Beehive Progress & A surprise at the end!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Danko roadies thanks for stopping by this will not be a big long video as I have a full day of things to do places to be Yeah right well today is my venture out to shopping and the post office so I do have those two items to do I do one usually at the most twice a week because of the mail and and then groceries but other than that we're staying put we plan on being part of the flattening of that continue to flatten that curve continue to save all be a part of the saving of all my quote rody friends yeah that's what we plan to do so first of all I'm gonna just tell you just so you know cuz I know I get questions about it this is a slimline light it's a touch touch to turn on and off it is totally flexible and moves out of the way it's awesome it provides a very very clear daylight and so I got that from the stitch and post here and sisters and I really really do love this it's my favorite favorite light I keep it here in the Beehive because I need the most life here it is going to be a great week weather-wise the mountains are out they are awesome the Sun is out and supposed to be by almost 80 by the end of the week yes please they are so ready for that I'm tired of covering my flower basket I broke down and I bought myself a flower basket right near our two blocks from us is a nursery and it's open-air and it's a family-run little it's a small nursery but they got in their flower baskets and so I picked one up on my way home from the grocery store last week which meant I had to cover it every night this week because we got into the 20s some nights yes yes - OH twenties but now our weather is starting to pick up a little bit which I'm very much looking forward to yeah something about the sunshine just makes one spirit rise yes so today is just an update video I wanted to come over and show you that I finished this row row six the editor sitar Tannenbaum quilt and now I'm going to take it off of the design wall because that row I'm here to tell you this particular quilt challenges at me in a way that might be the same as if you wanted to learn a foreign language I have to literally lay out all the pieces next to my sewing machine and then sew them together and put them back down because I somehow can't quite visualize the whole thing unless it's totally laid out and I pick the colors out that way because it's very very scrappy it's cute but I know that now one two three four five six next rows here seven and then I think there is a correction to row eight so this next week that we're starting probably later in the week I will take it back out and then so row seven so this quilt is moving along I plan to have it done and quilted and bound before Christmas this year it's so beautiful it is so beautiful so for those of you that are working on it or have finished it congratulations have you finished it it is so pretty and I'll show you a picture of the completed there we go I spent all day in the Beehive yesterday walking out to music yeah I I needed a day where I just didn't have to think you know I didn't um I just wanted to so escape and not think about the world and so I put on my Pandora radio I didn't even want to listen to book I didn't want to watch any of my favorite floss Tube channels I just wanted music to rock to and I danced away while I sewed impressed so now this one's going back in the closet a little while just for a couple more days so yesterday after I finished my row I worked on backings I have a pile of quilts to quilt I'm not going to be able to quote them all so I've chosen the quilts that I would rather have a long-arm quilter quilt and the thing about it is that if I had easy access to fusible batting cuz that's what I use I use fusible batting because my knees and my back and my neck and my shoulders you know I broken my shoulder so I'm not capable of doing the whole pinning of the layers together in order to quilt but I do love to quilt it's a whole nother facet to my my quote Lodi's world but because I can't readily get fusible batting I have to order it I'd have to wait for it to come you know where I just assumed go in and buy it you know and I like the Hobbes 8020 fusible batting and I usually have several of those but all I have right now are the baby quilt size so I'm sending I decided what I was going to send out to the long arm and before anyone gets upset about long arms not being essential service this is I am blessed in that my long arm people are basically I have three long arm people in walking distance of my house so when I go out to the grocery store the process that I do is that I have my quilt top and backing in a plastic bag and I drop it on the front porch and then I get a call about you know sometimes to discuss what I might like to have done but rarely really do I have a vision for my quilting I I think long arm quilting really is its own art form and most I have never I have to say I have never been disappointed with what I got back and so I am picking up the t-shirt quilt so that will be a binding project for this week and I am dropping off another quilt and so this always show you what I'm dropping off I'm not going to unfold them but I have this backing and this is it's got to be queen-size tumbling blocks the queen-size tumbling blocks yes it is amazing and I will show you the whole thing when it is quilt and I have to put the binding on it so yeah I'm excited to get that to the quilter and then the second one is a class I took years ago and quilters affair and yes I'm still grieving about quilters affair I think it will take me a while to get over my grief now it might be one of those things that until next year when we have the do-over I'll still have a little bit of heartache about it but this was a class that I took at cultures affair with sarah phil key from australia and it was alphabets and so i have a birthday coming up for a little person pretty soon and so i wanted to get this alphabet quote done and I'm not gonna totally but it's it's the full alphabet small lowercase uppercase and so I thought this is it's about time to get this quilted and so I dug through my stash and I found two pieces of fabric that I sewed together that I thought would be fun to be on the back so it's not like them it's not a designer back and one was this yardage than I bought years ago of Dick and Jane isn't that fun Dick and Jane and then I also had a yard egde of Snoopy's the Peanuts characters so I took I sewed those two pieces together for the back of this and I'm going to drop that off on the front porch so that's gonna feel good and then I have some machine appliqué that I'm going to do that will be on my list for this week I am looking forward to that and I I might get well no I won't be quilting on my sweet 16 till I make the baby quote and I had we have three babies due this year in our family Wow three how fabulous how fabulous that is and so just a really invigorating time in the Beehive I think the music really helped I mean I was listening to Ed Sheeran and Justin Timberlake and oh I just was I think I got exercise actually cuz I was dancing all around the Beehive while I was looking for stuff and picking stuff up and folding it yeah so you can tell I am back in the Beehive yes so where am i heading as far as my wool NPC what's the next thing I need to get done well let me show you I'm gonna be putting it up on the design wall this was a project that I've been working on for a while buttermilk basins autumn harvest I would love to have that done before this autumn right when I was in Arizona I would I cut out all of the pieces for the piecing parts of it because if you notice on the pattern it's a combination of pieced blocks and wool stitchery blocks and I cut out all the pieces when I was down in Arizona I have not finished all of my wool stitching but I am very close I am very very close and so I'm gonna just put it up here on the design wall to kind of give me some inspiration my little bee needle minder there's the center block no I think I I don't have a whole lot of wool stitching to finish to get this one going let's see what's done people have asked me about this design pump I love this design wall but literally it looks better on the front than on the back because what we did what Jay and I did was we went down to Home Depot and we bought two panels of insulation you know that kind that has the silver and the pink in the center and we bought two pieces of that then I went to Walmart and I bought several yards a very reasonable cream-colored flannel and I literally literally duct-taped it on the backside of this and then G took two strips of just very like um it must be like two inch by quarter or half inch boards trim kind of boards and we duct-tape those to the back and left a little lip at the top which he then screwed into the wall at the top you can't see that part so it was an easy easy design wall now my favorite my absolute favorite design wall is gene Wells oh I love her design wall her design wall is several doors top to bottom closet doors that are like barn doors these are on sliders and they are they have a filter a cotton flannel on the front and so when she pushes those doors she can see her stash but the doors are the design wall which I think it's absolute genius absolute genius I kind of wanna these blocks are on the heavier side so I might give them a little bit of help with some pins in them this little guy looks like okay I think I fell off the wagon for this quilt because I was grieving yeah I started worrying about the quilt show and quilters affair like back at the beginning of March and so I just started worrying about it and I was so excited for this year because Stacey West who is the the art heart behind butter mount Basin was going to be one of our teachers for the first time at quilters affair we were going to have one of our primitive wool teachers here and I was so excited about it and it was going to be so much fun for so many people who love her designs and so when I started worrying I stopped stitching this because I was just like yeah this has to go out here this has to go out here but now you know I know what's ahead I know that that we're going to be having a party in 2021 and for sure this will be done by that huh yeah for sure this will be done oh that's so cute okay let's see isn't that cute oh that's cute okay all the old blocks are up there so I still have some wall stitching to do and you will you know if you've been wool stitching with me for a while you know that all of these are backed with SF 101 and I use soft fuse to put the piece of down so like this piece here is not stitched yet but all the pieces are there and ready and if by chance something starts to lift up because you know I travel with this this I started this over a year ago and so if something starts to lift you can either staple it in place and then that staple remover will just take that right back out without any problem or I stitch that as the next mixed piece I'm gonna stitch I tend to stitch all those red berries first cuz I don't want to lose any berries or leaves but these three blocks are done the two Acorn blocks are done this block is done the autumn block is done mr. pumpkin man is done and the cinder block is done so I have these sashing blocks to do and yeah so that's where I was working next was I I believe when I was in Arizona I prepped these sashing blocks and got them ready and I know as I always do I am going to somehow personalize this so I left the door blank here deciding what I want to do whether I put an address number or the NAR name or something I'll I will personalize this in some way to our family but I just think that is such a fun quilt so I have the four corner blocks are pieced might be Lemoine stars I'm not sure and then there's four corner blocks here that are like Ohio Stars and then there's all the sashing and the sashing is half square triangles and I know I had not decided whether I was going to do those half square triangles or whether I was going to just do plain sashing I decided so yeah gosh it looks awesome doesn't it I'm gonna give you a little bit of a close-up look to it so that you can maybe get a little peek so yeah that is going to be an absolutely stunning quilt now that I see it back up there I just I can't wait I can't wait to get back into it I'm gonna leave this up for a while because it will give me the encouragement to get it going so cute yeah you've got all my bail Donny threads here and it was all ready for travel so I did a lot of stitching on the road but now I need to be stitching in the home if you know what I mean I can tell that I'm going to be like a dog with a bone I'm gonna want it so I think the rest of this week I will make all the pieced blocks and then finish off the stitching yeah let's see how many of these sashing I yeah I have all four of these sashing blocks to do still but that will go fast because everything else is stitched it just needs a little bit of embellishments and I want to go a mere off buh-buh-buh-buh I want to make more masks for G&I I want to have a couple for each of us in in the van and Penny and then in truck or car so that if we spontaneously are some place where we need the masks we have one available and then we can wash them when we get home and and the ones that I've made have been great I just put them in you know those I put the masks in those zipper bags that you put delicates in in the washing machine I put them in there so that they don't get all tangled up and and they come out of the wash and dryer just perfect I even dry them in those zipper bags it's kind of exciting it's kind of exciting I find that when I soda music it's like oh my gosh that was invigorating but I like to have you know I'll have my laptop up here on the sewing table right over here if I'm sewing and I'll watch floss tube or I'll watch some Netflix or TV but rarely do i watch TV up here mostly just lost tube because you know I'm addicted to cross stitch too I don't even know how that happened and it was so lucky because when I was up here yesterday sewing my younger grandson facetimed me and he was laying on the couch with his dad and he likes to see things and so I took the phone around the room and talked about all the little things that I have decorated in this sewing bee hive and he just loved looking at all my stuff it was so fun it's so fun so I'm gonna let you go thank you for stopping by I I feel amazing ly motivated because now that I have talked out loud what's going on it's like I get invigorated and so when I read your comments on what you're working on or how you're feeling and let me tell you if you get a chance go through and read some of those comments there are people that need our love and support and there are people with a lot of fantastic ideas and that's what we're all about because we are a community we are a community of quilters and stitchers and this is what this is what keeps us sane let me tell you this is what keeps us sane so we'll see you the next time around thank you for stopping by and be safe wear your mask when you're in public because now that we're reopening we have to see what what the rebound is and it's even a more dangerous time because there was so much of it out there to begin with and we started to control it and now we're opening back up ever so slightly and so there'll be a chance for a rebound so wear your mask wash your hands I know you know your mother told you that and we'll see you here the next episode don't go don't go I forgot I forgot to tell you we have a giveaway yes oh my gosh I can't believe I forgot I I asked gee I said where are we in quilt Rhode Island and he said we went over 18,000 18,000 of you oh thank you so much for hanging out with me but that 18,000 means we have to have a giveaway and so the giveaway is going to be a $50 gift card to the stitching post here in Sisters Oregon yes they have a great online presence and so what I want you to tell me is the stitching post will be the word that the random generator will look for so be sure that you use the stitching post in your comment oh I'm so glad I remembered this you know I almost spent this card myself but yeah so I hope you all win somebody up there's gonna win and thank you thank you for hanging out with Jeannie okay now you can go that's watching and be sure to LIKE and subscribe on quilt roadies [Music]
Channel: Quilt Roadies
Views: 10,254
Rating: 4.9600887 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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