Becoming Toji Fushiguro! | Deepwoken Build

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what's up guys it's punchy and this time I cooked up something special it's come to my attention that most of you watch me for my over-the-top dedication to deboking builds and in order to surpass my limits I made a binding vow to recreate characters from all my favorite anime with deep Oakland's vast character customization this time I popped off and I'm excited to show you what's up in the past I've only covered one character from my favorite new anime Jiu Jitsu Kaizen and now I've made a second I'll say this right now if you haven't watched season 2 there are spoilers up to episode 4 and you have been warned in Jiu Jitsu Kaizen there are many characters we'd love to see win sometimes they're cool sometimes they're strong and sometimes they're genuinely kind people they're the good guys but when a character shows up that bodies even the strongest it's something revolutionary for both the fan base and the entire series today's character Recreation is Toshi fushiguro the source of her killer and the demon that killed Gojo satoro during the latest hidden inventory Arc Toshi fushiguro completely and utterly annihilates even the most powerful characters in Jiu Jitsu Kaizen and changes their life Eyes Forever without the capability of cursed energy toji relies on pure Instinct and fighting prowess both ghetto and Gojo are unrivaled Sorcerers and I only have one question how do you get beaten by a damn monkey I mean toji even says it himself how y'all gonna lose with a mix of martial arts underhanded tactics a million different weapons and cursed tools toshifushiguro left a lasting impact on the entire Jiu Jitsu Kaizen series real quick before we start I have become enlightened after my near-death experience I realized throughout Heaven and Earth I alone am the honored one but I don't want to be alone if you guys want to join me in my attempt to redefine Jiu Jitsu make sure to like And subscribe it really helps me out anyway there's no time to waste I've got curses to kill and builds to explain in deep Oak in toji fushiguro was extremely fun to make and insane to play as first off with our drip etrian was the perfect race for this underhanded snake The Invisible Man toji hides in broad daylight and blends in with the rest of Japan his black hair was perfect using this race and I decided to go with a messy sort of hairstyle toji's t-shirts and baggy pants were challenging to accomplish but I did my best using the cell tour Commander plate and summer Dragoon outfit you might be wondering what's up with that purple thing throughout his battles Toshi fushiguro makes use of a cursed Spirit a weird looking purple worm that acts as his hidden inventory in the anime toji stores a multitude of hidden cursed Weaponry within this worm which then he hides within himself anything can be used and it always surprises his targets I did my best to recreate this hidden inventory with the purple sand Runner scarf and crazy slot spell with this spell we got swords Spears even guns which he definitely puts to good use I mean uh rest in peace but the two cursed weapons that undoubtedly carry toji would have to be the split Sul Katana and the inverted sphere of Heaven the split Soul Katana bypasses all defense and attacks directly at one's Soul this weapon deals very heavy damage and is greatly valued in Jiu Jitsu Kaizen the inverted sphere of Heaven that's something even greater a single slash of this spearhead can disable any curse technique and it straight up pierces through Gojo's Limitless I mean toji is not to be messed with when he has his tour in-game are tochi fushiguro is equipped with a grim forgotten Gladius and a secondary cursed steer the main Gladius represents our split Sul Katana because of its rounded appearance and our offhand was the inverted Spear of Heaven both of these weapons do a lot for our kit and Grim was about as accurate as I could get either I directly attack our enemy's Soul using the split so Katana or I pierce their defense with the inverted Spear of Heaven the Grim and chance covered all our bases forcing our enemy to take extra damage in a world full of curses and Jiu Jitsu Sorcerers being without cursed energy is much harder than you think you cannot ignore your surroundings if you're born in the Zenon Clan and much like toji we start off weak and get kicked out of our clan but later on we gain strength to spin the whole block as you can see my stats reflect this despite lacking cursed techniques toji has a few skills of his very own let's get right into his abilities toji fushiguru's existence goes against the rules of Jiu Jitsu as he entirely lacks cursed energy instead of seeing and utilizing curses he experiences them much differently due to this heavenly restriction he was blessed with a body capable of testing the limits of human movements and enhancements in all five senses although this restriction is seen as negative toji believes it's a blessing we can reach Peak Human Performance with the help of our Heavenly reinforced restriction mid-combat if I'm feeling weak reinforce gives us that small push forward to rejoin the fight and destroy our enemy with confidence confidence is exactly what toji's character represents but it doesn't hurt to be a little bit stealthy without cursed energy toji fushiguro Dawns the title invisible man going anywhere in the country without source of her surveillance it's impossible to track down this Hunter with jiu jitsu techniques although I'm confident in my own fighting ability those pesky sorcerer void Walkers cannot track me down the tacit murmur masks our presence as we too become invisible toji fushiguro the man of a thousand names has one more title under his belt the sorcerer killer toji gets down to business and gets the job done for the right price he definitely has that demon brain decision making and quickly takes out Sorcerers better than any other Bounty Hunter using prominent straw we close the distance and slay them quickly and nobody expects the sorcerer killer and once they realize their opponent it's already too late Gojo satoro the six eyes fell into despair as he was utterly helpless against the light speed slashes from sorcerer killer toji Fuji Guru using his Heavenly restricted body with maximum efficiency tochi dances around Gojo easily while approaching him without any effort with a flurry of attacks Gojo is defeated by toji's unwavering speed Blitz and quick wit it's almost impossible to recreate that demonic ass whooping that Gojo received but our combos with Revenge seem to give us an infinite amount of options using Revenge a blush Gem and the pursuit Talent Landing this Mantra refills its cooldown instantly letting us speed Blitz and reach our Target in a second against other sorcerers and curse Spirits toji straight up wins fights without even being hit his inhuman reflexes as a hunter are something else entirely and with his Heavenly restricted body he's able to dodge and weave any attack thrown his way dodging attacks became easy due to our speed-based playstyle using and abusing the spring spark Dash we could approach or run from any interaction further upon this tap dancer and observation allowed us to run up close and engage safely the scariest part about tochi fushiguro is his lack of hesitation and monstrous brutality it doesn't matter if it's a damn Dragon a teenage student or a straight up kid you know toji slashes and kills anything for dollar incentive his executions are messy and his brutal takedowns always stand out in game we take down our targets with an abundance of cuts rapid slashes helped us attack players from range as we slice them up just like Gojo during these executions toji's hidden inventory has a lot of use one of the most dangerous of his hidden cursed Weaponry is the split sulcatana with the ability to negate all defense and directly slice their soul not much is stopping his attacks using Masters flourish we split our enemies soul and slash right through them a whirlwind of attacks apply pressure to our targets and deal heavy damage along the way another Unforgettable cursed tool within toji's hidden inventory is the insanely strong inverted Spear of heaven with the ability to turn off other curse techniques toji slices through cursed energy with ease and even pierces through the Limitless Tech technique equipped with the inverted sphere of Heaven toji became the only man in history who killed Gojo satoro exhaustion Shrek embodied the true nature of our inverted sphere as we thrust forward and Pierce our enemies veil of protection nothing prevents our Relentless attack and they gotta watch out for this one we talked about the split sulcatana and the inverted Spear of heaven but it would be disrespectful to forget the chain of a Thousand Miles this chain has infinite range as long as the back is hidden allowing toji to fight enemies from any distance during his final stand with Gojo toji whips this one out but it seemed like it wasn't enough to withstand the enlightened I definitely didn't feel enlightened when using iron sings reverse chain pull but when it worked it was pretty damn effective at pushing people away sure it's basically impossible to hit but I think we get extra character points for getting punished for using this chain I mean at the end of the day that's what happened to toji and that's all for his abilities but a lot of you seem to think that silent heart would be the best option for toji fushiguro of course I see how that works and I'll explain what you can do with silent heart on this build this is what toji looks like with the selling hard and his lack of cursed energy is fully represented with our inability to use the song having Mantra resistance and shutdown a silent heart can also work for this character our ankle cutter and manicotti techniques show off many of toji fushiguro's underhanded tactics but at the end of the day I just refused to use this oath sure it might be lore accurate and sure we don't have abilities but it totally kills build diversity and prevented me from making a fun character that I would enjoy and you would enjoy watching of course feel free to do whatever you want silent heart or oathless this character is still toji fushiguro onto our talent list [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's all let's get into our fights with toji fushiguro the sorcerer killer foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign thanks so much for watching I had so much fun with this character honestly I hope you enjoyed this build because it was one of my favorites to make comment down below which character you want to see next because I always read suggestions my final request please like And subscribe if you enjoy what I do thanks again it's punching time thank you [Music]
Channel: TheRealPunchee
Views: 219,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox Jujutsu Kaisen, Roblox JJK, TheRealPunchee, Punchee, Roblox Deepwoken, Deepwoken, Deepwoken Build, Toji Deepwoken, Deepwoken Toji Fushiguro, Punchee Deepwoken, Deepwoken Anime build, Deepwoken Builds
Id: 48FHXQr5pis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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