Bedroll Setups

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we're guys I'm Dave Canterbury with self-reliance Outfitters in the Pathfinder school what I thought we'd do today is this is a little impromptu video I had posted a photograph on my Instagram and subsequently that goes to my Facebook page as well about a bedroll and it's a bedroll that I've used for a long period of time I use a couple different ones actually depending on the seasonality which we'll talk about in a few minutes but someone asked me about the inner components of that bedroll because it was only a picture of the bedroll they rolled up so I thought what I'd do is I'd pull out two different bed rolls I've got here one is kind of a multi seasonal bed roll and the other one is more of a two-season type bedroom if you will and I thought we would look at both of those look at the components and then talk about you know why I prefer one over the other why what components I think are good to have inside of a bed roll and what things you could do even modern-day to add things to a bed roll that maybe modern gear that weren't carry traditional but may greatly enhance your experience sleeping on the ground with something like in bed roll so let's talk about that stay with me we'll get started okay so part of what I think is good about this discussion is that it lends itself well to the video series we're working on right now in the shadow of nesic and the reason I say that is because these are the same types of things that Nessman and Kephart would carry with them when they were tramping and traveling through woods they may have used different materials of course they used to lightweight material they could get and some of this stuff is not really light and that's the sacrifice you make when you try to go really traditional is you're going to add some weight however in the shadow of Nemec and trying to find the most modern materials that we can it's going to be very relatable to this with modern fabrics when I talk about that as well so let's talk about this bed roll system first and this bed roll system is pretty simple and its components the bottom component or the outermost component of this thing is an 8x8 tinsmiths oilskin target alright so everything is contained in that tarp that tarp could be laid directly on the ground and just flopped over the top of you in an envelope that's what you wanted to do in traditional bedroom style or the way this one's set up is the second component or second layer in here is actually a sleeve it's not a bag it's actually a full sleeve so it can be used as a raised bed and stuffed with debris in the wintertime in which case this outer component can be used as a tarp to go completely overtop of you if you choose to do it that way or this could be used as a Browse bed just stuffed with brows left on the ground on top of the oil cloth and you just sleep on the ground the only other two components in this particular bed roll are wool blankets you have one it's a little bit larger than a twin but smaller than a queen and one that is a twin and one's a little thicker than the other but gives you two layers and really layering is the key to all of this stuff when it comes to insulated value how much dead air space can I trap between layers so being able to have a layer of cushion that I'm sleeping on to battle conduction or sleep on top of and then giving me something that I can roll up into in a couple of different layers gives me that option in the winter time so this is a very good wintertime setup and if it were really really cold I would add one more wool blanket that is probably in a full/queen now the one component that's not in this setup because it's in my other setup but I use it bilaterally or I use it with both setups is this Muslim flower sack that's been sewed up to half the size of a flower sack basically that I use as a Browse bag for a pillow I can stuff this with clothing I can stuff with brows I got stuff with anything and I can use this as a pillow I can also use this as an improvised backpack or haversack if I need to if I don't have something like that with me on carries at bedroll so I switched this in between the kits usually depending on the one I'm carrying this one will go in there as well but this is more of a winter type setup or a more of a Four Seasons where you have a tarp shelter that can be used either over the top of you or around you to encompass you depending on how you use it a couple of wool blankets and a browse bed now what I want to talk to you about is no we're talking about more of a two-season type setup that's a little lighter weight obviously because you have less components but it's also a little less comfortable sleeping but you can make one modern addition to that to make it very comfortable to sleep in so let's go talk about that word okay so this one is nothing but what's called a gum blanket and I talked about these in videos past when we talked about the 21st century long on our scissors in a gum blanket there's nothing more than a rubberized piece of canvas basically with Kerry garam Civil War you can see it's about 5 feet by 7 feet about 5 feet wide 7 feet long and they could be used to wrap up in as some kind of an over garment if you need to in the rain it could also be used as a ground sheet or it can be used as a tarp in emergency as well and all I combined with that is a queen size we will blanket this one is a fairly heavy one this one is a actual loom woolen blanket from a company that's no longer in business that made blankets for green actors this is a very expensive blanket but it's a very warm blanket it's got a really thick pile and it's got a lot of breathability so you can put the layer stack the layer and it works out really really well and for that you only need these two components really for you know anytime in the spring and summer these two components are enough now if you are not comfortable sleeping directly on the ground you want to get a good night's sleep there's nothing wrong with throwing a modern component into this thing like you know an inexpensive air mattress that you can get the point rollin up inside here and you've got that R value of an insulated mat underneath you to sleep on the ground you can put this underneath the blanket on top of the gum to protect it from the ground and you can also use this with the winter setup who you want to but having the Browse bed kind of defeats the purpose of needing this whereas in this case we didn't put a browse by in this side so something that weighs not hardly anything that rolls up flat will work just fine so an air mattress is a decent add to your kit if you're just trying to throw something together a sleep more comfortable to the woods and again it's lightweight a lot of room it's not gonna add anything as far as bulk really to this bedroom now here's the thing that I want you to realize we talked about these bed rolls and things like that is that you're gonna actually this is gonna be your backpack per se so you're gonna put like another shirt in here an extra pair of socks maybe a little bit of food some dry fire material some extra cordage things like that things that you would normally carry in a backpack and probably carrying this bed roll for an overnight or two so that you wouldn't have to carry an extra backpack in here have a sack which is actually a food sack not the purpose that we use however socks for nowadays but the original intention of the our shop or the food sack you carry your foodstuffs in and what you want to cook with and then everything else would go inside your bedroll and that would be the two components you carry with a hammer shot now looking at this in a shadow of Nessman mentality thinking back to what we looked at when we talked about that Oh lightweight backpack we had basically a Tyvek sheep which replaced this gum blanket not as heavy duty but it's also not as heavy but it will do the job and keep you off the ground keep your gear from getting dirty and getting tore up on the ground and then on top of that we use an air mattress instead of a browse bed we use an actual air mattress and then on top of that we had a down quick I'm still having the wool blanket we had it down quilt and then instead of having I don't well skin tarp we use at our clothes maple to the fiber so we had ultralight material that did the same perform the same functions in a lighter weight more modern material that's exactly what being in the shadow of Nesmith is all about it's finding that balance for you on how traditional you want to be in the woods versus how comfortable you want to be in the woods versus how much weight you want to carry the woods and how much the mobility you want while you're in the woods and how long you're going to stay all those things are really coming up balanced but for me I like to kind of do both I like to do you think traditional I like to do things with modern gear I like to mix it to and match the two doesn't bother me a bit and it wouldn't bother me a bit to take an air mattress or modern air mattress throw it into this bedroom right here and take it out for teenage scout or when the case may be or teach a class and sleep beside a fire ant over night wouldn't bother me a bit and I wouldn't feel guilty about having the air mattress along with a wool blanket in a gum blanket because to me it just doesn't matter that much if I'm really trying to go nothing but dead traditional I do but I just enjoy me in the woods so I don't really pluck hairs when it comes to that stuff like some people do I don't mind mixing modern and traditional so let's talk about putting this back together real quick so what you do now is if you're going to add something like this aromatic yes you would obviously pull the plug on the air mattress deflate it you roll it up inside if you were going to do that you'd put your clothes and things like that G in there and what I like to do is I like to have this thing so that I've got some extra room to be able to bring this over to the blanket here and then fold in both sides in other words close in both sides you can see that this makes it about two where the blankets at and then this is going to fold over the top or this is going to fold into the blanket and this is going to fold over the top either way doesn't really matter to me either way would be fine but it just gives something to kind of seal that wool blanket in there to give it a little bit more protection then I just try to even everything up I start with a little bit of a fold just like that try to keep things even then I try to kind of tighten things up as I go again depending on what you're doing how much stuff you're trying to carry around with you this doesn't have to be that much bulk yes it's gonna have a little weight to it but it doesn't have to be crazy you'd have to be extreme now you've got your bed roll roll up so you're gonna put your straps around that and I like having this kind of an envelope right here in the middle because I can tuck a squirrel cooker in there and an axe and give myself the ability to slide those things out when I need them without taking the bed roll part and so I will take this configuration and put my bedroll straps on that and so you've got basically sort of straps here that contain a shoulder strap and if you take the shoulder strap off of the thing while you're doing this much easier dude right there on the top side there dude make sure you're evened up on your bedroll yep same amount of hangover on both sides in other words we can't make sure your even track her down how did you want to go I know how much material you got in their cars clothing and things like that it's gonna dictate how tight you can get this thing your ax so it's a pretty simple process again I've got that envelope right there talking accent to tuck a squirrel clipper into do is connect my strap there you go between this and my hammer side give me everything I need for an overnight or - easy enough okay the second one it's pretty much the same system you just got a little bit more overlap with this one as far as this part of it goes is you have a neat foot tour up here but you know again I'm about table length there got everything folded in thirds across the top on this one again you deal with a bigger target got an 8 by 8 7 5 7 yeah she'll bug visit me here and then I just fold the front of it nothing like that and again just keep it tight and start rolling down toward the other end if everything is needs you can weigh when you get to the end here you're just going to do exactly what you did before take an extra foam but you can in here over the top of the other roll straps up in there and you're ready to rock and roll so you can see there's a bit of a size variance here because you've got more of a winter bed roll and more of a summer bed roll so obviously one's gonna be more bulky and weigh more than the other one does this one probably weighs double what this one does so yeah it's just a quick way that you can carry gear it's traditional traditional way to carry gear and it's not different than the gear we carry today or more modern gear it's just set up a little bit different you still have the same basic sheltering components no matter what you do you need three things you need something to sleep on something to sleep in and something to sleep under you got all three of those components you're going to be set you're under could be a tarp or you're under could be the over flap of an oil cloth or gum blanket you're on top of is going to be your air mattress it could be a browse bed or it could be a raised bed and obviously you're inside of it's going to be your wool blanket your sleeping bag you're down quilt whatever you choose to carry but the three components are going to be the same no matter what type of material and what time period you choose to use and materials from in your bushcrafting so I just want to cover that real quick with you guys today especially being part of the series in the shadow of nest mix so we understand that really components are no different they're just made of different material maybe we configured a little bit different but they all function in the same manner I appreciate your views I appreciate your support and thank you for thing you do for school for family report business or our sponsors our structures affiliates and friends I'll be back into the video soon as I can guys make sure you get the notification bell and make sure you subscribe to my channel I'll see you on the next one guys thanks
Channel: David Canterbury
Views: 107,238
Rating: 4.959918 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Survival, David Canterbury, Dave Canterbury, Pathfinder, The Pathfinder School, Archery, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Primitive Skills, Fire, Water, Shelter, Navigation, First Aid, Search and Rescue, Signaling, Prepper, Preparedness, Self Reliance, Survivability, The 10 C's, Knives, Axes, Saws, Bow Drill, Ferrocerium Rod, Ferro Rod, Tarp, Hammock, Canteen, Cooking, Longhunter, Trapping
Id: FaQAJxqyNeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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