Beginner Knife Mistakes LIVE

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right let's do this thing it is messaging me I did not have time to turn off my phone's notification thing so if you see messages about WordPress metadata sorry Welcome to the Jungle all right Ivan hilard Welcome to the Jungle buddy it's good to see you today's a special day because we get to talk about knife mistakes um I know that knives kind of get a bad RP and often times they are kept at such a distance from us when we are young that they almost have a a like a magnetic Intrigue and we just want to play with them all the time and that leads to making some poor knife mistakes when we're first getting into it because we want to jump in hard Shay what's good y'all Shay five 5969 what's good Shay good to see you Dragon hello welcome welcome Julian hey Keenan warin however you say that good to see you welcome to the welcome to the thing so I have a this week in our community post we put out a list well we put out for questions from you guys or mistakes from you guys what are your biggest knife mistakes and I grabbed the top nine there and I put one in that was going to be mine and along the way we invite you to add your knife mistakes to the comments because we want to help all beginners have the best trip into knives possible and that's one of the big reasons we're doing it live actually is because we wanted to make sure that you guys had a voice here because we here in the knife Community we are definitely the whole is more than a sum of the parts so there's a lot of wisdom in the comment section over here and we want to hear it my pm2 and opening in my pocket CAU caught me off guard yeah that would catch me off guard too I hope you didn't cut yourself too bad Ivan hilard collected knives since you were five dang you started early man my parents would never let me have a knife at five Moses Waters how's it going it's going great Moses it's a fun Friday I got to go home today later and we're going to have a Taco Bell and movie night party with the kids it's going to be awesome hey oh Matt good to see you trying to flip a bow song and it lands and sticks in the carpet oh we have a guy here Justin Lions is our buyer and he collects bow songs and he likes to flip over his bed so he doesn't break his tips and he's stabbed into his mattress a bunch of times and his he's told me that his wife does not like that I I'm inclined to agree to believe him what's the best blade shape for self-defense from Brandon miniman um this is a great question I was actually having this conversation with Zach our storefront manager the other day and he is under the impression that waren Cliffs are the best do we have a Warr cliff on the table we can demonstrate this with um I have my Leatherman that kind of has one so this is the Leatherman uh Arc I'm sorry I can talk imagine this has a bit more of a point and that would be a waren cliff and the reason it would that it's great for self-defense is because that straight edge Cuts really well for like slashing Cuts but in piercing Cuts as self-defense might in have the edge is going to be flat but the spine's curve pushes The Edge deeper in and it just makes a bigger puncture wound so it's a great question Brandon miniman I am no knife fighter there is many smarter people than me who would could answer that question better but in my opinion waren Cliff stripping T6 screws use good bits race that is a very big knife mistake and I'll tell you I've made it a bajillion times in fact there's a knife I didn't bring here that has unusably stripped bits I might have to do something about that sometime in the future yes use your bits take your time push hard don't try to do anything too fast because T6 in my opinion T6 bits are too small hot take if I could change one thing about all knives it would be all Torx sizes start at 8 and go up from there I like big ones that's what I love about those Microtech folders right now like the MS and the amphibian their their pivots are T20 good luck stripping a T20 if you stripped a T20 I'm very impressed okay hello from Canada Pongo bird hello from Utah w w with the mattress it's a real thing just one $70 in sports betting what knife should I buy for $70 oo there's a lot of fun stuff to get for $70 oh well I mean there's lot $50 too Peter over here is telling me next week we are doing a video about the best knives under $50 recently inflation's been sitting in we've all been feeling it but there's a lot of companies that have coming out with some absolute bruisers under $50 I think the sub 50 knife Market is better now than it ever has been before so Gregory Des Shan the chain however you say that join us next Friday and we got a lot of stuff and that'll leave you enough left over to go get yourself a sandwich or something my beginner mistake trying to freehand sharpening on a diamond stone with a nice-ish knife yeah we're going to talk about sharpening mistakes here that is a huge one that was one of the most common ones can you buy me a knife cuz I can't and I need to be 18 or older uh cannot I'm sorry all right somebody just picked up Kendo I just picked up a knife this morning Kershaw coant my first flipper already in love with this thing seems like a great value Kershaw flippers really are a great value I think one of the biggest mistakes you can get is overlooking Kershaw when you're just getting in because you can get some absolute powerhouses for not too much money one of the big mistakes is cutting my fingers and still have them another mistake is wearing cargo pants and having one of the bottom Pockets ripped out because by the blade and having it open man did you did your knife cut its way out of your cargo shorts what a sad day hello from California comifornia that's right I I know that nickname for selfdefense I say the cviv orthis the Sev orthis is a great self-defense knife I don't know what blade shape I'd call it maybe like a recurve Tanto but the recurve curve is serrated but it also becomes a corit very interesting carit with the Curve blade is best for self-defense dragon that I mean once again I've never had to defend myself with a knife there's a million opinions on that subject we have a big video with a guy named Patrick Odell he's a local martial arts expert here and he does a bunch of VIP escort and whatnot and he talked about self-defense knives it was a very enlightening conversation the video is like an hour and a half long but it's very listenable just turn it on and listen to it understanding the difference between maintaining an edge and sharpening that's a big one we'll talk about that as well Lonnie Hutchinson what's up what's up buddy what's a good titanium knife you talking about titanium handle or titanium blade titanium blades are not prized for their Edge retention I'll tell you that much but if you want a titanium blade Bradford Guardian 3T is a trainer that you can grind an edge on it'll be great good titanium frame lock I mean Chris Reeve I'll tell you what my my greatest of all time titanium frame lock I must have before I die is a j brand Barnes that thing is incredible the integral the inlays so good love it she got the M4 manx from y'all I'm jealous I love M4 okay I think we've chatted pretty good so we've got Jacob over here running the comments so um if you have mistakes he'll be writing some down and I have some from that Community post that we're going to talk about we're going to go through 10 then we're going to come back and talk some more why don't you guys have Emerson knives so Tim crane I have have an answer for this one we do carry some Emerson designs he has some through lion steel through Kershaw but true emersons are so they're let me try and phrase this properly they are made in the USA and their their batch sizes are fairly small but their demand is incredibly High we used to carry Emerson back when they weren't so popular but Emerson has moved all of their stuff direct to Consumer if you want an Emerson you'll have to go to the Emerson website and pick it up there okay let's let's talk about some mistakes so beginners make a lot of knife mistakes as I'm sure we all have and every single knife you see on the table is my personal knife and each one of these will exemplify a mistake I have made and I've been into knives since I was a kid and I've been working at Blade HQ for 5 years I write the blog and I'm supposed to be an expert or whatever but I will tell you I think of the knife mistakes here the most recent knife mistake I've made was literally 5 days ago Sunday and it was this one and I'll tell you more about it but knife mistakes happen all the time to all of us all along the way and what I love about my job here is you guys in the comments keep me honest I do not get away with nonsense here you're like you did it wrong you'll let me know and seriously this comment section has leveled my knife game up for years and I depend on you guys anyway without further Ado the first one comes from fancy man from somewhere and he says thinking all steel was the same so this reminds me of a time when I was just dating my wife and I took her to some restaurant and she said all cheese is the same and I was just like I was appalled and that's how I feel about steel yes people overthink it a lot of cheeses are similar in fact I'm willing to bet if you put mozzarella where there should be Waka it would take a lot of people a long time to notice but steel has some of those things but some others and the knife I brought along to this is actually one of my first knives ever this is my Leatherman Charge TTI my dad got for me for Christmas when I was 9 years old and it has the s30v blade and you'll notice here it has a chipped tip and that is because once upon a time we were at the family cabin down in monacello Utah I have a lot of fond memories there and every year we'd go down there for a family reunion and we would do a cabin upgrade project and my dad put me to work with this with him and his Leatherman he had a surge I believe and it was the sorry my wife just texted me she's watching and she's appalled that I mentioned her Cheese Incident but this is a like I I broke the tip off my Leatherman because I was doing what my dad was doing with his knife his his surge had 420 Steel on it and we were trying to get glue out of screws so we could pull them and it was working out great except his tip handled it mine did not and I'm like why is that and the answer is because s30v is a much harder steel and a much a much less tough steel than that 420 now when exchange you get off the charts Edge retention love it however my dad's knife was not chipping but mine was and I attribute that mostly to the steel because like 420 is so incredibly tough go look at our knife steel guide go look at Len Thomas' stuff that's why Buck uses it so much that stuff will just keep on ticking it's really good at at not breaking which is frankly what I think Leatherman's are prized for now I do appreciate having the extra Edge retention from the s30v and since then whenever I need to scrape something I will pull out this thing right here oh man this thing's crusty I have not used this in a long time um I'll use this this is the bottle uh can opener that used to chew through cans that'll pick your glue just as well as your knife will and I'll leave my s30v for the more cutting tasks however this knife has been on many adventures with me in my life I love it dearly and it has been lovingly retired and now on my hip at all times I have a Leatherman Arc which has the Magna cut blade but Leatherman and all knives make sure that you know what your steel is good for now don't overthink it too much most of the time steel a steel and you probably especially if you have as many knives as I do you do not use your knives enough to really ask much of their Edge retention or toughness like occasionally here and there but nothing too much so thank you fancy man from somewhere that was really good advice next up number two Shepherd sheep dog says equating price popularity or newness with quality and utility now this is a big one that kind of hits home for me because I work in marketing here at Blade HQ it is my job to show you what is new and great but there are some things that are really worth talking about in this way so I brought out my dessert Warrior corvids and I got these for one reason only and that is because they make me smile real big happy brain when I picked this thing up I carried this at Shot Show and all the gun nerds were going nuts I put mini Corbett on the back is a lanyard bead I'll tell you this knife is a lot of fun and it cuts fairly well but this is not my favorite everyday carry knife setup first of all I think that having a knife as a lanyard bead is anything but practical but it is very silly but this is a fun knife love it now would I recommend this to a newcomer as the end all be all of everyday carry knives absolutely not like you don't need two knives tied together as an everyday carry knife however I might recommend the SC isula if that person likes fix blades this is a very old knife it's coming up on 20 years old probably probably I think came out in 2010 14 years old this year this thing that it's been called a ride of Passage everybody gets one at some point it's simple it's clean it's utilitarian and some might even call it boring but this is a great knife so don't think that just because it's the newest and has the fanciest colors and gets the most attention online it's necessarily the best very very good advice Shepherd sheep dog number three gilded Gill trying to catch a knife which is falling down so there's an old truism I don't know if it's true but an old saying a falling knife does not have a handle and I brought this one on David my friend in from Chavez knives is he loves fixed blades and he carries a hello with him quite often and once he was trying to sharpen it and I will tell you guys if you want to experience incredible sharpness scandy grinds are pretty easy to get stupid edges on like dangerously sharp and he was doing that and he dropped his knife and he tried to catch it and it got his pinky right here in fact I took a picture we didn't have time to get it on today and he cut three tendons and his pinky could not move and it was months of recovery after a pretty nasty surgery he was saying that after his like like after he cut himself his muscles spasmed and it pulled his tendons into his hand so he had to go to the surgeon get his pinky cut open like this and they had to pull his tendon back in and reconnect it and then they glued a thing to his pinky and had to strengthen it all back up his pinky doesn't go straight anymore he can still work with it like that surgeon did good work but he tried to catch a falling knife and treated it as though it had a handle do not do that if a knife Falls let it fall and enjoy the adventure of fixing any chips or tears that come out of its Edge but it's a whole lot easier and more fun to sharpen a knife than to get surgery on your hand so do not catch a falling knife next up Vico 1165 trying to love a knife based on its amazing reviews when it's really just not my style so I think this one's double-edged it is if everybody loves a knife but it's not your style you don't have to get it like you can have your own style and the same also if people don't care for your knife but they but you do that rocks fine so here's the thing I have never seen a 100% positive review of this knife right here this is the Cold Steel 810 but this right here is my favorite folder ever made this thing is so good its handle is nicely contoured this people like every review hates on this pocket clip but this is one of my favorite parts of the knife because it's big and flat and it has a nice curve here so it just rests in your hand as though it's part of the handle no hot spot nothing it feels like fixed blade levels of comfort in the hand it's got the Triad lock but it's a really smoothly actuated one you can flick it open really easy it's great it sits in the hand I love this knife I do not have enough good things to say about this knife but a lot of people out there don't care for it and you know what that's fine reviewers have great opinions listen to them watch them learn be an educated Shopper but at the end of the day shop for you and not for them good call guided Gill next up from excuse me that was vo 1165 and then next up we have fish Ranch never lick the blade no matter how good the steak tastes yeah so it wasn't a stake for me this one this is my Protech atcf and recently I've been trying to do a week of knife challenge where every single day for an entire week I'll carry the same knife and this was what I was carrying last week when I went to a family party of my in-law's house and my wife's Aunt Kristen was there and she didn't want a whole sandwich she wanted half she's like hey anybody have a knife to split a sandwich with me and I'm like yeah and I busted out my knife I cut the sandwich in half I handed her half I had I took mine and I left my knife here and I came back and it's covered in mustard and mayo and I licked it and I cut my tongue and I didn't want to say anything because I was already embarrassed cuz they were telling me not to do it and I think it was when I giggled from being told not to do it that I cut myself and I'm like nope I'm Too Proud to tell anybody so don't tell anybody I guess here I am on the internet telling everybody but do not lick your knife unless you're very careful I guess I don't know do as I say and Nod as I do I lick knives all the time just make sure to clean them afterwards if you lick a knife enough it can become a bacterial cess pool and make you sick so that's another thing pocket knives spend a lot of time in your pocket and your pocket is kind of a nasty place like there's a lot of documentaries out there that'll tell you everything that's in pocket lint gross and then you're going to lick it off your knife you do you buddy but licking your knife is something to be done very carefully good call on that one okay next up from Mo 89 buying a knife that looks cool first so we did a Blog recently on gas station knives and we brought this thing out this is a folder with a liner lock and an assisted action a flipper and a thumb stud that has a wrench for a handle a crescent wrench however the crescent wrench is kind of cut in half here so that can allow for a blade and I'll tell you I showed this to somebody I show a picture of it like that's a cool knife that's that's an interesting idea you could have a wrench and a knife together and I'm like that's exactly what I don't like about it because I I I don't know I'm not much of a car mechanic and when I do I use sockets instead of these if possible but for you mechanics out there does this crescent wrench look like something that you would count on really it doesn't to me and to the same point I don't know that this blade like that my handle is so far from The Edge and like this knife may look cool to some of you guys out there but I would not pick this as your first knife because I don't think it's going to be a great knife or a great wrench for your information we got this at a truck stop for demonstrating why you should probably avoid gas station knives if possible so my advice to you is go with something that you can get something that looks cool in my opinion like I don't know what knife do I have around here like 810 I think my 810 looks great but it looks usable too so if you're shopping for a knife for looks rock on but I would say get for looks in like beads accessories handle materials finishes Engravings Etc and not necessarily in gimmi if that makes any sense anyway so good advice there don't buy knives that just look cool first buy a knife that looks cool but also will function cool next up number seven tactical Mecha Striker sharpening an expensive knife as my first attempt at sharpening we had some people at the very beginning talk about this sharpening sharpening is dangerous so all all sharpeners are abrasives at the end of the day and even though it may be in a smaller and more controlled fashion it's basically a grinder and that's how your knife was ground out in the first place and if you don't know what you're doing you can seriously mess things up so I picked up a fixed angle sharpener last year and I was trying it out on my spider Kos Shaman by the way this is probably my sharpest knife in existence but I want you to look maybe we won't be able to catch it here look at the edge width on this side versus this side so I I was using the Work Sharp Pro PA it's a great sharpener I put it at a very consistent angle however I made a mistake so they say you need to make sure that you have a burr because you don't get a burr you can't pass it back and forth you're never going to get a sharp edge so I was thinking I'm just going to sharpen this side until I get a burr and I did just that and I ended up with a much thicker tip than the rest of the knife because I needed to get a bur over here what I should have thought is I need to make sure I'm tapering these evenly or I'm going to get an uneven edge bevel now my Edge still got sharp I still love this knife I still carry it but I look at that every single time and I think you need to be thinking when you're using a sharpener and often times you don't necessarily even need to sharpen so like if my knife like my 810 I've been using it in the garden a little bit it its Edge isn't the sharpest it's ever been now but I don't need to take it to my prop PA and bust out my my 200 grit and just rofile an entire Edge I'll bet you with a ceramic rod and a strop I could get a shaving Edge right back on this thing so another thing with that is with sharpening think less is more for the next Point anyway next up we have from Miguel Ruiz quantity over quality so I'm lucky and that I work in the knife industry and I get a lot of knives but no matter what industry you work in you're probably going to end up getting some perks of that industry now I want to talk about this knife real quick this is my rake knives Hornet this knife goes for about $50 it has a cryogenically heat treated sandwick 14 c28 and blade this really nice G10 handle with a cutout comes with a nice sheath I took the clip off of mine but has a very Innovative clip as well this is a great knife I like to use it in the garden and that sort of thing for 50 bucks like such a good knife however this last year I picked up one of these this is my Bradford Guardian M uh 3 2 there we go it's got the little nubbin knife numbers are hard to remember but this knife is great it's about the same size but I have a really big contoured handle that fills out my hand I have an m390 blade that's going to hold its Edge much better than 14c 28n and man do I just love the look of this black G10 black Nimbus finish and this Black Sheath what a great knife and I'll tell you I have this knife and every time I think of reaching for this knife I just grabbed my Bradford now this is a very high quality knife however you're getting a lot of upgrades when you get that more expensive one and if I would say if you're going to buy a cheaper knife like this don't just build a collection of super cheap knives unless that's your jam but if you are thinking I want to have a great knife collection one day I would think that Miguel Ruiz over here has really good advice qual quality over quantity is what you want to go for get knives that you will carry that you will use and that will make you smile every single time you pull them out don't necessarily just get a knife to have a knife very good information from Miguel Ruiz and number nine is from boss Vinson 887 knives are for cutting not bending twisting or prying so I got my big boy here this is my Colt steel spot XL and last summer we did a video where we did 50 things that you can do with a knife and all of you guys were throwing shade because it's l all we did was cook but one of those things we did was we sabered a bottle of soda and I'll tell you it was the crispest sabering of a bottle you'll ever see no broken glass it hit the hit the the what's the the lid the cap hit the cap just perfectly popped it off very nice super good however I looked afterwards and I had chipped the edge of my aspada and I'm willing to bet that even with all of the abuse that this knife can take Even Cold Steel would say yeah it's not meant for cutting steel bottle caps and it's not so I chip my Edge from misusing my knife now this knife this knife wants to be smashed into things and hacking but a lot of knives especially folders really are cutting tools so a huge beginner knife mistake you can make is thinking my knife is also a screwdriver and a pry bar and a hammer and etc etc etc your knife is a knife treat it like one and it will serve you for years to come abuse it and it might chip it might break you're definitely going to hurt your Edge so treat knives with the respect they deserve and they will treat it back to you and then lastly is my personal mistake my big one which is the Dunning Krueger effect for those of you who aren't aware of this I'd recommend looking it up it's a very interesting thing the Dunning Krueger effect is a matrix a model that dare I could say where on this side on the bottom we have knowledge and then on the top over here we have confidence about a subject and they say as you get a little bit of knowledge your confidence shoots through the roof and then something happens you learn a little bit more and you hit into what they call the pit of despair you know more than you did up here however you now know how much you don't know and then you slowly go up and eventually when you hit Master status you might have that same confidence you started with but knives I think are a trap for the Dunning Krueger effect because they are simple it's a handle it's a blade it cuts stuff and we just think that's all you need to know right oh boy there's a lot more to know so one of the things I thought is okay I know knives it needs to have a handle it needs to have a blade it needs to cut I'm going to get this one I told my buddy Steve about it and he was very kind and got it for me for my birthday but this is the shra sf9 I saw a great review about it and they said this knife can take a beating it will not break no matter what and I thought well if it's got a sharp edge it's going to cut and in that case I might as well just go thicker is better get something in a nice handle so I can chop back I can do some chopping stuff oh my learned this little lanyard trick by the way for all you fix blade boys out there take this thing put your pinky through it and then hold back here and it gives you a lot of chopping power but you're still going to have the knife there learn that from Gideon's tactical great little trick there anyway what I learned from that with this is I was thinking if it has an edge in a handle it's going to be as good as any knife there is and in that case thicker is better because reliability but this is what I learned edge geometry means a lot and this knife is a great Chopper it's splits wood like a hatchet but when it comes to slicing food or carving wood doing anything first of all this knife weighs a pound it is not easy to just swing around however it also just doesn't cut super well and you can see here where I've tried to do some carving with it it just wears away because it's a super thick blade it wants to split stuff and that's why in my opinion you should probably get something that is both durable enough for your needs but also well suited for your cutting job and that is a bit of a hard balance to strike sometimes so I I learned on this knife the big mistake is that I made is I thought I knew everything and that a thick knife would be better for me and that put me in the pit of despair and I've learned a lot from it I still carry this knife well I carry it from time to time to split wood at camp and whatnot however I keep this knife close to remember you don't know everything and the other big instance of this is when I was probably 20 years old my buddy and his dad invited me to their house and we're were going to make some knives and they said yeah just bring whatever steel you want to make it out of and I remember I was watching a Blade HQ video and an old employee here named Andrew he's on a really old videos he had mentioned that m390 was the best steel you could get and I'm like oh my goodness I should make my 5in fixed blade out of m390 so I ordered a piece of m390 it cost me 90 bucks just the raw steel and we made this knife and my buddy's dad is very good at Heat Treating and it came out pretty well like it came out as good as any m390 ought to at least for an amateur shop but I wish you guys can look in close we have some little Edge Wiggles here because it's a very thin Edge and I've tried to use this like you want to use a 5-in fix blade for batoning chopping doing that sort of thing and m390 isn't as well suited to that as other steals are and I just thought I know everything m390 is the best steel every knife should be made of m390 I have changed that tune I think m390 is a great steel and it belongs in a lot of places but it does not belong on 5in fix blades it does not belong on axes it does not belong on all these things that's why we have a broad range of steals that serve a bunch of different purposes so continue to learn knives and I want you to know what I tell myself every single day is no matter how much you know about knives there's a lot more you can learn and you can learn it at and we're still learning I mean I'm the guy who writes the blogs and I learn something new every single day knife steel nerds is where you learn about steel stuff tons of different resources on the internet that will help you learn knives and it is a lifelong Pursuit you can go talk to like Bob tula and Bill hary these guys are they're getting up there in age and they are legends of the knife world but they're still learning every day too knives may look simple but they have an infinite amount that you can learn about them anyway those are my 10 knife mistakes from the for my contribution on number 10 as well as you guys in the comments let's see what else we got up here beginning here kind of feel like I got two nice knives to start with a bench made CLA and a Spyder Co smok is that bad so no it's not bad I will tell you that those are both great knives and like in musicians by the way they will often say get something cheap to start with if you're learning to play guitar go spend $300 or $400 on a guitar learn to play and then you will learn to appreciate the ,000 and $5,000 guitars however you can still learn to play the guitar on a $5,000 guitar it's just do you want to spend $5,000 up front you can still learn all the knife things you need to know with that bench made CLA and that Spyderco smok they will serve you very nicely just remember these mistakes because if you make these mistakes it can get costly so if you want to learn more about any of those things we have a ton of information on sharpening on steel Care on knife maintenance Etc at see what else we got I only got in a knives a year ago but I still carry a buck 110 I don't know any more premium stuff speaks to me none of the more premium stuff speaks to you Hey listen if none of the more premium stuff speaks to you then don't listen to them like that book 110 is a great knife it'll serve you for your entire life in fact there are people live today who've been carrying them since the 60s and they still cut just as well today as they did back then Nick Martino buy once cry once there's some wisdom here too so this is something they say in every industry basically it I also heard it said buy nice or buy twice if you buy something really nice it'll hurt when you buy it but it'll last forever and eventually you'll recover from your financial decision and it will start to feel more like an investment and less like a simple purchase it's not lunch at Taco Bell it's a new something that really improves your life I'm sorry I'm having a hard time thinking of aphorisms right now I still carry my original 940 Nick Martino that's an old one with the 154 CM came out in the 90s and once again buy once cry once Nick Martino same guy he probably bought that knife for a fair amount of money back in I don't know when but a long time ago and it still works out great I'm addicted to Blade HQ exclusive knives L me too buddy me too how many exclusives do I have I have one two I think those are my exclusives on the table right now but yeah they're great how often to lube CPM M4 Steel that's a great question um another thing about knife care I guess we should talk about that as beginner mistake is carbon Steels want to be babied this one's CPM M4 and it's DLC CED so I haven't had any problems with rust however I have a coating on this one and look we got some Rust spots here where the Coatings worn off in the letters that's because this is 1095 it's going to rust on you so if you have a carbon steel a huge beginner mistake you can make is to not make sure that it is dry and clean because it will rust on you in the quiet of the night can I order from India I don't know that is a different department to mine okay M4 stains unfortunately but everything else about it is awesome some people love the fact that M4 stains the patina people they're really into that that's why Spyder is still doing their crew Carta series okay about how many strokes per side on the wetstone should I be doing and how often so I will tell you that there are 1,000 ways to sharpen on a wet stone and a big beginner mistake you can make is assuming that any one person has the gospel of wetstone sharpening there's a lot of ways to use one my the only thing that they can all agree upon is whatever you do to one side do it to the other if you can be consistent on both sides you will end up with a sharp knife all right again D2 is the quiet kid in the back of the classroom you only need the quiet kid at that time D2 Steel on this k case if you barely have any money and want a new knife you would probably Dragon sand I think he's saying that D2 is a steel that we kind of associate with cheap knives but it's still really good and he's right it was originally made for die cutting and it would Stamp Out steel parts during the wars and now we find it on knives all the time and the fact that you can get D2 on sub 50 knives nowadays is a miracle I love it okay let's see what other stuff we have um man you guys left a lot of comments buying a knife with a deep carry pocket clip only to take off the clip like having it clipped into my pocket and then just carry them in the pocket um I mean I guess there's something there with pocket clip maintenance so deep carry pocket clips do I have a single deep carry pocket I do okay here's a deep carry pocket clip these Loop over the top and some people love them because it keeps the knife deeper in your pocket some people hate them CU it's harder to pull it out and I think it like a lot of people out there just say deep carry is the way to go just get a deep carry but I think that there's a thought to be made there and remember you don't have to listen to The Knife nerds on the internet you can do whatever works for you and if that means just ditching the pocket Club completely go for it there's a big YouTuber named Wrangler star he does a bunch of homesteading and ax stuff and he carries I think he's carrying a pair of three now but he carried a 940 for years and both of them he just pulls the pocket clips right off and throws it in the pocket he's like doesn't need it lives at the bottom of my pocket and I'm happy are you going to be at blade show in Atlanta in June I am Ben Bowman come and say hi love to meet you if your knife has a lanyard hole is it bad not to use one I'm carrying my 110 light today and my 110 classic is getting fixed it has a lanyard hole but I just don't use it um let's see this one has a lanyard hole and a lanyard on it this one doesn't this one doesn't this one doesn't this one doesn't this one doesn't this one does lanyard holes are like they they're there some people are really bothered by them Nick shabaz is really bothered by lanyard holes but they don't they don't bother me I don't feel I don't feel inclined to use one you're not wasting your knife's potential if you don't use a lanyard hole okay professional freehand sharpen here so giving solid advice hey thanks EDC and Lace I love it when real people like excuse me I love it when professionals join us in here and make sure we're all good mind newbie knife mistake not reading the not not reading the size of the knife instead of just looking at the picture o that's a good one so the sevv elementum is very popular and some people like I want a mini elementum and they made one and I'll tell you the mini elementum is Tiny is keychain sized it's not like 85% it's like 50% of an elementum so make sure you're watching those sizes and it's a good idea to know like what your glove size is and what that'll usually work with I wear a medium or a large sized glove and generally a 4-in handle works really well for me we have the handle length denoted on all of the knives at so make sure you kind of know what handle size your hand likes and then double check that I like the length of the blade I can take reli but I need a handle that my hand can fit on let's see I bought a Damascus carbon s shirro from you guys why are they so cheap I feel like such a nice knife I'll tell you we're going to talk about this in the video next week a huge mistake you can make is thinking that all the ways cheap equals bad or inexpensive equals cheap I should say now there's never been a better time than 2024 to buy a knife under $50 the world is big and full of awesome stuff all right um anyway we've been going at this for like 35 minutes and I told I was to keep it under 20 but thank you all so much for contributing to this and for giving us beginner knife mistakes both in the comments here and in that post earlier knives are a fun lifelong journey I am very happy to be on it and I'm very grateful for the huge Community out there helping us but all of us were beginners at some point all of us have made silly mistakes so I will invite each of you in the ways you speak to people on the internet about knives if you have that experience share it kindly don't belittle the newbies let's not gatekeep anybody let's make sure this is a welcoming Community for everybody so that we can get more knives in more pockets and make the world a better place anyway thank you so much for joining us we have a video coming out on Monday we're doing a live and a giveaway that day for new knives and then on Friday of next week we have that best knives under $50 and after that we've got our grand opening stuff we're going to cover some of that May 11th if you're near Utah noon mountain standard time we're doing a grand opening here at our storefront I'll be there we'll doing some knife Jeopardy doing some giveaways have free food it'll be a lot of fun anyway thank you all for joining us subscribe to Blade HQ for more knife content we'll see see you next time
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 12,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, BladeHQ, Knife Show, Sharp, Knives, Knife, Pocket Knife, Knife Life, Cut Anything, EDC, Everyday Carry, pocket knives, Best Knives, Best Pocket Knives, knife sharpening, Knife tools, Survival Knives, Bushcraft Knives, Pocket Knives
Id: 152yAE-JiC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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