Beginner Exercises | Part 13 | Hard Surface Modelling | Space Ship | Blender 2.8

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hello and welcome to gaba media I'm grant Abbott and today we are making some strange I don't even know what we're making but basically improving our hard surface modeling skills by using the mirror modifier the subdivision surface modifier loop cuts extrude and the knife tool we'll be using those five different tools and just create some crazy fun stuff this is all part of the get good at blender series and this episode is to try and get you more confident about using the tools and experimenting and just generally having fun creating amazing looking things and the idea behind this is to gain confidence in just adding extruding and cutting up your shapes in different ways it's meant for you to really experiment test things out get things wrong mess things up so that you can see the effects that distorting your mesh in this way actually has so we're not looking for good topology we're just looking for experimentation so we'll explain more we'll delete the default cube and I'll start with a plane and it's good idea to start off with the mirror modifier so I press n to go to my tools along to edit and auto mirror I like using the autumn err it's nice and easy if you haven't got that go to edit preferences add-ons type in Auto and you'll get the auto mirror tool and ticket you'll get this under the Edit menu and you can press Auto mirror with the x-axis enabled so it cuts at mirrors and sets for clipping if we go to the modifier now you can see there's the clipping and if we go to the object and go into edit mode face mode you can see it's cut in half okay so what I'm going to do now is I'll do a couple of luke cuts down the middle so control our for loop cut and I'll do a couple of loop cuts that way in h mode with two I can just select this edge loop with alt left click and extrude it down and maybe I'm over here and then down over here not sure what I'm making yet it's a surprise grab these two shift left click this one e to extrude and pull that down and maybe go inwards slightly here so it looks like it might be a spaceship and maybe following that spaceship theme e to extrude and pulling these ones down here so I'm not really thinking people are gonna follow along with me but just get the idea of what I'm doing and do something similar so now I think it's time to turn on the subdivision surface modifier so let's go across the add modifier here and down to the subdivision surface modifier I'll minimize the mirror for the moment and I'll put this viewport up to 3 I'll go into object mode and you can see the subdivisions there and if I right-click shade smooth it looks nice and clean and it is looking quite spaceship he isn't it so we'll keep going along that thing I think it needs some sort of thing at the front here so I'll select these two faces this time now generally you could extrude and pull them backwards which is fine but in this case generally speaking it's good to inset first pull that in and down in the menu here make sure that boundaries is not ticked so it goes across the middle and then we can extrude and that way we actually get a sort of inset loop here that will help us out if we ever want to sharpen this up so I could press ctrl R for example and add another loop cut in there I don't want to get to that detail yet just having a bit of fun creating the shapes don't worry if that doesn't really make sense just have a go and see how you get on and it's good idea to get a shapely you like before you start doing too many details like this so I'll grab these two edges at the end here extrude and pull them inwards maybe this foot here GG to edge slide that up and I just going to round this face out maybe a loop cut down here as well G to grab and pull that out so I'm just making a sort of interesting with spaceship shape I could cap the end I can take this edge and extrude it in and then click on this edge and press F to fill but maybe that hole is pretty cool so I'll out left-click and scale that up a bit select this one GG to edge slide and then with these three I'll eat to extrude and pull in some sort of hole I've got it in a weird angle there so already we're getting a sort of spaceship shape on me perhaps I'll extrude this down and create some sort of exhaust port to the back here clippings turned on so they stuck together of course and then I'll select this edge loop here e to extrude and skeleton and e to extrude and pull it in the y axis so it goes inwards like this and it creates sort of big interesting exhaust port type thing there so we're sort of getting this strange spaceship thing I feel that maybe these edges can go back so G and then pull them backwards and it's got an interesting look like that and I'll select the bottom edge loop coming around to the edge here e to extrude and pull that downwards now I'm starting to get an idea that I'm liking the spaceship thing and maybe these ones here e to extrude and pull those downwards so I can constrain to the z axis of course by pressing Zed and this is where you've got to decide what you're going to do with this sort of shape and I'm just going to fill these in to make it nice and simple so press F to fill yes it's a triangle don't panic you can have triangles like this we can always tidy them up later if we want to just experiment with the shapes and have some fun so at the end here I can press e to extrude and then fill these in so select the top one here F to fill an F to fill and we created that sort of shape there I feel that maybe this needs to go in more here and in maybe more here just messing about with the shape and having some fun okay so we're getting the shape that we like just keep playing around until you're happy with that don't worry that some faces aren't filled in yet we'll come to those later I feel like this edge loop across here needs to come up a bit doesn't it and maybe these ones need to go down a bit okay so it's looking pretty fun I mean you can tinker for hours doing this sort of thing and have loads of fun I'm just gonna extrude this one down then extrude it across and pull it in there we've got the strange hole here but that doesn't matter maybe that's some sort of Inlet thing so I'll select the edges are here e to extrude pull them out that way is sometimes tricky to know which direction you're getting in so just move around your shape and make sure it's all making sense something like that and extrude it back again I've done the same thing I should have extruded it from here but I think we're all right it's looking pretty interesting maybe this bit coming back in here Luke cut around here to eat the crab and I'm not really worrying about the topology as you can tell just getting some shapes okay so got a odd shape that kind of like gonna fill a few areas in and just select edges fill them in and this one probably needs a couple of lute cuts so it can line up with this one you see at the end there it's got three faces at the end for the two two loop cuts there and I can just come across press F to fill a bit of a stretch there so it's got a cut in there so I'll do one loop cut in there and then I can select that end face there and press F to fail after fail now that's a bit of a mess that bit I might have to turn the on cage option on there oh it's not actually that much of a mess but I can get that vert and then pull it in to sort of even it out if I need to yep loads of pinching going on there we don't have to worry about that yet so just extruding out and in as I see fit so here I've got too many loops for that one so I can always go to that edge and press control X and then select these two F to fill and then a Patrol are to do Luke up there now I can fill this button so F then F we got this strange fun looking spaceship right now let's start doing some weird details so let's select these two I to insert e to extrude and we've got some strange weird exhaust port there I'll press ctrl+ to slip the rest of those and just scale it in the Z a bit flatten it out like that looks a bit strange at the moment so we might need to select these scale them in the X bring them out of it occasion you'll need to turn the on cage off so you can see roughly what's going on pretty tricky to see in this case though and you might want to adapt your shape as you see fit you can always go across the wife what's going on and that one's clipped together by accident that one there is it clipped together yep so I might just have to turn clipping off on the mirror and pull it back out because I didn't want that so if your vertices get stuck together in the middle you just turn clipping off move them apart turn clipping back on again you're fine strange exhaust port thing I'll do another loop cut in here bring it up here and I've overlapped with this so just back to wireframe and you can start putting these out this one it becomes a bit more tricky and remember to keep using the on cage options to see where your topologies going again I'm not worried too much about the topology I'm just having a bit of fun it's all about experimentation all about seeing what happens when you add weird topology in different places and what effects that's going to have to your model okay we can go really crazy with the knife tool now so let's cut some holes in here like that then go to face mode inset that and extrude it down and we can get some strange shapes like this maybe I want to sharpen the edges up here do a loop cut down there and knife tool in here oh that went wrong though knife tool in here cut that across there so it's a bit sharper in there so think about your proximity loops and it's all a bit messy in here so we might just need to even some of these out so let's have a look at our topology it's a bit close to each other so it made it really sharp I'll just select these two Gigi to edge slide and these two Gigi to a slide there we go knife tool again I can press if I want to start somewhere else with a knife tool maybe coming in like this don't know why something like that looks a bit strange again let's go to face mode in set e to extrude and the topology is awful here so we'll turn off on cage and try and sort it out slightly and I can turn the subdivision surface modifier off completely if I need to sort anything out quite majorly so it's sort of working but I just need to smarten up a bit so I can use the knife tool again let's just go to there for now and this one can go down to here so this is the challenge to try and sort out your topology a little bit just so it's close to working or just about works that's fine most of the time if you've got fairly even faces and quads or triangles it will manage to sort it out and figure things out for you I'll select these to grab them this way and Kay I'm going to another one here and move it all the way denser here press Enter something's gone wrong there so sometimes the knife tool doesn't quite do as you'd hoped try that again and it's a bit happier now so yep we've got some triangles we got some n-gons we can experiment with fixing those we can leave them as they are just see what works see what doesn't use this as a learning opportunity okay so we'll see what that looks like with the subdivision surface modifier back not too bad we just need to sort it out in here just press ENTER there for now and up top here and we've got this odd shape at the front here we've got lots pinching going on and things but we'll sort that out later as we go through and as we figure out what we're going to do with our shape still got a big area at the bottom here so maybe I'll go into edge mode select all those edges extrude them inwards and scale and then extrude them outwards this way and I just keep extruding seeing what that's looking like maybe some sort of wasp type scenario so it's gonna eat to extrude down here and then I'll just need to line them up a little bit more so you can use snapping here up the top here with the magnet to go to vertex mode and you can snap to vertex and just make sure the magnets at sea on and choose vertices if I grab in the Y I can then line these up with other vertices so G then Y and snap to that one it's in line with the Y select these two G then Y line them up with that one so shift tab to turn snapping on and off shift tab and if I press G shift X it won't move in the X but it will line it up with those ones so I'll select these three G shift X and line them up with that one and G then said G acts and lined it up with that one and G there's it sound snapping off with the shift tab G then why shift tab key then Y and now they're all nice in line select these edges e to extrude maybe scale them in maybe grabbing the X oh I've got snapping on still grabbing the X e to extrude and made them up to here it's that strange sort of wasp type creature I've accidentally done the clipping thing again I just watch out for that you maybe the loop cut down here in maybe move it up this way kind of fun you cut up here maybe maybe that make that a bit sharper maybe some interesting details under here he's the knife tool II to add a new one put that in there three to get face mode e to extrude pull that inwards actually what am i doing I to inset first they need to extrude pull that inwards and it's creating quite a fun shape now now I can start thinking maybe about the topology and about smartening few of these things up or maybe not it's a learning experience so see how you get on well it's not absolutely awful if I get to edge mode I can delete one here for example with control X and that becomes a quad we could do with a quad in here but I could create some strange shapes with quads so come this way and then press E and then come out this way I'll put a triangle in here for now just so it's martens everything up a bit and I'll select that edge there and extrude it so we've got something interesting happening there it's all a bit untidy around here I'll go to the on cage option it's probably easier without subdivision surface modifier on just to see what the topology is doing ctrl R 1 and select those two J to join there's this thing here which is not looking so great you could always cut down here and it might be useful to have some more topology going this way Division surface modifier back on to see what's happening we can always add edge loops as well with control our the Titan area is up but once you start doing that you do have to think about the amount of topology you're adding and just try not to overdo it so you end up with too many faces to edit with bits like this it can be quite fun to select some edge loops and shift D to duplicate I'll just scale them down a touch and then I'll extrude them out in the Y and scaling the y 0 so they flatten out and I can press L over this two linked selection and P to separate the selection out out of edit mode into object mode select the other one and move that about into edit mode with that one and we can start filling the shape in looks like it's got some strange ton of moment but then we can adapt this shape you and some things might work some things might not if they don't work you just delete them you can bridge some Ed's loops as well control e bridge s groups join things together and like this who want to sharpen some edges up then just do some cuts to start off with see how it works and again think about the topology afterwards just experiment get used to the tools have some fun I'm just starting time lapse at this point because I'm doing much the same sort of thing here I'm experimenting with loot cuts to sharpen things up if there's a blank area that I don't like I'll fill it in with some cuts and see how I get on making some interesting shapes you so there you can see me using the bevel just to tighten things up and see what it looks like with a sharper curve down the end there so here you can see something that's not going to work very easily because I haven't got any supporting loops you can start to add them just be a bit careful not to add too much topology but again don't worry too much about it just have some fun you so let's say on the back here I can select these faces here shift each duplicate and scale them in a bit create another shape coming out the back so p2 separate my selection into object mode select that new object into edit mode and into edge mode select these scale Y 0 and G then Y to move them backwards maybe extrude them and scale inwards student scaling once again and extrude and pull backwards in the Y I'll just fill that face at the end I know it's gonna be a mess but I can do a little cut down there and hide it a bit the reasoning behind this is to try and experiment and understand what happens when you mess up different shapes the pinching you might get when verts and edges are close together what triangles do what handguns do and by making weird odd shapes and spaceships like this you can have fun whilst doing it you so here for example is all this stretching it looks dreadful so let's see if we can sort it out you so figuring out how to get rid of some of these bum lumps it's all part of the fun really and it's all part of the learning process so you can see the topologies horrendous around here but how do I sort it out that's where you really start learning and if it all goes wrong select some faces and this actually around here as well press delete faces and fill them all in again in fact I think we can get some really interesting stuff working from this shape you so lots playing around and could spend hours and hours going into even more detail going closer in sharpening up some lines but hopefully you can see the idea behind all this the experimentation aspect the learning aspect and you can come out with some really fun weird results so hopefully this is useful to you thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 44,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, graphics, game, guide, easy, how to, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender 3d, 3d modeling, simple, create, model, beginner, starting out, grant abbitt, blender beginner, blender (software), blender low poly, subdivision surface modifier, loop tools, bevel, modelling techniques, blender 2.8 modeling tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.8 modeling, edge flow, topology, hard surface modeling, mean crease, hard surface
Id: AEMWIga-Bo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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