet but you can strip them so if we hold down spacebar to go into the crafting style and we just do that nice and easy we get this stick and we can swap hands and then inspect it and then we have this stem once again I don't know what these are used for yet once I figure it out it'll probably be in the next video I make about this game now these sticks here are the big branches these are important these are essentially Spears while rudimentary Spears so we grab this and we come back here because we're cold and nope that's not what I want to do well you can old see the throw stuff by the way we're gonna grab it we're gonna hit X to swap pants we're gonna go into crafting and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna reach down grab it real hard like that and now we have a strip to stick so then you have to of course inspect that because you have to inspect everything and now we can turn this into an actual sharpened spear but we have to go through our stone tool path first and we're gonna just place this down for now and I'm gonna show you the different stones so we have stones over here grab one of these right here and we inspect it there's granite basalt and obsidian that I found so far so we have granite here and then what you're gonna do is you're just going to of course grab another one and then we're gonna go back under here because it's cold once you have two granite pieces you can go into the crafting menu and just kind of bash them once again you want to see those pieces fall off but you don't want to bash too hard so start small and just get the feel for it until you get it bashing like that now it's gonna take a while some things take longer than others to craft when you're bashing them together so we're just gonna bash it a little harder here couple more times and it should provide it I don't get it too hard and crush it there we go so now we have our grinder this is one of the first tools that's going to get you through that early game we're gonna place this down and then we're gonna come over here and we're going to grab a piece of obsidian and we're going to swap hands so that we're hitting the granite onto the obsidian and we're gonna do the same thing and eventually this will turn into the scraper and there we go now we have our obsidian scraper grant it and place it down and we're gonna grab our stick and we're gonna come out here because there's rocks that we can flip to find either mushrooms so far I found underneath in them and basalt so that's what we're looking for is basalt so come out here with our stick and we can use it to turn these rocks over okay so now we just lift underneath of it and it's the same thing you kind of just got a guesstimate there we got another one here so just don't go too hard or you'll break the stick nope of course not we're not gonna get it I think there's some basalt over here as well yeah we have one here so we're gonna swap hands and we're gonna we're gonna grab that once you have the basalt and you've identified it you can grab a piece of granite so we're just going to swap hands and grab this piece of granite here and we can bash these two together making sure that the basalts on the bottom and that's the one we're trying to form and then we're gonna do the same thing we're just gonna hit it until we see the pieces fly off of it then once that's done we will have the basalt chopper there we go we got the basalt chopper now so we can swap hands and identify that so this or the scraper the obsidian scraper can be used to sharpen sticks so if we grab the stick and not that and then we swap hands here and we go into our crafting we can use this to chip away at the stick and now we have a spear so far I've found that the spear is mainly for fishing this early game you can't throw it well you can throw it but when you throw it you throw it just kind of all haphazardly so if we throw it there yeah that's throwing it and you may be able to use it for getting into a fight but I usually just run from fights so I can't guarantee that one but if we come over here to this and we inspect it this is a fishing spot once we've learned this and we know what they look like we can find other fishing spots and there's a bunch of them and I will show them to you but now that we know this is a fishing spot we can come over here and use the spear you can see we have the option to poke and we can just keep trying until we eventually get something once again it just kind of hold it and hope for the best we're down here at the water now right below our base and if we use our intelligence sense and we hone in on these you can see that it tells us there that that's a fishing spot the they're a pretty good way to get food early on besides all the other options that there are for food if you want to eat fish all right now that we've covered tools let's talk about that crazy circular shenanigans down there in the bottom right hand corner of the screen because the game doesn't tell you a whole lot about what that's about even if you go into the help menu and look at it because there is a help menu and we'll cover that here in a minute as well it doesn't tell you what's what but I figure out what's what and how it works so the very center there is your experience bar the very is that white bar there or that white circle so if we come over here and we lay down and we go into evolution you can see that this thing is absolutely massively full like look at how full it is so then we go over here to unlock these we actually spend that you can see it shrinking as we're spending it to unlock stuff that's what's there in the very center of that of the circles there now there's a bunch of little different dots there and those dots tell you what your clan looks like basically so the little tiny white dots are the old ones so we come over here to one of the gray old ones and we look at them when we look at one of them it highlights them you see how it's highlighted over top of them now with the little white beam that's them on that little I guess clan management menu whatever you want to call that thing and woods the same thing happens if we look at one of the other ones though the bigger white dots are of course just your normal primates and we look at this one here you can see we're highlighted over him and now the little orange dots there are the babies you can see that we have one with a line drawn to us that tells us that the babies on our back and there's the other baby and if we put that baby on another one's back so let's go over here and swap to this one here and you can see that that little dot there is now on the back of or next to that one because the baby is paired with it so the same thing will happen if we do this one here so now that we have this one on our back you see that it has drawn a little line to it to show that it is with us now if we look at one of these other primates here it was let's just go over and get this one here I guess it's fine and we say follow me you can see that it connected a line to them whenever a line is connected to the the center circle there like that that tells you that that's how many are following you so if we come over here to this one and we do the same thing shows you them on the on the the menu thing there whatever you want to call that bar and it draws a line to show that now we have two following us it's it's rudimentary but it works relatively well once you get used to it and I kind of like it it's good for managing and knowing where your clan is and what they're doing and I'm going to show you here the last part of this thing the outer circle is the radius of your base so once we go out of the radius of our you can see that will pop out of there so we're just gonna continue to go out here and then it will push us out so there we go so right about here right where the baby was starting to get scared we are now outside the bounds of home base and they'll stay out there so if you're out and about you have two of them following you I'm just gonna tell this one to stay and then this one will continue to follow us so now this one's just hanging out here and now we're going to go back and you will see that the line from the other one the following us it's going to shrink and they're gonna come back inside that main circle so now we know that they made it back to the base but the the other one didn't so now we'd have to go out and find that one and so we'll tell this one to stay now and it broke the line so it's not following us anymore and we come out here and of course how would you find it you can use a bunch of different options you have all of your senses at your disposal and now we could just go out here and get this one and tell it to follow us you can see that it placed a line connecting it to the center again that tells you that it is following you and I guess that center ring is essentially just you so we're whichever one you're playing so now we're gonna come back out here and there we go and then when you have them following you like this you're doing what's called essentially as an expedition is what they call it so if we come over here to the bed we can in the expedition you can't end it anyplace else so once you have them following you and doing whatever you can tell them to stop but technically the expedition is still going on if you want to end that you just come over to the bed and then you can end the expedition and they will just go back to doing whatever they do normally so we do have one additional menu and that is if we hit escape and back out and you can see that it tells you that Lee is an adult female she's single it shows you her status little status orb and it tells you that she's fertile she's fertile means that she can have a baby if they're not fertile they can't you can mate all you want and they'll never have a baby they have to be fertile to have a baby and last but not least there's a help menu that gives you general guidelines but it's not very in-depth for most things the controls are relatively I mean it tells you how to offer and all that stuff but it doesn't tell you like some of these things you can't do until later on so for example actions it tells you here mimic action DoubleTap to mimic that's something you actually have to unlock so the game doesn't hold your hand it gives you the rundown on stuff they can do but it's all relatively brief and just very short explanations on what different things do so it shows you here how to do the different intelligence things runs you through the vitality if you need to look at that and understand that at any point if you forget what I told you in the video we can look at clan here's this that it tells you everything that I just told you but it doesn't really explain how this whole thing works it took me a few minutes to figure out you know what was what on this thing but it I mean it tells you a little bit and point you in the right direction that's mainly all the help menu does is point you in the right direction for things and give you an idea of how specific things work and that's pretty much all I have for you I'm still relatively new to the game but that's what I've learned so far and it's super valuable early game information hopefully it helps to jumpstart your playthrough all right that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you liked what you saw consider here in that sub button I want to give a big thank you to my patrons for making this episode possible y'all are absolutely amazing people if you'd like join my leak or patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave comment down below let me know you thought of just shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 232,343
Rating: 4.8432989 out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey, ancestors the humankind odyssey gameplay, Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey guide, ancestors the humankind odyssey new gameplay, Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey new player, Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey beginners guide, Ancestors guide, Ancestors beginners guide, ancestors the humankind odyssey before you buy, ancestors the humankind odyssey walkthrough, Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey game guide, Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey tools
Id: VKGgwO3KGwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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