Before & After Pics // ViewFinder // Ps Jonathan Lambert

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[Music] so [Music] i was thinking this week about all the different things that take confidence you know this is a verse that we have uh we've been reading in church and it's one that we've memorized with our kids at home and so they're saying it every day and they're you know so so it's it's on the radar and so confidence has been a topic of conversation and i was just running through like okay what are what are some things that require a great deal of confidence and i landed on what i think is maybe the thing like the single most i mean you've got to be so confident to do this one thing okay like this is i i mean i'm i know that i'm setting it up here and you might be like oh that's not really it doesn't take that much confidence no no wait for it if you are the type of confident strong i mean if you're the type of person that can post a before physical goal pick and like an after pick if you can post a before pick on your social media that's confidence that's that is confidence that exceeds supersedes any level of confidence that i've ever had in my life now the catch is you can post the before ones because you probably have an after one like if you have an after pick it feels good to post the before pick but man it takes a lot of guts to throw that out there on social media you are throwing that before picture of yourself onto like you're throwing it out there into the world wide web onto a platform where people can look at you and they could they could screen capture they could screenshot it if they wanted to they could have your before pick forever as blackmail to hold over your head and to manipulate you emotionally i mean they could do a lot of things and i just there's something about it and and and i i was having this thought and i'm like man like what are the who are the people that do that oh it's the really it's the people who are really good looking now that's the people who post their before picks and their after pics and i got to looking so natasha and i uh we did a deep dive last night into our old um our old accounts uh they exist and you know what's real depressing not one after pick not one i've got i went back and listen you'll never be able to find me because i used a different email and it's not my real name and whatever uh but i went back and i got like i got a before pick from 2013. i got a before pick from 2014 like every january there's a new before pick and a new fitness goal and somewhere around 2016 i just gave up i was like you know what this is just me it's just who it is it's crazy though because i'm looking at the pictures last night i'm like man that guy in 2013 looked pretty good like i would that 2013 before pick would be an after pick today for sure for sure so i've got i've got the before picks down like i i know how to take a good before pick a couple of keys to great before pick um you're bloated okay so have a lot to drink before the before pick you got to do that you want to get in front of the mirror end of the day so you got that end of the day weight everything's sagging because you've been up for a few hours okay um you don't you want the lights to be real bright you don't need help from the shadows the shadows are like are you keep the lights low when you're trying to get that after pick and you're getting the shadows working for you not the before pick man you're trying to you're trying to magnify the muffin top in the before pick so you get it you get those bright lights you're in the bathroom you always do the before pick in the bathroom because the lighting is the worst you you i look great everywhere but my bathroom and so that's where you get in front of the mirror you take the shot you're pasty you're white you like you know guts out butts out you're trying to get both happening you just look real tired like and you get so you get the four i'm so good at before picks i have a whole account full of before picks now what's what's depressing is when you accidentally married into a very fit family okay i didn't know i didn't know this is what i signed up for turns out like this is honestly guys i'm reliving this all real time because as i was looking back in our in my before picks on my account last night who pops up but my in-laws okay and so i see that natasha's brother and sister-in-law they're the ones that won like the 25 or the 250 000 prize for like having the best transformation in their bodies and all of their picks are showing up because they're my friend on bodybuild they're my only friend but they're there on body and i can see all the after pics do you know how discouraging it is to be like i'm married to someone that i thought was just like love me for me but no uh she over the course of the years there'd be moments where she would be showing me her own family's after pics saying things like oh if he can do it you can do it no i can't do it i'm not a freak like that i don't have that discipline it's crazy and so it's it's this tension right because i've got goals and i got dreams and i want i want to get there but but there's something about seeing someone's after pick that now the beautiful part about knowing them and them being families you can actually go to them say okay listen i don't don't show me your abs again but just tell me how did you get them okay i need to know walk me through the process where did they come from does everybody have those is that is that something like is that is that plastic surgery i don't know did you have something sucked and talked i don't know um and so you can you can go back and you can actually ask for the details i need to know how you got there see it's not it takes a lot of confidence to post an after pick what i want to know is how did you get to those results how do you produce those types of results and this this verse that i read these couple verses from the book of james is almost like the instagram after pick of elijah's faith it's like his spiritual six-pack if there was hashtags under the image from james chapter five it would be like hallowed be thy gains okay that's that's elijah's there he's got the six-pack it'd be like hashtag swole soul like it's all he's there he's buff this is his after pick okay and and james is writing to the 12 tribes jewish christians scattered across the roman empire under heavy persecution in adverse situations their faith is being tested by fire and and james just says hey don't worry guys you can do it elijah was a human just like us and he prayed and stopped the weather systems and then he prayed and the rain started again look at his great faith now if i'm that audience it's it would feel the same to me as my wife showing me somebody else's after pick saying you can do it really i can now see i need to know what elijah looked like not just when he said i want the rain to stop and i want the rain to start what did he look like while he was waiting for the rain what does it look like to to know that you'll see the goodness of the lord but i don't see it yet and how do you stay confident when you're not seeing the results how do you say confident when you've got unanswered prayers how do you stay confident when you've got dreams that you've dreamt but they haven't come to fruition i don't know where everybody's at today but i know this i don't want to have faith that's full of before pics and isn't showing off some after pics of what god has done i don't i don't want to just have like faith to say man i'm praying for breakthrough i want you to be able to look at my life and be like wow that's what breakthrough looks like i want to see the after i want to see the goodness of god i want to see the freedom i want to see the deliverance i want to see the signs and wonders in our church i don't want to just have a revival week and pray for revival i want to see it i don't want to get to next september and have another run of revival services and be able to hold them in this building in the same way we just did that's not an after pick i want to see results to my faith how do you have faith that produces results so instead of getting discouraged by somebody like elijah who can control weather systems with a prayer we can actually look back in the book of first kings and see how he was confident while he waited for the answer how was he confident the back story on elijah is that he was a prophet in israel under the reign of king ahab and queen jezebel and the people rebelled against the lord they rejected god they pushed him away they would not worship god they wanted to do their own thing they got lured away by false idols so elijah approached the king one day and just prophesied that it was going to stop raining and it did just like that the water stopped flowing no dew no rain not a drop for three and a half years and when we pick up the story of elijah in first kings chapter 18 now that three and a half years have gone by the people are desperate for something to change drought has taken its toll drought leads to famine famine leads to starvation starvation leads to death and the thing with it doesn't really matter how rich you are how poor you are or how young you were how old you were when the drought came it hit everybody kind of kind of like a pandemic it just hits everybody it hits a little different but it hits everybody and they're desperate for something to change and i felt as i was prepping for this week and i was as i was praying today i felt like god i am desperate for something to change god i'm desperate for rain god i'm desperate for us not to be living in this spiritually dry environment i'm desperate for us not to be overwhelmed by everything that's going on but i want to be overcome by a supernatural move of the holy spirit god we're desperate for something to change and it says in first kings chapter 18 verse 1 that later on in the third year of the drought the lord said to elijah go and present yourself to king ahab tell him that it will soon that i will soon send the rain later on like i said it's been three years what has elijah been doing since the moment when he prophesied that the rain would stop in this moment well he's he's been running for his life as you can imagine king ahab was pretty upset pretty mad that he had made this prophecy this was not good for the kingdom it was not good for the people and so since the water was turned off he's been hiding out god took care of him god was was using ravens to feed him while he was camping out by a little ravine and then the ravine dries up and then he goes to a widow's house and and she makes him some food a couple moments in his life but three and a half years have passed of elijah hiding from king ahab who wanted to kill him yet the lord says go and present yourself to king ahab tell him that i will soon send rain he hasn't sent rain i wouldn't want to go to king ahab until i had until the rain had already come i wouldn't want to go to king ahab with he's been hunting him down and now he's going to show himself to the king and nothing in the situation has changed yet that's risky that's you see i would rather wait and go to the king after the rain had come see i told you no no no no see he's he's confident he goes to the king before he sees the rain so how how does it how do we stay confident while we're waiting for the rain first thing is that elijah had a promise he had a promise god had said it said the lord said to elijah tell him that i will soon send rain listen if we're going to see the goodness of god if we're going to see the after pics to our faith if we're going to see the transformation of not just believing for god but seeing god come through then we need to know what he said i don't mean to oversimplify things here but we cannot underestimate the power of those three words the lord said the lord said why is it that we so naturally gravitate to what everybody else says why is it that when when i don't know what to do i'm i'm quicker to download a new book on my ibooks than i am to open the bible for answers why is it that i'm so quick to look to a podcast or a vlog or an article or social media for guidance before i step into god's word and see what the lord said why do we complicate things by exposing ourselves to everyone's opinion and ideology and perspective and idea before we go to god's word i'm just trying i'm desperate for things to change and so i'm trying to care less about what anybody else says or what anybody else thinks and just focus in on what god's promises are but to get a word from the lord you've got to be in the word of the lord and this is the mistake we make and and i'm not i'm not going to knock prayer in fact i'm going to talk about prayer in just a moment but but there's a lot of us where we just like we just we just pray and wait to hear a word from the lord are we or we think that that just by coming to church and just being on a worship service we're going to hear a word from the lord are we looking for a word from the lord to show up in some sort of audible form like he's no no no listen he's given us his word right here and and and do you know what happens to me most often when the lord speaks to me it happens in prayer and it happens in worship but he's bringing back to my spirit something that i've read from his word you've got to be in the word so the word can get into you and then god can bring it to your recollection when you need it the most let's not forget how powerful a word from the lord is somebody just needs to be reminded today you got to stop looking stop searching stop asking stop scrolling stop listening to the podcast you got to get back into the word of god i'm telling you there are solutions for your marriage in here there are solutions for your your your personal freedom journey in here you can learn how to get free from addiction and bondage and shame and guilt and condemnation in here you can unlock the secret to business in this book we've got to get in the word of god how powerful is his word the lord said let there be light he didn't do anything he just said something and light showed up it's crazy think about how hard it is for us to create anything you know who's not creative this guy but god speaks and sky just shows up he says one word and hangs the solar systems and every star every galaxy hangs the moon and all the planets on their axis one word the lord said man the lord said one the lord said moment in your life can override a whole lifetime of lies a whole lifetime of arguments a whole lifetime of distraction a whole lifetime of people saying they don't believe in you a whole lot one moment one word from the lord man we we can be confident right now while we wait for the miracle because we have a promise some of the promises that we need to be we need to grab hold of god hears your cry do you know that that's a promise so when you're praying and nothing's changing and you don't see anything different and you've prayed already and you're praying again you're praying again listen god hears your cry psalm 10 17 you lord hear the desire of the afflicted you encourage them and you listen to their cry it's a promise you can hang on to that promise god is compassionate it's a promise psalm 116 verse 5 and 6 the lord is gracious and righteous our god is full of compassion the lord protects the unwary when i was brought low he saved me god comforts us it's a promise john 14 16 and i will pray to the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever god is faithful god is faithful it's guys it's a promise psalm 9 verse 10 those who know your name trust in you for you lord have never forsaken those who seek you god does good it's a promise we've been saying it over and over again that we will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living he guides us listen if you need direction if you're not sure of what's next if you don't know which way to go he will guide you it's a promise psalm 32 8 i will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go i will counsel you with my loving eye on you god always loves you it's a promise you cannot escape the love of god psalm 103 17 but the lovingkindness of the lord is is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him he provides for you it's a promise philippians 4 19 and my god will meet all of your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus he heals you it's a promise jeremiah 30 17 for i will restore health to you and your wounds says the lord you're called by god it's a promise isaiah 43 1 fear not for i have redeemed you i have called you by name you are mine he is our refuge psalm 9 verse 9. the lord is our refuge for the oppressed a stronghold in times of trouble i'm not done yet he gives joy it's a promise for the person who's feeling heavy-hearted and overwhelmed psalm 30 verse 5 his anger lasts only a moment but his favor lasts a lifetime weeping may stay for the night but rejoicing comes in the morning promises promises man we can be confident right now because we have a promise and then you jump from first kings chapter 18 verse one where elijah gets this promise you jump all the way over to verse 41 still no rain but elijah said to king ahab go eat and drink for there's the sound of a heavy rain go eat and drink for there's a sound of heaven it's an interesting thing for him to say because there isn't any rain the skies are clear not a drop of water has fallen in three and a half years but elijah says hey there's the sound of heavy rain why because it's not enough just to read the promise you have to receive the promise and when you start to receive the promise of god in your life hebrews 10 23 says let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm for god can be trusted to keep his promise see here's what happens when you start to receive the promise of god in your life it will start to produce results on the inside before you see results on the outside it'll start to change you on the inside before stuff changes on the outside elijah says i can hear the sound of heavy rain the king james version says i can hear an abundance of rain i can hear more than enough i can hear god providing beyond what we've even anticipated i can hear god doing things we haven't even prayed for yet i can hear god coming through in ways that we haven't imagined possible i can hear the sound of an abundance of rain but the skies are clear see when you lay hold of a promise something will start to shift in your spirit before it shifts in your situation but you can be confident in that listen a lot of times we start to second guess because we start to believe that something's gonna happen but then when we look and it's not happening we start to we start to downplay what we thought god was showing us in our heart listen you will hear something in your spirit that is different than what you see that's why god can talk to you about greatness at the depths of your weakness that's why god can speak to somebody about success when you're walking through what everyone else would say is a failure that's why god will remind you of the promise of a relationship and a marriage when you are processing the heartache ache of a breakup that's why god will talk to you and remind you of a new thing and you can feel it in your spirit and you can see it like it's going to happen but it's not manifesting in itself around you yet he'll he'll remind you of a new thing when everything still looks the same because you've got it in your spirit that's what confidence does confidence hears that sound confidence is what it feels like to know that i'm going to be healed even when i still have the issue confidence is what it feels like to know that someday my kids are going to be in church with me and god's going to get a hold of their life even though they keep saying no to my invitation you've got that feeling you can hear it you can hear their worship in your spirit you can hear their prayers in your spirit you can hear the testimony in your spirit it gets a hold of you it's got to get in you and then when you can when you can hear the sound of the heavy rain he began to pray so ahab went off to eat and drink but elijah climbed to the top of mount carmel bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees when i got here this morning i tried that pose and i almost couldn't get up that's not that's not this guy but he begins to pray and i want to encourage you when you start to feel something in your spirit that contradicts what's happening outside keep going you have to keep going you can't stop then see too many people stop when we don't see what we feel right you can't stop at that place you don't stop at that moment you don't you don't stop then that's when you sacrifice that's when you go a little bit harder that's when you push a little bit stronger see because if we're going to see the goodness of god then then we have to understand that we're not we can't live like everybody else lives see ahab goes to eat and drink it'd been a long time since they had a party he goes to eat and drink what does elijah do he says no man i got to get back up on the mountain because i can sense something about to happen i can sense something's about to shift i can't do what everybody else is going to do i can't live how everybody else is going to live i can't make the same decisions everybody else is making listen we like can you can you sense that god's doing something in your spirit enough have the promises taken a hold of your life enough that you're willing to sacrifice and do something different than what everybody else is doing elijah does not have time to eat and drink he doesn't have time to go party right now this is too critical the miracle is too close we don't have time to do what everybody else is doing watch what everybody else watches to get caught up in all the same conversations and get divided over all the same stupid secondary issues we can't do what they're doing elijah understands there is a nation that needs rain and if it doesn't rain soon more people will die and more people will struggle and more people will suffer and it's going to take some sacrifice to see the rain because here's the catch god gives the promise and god fulfills the promise but it's our prayer that connects heaven to earth and releases the promises of god elijah understands god made me that promise and i'm going to pray into that promise until it comes to pass oh we can't do what everybody else is doing that's why you're here and not watching football that's why we're taping it taping it who tapes it what is this gonna pull it out of my vcr later what the heck that's why we live different that's why that's why we honor god with our time that's why we honor god with our finances that's why we live with integrity that's why we build prayer into the pattern and habits of our everyday life because we really believe that heaven meets earth when people pray do you know that every time somebody's ever been healed it's because somebody stood in the gap and connected the healing power of heaven to earth do you know that every revival has only ever happened because some people stood in the gap and said we're gonna do what nobody else is doing and we're gonna pray like nobody else is praying and we're gonna believe that heaven will touch earth in our city do you know that all of the 3 000 plus salvations that have happened in this church in the last almost nine years have happened because there are people that intercede and pray and believe that god wanted to get a hold of your life and that you didn't have to stay where you were that he was going to lift you up and give you a second chance everyone and do you know that the goodness of god released in our world is only going to happen when a group of people decides we will stand in the gap we'll be the conduit between heaven and earth guys i still believe that every time we pray heaven invades earth like it did 2000 years ago when jesus showed up and so what do you do while you're waiting for the rain you pray confidence prays first john 5 15 this is the confidence we have in approaching him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us he hears this according to his will so you have to know the promise because when you pray the promise that's what you can pray that's his will you can pray that into happening it's not arrogant it's not cocky it's confident prayer we're praying to see the hand of god move we're praying to see our world change we're praying verse 43 says go look toward the sea he told his servant and he went up and looked so you got um you got elijah doing like the downward dog and he's praying on top of the mountain and he says to the servant i want you to go see if it's raining yet and the servant takes off and and looks it's not raining he comes back and he gives elijah the report elijah there's nothing there so go look again so he takes off again and he goes and looks and at some point you've got to think that the servant's going to feel like i don't know how many times you want to bring bad news back to elijah but he comes back again and says you know what there's nothing there elijah says the third time he says okay well go back and look again okay what are we looking for again like rain okay goes and looks nothing there comes back elijah man i'm really sorry like you you're not even gonna believe this it's so crazy still sunny out still looks real i mean clear skies there's nothing fourth time elijah says that's okay just go look on one hand it sounds kind of insane like why would you keep sending him back to look here's these are the things that are running through my head why would you keep sending him back to look for rain how far is he running because i would assume that if it rains wherever he's running to it's probably going to rain where elijah is too like i just how far did he go it sounds frustrating unless you know something about how prayer works it sounds crazy unless you realize it's just confident it doesn't make sense to keep sending somebody back to look again unless you're so confident that god's working even when you can't see it what if it's not crazy to pray again for a miracle what if it's just confident what if it's not crazy to have another revival week what if it's just confident what if it's not crazy to check up on your kids again to see if they'll come to church what if it's just confident because even though i don't see it yet i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living what if it's not crazy to go back for another checkup it's just confident what if it's just confidence see i don't know how much elijah understood about the weather systems i asked my daughter chloe um because she's smarter than me mr chloe how do how do they make rain i mean okay like guys i kind of know i just i like to get them involved okay she said well dad you know the water evaporates and then the clouds form and then the rain falls and obviously that's a very simplistic version of the water cycle but as as i was thinking this through i thought you know what's so interesting because you don't actually see a see the cloud forming you just see the cloud you never see the process of the cloud forming you just see the cloud and so i know it's going to rain at some point because i understand that the water cycle is never not functioning that the sun is always creating evaporation and there's water always evaporating from the surface gathering in the sky and eventually it'll form a cloud that i can see but just because i can't see the water going from the earth into the sky doesn't mean it's not evaporating it's still moving the sun is still doing its work and i think elijah just had this confidence it's okay look again ah i know you can't see it but the sun is doing his work and every time you pray you might not be able to see what's moving but the sun is doing his work every time you get on your knees again and pray you might not be able to see things change in your family situation but i'm telling you the son is doing his work every time you come faithfully and you worship again i'm telling you the son is doing his work and every time we gather again like this you know what can we see everything that we've got in our hearts to see today no do we see all the dreams for this church fulfilled in this moment no but i trust that every time we gather the son is still doing his work and there's more happening in your situation than what you can see with your own eyes but there's something about confidence that perseveres there's something about confidence that just keeps going and keeps praying listen you never you never get the six pack after the first workout you know how i know because i'm a guy and every guy checks for the six-pack after every workout come on don't pretend it's not true i started doing push-ups a couple weeks ago they're like a big big deal okay hey you know what i'm doing 100 a day leave me alone you might not be able to see the results just yet because the sun is doing his work unfortunately my wife can't see the results yet either but i've been telling her like hey it hurts so bad everything hurts i can barely lift my arms i just it's all it's hurting there's something happening listen i know there's something happening on the inside it's only a matter of time before she's like hey baby it's gonna happen the sun's doing his work you don't quit we persist we persist in faith we're going to persist in prayer we're going to persist in our pursuit of god we're going to persist in our worship we're going to keep going we're going to keep serving i'm so excited for serve saturday we're going to keep serving i'm excited for another legacy season because we're going to keep sacrificing and believing that god is going to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we can ask think or imagine we're going to keep going we're going to keep marching around our city until walls fall and chains break and people are set free we will keep going it's not crazy it's confident because we will see the goodness of the lord and the seventh time the servant reported a cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea what do you do while we're waiting for things to change what do we do while we're waiting for the rain oh man we have confidence in his promises we pray with confidence we persist with confidence a cloud as small as a man's hand so elijah said go and tell ahab hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you oh confidence holds on to promises and confidence prays and confidence persists you know i believe confidence proclaims as well go it's time head down before the rain stops you a prophetic church is a confident church that proclaims the goodness of god even when we can't see it it proclaims that there will be healing in our city it proclaims that there will be unity in our nation it proclaims that god is healing and restoring relationships and marriages it proclaims it says hey everybody it's go time we can't just sit around and wait it's go time that's what a prophetic church does it proclaims that god is doing something new it's go time it's go time it's september 2021 it's go time for experienced search it's we have to get in position and get ready now that's so much of what's happening through this series and over these next few weeks how does the church need to get in position for all that god is getting ready to do it's go time and as soon as the sky was and soon sorry verse 45 from the new living translation the sky was black with clouds a heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm and ahab left quickly for jezreel and soon this is a word for the church soon not a long way off not a couple years from now now we need to get ready now because soon ah something shifts now this i this is the last thought i have for the day he says the sky was black with clouds sky was black do you know do you know what i normally feel when i wake up and i look outside and the sky sky's black it's normally disheartening isn't it it's like oh man it's so dark normally even throughout scripture darkness is discouraging darkness it's confusing it's it's when things are the toughest when things are the hardest but what if what if a confident person saw darkness as a good thing what if we could be so confident that we were going to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living that darkness didn't intimidate us what if we're so confident in god's ability to penetrate darkness and do something amazing that that darkness actually gave us confidence that a miracle was close see when the sky grew dark it was just a sign that the rain was coming remember in genesis that the earth was formless and empty and dark and the darkness hovered over the deep but then god began to create something out of nothing what if a dark season is just a reminder that god is getting ready to create something out of nothing what about john chapter 20 where after the third day while it was still dark mary magdalene approached the tomb it turns out jesus had been doing his best work in the dark what if the darkness and the world around us is just a blank canvas an unlimited possibility for a limitless god what if the darkness of the moment in history we live in right now is an encouragement to those with confidence that god is getting ready to do his very best god is getting ready to show up in ways we've never imagined or thought possible god is getting ready to break through and it says in verse 46 the power of the lord came upon elijah come on i believe that right here in this season the power of the lord is coming on his church in ways that we've never thought possible getting ready to do things we didn't even have the audacity to pray for but we're gonna see it because the goodness of the lord is showing up in the land of the living i'd like you to stand with me we're going to pray we're going to pray and i want to pray specifically for somebody who's coming through a difficult season you've been a little overwhelmed maybe you've been feeling like the people in israel were that man is it not over yet are we still here are we still in this are we still struggling is my prayer still not answered listen you can be confident even in that place confident in god's promise confident in your prayer confident in your persistence and confident that the power of the lord is going to be on you come on let's lift our hands together and and pray jesus we thank you right now that all across the room god you are encouraging us god we can be confident that we will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living i don't know every situation i don't understand every circumstance but i know god that you want us to be confident while we wait for the breakthrough confident while we wait for the miracle confident what we wait for you to do what only you can do so god would you just lift discouragement off of our shoulders god lift discouragement the weight off of our emotions and our minds today god that we would have faith again to believe that you can do what only you can do in jesus name god thank you in advance god we proclaim miracles god we we we prophesy wholeness and freedom and joy and hope and healing and salvation and transformation god we are ready to see the after pics of our faith in jesus name keep your heads bowed and your eyes closed just for a moment there's somebody here today and you've never made the decision to trust jesus with your life i want to just give you that opportunity you've been doing life on your own and i believe god brought you here into this room in this moment right here so that you could just have a humble a humble admission that god i need you jesus i need you and so i'm gonna count to three and if that's you you know that you need jesus it's time to trust him with your future when i hit three i just want you to slip your hand up real quick and all you're doing is saying i can't do this on my own and then i'm gonna pray with you that's it if that's you you believe that jesus has a hope and a future for you you lift your hand up on three we're gonna trust him with your life here we go one two that's you in the room three go ahead slip your hand up amazing thank you very much thank you very much thank you in the room online if you're making that decision today we're with you i'm just gonna invite everybody who raised a hand or made that decision in your heart would you repeat this very simple prayer with me ec let's pray it together say jesus i need you in my life i can't do it on my own i trust you with my future in your name amen [Music] you
Channel: Experience Church
Views: 105
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mxjwUz1xu-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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