Lost the Plot // Summer Bash Sunday // Ps Jonathan Lambert

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[Music] hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 says therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses now this is hebrews 12 so the reason the author of hebrews is saying therefore is because um chapter 11 is like a really famous chapter where it talks about all of these heroes of the faith and so it's kind of the the hall of faith all these legends and so the author's saying hey since you've got all of these people they're the cloud of witnesses they're cheering you on they're in your corner let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us now a couple couple thoughts on that this is an all-inclusive text let us lay aside every weight so so nobody's exempt here everybody has weight that they carry and it's not this is not the olympics you're not going to get a gold medal for carrying the most and i know sometimes people walk around like my life is so much harder than yours and it's like a competition it's not a competition we all have weight that we carry and and and we all have sin that so easily ensnares us everybody everybody does level the playing field everybody struggles to hit god's ideal and god's plan we all have sin then it says let us run so throw those things off and let us run with endurance the race that set before us looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god jesus look to jesus the author and the finisher of our faith come on let's pray together god we thank you for your word we thank you for what you've already begun in the service today we ask you to speak to our hearts god we know that your word is living and active would it pierce and challenge in jesus name amen amen anybody seen the new space jam anybody it's okay you can we can raise our hands if we have it's there's no judgment uh i went to maybe a little i i went though i'm not gonna judge you i've been i went to see the new space jam this summer um and just in case you haven't seen it yet uh without a doubt the original is better than the new one you cannot touch it michael jordan's film is far superior i'm not here to get into the lebron v jordan debate it's not worth it because anyone that argues lebron is delusional and won't listen anyhow but so we went to see the movie and like full disclosure i i can sleep anywhere i can fall asleep anywhere at any time don't test me in this i will fall asleep on you i can i pride myself on it except at the movies like i i i don't want to be the guy that falls asleep at the movies and we went to the movies and i tried and i wanted to stay awake and we're in the movie theater for like the first time in 18 months and you know it costs money and there's popcorn and there's all the things and so you get in there and i'm in the nice big comfortable chairs and we showed up on time for previews so so i'm trying i i and my kids know they know they know me so they're like dad are you actually gonna stay awake for this movie i'm like gosh shut up yeah of course i am you know like don't sass me like and so we get in there and we show up early early for the previews we're watching the previews by the time space jam a new legacy it's just like so dumb by the time space jam started i'm already through a thing of popcorn and eminem it's like i'm it's mid-afternoon i'm ready for a nap i'm full i'm content the seat is like hugging me because it's a nice chair you know it felt nostalgic and you know you know how when you're when you're when you um when you're starting to fall asleep and you don't want to fall asleep like you can kind of feel it in your head first like your head starts to get heavy like it's like a like it's an orange on a toothpick you know um a flashback so i married an axe murderer okay don't never mind um but it just kind of gets heavy and you're like you can feel it happening and you're like this is all bad and i can see my kids and they're kind of watching me like don't let us down dad i'm like guys i'm not gonna and i'm just trying in my head and then all of a sudden my head's so heavy and and i can't keep it upright and then gravity starts to take its toll and it's just like you're you're you're bobbing a little bit and then my head starts to just get drawn towards the earth's core and then and then your eyelids kind of meet for a moment and you're like oh no it's not it's not going to happen and then but then like it does and then they meet again and then you're kind of half in and you're half out of sleep and you can feel it and you're fighting it but then your your chin meets all of your necks and then all of a sudden you're just like what is going on and then something happens and something something startles you and you just wake up and then you like then your adrenaline is like cool and you quickly scan the room you don't really know where you are but you got to make sure nobody saw that you were sleeping and you're freaking out and so you're alert but you're dazed and and for for about 60 seconds you've got this adrenaline coursing through your veins and i'm like okay it's kind of like when you hit the rumble strips when you're driving you know for like 60 seconds you're like oh that's never gonna happen again and then you know for about 60 seconds i'm like oh i'm so into the movie within moments the process begins all over again and eventually you know i just don't fight it i just gave in and i went to sleep and uh it's a rough thing hey cause then you wake up kind of mid-movie and you feel bad like not just not just like oh you know the movie was 18 and i've wasted nine of them sleeping but like i feel like i'm letting my kids down i feel like somehow my willingness to sleep on a family outing is extending a message like i don't care about them then you start to you're like oh i'm failing as a father other dads don't fall asleep in the theater i'm also failing in my role as a spectator i came i'm not honoring the i'm not honoring the art form i'm not honoring lebron like it's so crazy it's a public failure so when you fall asleep in public it never it never goes unnoticed like sleepy jonathan just like falling asleep like it's just happening and and and somebody probably took a picture i know my wife took pictures i'm sure that somebody pointed out like hey look at the guy up there sleeping and then and then you know like the worst thing about falling asleep in public is getting called out you know have you ever been so defensive in your whole life i these are like when my after the movie when my wife was like oh you slept through half the movie no i didn't i did not and i'm defending my honor against my wife my kids are like dad we saw you and when you wake up halfway here's the thing because i legitimately wanted to watch the movie so i woke up and i i had to figure out what was going on and so i leaned over to tanex and i'm like dude what did i miss everything dad it's half over and so i actually like wikipedia'd space jam a new legacy city so like not only did i sleep in the movies i turned my cell phone on and it was bright i turned and i go to wikipedia and i'm like i just got to catch up on the plot so i just read the plot summary so know what was going on and uh you know got caught up see this i th the point is that i'd missed the story and i needed someone to help me catch up and every every good story has some some major components so you've got characters you've got a setting you've got a plot now going into the movie i knew the setting and i had some comprehension of the characters but i didn't know the plot if you lose the plot you don't really have much left to go on you take the plot out of space jam a new legacy and you have lebron james and bugs bunny to be honest it might have been an improvement like this just the poster might have been more enjoyable but the point is without the plot there is no story and i remember one of my high school english teachers i was always saying mr lambert don't lose the plot don't she now she meant it like don't pay attention don't get distracted we're working on something here every now and then it has something to do with my creative writing process i asked my sister yesterday if she could remember who our english teachers were and sure enough lisa has all the memories so she sent me the yearbook photos all the people she's like i think this is them sent me my yearbook photo from like grade 12. i was like oh god i showed it to natasha she's like i'm so glad i didn't know you then it's like wow it's amazing makes me feel really good thanks so much don't lose the plot mr lambert don't get distracted from what really matters don't miss the point don't miss what we're really trying to focus on here this is what's so interesting about the book of hebrews is the book of hebrews is we don't actually know who the author was there's speculation maybe it was paul maybe it was barnabas we don't really know who the author was we have a pretty good idea of who the book was directed to the book was directed to believers they believed in jesus they had a healthy knowledge of jewish history the key figures the biblical narrative and they were also a collection of believers that were facing serious persecution we know from the book they had been publicly ridiculed they had possessions taken from them they had been beaten they had been imprisoned and as they were experiencing these challenges and hardships some of the the the audience of of hebrews were drifting they were starting to lose the plot they were forgetting what really mattered the attention their focus was drifting onto other things other people other places many in fact were defecting away from christianity back to judaism because it was easier it was known it was acceptable it was comfortable it was normal and the writer of hebrews even says at one point don't don't grow spiritually dull and indifferent like he saw it happening and so when hebrews 12 2 says keep your eyes on jesus the author let's just acknowledge that if there's an author there's a story if there's a story there's a setting and there's characters and there's a plot line and it's almost as if this verse is a summary of the the main focus of the entire book keep your eyes on jesus don't lose the plot hey everybody i know it's difficult i know it's been tough i know there's persecution i know there's things happening do not forget who the main character is don't forget what all this is for let's keep looking at jesus it's so tempting to lose the plot it's in fact it's it's easy to lose the plot it's easy for us to drift away from the things that matter most it's easy to get caught up in the world in our world in our emotions our feelings our needs our wants our desires in fact if you um if you've ever found that you've lost your focus on what really matters most you're you are completely not alone um i've lost the plot or their they've lost the plot is a phrase that's used in some psychology circles to describe people who have fallen into serious depression or who fail to see the point in anything it's often talked about that people who who take their own lives lost the plot before they did so lost the plot we lose the plot it's often triggered by trauma crisis job loss relationship breakups health diagnosis and we go through these experiences and then what happens is that ev everybody has a plot line you have a plot line everybody has a a story line that you've sort of imagined your life would be and and and of course that takes little twists and turns but there's this overarching storyline like in its simplest form it's that our lives would have a coherent beginning like oh that made i was born i grew up in a home that made sense that's coherent that fits together then then we'd be then we'd have this motivated successful middle part where we accomplished something with our lives you know you maybe get an education or you step into a career you have a family whatever the the goal kind of that driven part of your life would be and then there's a satisfying end but that's sort of the the over now it's obviously a little bit different for everybody it's the overarching simplest form that's what we view the plot line of our life and then you know the satisfying ending for me that's going to be natasha and i in bed together at like 117 holding hands watching the leafs hoist the stanley cup and then i'll then i will give up the give up the ghost i'll breathe my last breath have you lost the plot do you ever have a moment or a situation when it feels like maybe maybe the plot line that you'd set for yourself has been interrupted because see what happens is interruptions show up different places maybe that cohesive beginning was not your life maybe you came from a broken home maybe there was abuse maybe there was trauma maybe there were things that were really hard for you to navigate and figure out and move through like maybe maybe it wasn't coherent and cohesive you can't look back on that and say that was a good season maybe you headed into the middle part of your life thinking okay this is what i'm gonna do and i can't wait i'm gonna have success and i've got goals and dreams and they just keep falling out from underneath you maybe maybe you anticipated things would be different by now and you're supposed to be riding off into the sunset and you're still struggling and you're still pushing and you're still listening there's a chance that all of us in some ways at some level have wrestled with the storyline and the narrative of our lives and when life happens and we we start to and we start to see that maybe the dream i had or the goal i had or the vision i had is not actually going to work out the way i thought it was then then then we break from the storyline and then people often do irrational things when they break from the story line you see that story slipping away from you and so so they jump into extramarital affairs so they jump into new crazy spending or they just you just start grasping at straws i'm gonna start a new storyline i'm gonna create a new arc i'm gonna take control of my destiny for some people when they lose the plot this is psychologists say one of the signs of losing the plot is that is that you continue just to do the same things over it's it's rut and routine it's the same things over and over again without any forward progress for some people when they've lost the plot it's it's it's described as actually pulling themselves out of the story starting to feel like i actually don't matter what i do doesn't matter my life doesn't matter i'm not making a difference i'm not making an impact i'm just going to pull myself out you've lost the plot some for some people i think this might even be the majority of people when we lose the plot we lose our ambition and we start to just live at the mercy and control of people with greater agendas and more dominant ambitions and so we stopped to do maybe what you were created to do and start to do whatever culture tells you to do because you've simply lost the plot can i encourage you there is a plot line to our story that goes deeper than experience and deeper than emotions and deeper than relationships the plot line is this jesus died for you he loves you he has a plan for you he is the author and if we can just keep our focus on the author he is also the finisher and will keep writing the story the bible's full of people who lost the plot david lost the plot lust took over he didn't go out to war like he should have he saw bathsheba taking a bath the bible is funny like that had an affair ended up murdering somebody lost the plot noah lost the plot built a giant boat lived through the floods gets home gets smashed drunk passes out naked in a cave and his kids find him lost the plot peter lost the plot when he was intimidated by a young girl denied jesus three times just lost sight of what really matters and most of the people in hebrews chapter 11 the hall of faith the ones we celebrate as being like these superstars the legends the giants of the faith lost the plot abraham did took his eyes off god's calling took his eyes off his wife threw them onto his wife's assistant and then had a baby gideon was afraid he lost the plot it happens and kind of like falling asleep in a movie can i just can we just make sure we're all on the same like oh no this is as much as we try to fight falling asleep in a public setting and sometimes it's just hard to not there are going to be moments for all of us when we are fighting the same fight to not lose the plot and it feels like there's nothing i can do i just can't i and we lose our focus and and you know what you need you just need somebody that you're probably going to meet at welcome to church party who can remind you hey this is what it's really about sometimes you just need a reminder and that's exactly what i see happening in job chapter 26 i want to turn there together job was a good man he was a prosperous man he loved god he honored god but he went through a season of unimaginable pain his life was a mess i mean he had lost everything it's kind of a crazy it's kind of a crazy book i'm not going to get into all the all the details of it job had lost everything his children had died he lost all his wealth and possessions um his body was covered in boils and open sores from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet and in fact in one spot it says that he was in ashes cutting himself with broken pottery this is where job finds himself and the only thing he didn't lose was his wife that was part of the torment because she was a nag so that's what's happening and no seriously she was i'm not not not all wives are my wife's not your wife isn't but she was and so then he's got these friends he's in this terrible situation and he's got these friends zofar eliphaz and bildad they sound like they're from lord of the rings and in the majority of the book of job is us understanding his situation and then watching these extended dialogues between these three friends and job where they're they're talking about how terrible the situation is and and dialoguing back and forth with him about hey what caused this job why are you here and what can you do to get out of it like instead of just helping job or attending to job or caring for job they're concerned with why and what and in job chapter 26 he's had enough he's so frustrated with how ineffective these friends have actually been in his time of need that he says this job job 26 verse 1. he says how have you helped the powerless how have you saved the week how have you enlightened my stupidity what wise advice have you offered where have you gotten all these wise sayings whose spirit speaks through you he's basically saying guys like all this talk has done nothing practical to help me you've been so concerned with being right and figuring out why that you've been ineffective as a friend you know we as christians followers of jesus are called to be light bringers of hope agents of healing i'm fearful that if we're not careful as christians we too could lose the plot how do you know when you've lost the plot well like job's friends you lose the plot when you worry too much about why somebody is where they are and how they are listen situation and what causes the situation is important but it's not everything when when when jesus was preaching and 5 000 people plus women and children had gathered so this probably 10 to 15 000 people in the crowd were listening to him teach and the disciples came to him and said uh teacher they're hungry jesus could have said well why are they hungry why didn't they plan why didn't they prepare this is their own dang fault they're grown i'm not responsible for no no no he had compassion on them because why didn't matter when he was faced with the need when jesus was hanging on the cross and the thief to his side looked at him and said remember me lord when you enter into your kingdom jesus didn't say i'll remember you but do you remember why you stole do you have you really thought about it did you apologize what put you up here what were you thinking no no he said yes you'll be with me in paradise why grace doesn't ask why grace says come on in there's relationship for you there's acceptance for you there's healing and hope for you man if we're being honest every issue i have is me my life is the sum total of my decisions and my habits and my patterns i am so grateful that god's mercy for me is new every single morning so i don't have to live in the consequence of those things but he's got new for me now you lose the plot when we start being too consumed with why we we lose the plot when being right matters more than being effective can we and and you know experience church we're going to talk to everybody like this is us as we head into a new season can we make sure we do not get sucked into the idea that the best thing we can do is prove to everybody else how right we are on every flipping issue it is it is astounding the moral superiority that exists on both sides of every argument right now no seriously i feel like my whole life is the popcorn emoji or like the little gif thing that go people put in the chats when somebody says something controversial and that's one of the guys eating popcorn and watching like that that's that is that is our whole existence oh let's watch this blow up let's watch what happens here the moral superiority come on you know not not everything is right and wrong sometimes it's preference did you know that people can prefer different things and if they prefer something different in you different than you it does not mean that they're deplorable it's wild it's so crazy but that's not the way we're living right now it's like i am right because i support this and you are wrong because you don't well how do you know i don't you didn't post about it guilty i'm sorry i'm so sorry bow down to the woke mob no i'm virtuous because i'm vaccinated i'm virtuous because i'm not vaccinated what am i you'll never know doesn't matter my choice i'm morally right because i think this way politically i'm morally right because i think this way politically and you're wrong are we insane maybe we need to ask ourselves the same questions job was asking is this helping is the church being consumed with whether we're right helping is it saving are people coming into relationship and the knowledge of the healing power of jesus christ because of what we post on facebook and how we can get up and defend our position on an argument or topic you know this is my favorite question that he asked where have you gotten all these wise sayings what's your source you know what my favorite thing right now is it's it's people calling each other out for getting their information on facebook they're calling each other out on facebook and so like one side will con accuse the other side you're just getting all your stuff from the internet don't you know that all your search results are curated to to your patterns and your habits and stuff and it's like well so are yours where are any of us getting the information check your source where are you getting your info where are you getting your relationship advice single people that's a bad idea where are you getting your financial advice broke people it's a bad idea who are you listening to what's your source then he asks what spirit speaks through you can we just take a moment and on summer bash sunday it's so light and fun and i was actually gonna we talked about a lot of different things we're gonna have the different characters up here and it was gonna be i was like no that's stupid it was my idea but then sometimes you have an idea and then you're like no that's a dumb idea that i had so we just i thought you know what no we're gonna talk about the spirit of division that's what we're going to do on summer bash sunday what spirit speaks through you check your spirit there's a spirit of division trying to rip the church apart pastor jonathan that sounds pretty spiritual it sounds kind of out there what are you talking about this is what i'm talking about is it doesn't matter what the issue is it the the thing that remains the same is that every issue has become a dividing issue in our culture why is that because there is a spirit of division trying to rip apart the church trying to rip apart families trying to rip apart marriages so it doesn't matter listen kovid's sickness is not destroying the church it's division around kobe that is tearing people apart racial issues are not destroying the church there are people who who are hurting in the middle of those dynamics and conversations yet we are polarized on either side saying i'm right you're wrong you're right i'm wrong come on we we can't get so caught up with our side that we miss the significance of what's going on in the middle these are all things we should be talking about they're not things we should be divided over so we have to actually call out a spirit of division let that spirit know that it doesn't have any authority in this church some of you need to let that spirit know it has no authority in your relationships it has no authority in your home has no authority in your marriage you've been given the spirit of division a foothold in your marriage because you've made issues that are cultural a bigger issue in your marriage than the sanctity of your home and the fact that god has brought you together and no man no issue no topic should tear you apart so don't let the spirit of division have a foothold in your life a house divided against itself cannot stand a nation divided against itself cannot stand a home divided against itself cannot stand a church divided against itself cannot stand what if we laid down our right to be right like what if we actually stopped and said you know what i don't think it's helping it's certainly not saving when we get to heaven jesus isn't going to say well done good and faithful moral guide he's not going to say well done congratulations on winning another facebook argument he's going to say well done good and faithful servant could you put down your side long enough to serve could we romans chapter 3 verse 10 tells us that there is none righteous not one you know what that means right and wrong we're all wrong you're not going to be righteous because you're right on an issue second corinthians 5 21 tells us that we are the righteousness of god in christ jesus the only way to be right is not to have done more research and to post more boldly and to attack people with more specific attacks the only way to be right is through jesus so what if we didn't lose the plot what if we understood that righteousness in christ is more important than right by any means that we need to be righteous and job wants to remind his friends of what really matters it's like me checking wikipedia and asking tanex what i miss in space jam a new legacy and finding out that lebron's son got kidnapped by a super computer and so lebron's got put put together a super team to win him back because lebron has never won anything without a super team and job reminds his friends come on mj didn't have a super team he was this superman all by himself okay job reminds his friends what it's really about joe 26 verse 5 says this after all of the the rhetoric he says guys the dead are in deep anguish those beneath the waters and all that live within them listen while you're trying to figure out who's right and who's wrong while we've been distracted well you've lost the plot there are actually people suffering the dead the dead like people without jesus emotionally spiritually searching running on empty those beneath the waters what an image you ever go under the water and see how long you can hold your breath and then at some point it feels like your your chest and your lungs are gonna rip through your rib cage and you like push up with your legs and you take a breath of fresh air do you know what it's like to live without jesus to live without jesus it's like being under the water and your lungs are trying they're ready to explode but every time you try to push up you can't get your head above water that's what it's like to live without jesus and job is saying guys there's more going on here there are people hurting and suffering and struggling and there are people who are dying for a breath of fresh air that only jesus can provide them with can we put aside the arguments can we put aside the nuanced conversations where probably we're all wrong anyways and focus on what really matters and in job 26 verse 7 he it's this beautiful picture he says god stretches the northern sky over empty space and he hangs the earth on nothing oh god doesn't need anything else to accomplish everything he wants to do in your life man he can take your story and he could turn it around in a moment he doesn't need you to have the cohesive beginning or the successful middle or the sunset ending he can make your life a story worth telling all by himself this stretches northern skies and he fills emptiness that's what god does he fills empty spaces god alone is the answer to the every question of the human heart to every longing of the human soul and this is a this this sits as a prophetic picture of the kingdom of heaven moving advancing growing filling spaces places lives hearts and homes and what happens what is the byproduct of us keeping our focus on jesus and his kingdom i love what it says in verse 12. it says by his power so come on he's he's stretched out he's filled empty spaces that says by his power the sea grew calm hey you know what you're going to experience if you if you can keep the plot you know what we experience if we can keep our focus on jesus the author peace the seas grow calm just a few verses ago the waters were a picture of oppression and anguish but but but once once we submit once we surrender once we look in the direction of jesus and keep our focus and our gaze fixed on him man we can experience real peace god has the ability to take the very thing that was holding you down and suffocating you and the struggle and he will bring you rest in the midst of that thing that's why i love the story of peter walking on the water because they're in a storm and he steps out and because his eyes are on jesus the author jesus actually elevates him up and he walks on water he's over the very thing that was his greatest source of fear and anxiety and worry it was the storm and jesus elevated him above the storm because of where he fixed his eyes the storm was still there but peter's head was above water some of you need peace and i believe god brought you into the room today brought you online today so i could remind you so i could help you so i could say like hey don't forget the plot if you look at jesus you'll actually have peace matthew 11 28 says are you tired are you worn out are you burned out on religion come to me get away with me you'll recover your life and i'll show you how to take a real rest the other half of verse 12 says by his skill he crushed the great sea monster man what a picture i love it now that word sea monster actually is a translation from the word rahab which means pride by his skill he crushed pride when we focus on jesus the end result will be humility he crushes the pride monster what does that mean that means you no longer need to compete with everyone you no longer need to worry about getting your validation and affirmation for people you don't need to worry about what everyone thinks and says and does and their decisions and how they live their life we don't have to be we don't have to be a slave to every cultural whim and narrative no no pride is the enemy of faith pride says i can and actually don't trust god too i'm better in my own strength ah but humility understands that the story the plot line that god is weaving together with the circumstances and situations of my life is so far beyond my capacity to understand so far beyond my ability and my capability so far beyond my wildest dreams that i have to humbly just accept that he's in control and when you focus on jesus you can live in a place where we understand our need for him and are fully dependent on him that's a beautiful place to be then verse 13 says his spirit made the heavens beautiful oh instead of having the spirit that job referenced earlier the spirit that that would divide god's spirit makes the heavens beautiful speaking of the atmosphere when we focus on jesus and his kingdom and we walk full of the power of the holy spirit you have the ability to set the tone in every situation we've got the holy spirit in you man you can you can step into a toxic home environment and walk in with all the authority of heaven and just declare something will shift in my home today you can do that you can walk into your workplace confident that because of the spirit on the inside of you you can bring hope and life and peace and joy you can do that you can change the atmosphere in your car i had to change my atmosphere last night i was frustrated i hurt my toe nobody could see it but it's really bothering me my kids are making fun of me dad we can't see anything i got like ice on it i'm like guys you don't even know it hurts so bad and i was just bought as there's these things bothering me i spent too much time scrolling i went out i was like i need to i just told the tasha said i need to go for a walk also i just conveniently did it well well it was bedtime so it was great you know i went and i walked for an hour and i just i had some worship music on i said god i need you to help change the atmosphere in my heart i know your spirit's on the inside of me i don't need to be frustrated i don't need to be angry i don't need to be upset i don't need to worry about tomorrow or the next day or the next day would you change the atmosphere of my heart you have a spirit on the inside of you to change the atmosphere everywhere you go then the other part of verse 13. it says and by his power pierced the gliding serpent the niv version of the text says by his hand do you know that jesus is the son of the right hand of god the serpent always a picture of the devil i love that man as god is expanding his kingdom into empty spaces we have peace the pressure of pride can be lifted off as we embrace humility we've got the spirit of god on the inside of us and we can know that our sins have been forgiven because jesus is the victor over the enemy he is the son of the right hand and god stretched out over time and space and history when he sent jesus to the planet and then jesus stretched out on the cross to give us forgiveness for our sins colossians 2 14 says he canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross in this way he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities he shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross listen we have peace we have humility and contentment we have the holy spirit we have freedom and forgiveness from our sins if we just keep our eyes on jesus come on i want you to stand with me all across the room we're going to pray together i believe that we are stepping into a new season as a church we're stepping into a new season and i want to pray for people there are people in the room today you've lost the plot you've been struggling you've been going in circles you've been feeling frustrated you've been feeling overwhelmed i believe that right now today jesus is recalibrating people to the storyline of your life which is his death his resurrection and his purpose for you there is something to live for you matter you have a place to play you have a role to play god is elevating you in his kingdom in this church to be an influencer somebody who makes a difference you are important to the narrative of god's kingdom and his search in our city in our time come on jesus we thank you right now god i pray for every person in the room who's lost the plot god i thank i pray for the people whose focus has shifted and life has happened and trauma has come god we just pray supernatural healing over every heart god supernatural healing over every mind god to the people who have considered themselves unworthy god that they don't deserve another chance god would you heal that lie would you replace that lie with the truth about their purpose and their calling right now in jesus name god we thank you lord that we have the opportunity today to keep running because we can look at you every head bowed every eye closed i just want you to listen while i read this promise job 26 14 says these these so the things that we've just described peace humility contentment power the spirit salvation these are just the beginning of all that he does merely a whisper of his power who then can comprehend the thunder of his power man god is getting ready to thunder in this season everything you've experienced all that you've been man where you are today this is just the whisper oh we're heading into revival week i feel like god has been challenging my prayer life to get ready for the thunder oh if this is just the beginning where where is he taking us next with every head bowed and every eye closed i believe there's somebody in the room today and you've not just you've not just drifted a little bit you've actually either walked away from jesus or you're in the room today and you've never seriously said i can't do this on my own i need to follow jesus and i need to give my life to him and i'm gonna count to three and if that's you when i hit three i want you to slip your hand up and i'm gonna pray with you because it's time to get your life right it's not gonna work on your own you're never gonna make it on your own we all need jesus so when i hit three that's you just slip your hand up real quick here we go one two you want to get your life right with jesus three go ahead slip your hand up thank you very much thank you very much thank you few hands amazing amazing we celebrate with you the decision you're making today come on can we pray together if you raised a hand or made that decision in your heart e.c can you pray with me say jesus i need you in my life i can't do it without you i'm fixing my focus on you come into my heart forgive me of my sins amen amen come on everybody let's celebrate with heaven for those people today [Music] you
Channel: Experience Church
Views: 141
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: G-39XAUSIuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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