Becoming Gojo, The Strongest! | Deepwoken Build

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what's up guys it's punchy and if you know me you know I love making creative semi-faithful adaptations of my favorite anime characters in the game deep woken throughout the years I've made sacrifices and struggled along the way but hopefully my knowledge of cursed energy is shown off with this character in the past I perfected and finalized some new entries into my anime character build list many of them originating from my favorite new anime Jiu Jitsu Kaizen I'll say this right now if you haven't watched jjk season 2 there are spoilers and you have been warned today it's time for another sorcerer the strongest gather round Sorcerers and curse users alike throughout Heaven and Earth it's time for the honored one to descend into the depths of deep woken last time we talked about the antagonist and evildoer a demon toji fushigura who entirely flipped Jujutsu kaizen's greatest team on its head eventually causing both the strongest to question their belief in Jiu Jitsu sorcery let's pose a question is being the strongest really worth it sotoru Gojo arguably one of the greatest Sorcerers of the modern day era is cursed with power but of course he makes even that look fun his unrivaled position at the top is Untouchable except for those like the king of curses and I'm sure you've heard a lot online recently but in the current series nobody is touching Gojo literally with a mix of fast hands quick thinking and space manipulation satoru Gojo defines the Modern Age of jujutsu's sorcery before we start a quick announcement from I the real Punchy so last time I got a little bit too cocky because I met Enlightenment sure I thought I was the strongest but now I've been banished into the prison realm with nothing else to do but make videos it's alright because I love what I do and I hope you enjoy it too so if you want to lend me your support make sure to like And subscribe and let's get right into this I do want to say that you should make this character any way you like and don't let my build limit you so comment down below your own version of Gojo because creativity is what this is all about anyway let's get started on to the most important phase of build creation which I think is the appearance so I recreated Gojo as etrian simply because it matched his pale skin and white hair the outfit I went for was his simple Jiu Jitsu sorcery uniform with his dark blue coat and signature blindfold you're also free to create Gojo with his hair down and bonus glasses if you want to as well you'll notice that I'm using a pair of elastic flame he process this and in Jiu Jitsu Kaizen Gojo uses the Limitless blue technique to enhance his punches and keep enemies close he hits them extremely hard and pulls them into his punches to exponentially multiply his physical output in game it's kind of hard to understand because I'm using a weapon that looks red I have particles that are purple but this weapon is supposed to represent the blue technique like what is going on visually it doesn't really matter because Gojo uses all of these abilities but the main point of elastic Legion Kata is to draw people into our punches and keep them close if you're considered the strongest you definitely have faced death and changed because of it goju approached the brink of death after his interaction with toji and became enlightened this power caused him to develop into the monster that we see today and my stats reflect this enough wasting time let's get into Saturday Gojo's a vast range of abilities with his eccentric personality Gojo easily repels people away from him no cursed energy required he's stronger than everybody and he knows this trash talking to peers seniors even enemies Gojo is quick to insult and talk trash it's hard for him to take things seriously due to his absurd strength after successful uppercuts flourishes and crit attacks we insult the enemy and let them know they'll never touch the glory of in the words of my good friend lunar Kaiser my glorious Majestic beautiful gorgeous daring elegant King Gojo even without cursed technique Gojo has hands and uses them effectively during his fights Gojo beats down the enemy with a flurry of light speed punches unreactable to most people for example during his fight with Miguel this ass whooping was so insane it caused the fan base to question Gojo's opinions about foreign sorcery as far as I know Gojo doesn't really care who you are because these hands are ready e for everyone and yeah he just beats everyone's ass in combat when enemies least expect this we whip out rapid punches and begin our beat down it's practically impossible to defend against every single blow and it's insane to apply pressure inheriting the Gojo Clan's Limitless technique saturu Gojo displays pure dominance in the battlefield as he manipulates space to his will reality becomes impossible when Gojo weaponizes ridiculous Concepts like black holes and negative distance like their normal Gojo's base State revolves around the concept of infinity the absolute defense no matter what happens touching Gojo directly is almost impossible without amplifying you know with domain or something like that with this technique the Limitless divides the finite amount of space between Gojo and his enemy and divides it infinitely no matter how close an object gets it will never fully touch him unless he allows it infinitely slowing to a crawl it's very tough to pierce Gojo's invisible barrier the basic principle of infinity keeping enemies away and most importantly protecting Gojo in the process is of course you know what we're using slept on by many the bounce enchant pushes back other sorcerers because listen they can't touch the glory of Gojo the enlightened they just can't touch him another application of Gojo's Infinity is with the vision Shapers illusory counter they just can't touch us it's impossible so we look down on them instantly countering their cursed energy we piece them up so fast we create illusory after images this is what I call true Jiu Jitsu Infinity was something basic something passive something certain that always shrouds Gojo and he relies upon this but don't worry he's got more up his sleeve the Limitless enhanced collapsing blue allows Gojo to apply his cursed energy forming an invisible point in space which pulls in and attracts anything that he wants it to Gojo's Precision of collapsing blue comes down to his creativity and manipulation of his very own cursed energy there are several applications of this Limitless technique from short range displays of magnetism mid-range attraction that pulls enemies in all the way over to massively destructive vortexes of pulling energy blue can basically do all of it if it's pulling in tired of waiting we attract our enemies using enforcer pull it's a straightforward application of collapsing Blues attraction allowing us to set up Combos and begin our beat down Shadow Vortex became a destructive application of collapsing blue creating a black hole and consuming all within its radius in combination our collapsing blue pull with our blue Vortex it's very easy to catch escaping enemies Gojo's blue technique carries him far literally and allows him to essentially TP you know teleport short-range distances by compressing the space between him and his destination Gojo warfs reality to get where he needs to go dipping out of Combos and combat alike ghost and tap dancer represents our instantaneous movement so we disappear instantaneously and reposition in order to maintain dominance in the fight everything so far that we've been talking about revolved around Limitless blue pulling in and attracting space but what happens when we apply reverse curse technique reversal red is the true opposite of collapsing blue unleashing a destructive repelling force that destroys anything in its pack reversal red forces space to diverge ripping the fabric of reality apart in a devastating blast of pure energy to mix things up we slam our enemy away with reversal red in this case flame repulsion after setting up a blue Vortex it's very easy to knock back enemies and apply flame forcing them to react and you know they get hit the Limitless technique collapsing blue forces space to converge attracting anything nearby flipping this around reversal red does the opposite diverging space and pushing it away with a display of true Jiu Jitsu Mastery Limitless Hollow purple combines the concepts of both push and pull simultaneously creating something that is genuinely impossible a fusion of the repelling force and attracting Force cannot exist it's an imaginary Mass that's impossible within the realm of reality it's just it does not exist Hollow purple is this a imaginary Mass realized a traveling blast of energy that for a lack of better words deletes it doesn't directly tear anything it doesn't blow stuff up it just deletes anything in its path don't get me wrong it's tough to represent imaginary energy but our Hollow purple was represented with Shadow meteors just like Gojo we Propel a mass of pure destruction towards our enemy and slam them into the ground as shown in the anime and manga hobo purple's curse energy kind of looks like an orb and this seemed to do the trick speaking about crazy stuff Gojo's entire existence is almost statistically impossible being born into the Gojo Clan allowed him access too much more than the Limitless technique as he obtained the six eyes which is super rare the six size or rikugan are the Sharingan of Jujutsu Kaizen granting sotoru extreme perception allowing him to see enhanced information about objects at an atomic level normally the six sides are unnecessary and overwhelming for everyday usage justifying why Gojo wears dark glasses or his iconic blindfold with an analytic breakdown of the entire Battlefield we activate our very own six eyes using gaze after getting a grasp of the world around us the Insignia gem empowers our next Mantra and allows us to act while maintaining maximum cursed Energy Efficiency this is the peak of modern Jujutsu sorcery a domain expansion from the strongest himself Gojo's Master Limitless allows him to bring himself and his Target into the Limitless for a devastating mind-destroying attack a simple explanation of the unlimited void allows Gojo to attack his enemy's mind with a void of infinite knowledge overwhelming and rendering them completely immobilized and useless this attack is considered a sure hit an undodgeable mental attack Master domain expansion is extremely Advanced almost impossible for experienced Sorcerers to obtain in game we initiate our domain expansion by establishing a barrier and this is the first step of three that a sorcerer must complete to expand their full domain our barrier forms with the gravity resonance easy to enter impossible to escape next step we expand our innate domain filling up this empty domain with cursed energy the final piece of Gojo's unlimited void is the sure hit 100 undodgeable information overload we flood our enemies mind with knowledge rendering them immobile for a set amount of time it's very easy to stun our targets with a sure hitting attack using glare to execute a fully powered domain expansion we must have full Mastery of our cursed energy in all aspects and it's very difficult to pull off in an actual fight and this often won't happen shout out to Yosi for helping me with this so to do filthy's domain restrictions almost immediately in the Shibuya incident Arc and was forced to improvise feeling pressured Gojo near simultaneously expanded his barrier activated the Limitless deactivated the Limitless right after and then deactivated his barrier all within 0.2 seconds this outstanding feat of sorcery fully showcases Gojo's speed and refinement of all things cursed energy as he effectively applied unlimited void to multiple targets for less than a split second to shift the tide of battle much like this we make use of glare by itself or I guess you know the unlimited void our very own 0.2 seconds unlimited void this happens so fast you can't even see the rest of the technique but trust me it's there guys just just trust me anyway we use this in place of our full domain when it's not possible to do so unfortunately all good things must end just like JoJo's capture within the prison realm it's about time I wrap things up that's all for Gojo's abilities now on to our full Thailand list thank you that's it let's see some fights with the strongest [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed I've been having a ton of fun with these Jujutsu cosm builds and if you want a specific anime character please comment down below because I listen and I'll be looking with my very own six eyes as always thank you guys so much and make sure to like And subscribe have a good one it's punching time foreign [Music]
Channel: TheRealPunchee
Views: 240,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox Jujutsu Kaisen, Roblox JJK, TheRealPunchee, Punchee, Roblox Deepwoken, Deepwoken, Deepwoken Build, Toji Deepwoken, Deepwoken Toji Fushiguro, Punchee Deepwoken, Deepwoken Anime build, Deepwoken Builds, Deepwoken Gojo, Gojo Deepwoken, Gojo Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo Dies, JJK 236, Chapter 236
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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