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[Music] so [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hmm [Music] wow [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well welcome everybody we're so glad that you're here today it is a great day to be in church if you're tuning in online we welcome you come on would you stand your feet all across this place come on let's i was worship for something something i knew was there but couldn't see i remember the moment when the one i was searching for [Music] jesus you're [Music] i need your love i need your love i don't want anything else [Music] i need [Music] [Music] i won't take you for granted [Music] i don't need anything else i need your love i don't want anything else [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right church we're gonna sing the words there's just one thing and when we shout it out i need you to shout one thing right back [Music] one [Music] don't day anything else i need your love i need your love i don't want anything else i need your love [Applause] [Music] i need you [Music] welcome to church thanks for joining us online and in the room today man what an incredible sunday it is i'm so glad to be here will you guys if it's your first time here we want to give you a big welcome so easy would you help us give our first time guests [Music] if it is your first time here there's a connection card in the seat back in front of you fill it out and drop it in the bucket on the way out or you can text hello to the number on the screen we want to get to know you so that's right first i'm jess this is pastor quincy hey nice to meet you nice to meet you man jess yes the weather is so nice it's cute i don't have boots on a winter coat there's no snow i was in a t-shirt yesterday and i did say these words and you may not think i'm canadian because of it but i was like i would be fine with this weather up until christmas eve same same bring it just say it that's how i feel um guys we're we're excited to continue to go into some time of worship today and as we do that this song that we're going to be singing is talking about turning dead things into things that are full of life and so i don't know what your situation is i don't know what you came here today but i know that we serve a god with resurrection power so as we worship let's worship with that in mind come on let's sing together [Music] i search the world [Music] and treasures of faith are never enough you came along [Music] and put me back together and every desire is now satisfied hearing your love come on church help me out sing there's nothing oh there's nothing [Music] nothing is [Music] oh i'm not afraid to show you my weakness [Music] my fears [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there's not a place your mercy grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you turn shame into glory you're the [Applause] [Music] you get beauty [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the only [Applause] me [Music] nothing is [Music] oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you is [Music] you're the only one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the only one [Music] blue [Applause] [Music] oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing [Music] [Music] lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious his face towards you and give you peace [Music] the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious [Music] [Music] come on sing us together [Music] um [Music] [Music] bless you and keep you make his face shine on be gracious [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] is [Music] and your families and your children [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and your children [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and the children [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you [Music] he is for you you know faith has been high this last week it was our vision sunday on sunday last sunday and on our legacy wall out in the foyer we wrote things we were hoping and praying for i will see and then we filled in the blank you know a couple years ago we had a team night here where we rode on the walls before there were seats before there was a stage for there was anything and i wrote salvations for people who have yet to be saved i wrote hopes and dreams that still haven't come to pass but i wrote one thing which is an impossible ask i wrote peace with the father of my children and i just feel like i want to build some faith here today i have peace with the father of my children yes and you know it took me taking a step of faith and writing it down in matthew 7 7 it says ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open i want to encourage you today if you haven't written on the latest on the wall in the foyer what you want and hope to see god do in this next season do it today there are markers out there today will mark a day in your life where you will remember forever just like i remember the wall where i wrote an impossible ask he's a god of the impossible there's a part in that song where it talks about our legacy you see the peace that i have isn't just for me it's for my children and their children and their children he's for you and so i just want to ask you guys today whatever that impossible ask is will you lift that to god today will you raise your hands in an actual tangible stance give it to god just give it to him the lord i just i pray lord as we bring these impossible ass to you lord i pray for the broken families lord would you do the impossible god lord i pray for every sickness lord jesus would you be the god of the impossible and so god as we lift our hands in a tangible way lord asking you lord just looking to you for these answers lord i pray that you would help us to receive and if it's not today lord i pray for the for all the prayers in the future lord jesus would you rise up hope would you rise of faith lord jesus you are for us lord god you are for us amen [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] come on guys let's give a big shout out praise for jesus oh man man [Music] that was i was just lost in the moment there there's something happening in this room and it's just it's it's it's a deep work and in the gods got something that's incredible for you and i just want to know we went we went through the first service and the message is so powerful and i know that we're we're just want to prime the pump here god's just just tune in just tune into what he's doing here today because i don't want you anyone to miss this we're in a season of legacy we're in a season of vision and god is on the move he is on the move man october we're in full swing with october now it's the third of it and it's nice out like we already said but there's a few things one we're doing our revival nights on wednesday nights and we haven't stopped them you know i was saying this to someone earlier you don't want to miss out but if you didn't show up last wednesday night you missed out totally missed it was incredible um it was extended worship you know the band just played for like an hour and a half it was amazing um but i want you to show up this wednesday night 7 p.m this is for the whole family for all of us to come and i believe these moments these are moments that you're going to look back at just like landmark moments where god's doing something there's a stirring happening in this place so make sure you can show up it's not streamed so this is like you just gotta be here you gotta be here seven p.m on wednesday yes you for sure do but also for the ladies in the house for her is coming and today you can register for it mark it in your calendar october 22nd you can go to for and sign up there bring your friends we're just so excited to have some time of fellowship and to dig in deeper together that's right and it's free it's free pq it's free so come on friends fellowship and free free that's the slogan for it right um guys we're just so thankful for your continued generosity as we were able to celebrate last sunday through our legacy and our vision video of all the things that we've done in this last year there's just so many of them if you didn't see it make sure you go and watch it because it's so encouraging but it's because of your continued investment here in this house that's making a real difference if this is your first time here you're just jumping on the feed or you just came in this room today this is our free gift to you there's no pressure but if you call ec your home ask the lord and we know that he'll direct you you can give online at give or there's an envelope in your seat back in front of you it's true well guys you're in for a treat today um before you guys sit down like five or six air for high fives to people you don't know let's try that okay and then draw your attentions to the screen [Music] come on what a good day to be in church uh so glad you're here so glad you're watching with us online can i just ask uh today that we just take a moment um you know at some point new day we're not gonna do it right now let's pray for the blue jays if they win today there's a very great chance that they'll make the playoffs and uh we're excited for that it's very important for our nation um also i had my first fantasy loss last week so it's kind of a bummer so i'm looking for a pick-me-up so if you could just remember me uh when you're praying for your lunch that i'd win today uh that'd be great i should appreciate the support that's stupid don't pray for my fantasy league okay hey we're we're in a series called viewfinder uh we've been reframing and refocusing our lives around what really matters and uh again i'm just so glad you're here today if we've never met my name is jonathan my wife natasha and i are the lead pastors and we we believe that god brought you here on purpose so we can reframe and refocus together and our scripture psalm chapter 27 verse 13. many of you probably have gotten it tattooed already if you want to show us after we'd love to celebrate we could um if you tag the church and a picture of your tattoo we'll put it on our instagram uh psalm 27 13 i remain confident of this that i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living i will see and it's true we will see the goodness of the lord and you know we in our preparation for the fall the plan was that this particular series of talks would be over last week that we were going to end on a high with vision sunday and then you know you get a couple days away from vision sunday and we're prepping for the next thing and it's exciting and really we have some really fun things coming i'm so excited uh for what our next series and then christmas is gonna be great giant we got we got everything planned until easter it's gonna be so good but god just started to to speak to myself and a couple of the others on our team and said hey there are still some people that need to be reminded that they're going to see the goodness of the lord and so i thought you know what we're just going to ride the wave we're going to keep going and we're going to keep believing that we're going to see the goodness of god and so as i've been thinking about that and looking at this verse and studying it even more i've realized there are keys to unlocking the goodness of god one of them is that we have confidence we got to be confident that we're going to see it not in our not confidence in our own abilities our own talents our own power not confidence in the people or the world around us but confidence in a god who still works all things together for the good of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose our confidence is anchored there but but it also it caught my attention that we also need to remain another key to seeing the goodness of the lord is we've got to remain um you got time for definition of course you do uh to remain to be a part not destroyed to be a part not destroyed to be not destroyed you've weathered some things you've been through some stuff you've you've had to endure some difficult times maybe some trials but but you're still standing you're not destroyed that's what it means to remain you remain you have been life has thrown storms at you it's been crazy but you remain you are a part of this family and you have not been destroyed and taken out by what life has thrown your direction and the truth is life life is going to bring storms we get that life brings storms sometimes god sends a storm like he did with jonah sometimes the devil sends a storm you know what i find like 97 of the time the storms are stupidity storms it's my own i created the storm for myself so we're gonna have storms but the key a key to the seeing the goodness of god is that we remain even in the storm and there are components to god's goodness that you only see with longevity there are aspects of his character and his goodness that you'll only ever uncover with commitment there are are parts of his nature that you can only appreciate with time we've got to remain and so last week like the guys were mentioning it was vision sunday and and we talked about being a church that builds that battles and that bonds i thought you know what today we need to make sure that personally as individuals and corporately as a community that we build but not just build we have to build to last we have to build to remain we got to build to endure luke chapter 6 verse 46 jesus speaking it says why do you call me lord lord and not do what i say as for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice i will show you what they're like they're like a man building a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock when a flood came the torrent struck that house but could not shake it because it was well built but the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation the moment the torrent struck that house it collapsed and its destruction was complete i want to draw your attention just back to verse 48 they are like a man building a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock on rock we're going to call this message building from rock bottom building from rock bottom there's some people you've hit rock bottom i'm telling you when you get as low as you think you can go it's not time to give up or quit it's time to build when you get to rock bottom god is getting ready to do his best work in your life we are building from rock bottom let's pray holy spirit would you speak to our hearts today would you help us come closer to jesus to be more like jesus and help our world to see jesus through our lives we ask this in his name amen amen um i'm not uh i'm not much of a builder that's no secret we've talked about that uh thank you uh for your support emotionally um we get it jonathan's not handy uh he watches some youtube videos and tends to make things worse than when they started i like lego i really like lego i like lego when it has instructions i'm not good at freestyling with lego my kids like to freestyle and it freaks me out i don't understand it this week they're getting into lego and there's piles of it on the floor and they're building spaceships and i'm like guys we've got instructions for a good looking spaceship not this piece of junk you've put together why are we why are we ignoring the instructions it's just it's an assault on my senses i like following the instructions and um you know we we made a mistake really early in our marriage well we made a lot of them but we made one uh that really stands out and uh we came home from our honeymoon and as soon as we came home like well we're on the plane flying home from our honeymoon you know natasha's thinking about things that she'd like she's like i think we need some bedroom furniture we need we need some it's we're married now we're grown-ups we need we need some bedroom furniture in our cheap little basement suite so we got like like we got home from our honeymoon and we were raised to superstore do you know superstar used to sell furniture there's a reason they stopped now hey i like i'm all about president's choice i mean i'm i'm into it i'm a big fan of the pc brand uh president's choice home furnishings uh did not have the endurance to remain and uh we got we bought like it was it was it was like clearance it was clearing out because everybody else knew it was crap and sorry it was listen i said worse things putting it together so um everybody else knew it was no good and so it was clearing out we got it at a discount and we get home and i start putting this stuff together and nothing's working like i'm trying to follow the instructions but the pieces don't line up it's going crazy i'm starting to get a little frustrated and so i asked natasha this week i said do you remember like right after our honeymoon me putting together our bedroom furniture she said we almost didn't make it it's like what do you what are you talking about she said no that was this is this is a direct quote i wrote it down the day we got home from our honeymoon and you tried to build furniture was rock bottom it's right there in my notes that's a direct quote she like it's only been up from there that's the good news but she i was like well what do you mean she said well i i was watching you like get angry and and upset at the furniture furniture didn't do anything to you i was watching how you were responding i was watching the anger overtake you and i thought to myself oh my gosh he has anger problems that i didn't know about and yeah it might have gone a little crazy in our basement suite it might have been like five years and the drawers of the dresser were still not improperly and the piece that holds everything in kept falling so you'd put in a piece a pair of socks and they'd fall to the drawer underneath and everything ultimately was just on the floor in a pile but shoved in under the casing of the dresser it was bad it was real bad but but i listen i know i don't like to build things we cheaped out on what we purchased to build and then i decided to build that the day i got home from my honeymoon guys there are better things to do when you're newly married fresh off your honeymoon then build furniture it just wasn't the right time i should have waited we should have saved up like 100 bucks and like bought something from ikea like gone high-end you know we should have really like we should have really just like we're grown now we could have really invested it just wasn't it wasn't the right time it just was not the right time to build um do you ever overthink things there any overthinkers in the room i'm i'm an overthinker um i was doing some overthinking last sunday so as we had this amazing time in church and vision was high and we were excited and i mean i was pumped man i i came into sunday with vision and then after i was talking to all of you after the services i was like man they got more vision than i do i'm so excited the future is so great so i was i was riding the high we could have done we could have done 10 services last sunday i would not have been tired i'm i was i was here for i was pumped but then i get home and i'm laying in my bed sunday night and i'm thinking about it i'm like man that was that was such a compelling vision sunday if i didn't go to experienced church i would go because that sermon he preached last sunday i'd i would sign up for the dream team i'd be seven saving for my legacy offering like i'd be excited and and we're building and we're battling and we're bonding and all these things but then i start second guessing myself i start overthinking it a little bit i'm like oh man did we miss it is it really the right time to build like is right now in our is this the right time to build like right now the world's crazy is this the right time to build like well people seem pretty i got these voices right this one's like is it the right time to build i'm like i don't know then i got the guy on this side he's saying like yeah people seemed excited it was great then the guy on this side's like they were trapped in the room and you were yelling at them they had to cloud you know it's like and there's this dot this internal dialogue is happening and and then i start thinking about some of the situations that that you're living through right now i think oh man i i know that family i know i know they've been so overwhelmed and they've got loved ones in the hospital and is it right to really be saying to them hey guys let's build seems kind of insensitive is it right to be going to the to the mom who's been in a tough situation and say hey come on let's build don't worry let's build what about the the marriages that are struggling and on the rocks is it okay right now to be like hey come on let's just build together and i hey listen there's people in the room and you've been financial struggles because your business has been hit hard and is it the right time to be like hey let's build for some people life is unraveling it is uncertain and it is unsettling and unpredictable and you've got questions without answers and you've got doubts and you've got fears and i started to think man what about the people who are at rock bottom things can't possibly get any worse is it really right that we'd be telling them that like it's time to build and then i had this realization i thought you know what the truth is you're always building you're always building you have you never stop building like each new day builds on the day that came before it each new decision builds on the decision that came before it each one of us right now are the sum total the culmination of decision after decision after decision are your building block after building block after building block like where we are today is a byproduct of the life we've been building for ourselves we're always building like you never stop building and so the story of the two builders isn't like this this build-off between between two guys it's not just one moment in time they're not having a building competition this story is really about me it's about me and the fact that every day i am making decisions to build on sand or to build on stone every day i'm i've got to decide in my family am i building on sand or stone i've got to decide in in in our church are we building on sand or stone i've got to decide in my personal life am i building on sand or stone we are making these decisions every single day we are deciding right now what kind of life we're going to build for tomorrow what kind of legacy we're going to leave what kind of generational impact we're going to have listen not only are all of us building all the time but but you are going to have a generational impact you just have to decide what kind what do you want to lay up for the next generation what kind of legacy do we want to leave what kind of story do we want to write we are actively making those decisions and writing those stories now and so the question isn't is this the right time to build the reality is we are building but are we building right you're building but are you building right am i building in such a way that when the storms come i can remain and are we building something that will stand the test of time are we building something that when the waves when the floods rise and the waves crash and the winds blow that will still be standing and so we go to this text from luke 6 and jesus starts things off by saying why do you call me lord lord and not do what i say now this is this particular text is the very end if you go to matthew's gospel it's the very end of the sermon on the mount if you're in luke's gospel they call it the sermon on the plane probably the same sermon not really important but but it is closing remarks from his most significant message and so think about it i mean jesus is preaching he's preaching good i mean the crowd is hanging on every word this is the this is the conclusion everybody everything's been building to this point the keys are up the mood is set on the mountain side all the heads are bound in the eyes are closed and jesus says why call me lord if you like he drops this bomb why pretend i'm your lord if you won't do what i say like oh man jesus that's a pretty heavy-handed statement and then you to really understand it you got to go back and see like well what does he say that he's asking everybody to do and earlier in the sermon from luke chapter 6 verse 20 it says blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of god blessed are you who hunger now for you will be satisfied blessed are you who weep now for you will laugh blessed are you when men hate you when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the son of man rejoice in that day and leap for joy because great is your reward in heaven well jesus is preaching the crowd that blessings aren't circumstantial it's more about the condition of your heart something on the inside it's about outlook not outcome and then he says in verse 27 i tell you who hear me love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you saying love your enemies and then he says in verse 37 do not judge do not condemn i mean like this is crazy so jesus gets up and says um why would you call me lord if you're not doing what i told you to do and what he told people to do was understand that blessing isn't just external and you got to love your enemies and you can't be full of judgment yikes like how relevant is the bible 2000 years after it was written now i take a little bit of comfort in the fact that jesus has this crowd following him they get to watch him preach in person they can hear the audible sound of his voice i mean they are dialed in they are tuned in they're they're right there they're hearing the best preacher ever preached in person and they still have a hard time believing that their circumstances aren't the most important thing and they still seem to have a struggle with hating people who are mean to them they still seem to be judgmental so i take a little bit of comfort in that but i also take some challenge are we really christians if what happens in culture upsets and uproots our whole belief structure are we really followers of jesus if we can have hatred and animosity and anger towards other people that god created in his image are we really christ followers if we can look at other people with judgment and condemnation in our hearts and not understand that they are created by christ given the same grace and mercy and opportunity that we've been given are we really christians or are we kind of pretending and then he goes on to say as for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice i will show you what they're like they're like a man building a house okay now we got to stop there for a moment because jesus has just introduced an architectural term this is very different because an architectural metaphor they're not very common in jesus's teaching what's more common is agricultural metaphors reaping sowing planting seeds lilies fields trees gardens farmers you get the idea you get the idea and as i was thinking through the differences i came to the conclusion i like agricultural jesus better if i could pick my jesus i would i would worship agricultural jesus because agricultural jesus drops a seed of faith in your heart and then he waters it and he makes it grow and it's you know it's like oh lord tend to the garden of my heart i like agriculture that sounds easy i picture jesus in one of those gardening hats just patting down the soil of my heart just planting the seeds and just oh jonathan just watching me grow just loves me like i like agricultural jesus but this isn't agricultural jesus this is general contract or site form and get the job done or you're off the job architectural jesus seek is building faith requires a seed jesus takes care of that to each one has been deposited a measure of faith but building a future requires sacrifice and it's possible to be in the room today watching online and to be full of faith but to not be building the future god has created for you you can be full of faith you can take the seed but you cannot be doing the work to build the future that's been laid out for us it's different it's a different kind of building that's why he says they are like a man building a house who dug down deep you can't build until you dig we gotta dig deep it's work it's dirty it's a grind listen nobody else is gonna come along and excavate the destiny of your life to let you just walk into it you've got to be willing to do the work we gotta dig deep in this season it's the wrestling it's the prayers it's the warfare it's what we're doing when we step into an environment of worship with all of our church family it's what's been happening on wednesday nights wednesday night we were digging deep we were believing for a deep encounter we were worshiping through some stuff it's it's coming into the into that space and place saying god i don't know what to do and i don't have the answer but i'm going to dig deeper digging deep is the trial it's the fall but getting back up again it's the aggravation it's every time you dig you learn things about god and about yourself every time and so when jesus teaches the crowd blessed are the poor and the hungry and the weeping and the hated he's he's teaching them how to dig he see i he sees them how to dig like i know it looks like you're poor and insufficient and don't have enough and you're not sure you're gonna make it i know it might seem like you're you're hungry right now and you're desperate and you're unsatisfied and you're unfulfilled i wonder if there's anybody in this room who's cried in this season you've lost some things in this season the emotions have come to the surface in this season there's been heartbreak in this season you've been confused in this season i wonder there's some people who feel hated and rejected and overlooked and alone and misunderstood listen god wanted me to tell you that the struggle is your shovel [Music] the struggle is your shovel and the struggle is not there to bury you it's the shovel god is handing you so you can dig deep you've got to dig deep the struggle is your shovel we're going to dig deep in prayer we're going to dig deep in worship we're going to dig deep in faith man i'm going to keep digging until i hit rock bottom i can't build on my insecurity i got to dig that out and move past it i can't build on my fear you got to grab the shovel and you got to dig through it we can't build on how other people think about us or what other people are doing we gotta dig through it you can't build on your bad habits and your poor patterns of behavior and your weak convictions and your lack of discipline you grab the shovel and you dig through it because i'm digging for rock i'm gonna keep digging until i hit the rock and when you start to dig things start to move when you're digging and the ground starts to get it's like things start shifting and so if you've been experiencing some movement in your life some transition in your life maybe relationships shifting just a little bit you know what it might be that to get to the rock you need to get that relationship out of the way it might be that to get to the rock you needed the security blanket of that job to be gone to make you desperate enough that you dig until you find jesus and don't find your own strength it might be that as things shift in your living situation things shift in your vocation and things are shifting in your family it's that god is digging with you you're digging and then something struck me i was thinking about this text got i got brought back you know 30 too many years it's a little johnny in sunday school man i was a good-looking kid i don't i had a mullet i was my i showed my son this past week i was trying to explain to him why as a child i kept a comb in my back pocket because that's i don't use a comb anymore and we don't use combs that are well maybe the girls do i don't know about like son it was a thing when i was your age i always said comb in my back pocket i remember that guy being in sunday school we sang this song and it went like this the wise man built some action so you're building so i want you to do what you're gonna do with me okay i know listen hey you're gonna pretend like i don't know it give it like give us another time through you're going to be singing with so we're going to build okay ready do it with me the wise man built his house upon the rock the wise man built you know it house upon the rocks the wise man built his house upon the rock and what happened rain came tumbling decay rain with me and the rain came down and the floods the rain came down and the floods came the rains came down and the floods came up and the house on the rocks stood firm come on there's a second verse the foolish man built his house upon the sand the foolish man built his house upon the sand the foot this is not what we do in easy kids by the way house upon the sand and the rains came in town but okay rain with me here we go and the rains came down and the floods came whoosh the rains came down and the floods came whoosh the rains came come on flood with me and the house on the sand went splat and there's more to it so build your house on the lord jesus christ build your house and the blessings calm down as your prayers go up very listen this song messed me up theologically singing these little like churchy nursery rhymes i mean it's catchy it's good the principles are there but i i imagined i imagined that the house on the rock was like on a pier somewhere like on in like in in the the overhang of a rock with waves smashing up but it's elevated above the storm that's what i imagine that there'd be a house on a rock and then some idiot built his house on the beach that's what i pictured but listen this story isn't about two different soils this story isn't about two different ground conditions this is a story about grit and determination and conviction and purpose and having a little bit of fire that it's time to build even when it doesn't look like it's time to build having the audacity to think that you could build something with your life that will outlive you and last beyond you that's what this story is about and the fool built quick but the wise men built deep and if you dig deep enough you'll always hit rock and here's the thing they weren't building in two different locations they're building beside each other but they're building different everybody starts playing in the sand everybody it's unstable it's unsettling it's uncertain it's shifting this is our world this is our culture this is covid19 this is politics this is entertainment it's shifting sand we're all here don't think that you're the only one battling some uncertainty and unpredictability in your life right now everybody in your row everybody in the room everybody in the feed is navigating shifting sand but sand is not an excuse to do nothing you don't just try and fast track your way to feeling better and medicate yourself by racking up your credit card and jumping into relationships and substances and whatever you got to do no no no you dig you dig we're all starting on the sand but if you dig deep enough into the sand you will eventually hit rock and the key to surviving the instability of the sand is to dig the key to surviving the instability of your personal season and your relationships and what you're navigating is to dig the key to surviving the instability in the world right now is not to be a church that does nothing but it's to be people who dig they're like a man building a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on a rock not only do we dig we need to lay some things down to lay down another translation or in the original language when you look at the different phrases it could be is to carry no longer there are some things that we need to lay down there are some things that you cannot carry into this new build there's some i mean we could make a giant list of things that we can't carry you can't carry your own plans because god's got a plan you can't carry your pride we got to lay that down and humble ourselves we can't carry our expectations but god wants to exceed those anyways we've got to lay down the right to be right but in the context of the sermon jesus is preaching when he says these things i've said you need to put into practice i think if we go back we can see that something we all need to lay down is our offense you can't build if you're offended love your enemies you can't love your enemies if you're angry at him you can't build offended you can't carry a fence and dig deep at the same time you've got to lay some things down luke 17 1 says it's impossible but that offense will come you know we live we live in an age of perpetual ongoing offense a lot of us wouldn't know how to survive if we didn't have something to be offended by it's true everyone's offended about everything all the time we live in this this this time in history where people gather around common offenses we are we are forsaking unity around vision and purpose and identity and calling for unity around a fence it's a cheap counterfeit it does not work it's shallow it's hollow it will not get you anywhere but it's but it's quick to draw a crowd it's a house on sand i'm offended so i started a new instagram and i need to let everybody know and i'm going to get followers listen they don't care about you they're also just looking for someone to stroke their offense to validate their issue and their hurt start the blog start the vlog you might draw a shallow crowd this is of other offended people though trying to gather people around common offense is like breaking your leg and then just trying to get other people to come and feel sorry for you for your broken leg and they just see you there and they tell you it's all good but none of them know how to fix your leg you might draw a crowd it's not going to heal you you're not going to get any better in fact you're going to get worse you don't have somebody who's going to come in with the actual love and care for you to probably put you through the pain of resetting the bone and wrapping it and saying you're going to need a little therapy we're going to have to we're going to let this thing heal but you're gonna come back stronger listen i don't know uh probably nobody in the room but you might have some people in your world who are sort of deconstructing their faith and you know what if the term wasn't so perverted i would suggest that we use it in church because it's not a bad thing to rip apart your faith and find out what's really true what's really what really matters it's not a bad thing to dig through all the lies that you've told yourself and the things you've heard and the things you've seen and the hurts you have and to dig down until you find jesus at the bottom waiting there to carry the load of your life that's not a bad thing but when you try to dig and deconstruct without the holy spirit as your guide you are divisive and it's deadly we're offended by what we're against we're offended by what somebody else is for we're offended by how people vote and how they dress and what they like and what they say we're offended by criticism we're offended by by how people look at us we get offended because they didn't get a call back soon enough we get offended here's the thing with offenses you don't always expect it to happen do you you just get surprised by it you're not thinking about how great it will be to harbor bitterness bitterness towards your spouse on your wedding day those thoughts might cross your mind when you're building furniture a week later you know 30 years down the road 15 years down the road when you don't see eye to eye on some issues and some things have happened and maybe you don't feel respected or seen or heard and all of a sudden the person you pledge your life to you feel separated from because of bitterness offense there are people in the room today and if you were to open up and tell somebody about how you were treated as a child by a parent or a loved one or a guardian many of us would have a hard time even believing it but it happened and you're holding it still maybe you've been overlooked for a promotion you've been neglected feel like you're not getting the recognition you deserve or need people don't really know you and offense just creeps in we live in an imperfect world with imperfect people and way too much social media an offense is going to happen it's impossible to avoid offense things people say they cut us deep they wound us to the core neglect abuse violence betrayal criticism they cause bitterness and resentment in our hearts and before we know it we're holding on to unforgiveness but we need to realize that that offense is an event and offended is a decision and so i say that to encourage you if you're here today and you are feeling bitterness or anger towards another person i'm not trying to downplay what happened to you i'm not justifying what happened to you i'm not saying it wasn't awful we're not saying it didn't happen but the point is it happened past tense and if it's still wreaking havoc on you in the present then that is a choice you've made to be offended i'm telling you there's a better way you can dig through the offense and the hurt and find the rock and build your life on the rock we need to recognize that a fence is a weapon that the devil is using to divide to divide friend groups to divide families to divide churches to divide our city to divide our nation we cannot build if we're divided so we're a church that builds but we're a church that builds up and doesn't tear down and we're going to lay down our offense we're going to lay down our fence we're gonna dig deep we're gonna lay some things down and we're gonna build from rock bottom we can build right now even even though they're shifting sand we dig deep enough we can build we lay everything down we can build they're like a man building a house he dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock listen there are a lot of things that want to be your foundation there's a lot of sand offering a quick fix a quick build quick success quick recognition quick validation quick satisfaction you can build on money what will happen if you build on money is you won't just work hard and be good at your job but you'll start to sacrifice things that are of greater value for money you'll start to work weekends and late nights and neglect your family and neglect the people that really matter you'll start to put your safety and security in a bank balance and when all that changes because it's sand you've got nothing left you could build on relationships you could try but when you're building on relationships you don't just love people you find your identity and your worth and their love for you and the minute they're gone so is your confidence it's sand you can build on a foundation of health and beauty and aesthetics and this is this is something this is an idol in our world right now and people build on it and so you're not just exercising to feel better and be healthy you're doing it to be better than the person next to you and you're injecting and you're doing all these things not not not because it makes you feel whole on the inside because it gives you the appearance of wholeness on the outside and you're masking a hurt and a pain and pain you can try and build on culture and politics listen it's all sand it never satisfies it won't work when the storms hit there is only one foundation we can build on and we've got to dig deep enough that we hit the rock because waves will crash and tides will rise and what's been built will be washed away unless we've built on the rocks so we're building but we're building on jesus we don't listen to build as a church and to build as individuals we don't need to do everything that's happening outside the walls of this building we don't need to do everything that culture is doing ephesians 2 verse 20 says you built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets christ jesus himself being the cornerstone he's the first stone he's the rock first samuel 2 verse 2 says there is no rock like our god first corinthians 3 verse 11 no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid which is christ jesus i'm telling you right now it's time to give up on sinking sand we are building we are not building on a shaky unproven unreliable foundation we are going to build our lives and the future of this search on the rock of ages the chief cornerstone the one who always was always is and always will be he is our sustainer he is our strength he is our source he is our shield we will build on him i'd like to invite you to stand with me i got one more verse to read daniel chapter 9 verse 25 says this jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses despite the perilous times will be rebuilt despite the perilous times listen i don't know what's been torn apart in your life i don't know what's been ripped down i don't know what the season has taken from you but i'm telling you right now it will be rebuilt despite perilous times we will remain you are a part not to be destroyed by what's going on in the world but to be strengthened by a foundation and when the storm comes you will still be standing come on search now is a time to build we don't have a choice the world is crazy and complicated and complex but we're gonna build from rock bottom we remain for our city because there needs to be a house where people can run and find hope and healing we're gonna remain for our children and for the next generation god is raising us up right now to take ground to stand firm you don't have to be intimidated you don't have to shrink back you don't have to be overwhelmed he is building his kingdom it's unshakable it's unstoppable and it's everlasting come on lift your hands with me god we pray right now that we would lay down what needs to be laid down god we would dig when we need to dig god and that we would find the rock as our firm foundation god we build all of our hope and our future on you come on lift this up let's sing [Music] going [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just bow your heads close your eyes just for one moment but somebody in the room and uh you've been trying to build your life on an unstable foundation you've been building on sand it every things change and it just throws you into an upheaval you've got no internal peace you've got no confidence you've got no joy i'm telling you what you need is to dig deep enough that you hit the rock i believe that's what's been happening here today god brought you into this room he brought you onto the feed to tell you hey i'm here i'm strong i'm able [Music] and so i'm going to count to three and if that's you you know you've been building on shaky sand sinking sand i'm going to count to three if you know it's time to trust jesus with your life and you want to build on the foundation of who he is when i hit three would you just raise your hand with me online you can click the raise a hand button here we go one two if that's you it's time to get a firm foundation three go ahead lift up your hand amazing thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you several in the room you can put your hands down i'm gonna ask you do one more thing would you just repeat this simple prayer after me ec let's pray it together say jesus i need you in my life i've built on sand [Music] but i need the rock i trust you with my future i put my hope in you forgive me for my sins jesus name amen come on everybody would you give it up for the people that just made that decision [Applause] [Music] man that is the best decision that you could make trusting your life on jesus the firm foundation and that was just now that you made that decision or maybe you made that decision last few weeks there's a couple things we really want you to do one just let somebody know tell somebody tell the person you came with tell the family member the friend or tell us you can text hello to the number on the screen or you can even just grab one of our team members right after service and they would love to hear about it because we want to do life with you we don't want you doing it alone also too as you've heard even as jess shared even earlier we got the wall out in our foyer that's an opportunity where you can go out right after service here grab a marker for one of our team members and write down the miracle that you're believing for we want to take the next couple months in our legacy season to be able to pray and believe with you for all the miracles so please do that right after service yeah don't miss that opportunity thank you guys so much for spending your sunday with us we look forward to seeing you guys either on wednesday or next sunday but as we exit we want to do so safely so our ushers are going to come and dismiss you from the back to the front and our foyer is still just the hallway right now luckily it's still nice sign the wall sign the wall and then you're welcome to go on out but we will see you guys next week or on wednesday see you guys have a good one [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] black [Music] the [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] buttons [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] what [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] what [Music]
Channel: Experience Church
Views: 52
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: hCwcwgNKjXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 42sec (6102 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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