Beginner Keyboard Shortcuts for editing the Timeline - DaVinci Resolve 15 - 5 Minute Friday #9

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my keyboard is my best friend and hopefully after this video yours will be too because in this five minute Friday we're going to cover some of my favorite Timeline shortcuts now I've quite quite a lot to get through so I'm gonna be talking quite quick in this one obviously you can pause at any moment and I'll make sure to include all the shortcuts in the description below [Music] so let's get the ball rolling with a couple of classics the first one is ctrl + s to save your current project learn this one remember it get into a habit of doing it and it can save you an awful lot of time if the Vinci resolve decides to crash the next one ctrl + Z for undo if you've made any changes to anything on your timeline ctrl + Z will undo any changes you've made if you've made any cuts if you're free side if you slow things down ctrl + Z to undo you can do this numerous times to go back numerous steps next one your spacebar here deadly Z hit space to play hits it again to pause play and pause really nice way of just reviewing through your timeline at the source or an alternative if you hit out and ok if I hit play now now if I hit the spacebar it will not just pause but it will go back to the point where I hit Alt + K now you can also do this by right clicking on the stop burn and selecting or deselecting this stop and go to last position next we have the left and right arrow keys we can tap them to move forwards with the right arrow key and backwards with the left arrow key one frame at a time if we hold the arrow keys we can play through in real-time if you need some granular control but don't want frame-by-frame if we hold the shift key and use the left and right arrow keys you can go forwards and backwards one second next is ctrl + b to slice or to cut you can move your playhead wherever you need to make a cut ctrl + b to slice that to clip into two separate clips once you've sliced eclipse you probably want to delete them now there are two types of delete there's a regular delete using the backspace and there's a ripple deletes using the delete key a regular delete will delete the clip from the timeline but leave the space where it is by undo with control reserve to get that back if I press delete it will not only delete the clip from the timeline but it would also move everything to the left to fill in the space both have their uses learn them both next we have the J K and L keys L will play your clip forward in real time okay we'll stop it and J will play backwards in real time if I hit our again here to play and then press it again will increase the speed again to increase the speed again and so on okay to stop J works in the same way but going backwards if I hold K and then hold out at the same time I can play my clip in slow motion if I do the same thing with K and J I can play backwards in slow-motion as soon as I let go the clip will stop next we have the linked selection this is with the ctrl shift and out and it will turn on and off this icon here which as I say is your link selection now what this means is if I click on this video here on my timeline only this video will be selected and not the associated audio with that turned on if I click this FLIR both are selected with that turned off just one are we selected handy way to delete audio from a clip without actually removing the video itself next we have the N key for snapping which turns this icon on and off here which is your magnet this one is really useful if you're trying to do granular control so by default when you get close to another clip resolve or snap it into place now that's fine and let's try to make some really finite changes so if we turn that off weaken you can see it doesn't snap and we have much greater control over the start and finish time of that clip if you're doing that and you need to be very accurate indeed highlight the clip on your timeline and then you can use the comma and the full stop or the less than and the greater than symbols you can tap these to move your selected clip on the timeline for words or backwards by a single frame really nice way of making sure those cuts are super precise talking of the timeline we can use ctrl + + to zoom in ctrl + minus to zoom out and to resize the timeline to fit the screen we can do Shift + Zetas last but not least we have the M key to add markers then you can either add markers to the timeline as shown here or if you highlight the clip you can then out a marker to the clip these can be used as a really nice way to mark out important parts of your clip which you may need to revisit later you can then use Shift + the up and down arrow keys to scroll through all the markers on the timeline also don't forget you can customize all of your keyboard shortcuts by going to DaVinci Resolve and then keyboard customization or simply clicking ctrl Alt + Cadi and that's it I hope that was useful don't get me wrong there are loads more keyboard shortcuts out there this is just a brief list of some of my favorites which are used very often in DaVinci Resolve please do give it a like if it was useful to you pop a comment below if you've got any questions or feedback and if you're new around here don't forget to hit that subscribe button that's it for this week I will see you next week for another five minute Friday cheers guys [Music] you
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 47,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, how to color grade videos, keyboard shortcuts, resolve 14, edit faster, tips for editing, editing shortcuts, davinci resolve shortcuts, resolve shortcuts, tutorial, basic, editing, resolve, drone, video, beginner, how to edit video, how to use davinci resolve, davinci resolve 15, davinci resolve, davinci, how to edit in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, learn davinci resolve, davinci resolve 14, video editing, video editing software
Id: iPVMehxvcWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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