Anna is all the buzzz!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for stopping by it is just a catch-up day not much has happened around here it's been absolutely gorgeous weather and I've been waiting for that weather for so long that I have been distracted from the Beehive it is today just so as I look out the window there's still quite a bit of snow on the mountain yesterday I have to tell you it was the hottest day of the year for sure today it is warm it's gonna be in the 80s this is your weather report it's going to be in the 80s although it kind of has that look like there's high dispersed clouds kind of like like thunder and lightning maybe no I have no idea but I do not complain about the heat the thing about yesterday though is that I had my very first dental cleaning appointment and it had been postponed from March because of the whole quarantine and now they have systems set up you just to give you a story my dentist is I just love him well he's one of a long line of dentists in that office when I first came to Bend which is where my dentist is I have to drive to the for those who are not local I have to drive about 25 miles to the next town when I first moved to Bend I was looking for a dentist and there was a dentist who in his ad said he catered to cowards and I am a coward I have such a long dental history because when I was in college I a bicycle accident in which I landed on the street with my chin and broke all my back teeth my it had all be wired and and it was quite the story yeah my college roommate and a bunch of friends were out bike riding and we went to we went horseback riding on the beach because I graduated from the University of California and Santa Barbara and that that campus is right on the beach and we went horseback riding on the beach of course I am allergic to horses and so my one eye was just swollen shut with my allergy so when I ended up in the ER they thought this had to do with the bike accident it didn't well that's a long story but anyway I am a coward so I immediately chose him as my dentist because I mean back in the day I used to have to have nitrous to get my teeth cleaned I was yeah yeah I was bad I don't anymore I grew up but as the office put us through the years and each dentist either retired or moved the office remained and a new dentist would come in and he kept the same sign and and we have been so blessed because you know friend and I have been going and our children had been going to that dentist for for 30-some years so needless to say I go over to the next town to go to the dentist well the office now is across from the river I mean right across from the river there's no buildings between the office and the river so all the dental chairs you I apologize had nothing to do with quilting all the dental chairs face the river so you this beautiful view and in the spring it's fabulous to see you know the the Osprey or the Hawksbill nests you know and to see the river well it was insane I mean you know all those pictures we see of how people aren't socially distancing on the beaches in Florida that was what it was like on the river I mean the the beach the river the river Beach was totally packed there were so many people on inner tubes that were connected together that you almost couldn't see the water and not one person wearing a mask so I only hope the heat and outdoors took care of everybody but it was the freakiest thing to see when you are coming out of sheltering in place so it is a great view from the dental office but why was I telling this story oh yeah because yesterday you know you have to drive up you have to call the dentist's office and tell them you're ready I got there 15 minutes early but they were running behind and so I was in my car for like 25 minutes and it was like a hundred and three and the windows down it was 103 degrees in the car so I I finally called him back and I said okay it's freaking hot out here and so they let me come in and sit in the waiting area I was the only one in the waiting area and so I got my teeth cleaned by the woman who the hygienist who's been cleaning my teeth for over 30 years and it feel good to do something that's a pattern in your life so who would have thought getting my teeth cleaned yeah I know it's crazy but so those kinds of things have been going on in our lives we've gone out in the the the woods and enjoyed the time out there that's where G is today because I have a lot of things I want to get done here at home and I hadn't been up in the Beehive in a few days I did go see a girlfriend of mine she lives at one of the it's a combination of independent senior living assisted living and I'm like an Alzheimers care but she lives in her own home it's a free-standing home on those grounds and they don't I mean it's like Fort Knox go in there so what we did was we met outside the gates of the compound and we had our masks on and social distance and we talked and she gave me the stitching she was doing for me so here's the deal we have she doesn't want any more projects to buy she doesn't want a stash she is very much a minimalist but she is she enjoys stitching and so every so often I will take a small pile of my stitching to her and she'll stitch it and I give her a variety of things and then she she she worries so much that something will happen to her and and no one will know that's not hers so she labels everything with my name summer daughter's will know ok she dies or something Jesus so um so she wanted me to come pick up those things and she told me she was done stitching she didn't need anything else and then two days before I went there she goes bring me more projects so I took her all of my buttermilk basin Christmas ugly sweater ornaments I thought that would be so fun for her to stitch but I wanted to show you what she I totally forgot because what I took to her was back in early December of last year before we left for Arizona and so I had no clue what I took to her I had no clue until I got it back and so I'll show you what she did first of all it's this awesome bag I gave her the fabric look at that it's a beehive beehive bag now I don't have the pattern or even the name for the pattern of this bag because I don't have the pattern what I do know is that this was a bag designed by a woman named Marilyn who used to own a quilt shop and been called quilt works and she had designed this bag for herself and actually carried it like a backpack and she would carry her baby in there so I just this is like my favorite cuz it's got all my favorite B fabric you know it's so I just love it see it's big so that's gonna get a lot of use and then inside I had two of course I don't have the patterns for any of these so I have no idea one of them I do let's see oh this one okay this pattern here she made this little Easter we won two peeps isn't that cute it's just a little wall hanging just a little wall hanging and that is by play with wall designs and it's only three and a half by six inches it's absolutely just adorable Easter Easter one so she did that one and then she made this one I don't have the pattern for that so you don't have all the information but isn't that cute ah so cute and this one is a buttermilk Basin design it's a it's wall that you do on a towel and it's so it's called a love runner so that's that pattern and you know how we like Stacey's patterns and this is absolutely adorable it's on this fabulous towel so that's from buttermilk Basin that's gonna be great on the back of my church bench hanging during Valentine's so that's all the projects that she gave me back but of course if you didn't know for those have been here a long time that you may know that um she is my younger son's fairy godmother and so she's been a big part of our lives for a very long time now she's my grandson's great fairy godmother because back in the day my my mother his his grandparents didn't live here and eventually my mom did buy a honker but she was the consistent grandmother in his life and so she knows that they're expecting a new grandchild and she's going to have a second great she's gonna be a great fairy godmother to a second baby and she we've been calling him baby Leo I don't know if you'll ultimately end up with that name but we're kind of all liking it we're getting used to it who knows what will happen but she made him a couple wall hangings for his room oh and they are so cute so there is one hand quilted oh just adorable absolutely adorable and I showed them I showed them to my grandson and his mom and look at the giraffe and they loved them absolutely love them so I will be seeing them oh and there's such cute but just I'll be seeing them in let's see I'll be seeing them in probably another week and a half when we go camping and so I'll take that to them my job this week is I'm making more scrub caps for my daughter-in-law who's an ER nurse for her and her girlfriends they they need more of them it's I know those of you that are making the either scrub caps or masks are probably not having to buy much fabric I do not have to buy much fabric but um I picked out a bunch of fabric for the scrub caps all to show them to you what's better than a few wine corks on a scrub cap and then I found some fun fabric isn't that fun so I have a quite a pile going here and it's gonna be like a little sweatshop when I start making these look at the koi I think that's beautiful fabric here's some with some slippers ribbons I love the colors and that one isn't it gorgeous koi surfboards and like a dragon type fabric Asian traffic dragons so I have quite a pile going that I'm going to be making scrub caps on this week cuz we are all the family is all meeting up at a campground we have our little covert corner going and I'm gonna take them up there because my post postal bill is off the charts this year on top of that what all of that going on this week I received two packages of quilty kindness that um it it always humbles me but I'm not only I moved I'm just moved that's all I can say and in all the kindness in the comments you know it's a very kind community and I want quote roadies to be that place where where kindness reigns so I'm glad that you all are here I read all the comments I enjoy every single one and [Music] I'm blessed I am truly blessed but wait'll you see this so patty yeah patty patty lives on the other side of the mountain and she is quite quite the stitcher and we have been stitching together off and on for a few years here yeah I love her but sometimes there must be a devious side to her because she actually knows how much stuff I have to do and but she doesn't know she maybe didn't know how much I wanted this so she sent me some french general hand work I mean oh I wanted this I have one of this and had resisted getting it for myself but it's that pre-printed I hope you can see that pre-printed on French general it's um it's a linen that you embroider and you can do whatever you want with it you can um you know you can make pillows out of it you can make wall hangings out of it you could use it in a quilt wall hanging just look at that let's see it's a flower basket and then there's all the different stitches I mean it is gorgeous and then the border I mean in the border they even put different types of ribbon treatments that you could cut and use and you know who doesn't love French general is there anybody out there who doesn't love Fred show I mean really and on top of that I got a little car coaster that looks like it it's you know I've seen these but I've never oh my gosh it's actually out of stone and it's absorbent but you put it down in you know where your where your drink sets and it absorbs the the drips and these easily cleaned isn't that cute so Patti I love you thank you so much thank you so much I will add it to my list of handwork well the next envelope that I got this week I when I read the letter I mean when I read the card and the card is adorable because it is it's a quilting bee it's a quilting bee but that's the thing about when I read this card it reinforced in my heart that supporting and pushing out kind of some love to each other it comes back you know it comes back maybe not every time and sure there are hardships in the world and there are mean people and there are challenges but I think if you stick to your truth things happen and what I loved about this is that Michelle this is who sent this to me Michelle said she'd been watching my videos for a while and that they helped her challenge herself in her dreams which oh my gosh that's like really I I feel honored I feel honored and she is launching she has an Etsy shop and I'll put that link down below in the description but she's launching a series of pattern books and their call the well her Etsy shop is called under the woolen willow under the woolen willow and she sent me the first book in a four book series called wing of the crow yeah give me crows give me pumpkins you know I'm there I'm there and so this is the first publication and here's the projects on the back that are in there now that little that little up here by my finger right here that says a is for acorn I'm I might change that to a is for Anna oh I just it is so exciting so exciting I love it when people are actual izing their dreams I just love it you know it's it is amazing and so included she stitched oh that here's one of her um her patterns there but if you see right there she stitched a little wooly bookmark how cute is that made with a paperclip and this thing I love this now mind you okay here it is let me show you she did this little keychain with the little wooly thing but yesterday I had to take my snip snip scissors with me to my neighborhood gals were all socially distance sitting and talking and a couple of us were stitching and I thought to myself how am I not going to lose those I hope I don't lose those and then look at I just attach them on the keychain so that's what's how I'm going to carry these particular snippets what a clever clever idea so and that would make fabulous fabulous gifts I mean so you could put them on your scissors yeah so thank you Thank You Michelle I mean truly truly the biggest gift is that you're following your dream you're pushing yourself and that is kind of what we all have to do in different ways whether it's where we have to get out of our comfort zone sometimes that sometimes when you get out of your comfort zone you learn more about yourself and more about the world around you and you start making choices about your life and your times I mean it's it truly is a good thing to do a good thing to do so I'm hoping this week to kind of clean up the Beehive it's a little bit and sometimes when you move things around you get this fresh look and then you get invigorated and I think that's what I need to do and then next time I am hoping that we will have a video on facing I'm gonna face that that be table runner or wall hanging I'm gonna face that I've got a few more bindings to make and attach and but that good weather is calling to me I know it must be calling to some of you I know some of you who are having scary Thunder tornado kind of weather but what about that big old cloud that's coming towards the south east coast I mean geez you know and then my poor friends and outside of Tucson there's a horrible horrible fire in oral Valley which is just outside of Tucson and in the beautiful beautiful Catalina Island mountains no island I figured California but the Catalina Mountains I have such fond memories because when ENSO was still with us we would go hike up there and he just loved it he loved it because Catalina State Park allowed dogs you see the national parks don't so we could take him hiking up there and just a dot that it's on fire it's it's heartbreaking but Mother Nature has a way of clearing and replenishing and and it's unfortunate that we have built and encroached into those areas because now there's a lot of people who are scrambling and we kind of keep them in our thoughts and prayers for sure well I think that's it for this morning and I am going to start doing a little bit of cleaning I have like little piles everywhere and I I can't quite I can't quite get my you-know-what together until I get get it all situated a little bit better and yeah yeah okay I'll see you next time I'll be doing a little bit a tutorial on facing and doing a little bit of stitching and I'm gonna continue on with my the pumpkin sashing borders for my buttermilk Basin bottom I have them all in here in my absolutely adorable bag and that's it you guys take care and enjoy the day seize the day you are more powerful than you thanks for watching and be sure to LIKE and subscribe on quilt roadies [Music]
Channel: Quilt Roadies
Views: 9,632
Rating: 4.9840002 out of 5
Id: gRDMIJpgdUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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