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you hey guys dan will act a coal cracker bushcraft today I'm out on a scout and a overnight camp so I wanted to talk to everybody just briefly about my bedroll how I set it up and what I carry it and the usefulness of a bedroll stay tuned we'll get started okay guys so here's my bedroll and just to give you a estimate of temperature-wise what I'm going to use this for it's springtime now here in Pennsylvania so we're looking at around freezing maybe a little bit warmer in the evenings throughout the night and then during the day we're looking at possible rain storms because it's definitely not going to snow our temperatures are anywhere from the low 60s to the low 70s so that's the temperature range we're working in as far as with this bed roll but you around it stays quite much the same for the most part so a bed roll itself as you saw at the beginning of this video how you carry just over your shoulder and you're gonna need bed roll straps there's some different setups you can use for that which we'll do in another video but this is just a typical leather strap with two straps you tie around your bed roll itself my only suggestion with bed roll straps get a good pair because you're gonna put a lot of tension and pressure on depending on how much gear you carry also you want to make sure they're long enough you don't want short little straps because if you start putting some stuff in here and you put some good elements in as far as large tarps large wool blankets then you're going to need long straps okay so tucked in the outside of course I have my axe easiest way for me to carry it when I'm going light as far as a bed roll and a hammer sack so I just stick this in the outside roll of my bed roll throw that off to the side that's pretty easy as far as what we got here it's just my carpet rolled up into fours okay so it's quartered off that's the size and this is an 8 by 8 part from oils from 10 Smith's I'm sorry and then I have a king-size hand Lizzie wool blanket and a smaller chard blanket that I'll use either as a ground cloth or if it's dry and they make a leaf bed or anything like that to laying on top of then I can use two blankets if needed and then I if you watch my videos in the past I'm a big fan of the 18th century hunting shirts and over shirts so I always do throw one of these on this was actually a gift from my one friend Dan van Linsky he just got me this recently it's an open front hunting truck so I'm gonna start carrying that with me my bedroll just to throw on at night as an extra layer if I would need that if it's a little bit cooler I can throw that on so I have that in here I also like to carry my ridgelines in a small bag and I carry some plastic tent pegs and some toggles and muddy from my last trip inside a pillow case and the pillow case you can actually just stuff with weave you can stuff if it's warm with some clothing to have a pillow it'll make your sleep much better at night and then basically as you saw I already unrolled it to fold it back up all that I do is I take my tent pegs and my ridge lines and I hold my blanket over so they're all the way on the inside I'll lay my shirt out or any of the clothing sometimes I have a pair of socks in here and then I take it and I just roll it up and when I get close to the edge fold my bedroll back okay and that's gonna help with waterproofing that's a little bit and roll it over and we're good to go the good thing with a bed roll is when you get to camp and you set everything up you have your bed roll straps that you can tie if you need to you can tie a firewood if you have to travel for firewood or anything like that you can tie that up and carry it back or in my case what I normally do is once I set up my car I'll leave my chard blanket behind and I take my good heavy wool blanket if I do any scouting I take that it's not too heavy so I throw that on my back with my haversack and if something would happen of course I have a good cover element and I have everything in my haversack that I would need to stay out overnight it's not going to be as comfortable without the tarp and they have an extra blanket but it'll definitely get me by a lot better than just sleeping with nothing so that's my bed roll that's how I set it up I hope you guys enjoyed their videos I have a lot more coming I'm going to be out here camping so I look a lot of good ideas of what I'm going to be doing for the next couple days to make some videos so keep tuned for them and see you next time thanks guys you
Channel: Coalcracker Bushcraft
Views: 46,698
Rating: 4.9598932 out of 5
Keywords: bedroll camping, camping, bedroll, survival, self reliance. bushcrafting, overnight camping, wool blanket, oilskin, oilskin tarp, tentsmiths
Id: CAUewlQj66Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2015
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