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yo what's up guys and today I am sakuna in deep booking okay in today's recent update they actually added black flash to deep booking where every single one of your m1s after you land a single black flash you get a increased chance to land black flashes which by the way black flashes in this game is crazy it's like two times of your M1 damage and if you hit one then you just consecutively hit black flashes and uh yeah we're going to be progressing to sakuna for the past 2 hours I've been uh thinking of a build and developing a build that I think sakuna would uh be if he was a deep looking character instead of jiu just kaisen character so it's going to consist of a lot of teleports flame with his um sakuna Arrow okay and yeah I'm very excited to progress this build and I'm super excited to get black flash because bro Not only was Dawn Walker the best oath in the game prior to uh today's update they made it even better by G giving it a two times damage increase and also giving it uh when when you hit that two times damage increase once you just consecutively get that two times damage increase as long as you hit your opponent so uh yeah we're fists so we're going to be boxing people up and uh let's go the trial one to progress um sakuna okay the king of curses guys my character is Drip by the way I I got the markings guys it's actually a hair ID which uh let me know if you guys want the hair ID it's it's like a YouTube video out there um that I got it from but yeah let's go to minesa and then I'll explain like the build my vision for the sakuna build um intro one but bro are we dripped out we don't even got the skuna drip yet like with all the clothing but man we're already like so dripped out right now hello minesa okay let's run past these guards let's not get hit because they deal like a bar per M1 but soon I'll be dealing all their health and M1 so how the TA tables have turned okay let's just go down here and let's go inside here Pap so let me explain the build you guys so this is going to be a shrine of order build because like you can't have the king of curses be a weak build let's lock in bruh also look at the eyes on this bruh this hair is sick like genuinely but um yeah so it's going to be Shrine of order and I'm actually going 75 flame charm um pre- Shrine of order um which I'll explain why later hold let me just do the um the orbs real quick ow there we go um so yeah we're going to do 75 flame charm pre- Shrine of order and we're not going to have um 75 like 80 flame after Shrine of order we're going to put the rest into other sources of damage because um not all of our mantras is going to come from flame only three of our mantras are actually going to come from flame so let's just go into flame Tron for now guys and we need flame bista okay flame bista is like literally a mantra inspired by juuu kaisen from suca so like I'm selling if I don't give uh this build flame bista let's lock in bro but let's be up the shark ow let's be up the sharco but you know have you guys noticed that deep booking developers have been taking more inspiration from Juju kaisen every every single update bro they added they they added black flash that's crazy I never thought they would add black flash and it's literally how exactly black flash works where once you hit it once you have a higher chance of hitting it more and it does two times damage it's just genely insane okay that's a shark got defeated um okay just keep going the flame charm and we should be able to level up here oh we did hold on okay there we go so we're going to burn loot Skipper cuz why would anyone want that and instead let's go try athlete just in case someone decides to run in the water against us and then let's go blood iron spirit for plus 5 HP and we don't actually want any of these montras so we're just going to um row to there we go and let's go six vitality and okay next trial is coming up but yeah guys um as for the inchant on this build obviously it's going to be blazing right with a flame keeper sis um but yeah bro I I really cooked with this build low key cuz like I think it's better than my Mario character cuz my Mario character was really like one to one one as if Mario's in deep boken this build like this is literally asuka's a move set if he was in deep boken so okay that's the Golem defeated let's um keep going the flame guys once I get level 15 I'm going straight for Dawn Walker cuz I want black flash as early as possible cuz BR who wouldn't just so sick but um yeah let me just beat up this thresher real quick thresher um also guys we're going to be going 40 strength pre- Shrine for showstopper just because like right if you dodge against Suk uh you're getting punished for it he's just that powerful hold on let me just uh defeat the thresher I do need to get iron stasis out draw one though which I'm sure we can find one pretty easily hopefully cuz right now we're doing like 12 damage in one which is actually terrible but let's keep going the flame okay guys let's get um fish man for the health now we're going to get ACH tank spark so we can get um that one flame Emperor talent and we're also going to go um emulation let's keep going Vitality perfect okay let's keep going with the flame charm um as for like my traits guys or at least my Boons I went Maverick and Scrapper and obvious and vegetarian because like bro obvious is just a free flaw cuz who's really scared of monsters nowadays I know suka's not let's lock in um and then Scrapper is just probably the best Boon in the game for progressing and then um Maverick it's just making me make it so I don't have to like wait 10 years to level up you know I'm not really trying to wait 10 years also can these angels please start attacking me stop ranging me like you have you're like a rifle user okay also I thought the Deep developer said they were going to remove projectile um bullets from rifles I guess they didn't do it this update but guys just know they are they're thinking about removing projectile um bullets from rifles okay let's keep going into the flame once we're 75 Flames chilling okay we leveled up let's see what we get ooh Phoenix Flames okay let's get you so we're going to have to get flame within then so let's get that but let's get Phoenix Flames um okay okay now let's get um explosive finish and as for our Mantra wait I think this might be oh this is this flame bista nice guys we got it bro look at us bro we're literally sua um one thing that we need to do out of trial one guys is we need to put a a spring spark on flame bista because with a spring spark when you put on flame bista it sends you up into the air which bro how much more Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen do you need to get it literally sends you up into the air when you do it so it's like come on bro it's literally Suk enough but uh yeah let me beat up this uh inforcer real quick ow why you do so much damage though low key answer me that hey why is he so big look at my deep booking character in comparison usually they're so tiny guys what would you say the curses are in deep booking would you say it's like the the Deep looking monsters like sharos enforcers stuff like that mud skippers is that the curse equivalent that's enforcer knock let me know in the comments I'm actually like curious what you guys have to say about that okay we're almost at 75 flame charm okay we have the sand night now uh because of we're fist he literally we deal blunt damage which he's like like he takes two times damage against blunt damage so we're going to beat up very fast especially since we have chain Perfection and haven't got hit yet so this T Knight is literally going to yeah he just he just got plopped okay let's level up boys Mirage clones there we go thank you some W talents bodies that you burn um oh replenish knockout thank you and then let's get scoop drer for the plus 5 HP vitality and now just five more points and boom we have 75 flame charm now I'm going to go into fortitude and then we're just literally chilling let's just Parry these orbs real quick okay let's go in the fortitude now element okay Emperor's flame cuz we need that let's go moving Fortress now and for the talent nice okay we got flame and Scourge this is also one of the uh mantras that we want for the sakuna build how much more sakuna can you get it's more like that move was more like one piece but it is something that suuna would use low key but yeah guys as I said before we only need we're only going three fire mantras out of like the many we could go because the rest is into like the core stats but okay let's go into fortitude and now let's go into strength and okay guys we're D TR one okay guys since we're done with TR one uh let's go to the void eye real quick and let's start doing some bounties this is probably my best start oh wait before we do that we need to find iron sis usually there's iron sis inside these chests so let's see if we're right okay let's see hopefully hope the iron st's first try or else I'm going to have to do a ton of okay guys well I'm going to server hop uh this this location until I get iron stes cuz I'm not I'm not about to do 12 damage in M1 I'm just letting you guys know that right now so let's go server hop we we can't log like straight there because it's going to say there's nothing inside for you so we have to go we have to run all the way here okay run all the way way here and then we log here but now we have to wait 20 seconds cuz we're in combat oh my God two two two star pen iron sis guys I've been server hopping for like the past oh my God two iron cises I've been server hopping for the past like 10 hours bro well not literally but like I've been server hopping for quite a bit but um okay guys well since be ironis now after Ser server hopping very valent early um let's go ahead and do some boun or let's just go to void eye first okay guys we're in the void uh I um before I do a bounty so we can actually level up bro I need to get a spring spark so I need to go get one from one of my bounties that I defeat and I also need to repair my armor my void Walker armor cuz I'm literally level six so I will I will take a bar of damage if I don't do that so let me go do that now but bro are we drip bruh okay armor repair and there we go all right guys let's go ahead and do some bounties all right guys I have um a couple bounties at know my camp and this guy is also has a couple bounties that know at camp and this guy was supposed to be on Bounty but I'm looking at noad Camp I'm I'm noticing a lot of people low key so um you know I think I think I'm going just team up with this guy to beat them he said wait real quick my guild coming cuz they some bums guys I don't even know this guy he he I I literally teleport to him because of my bounty but I guess he got beef with this Guild cuz he literally like chilling here like a damn vill bro he he think he bat me he think this is my city I'll save Gotham bro like that really not him bro I'm sua but uh we'll wait for his gu cuz um bro I'm not doing a dent in that at level six I promise you guys he said all right I guess we can go in Let's Do It come on let's do it guys I don't even know whose gold baates are so like I'm literally just going to attack anyone I see but here since we don't have spring spark we're charging this up okay and then we do to some random guy B the S the arrow okay flame bista oh oh my God one of them in VC just said Ops he's the like the most nerd voice ever bro Ops okay this guy's running but uh you can't really run from this bro you can't run from that cuz you just get hit now he's on fire we we incarcerate people faster oh no I'm hitting my I'm hitting my new friend okay let me beat up the storms like guy let's do critical um guys we're level six so I need to use all health I can so I'm just going to I'm just going to utilize spitting low key okay oh no I I sold here playing bista there we go who is this guy okay let's bit again it's two people on US ah we're chilling though we're chilling okay I just have to Thug it out he's flaming and and thunder okay I do 13 damage M1 but but we I believe in myself ow low key guys I keep accidentally trying to use the range Mantra a and up close okay now we can use it now is a good time to use it why are there so much people here let me know what where did all these guys well okay oh I got teleported out oh oh my God what is this plot armor let me heal up real quick guys I guess the plot armor is just from being Su enough let's lock in guys um one other thing is guys I'm I'm changing up by two kill a little instead of flame bista being on two it's at six because I'm trying to I keep accidentally pressing in close range situations and it's just screwing me um let's try to go back and play a little different this time but low key there's like a 50% there's like a 99% chance we get knocked here but we'll see the only reason we got teleported back is because the guy um that I was talking to before we he was like like my Guild's pulling up he he got gripped and that led to me getting telered um out since my bounty was gone but here let's flame bista these guys oh that's that's his Guild we love what okay but let's flame ble to them okay there we go okay I know I know I know who friends are now we love we love is our is our friends okay hold on ow okay let's attack this guy we have Emperor's flame on us um but he's f I don't want to fight F I know want to I know want to um here flaming Scourge okay it gets parried and cancelled but boom okay spit nice okay we get out of here he hits his friend in on accident we flame B to him Suka does Arrow oh we cooking I just have to stay I just have to stay near his Guild cuz maybe he told his Guild that I friend uhoh I just got punished heavily during that that I mean for that I meant and ow okay hold on I need I need to go run to one of them help help me okay uh I wish we had a spring spark lowkey but let's get that guy off the campfire cuz he's healing cuz he's low let's do this instead there we go boom okay hopefully we can get health pack soon I but I think they're winning low key I think they're winning I I I need get that guy to know to notice that I'm like here still and that this guy W get off me boom Su do Arrow okay flame B on top of that by bye-bye I was going to I was going to um do my critical but um I I got vented so okay let's just keep fing this guy guys I'm so low why did that come down so fast when did they buff Dawn Walker cuz that that feels genuinely like I can't Dodge it low key hold on we vent oh I'm dead guys there's there's people there's a guy in VC saying Su run away it's it's over for me what is this war zone bro come guys guys we got to spin back for that random guy that we met 9 and five minutes ago that's said these guys are some weirdos let me bring my guild we got to spin back for them bro this time we not sell hopefully let me just charge up my SU and let me attack him with it there we go we land it okay oh my God we're finding this guy the initial guy at the start but here boom okay we cancel it I'm fighting all the weapons I hate fighting stuff is tragic but let's bit okay I just have to make sure my health is good okay and then we should be chilling I think critical calm little critical boom okay let's do this s in Arrow oh why are we cooking him though oh why are we cooking him though let me know let me know why you get cooked oh you're getting cooked oh no oh god oh but he fell down he fell down to to try to go after me okay hold on let's there's a guy bro there's like two people in Roblox VC saying let him run once okay let me run my w then watch your friend get get knocked by the king of curses okay at level six a king of curses at level six by the way if you guys haven't uh noticed I literally just came out of TR one not I'm in 10 minutes ago low key okay but hey we balling we balling okay uh these do not look like ones that's all I'm saying these do not look like ones boom how do we not bro that that should have reached low key oh he has lightning cloak now with um with the to Storm's eye why are you spitting on me as if you're low I do 13 damage M1 that um that is real funny all right I Parry oh my God I have two insane meat Riders on me right now they they do the g g Gul combo on me on Su win bro this guy just said super please win this my king why are you running oh my I'm literally catching Strays from this random guy bro get off me boom okay there we go I I know he's low cuz he's playing like he's low okay hold on okay hold on oh my God why did they look the same like unironically they look the same I it's it's over for me it's over for me guys tell my family I love them it's it's genuinely wraps and why does that come down so plot armor I'm not going back I'm not going back gentlemen plot armor let me heal up oh my God what is this plot armor guys this is how you know this is the true one and only suca build because what other what other progression have I had this this much plot armor bro I got teleported out twice when I was about to get knocked okay I'm not going back though you yo I would be crazy if I went back um let me sell my enforcer Hammer so I can actually afford a dumbbell cuz it's a it's a it's a rough life we live out here where I can't afford a a training gear okay and let's try to level up guys cuz I know for sure I definitely have enough exp to level up we're going to 40 uh strength so we can actually get showstopper because um the sua is just so strong where if you try to dodge against him he dazes you you know that's that's the lore behind it but uh yeah let's just Spam click this now bro this Guild did not spin back for for his friend bro but it's okay my plot armor saved me all right guys boom We leveled up let's see what we get um oh you want to fight Suka okay there we go just a single blow was enough to defeat the freshy bro but anyways guys um let's get uh flaming flourish is really good but I want Elemental rebound for right now hungry flame is really good but um I think right now let's get flame within in case we ever need like Phoenix flames and then last laugh is what we want yeah so let's get last laugh so now we can use flame within when we get knocked and then let's go vitality and we're chilling guys okay so let's go ahead we're level seven let's go ahead and do some a little more bounties and on our next level up hopefully we get our last flame moner that we actually need which is I believe uh let me check it's a two star flame moner I think Relentless right so let me tell Mystic that um cuz I'm not broke no more I think also guys let me recall my montos real quick and let me rename them to like like like suca mantras you know okay so we have our two two mantras I'm not sure what the name flaming Scourge but I do know what to name um our flame blea bro okay Arrow okay literally Arrow so let's get that there we go we put on six and I think this is just going to be I'm going to name it come back here and then um the purpose of this guys is we're going to get Mantra shouting right so um what they're going to see is come back here and then like Arrow you know like you get you get what I mean here I'll just I'll just show you guys let's go to the Visos real quick so we can actually do that okay let's do the Visos real quick boys bro there's like no one in the server it's actually wraps bro okay well let's sa the um vigils we should also do the montra quest while we're there low key and then after do the moner quest go to rris we'll put the void eye video so we don't have to like spend a thousand years sailing cuz I hate that stuff low key but um yeah we're just going to get the montra shot thing just so I'm not schizophrenic and you guys can actually know what I mean okay cuz trust me I'm not skitso I'm Su not skitso there's a difference okay guys we're at vs uh let's give the guy our last 50 notes that we have and then we do the moner quest and then we set our spawn here and then we go to rris and then we're just chilling we're chilling a lot of a lot of effort for a lot of stuff so oh bro I just got freshy jump scared it's like the FNAF FNAF is in my mind okay guys let's just keep going bro why is it the guard don't like me oh cuz I'm void Walker or it's cuz I'm the K curses um okay anyways guys um let's talk to this guy uh absolutely okay there we go spell shout and now when we use this come here okay I don't like that has two exclamation points but um let's do you any books I can buy there we go and now let's go to rris but let's set our spawn point here with void ey first uh let me just get out of comment and then I'll do that real quick also I still need a Springs Park which I need to get later on so hopefully I get one soon because with Springs Park you literally it's literally guys in even more than it is now all right guys let's go to vo ey just so we don't have to sail okay now that we have our spawn siduals uh let's sail the rris real quick guys or you know what we can do guys let's let's take a bounty at someone that's at rris so we could save the time of sailing there if we can take a bounty of someone that's already there you know doesn't that make a lot more sense low key I can't teleport to this guy so I'm going to have to um server hop for a little but let's go find someone that's at um rris that we can teleport to and we'll knock them and then we'll will do the quest also let me just rename my arrow to sucas Arrow cuz it just it just makes bro just just Arrow just seems a little off okay sucas Arrow okay that seems a lot better now low key all right guys let's go ahead and find someone that's at rris um guys I teleported to someone at rri illuminate I mean um rris but I don't know where where they at so let's see if I get teleport out if I just do the quest normally um usually they're at Nomad but he just he's just not there so so if I go to my quest will I get to out let's see your pre is close to escaping hopefully it's not hopefully he's somewhat close cuz I don't want to get teleported out says your pray is close to escaping once again but we made it to the cabin without getting teleported out let's just talk to you let's talk to you for the books oh we did it oh we no one was harmed in getting this Quest that's amazing I still don't know where he is but like I have to fight anyone and I I still don't even know where he is but let's go back to visuals guys he guys well uh we're at back at void ey and we have a respond set at VI so before we go back let's just tell Mystic that we want two star fire mantras there we go and now let's go to visuals and hopefully we get Relentless Flames cuz that that is what I want so we're at visuals now and let's go to the book guy the book guy okay let's talk to you hopefully we get Relentless Flames now cuz that is what we need so please um okay well let me burn all of this right I'm going to burn all this please be oh my God it was oh we're balling oh we're so balling oh we're balling bro okay guys let's go back to void eye so that we can um rename this to sua slashes no sua Beatdown I think is better okay let me recall Relentless Flames real quick so we can rename it all right and let's call it sucas beat down guys I can't wait till we get black flash it's going to be so sick okay there we go and uh all right I'm ready to do some bounties now guys so let's go ahead and do that all right guys I have a couple bounties at the the Viper STW yeah all these guys are my bounties so let's beat them up Su us beat down bro they all fled to their Guild base like ants bro what in the world here let me Chase this guy I don't want anyone of you gang away you're all my you're all my B if you fall down there I'm going to be why why I I don't get it like okay let me go after the Bruh Bruh wait I'm going pretend like I don't see him I'm I'm a walk I'mma look looks like there's no one I'm going to run away and then I'm going do this come back here Su do beat down bro what is this Scooby a do fight bro this is like genuinely Scooby doish that guy didn't want to get knocked so he decided to fall into the water and drown now this guy thinks he's slick or something bro look at him he's dressed as M bro he's dressed as that one ma ma oh God guys please I don't know how to say his name it's a guy where if you hit him he has the wheel he's dressed as that character my boy you are not him bro and now we have his friend running away what is this Scooby a do fight bro genuinely here sukina Arrow there we go boom like this is genuinely Scooby-Doo I'm not even gonna yeah let's grip this guy for the XP it's it's crazy to me bro you are not Mya guys I know I am butchering that name terribly wrong please cut me some slack like I I don't know how to say I really don't that was so Scooby-Doo is bro like genuinely Scooby-Doo um okay well that is definitely not enough exp to get me the level up so let's go ahead and find more bounties all right guys I have a couple bounties at Loria um it's these guys they have like three Guild mates in the server so um I'm mentally preparing myself to get 31 low key but it's it's it's fine low key um let's just beat these guys up let's use suin his Arrow let's charge it up a little no they canceled it how dare you you can't cancel my arrow that's that's unheard of bruh Su us beat down and we just completely missed it but um bro I'm losing a lot of HP and the third guys Z in here here yet cuz I'm looking at the the server list and there they have three people in their Guild so um I need to start healing a little so I need to spit on them lowkey so yeah let's do that uh let's critical this guy as well level seven with a dream we charge this and but he just he just fell on his face trying to counter my thing oh and we get the beat down off guys when I land the beat down is literally like like all their HP gone that's how strong it is even at level one which it is right now um okay we got flaming flourish off oh bro this build is so strong already and we're just um we're only level seven and oh boy that's that's the third person I literally caught it too like I just I just knew there was going to be a third person cuz like bruh there's there's three good mates in the server I need to knock this guy cuz um he's low so yeah we get him with the Suk and his Arrow it looks like there's like smoke coming out of us but did we get the speed down off oh we get the beat down off again bro how much HP do you have okay we're chilling the other guy's healing at the campfire so um let's not have that happen oh but he's right back why why you dressed like an anime character bruh you not slick on let's just make sure they don't uh run away with this guy um let's use sucas beat down but we miss so we'll do the next thing come back here into flame I mean suaz Aro what the what is flame bista no don't don't you dare pick him up and this guy's going the heal again what are you doing I'm just going to break the campfire okay there we go I don't want any of these guys to burn right now because um because uh I I'm afraid I'm going to get teleported out but we hit him with the Su beat down and yeah you're what how did you get up so fast okay I saved him bro you're on fire and you're not knocked again I'm confused you're not even in flame you're Gale so I don't even know how you got up that fast but guys I don't want to burn them because I'm scared I'm going to get teleported out cuz I don't know who my bounty was it was it was one of these guys one of these two so I'm just going to play it safe not burn them cuz I want to grip um both of them without getting teleported out if I get teleported out I am going to be so disappointed so oh my God they're both on fire it's like I'm babysitting bro okay I'll just carry one for now let's do this and there we go all right let's grip these guys um okay a 1v3 at level level seven not bad guys not bad at all okay bro look at these chest I'm really built like that bro let's see if any of them had a spring spark if they do I'm actually going to like like be so happy okay not him not him either what about you you look like a type of guy that have a spring spark low key no none of them had a spring spark it's fine I'm I'm just going to loot all this guys so I can actually um uh get some notes later on but um bro three bounties worth of XP actually baller also we just got flame keeper sis so let me let me put that in my bank slot real quick um in in my banker I mean just so um in case I lose it it just so I have it for the progression cuz I don't want to lose it later on so let's put the flame keeper sis in my um Bank hey can I deposit my safe Fox I'm going to put the legion sais I'm also going to put the flame keeper sais just for a safe keeping and uh yeah we're chilling now cuz bro it takes me so long to find a Flav keeper stasis so now that I found one early on I'm just going to save it for later but um okay let's keep leveling up our strength so let's use our dumbbell we haven't found a spring spark yet sadly but um hopefully we can level up here this build is already so strong I'm only level seven it's actually crazy oh we're going to be able to level up perfect I want strong left hopefully so let's get um we'll get concussion oh we got bulldozer nice let's get bulldozer and strong left please we did not get strong left bro okay it's fine let's just um let's just rad two then okay rad two let's see what talents we get heavy Hall which is useless cuz we don't get knocked bro lock in categorize ruins it it's it's not the best all right well we're level eight um something that I do want to do guys is I do want to do Duke so we can get plus 10 HP from the Duke Talent so let's go ahead and find some someone that will carry us through Duke um demon Fox is sleeping right now so we can't ask demon Fox bro is on the pension the retirement pension the vacus pension whatever you call it but um okay let's just go look for a Max Level that will carry us through Duke that also has maner key uh the reason for this is because bro uncapping your your um El element gives you to plus 10 HP it's actually a game changer so mid maer saying plus 10 HP game changes it does though it does I'm not crazy okay so uh yeah let's just server hop here until we find someone oh wait guys I was at the void eyee just looking for people to help me with Duke and these guys just came to me said supera and asking for screenshot do you guys got Manor key guys watch my w RZ just watch bro they all came out of nowhere he said of of course can you guys help with Duke okay let's see let's see what they say they say yes in all caps okay meet me at Lura Aria Beach okay let's go to the Loria Beach guys okay well we're going we just recruited a team a squad the Power Rangers of three max levels to help us with Duke help suca okay they're my little uh servants okay the suca servants um let's go let's go wait for them at Loria Beach and hopefully they don't take like forever to get there cuz they were at Mesa like like literally just now well I'm I'm going to do a sick pose while I wait for them bro I'm going do n this is too edgy I'm I'm going just wait for them with the gritty the quitty um what are we hitting the gritty right now guys I'm what are we hitting the quitty what do we and now we wait wait oh my God they got here so fast super I literally what does that mean guys what does that word mean but how did they get to lower Rec oh he has TP Bell oh okay let's go duke he has crypted TP Bell I was so confused how like they got the Lowa so fast cuz they were just at minat Teresa and I was like that's odd low key and then I I look behind me after I'm doing the the quitty and I see them pull up on me like the Power Rangers bro it's like it's like when I'm evading my taxes the IRS up to my house but um okay let's go ahead bro this going to be the fastest Duke of all time I already know I I really got the Batman Squad bro they're all they're all in black except for that guy that guy is like a little different he's bro feeling like dressing up like orange juice today bro but um okay let's go to the Duke let's uncap our element so we get plus 10 HP for as we are metab bancers bro this guy in Roblox VC just said he loves me so much that juic is about explode out of him bro bro these debing kids are weird guys why are you you guys like this I don't know what what's wrong with being normal nowadays is is this the new normal saying Su juices are exploding out of me who says that I'm a grown ass man bro okay guys um we're at the the acid pit let me accept the sharle quest since I'm here I might as well right let me just talk to this girl tell her I'll avenge her all right and now let's go to Duke I need food low key so I'm ask them for food food let's see let's see if they got me with food bro yeah they feeding me I'm feasting bro this is the last dinner I'm actually feasting they gave me glazed fish it it's you know it's it makes sense with all the glazing they're doing bro lock in no I'm just kidding they're chill um okay let's just get out of this ass pit and keep on going keep on thugging through back in my day this ass a bit used to deal a bar your health oh you kids nowadays have so good only like 3% what is that 3% 2% all right well we're literally here hopefully the Mand key is actually highlighted or else it's going to be a little awkward and let me uh beat up the shark real quick too Su the pza out oh they're not even defeating the sharco they're letting me do it oh never mind oh no they're letting me do it here let's Dodge that how's he not knocked okay there we go yeah they asked me if I was going to get Dawn Walker for the new Talent of course bro right as I reach level 15 that's the first thing I'm getting the the black flash all right let's go up I'm so excited for black flash it literally does like two times damage and once you hit it once like you keep proing it it's so cool um all right well we're at Duke's gate let's open up please why thank you all right let's go be up these mobs or let me let me group up all the mobs over here and I'm going to do my my um little whip so here let parry and now we do this oh they getting cooked bruh ow oh my God why why are they just watching oh no they're helping now okay we're chilling okay we're balling Bing all right well I think that's all the mobs so let's go down this guy's doing tick to L not nice bro all right let's go down down with the new people we just met all right well let's I'm pretty sure this Duke is going to get demolished in like 2 seconds cuz we have four people with us even though it has like four people scaling it's like right they're all max levels you know I know I'm not helping cuz I'm level eight bro but at least I'll do something you know I'm just here for the element uncap and that's really it but who Duke think he is bro Duke is not the king of curses he really think bro he up in this Lair all devious this really if you if you guys really think about it this is like Duke's domain right and BR he he just copy me for real cuz there going to be one domain well okay there going to be one strongest domain and that's my domain sua's domain so look at them waiting for the door to open but let's go to Duke all right Duke there will only be one strongest and that's me all right well I'm just going to watch them absolutely demolish Duke I'm just going to wait for them to get the shield down though cuz um I'm not really helpful when the shows up the most I can do is just charge up my suet arrow and just like just wait here low key bro look at them they're back shotting Duke and giving Duke front shots too it's actually highly effective let me get Duke Duke side shots shots from the side let's see if this works ow why are they all watching me I'm literally level eight bro don't don't rely on me they to beat Duke bro look at this anom there you go duke okay now we wait for the shield to go down I I'll give Duke back shots why is giving him front shots I'll be productive but he's so up he's so up close to Duke I can't give him back shots but now it's front shots since he's look at me but you guys know what I mean ow okay you guys can step in don't don't worry about me I'm not going to lie I said Duke was going to get demolished in like 2 minutes it it is taking quite a bit for his shield to go down but I mean there is four people defeating Duke here so oh that's a shield gun okay guys watch out just wait for my Su Arrow okay there we go since these guys are here I'm asking through notes I'm I'm actually like a homeless person asking for like like uh crack right now do you guys have notes BR I say this mid duuke while they're doing a whole boss fight I'm just asking I'm I'm haggling for notes D he calling thank you he said I can have them all oh my God he he gave me like 3,000 notes already oh I'm balling ow I'm not I'm no longer balling yeah he gave me all his notes bro took a loan out for this one bro oh and he HS Duke with sightless beam oh he cooking he cooking him bruh oh his minion spawn let me um I got this guys I got this oh no I don't got this actually I do ow bro where is this stray from duke I wasn't even looking at you you just hit me for no reason actual Strays oh they cooking him bro yeah they they really got Duke on pack watch right now this is tragic seed That's my boy right there the most I can do just Su does Arrow and Duke parried that too br oh he's founda more clones let's beat them up BR real talk I'm just doing more damage to them time the Duke oh wait I just realized Springs Park Spring Park do you guys have bro I'm just I'm actually a homeless person begging I'm such a beggar bro please oh he doesn't have one spring spark no wait I think he has one wait he has one he has a spring spark oh my God he's a Springs spark thank oh wait I don't think you drop cuz we're because we're in a dungeon no he can't drop the Springs Park cuz we're in a dungeon okay well let's hope we get into the same server after Duke's uh defeated cuz bro that spring spark is worth a million notes to me bruh poor Duke bro he he really just getting clapped go guys move out the way let the freshy with the iron sis that does 13 damage ah handle Duke yeah I got it let the king of curses show you guys how it's done oh my God I just got flung oh I might be hacking bro oh yeah look look at my hype man in the back oh yeah I got this bro that's all for me boys I walk away long anime Walk Don't extr too much energy I won't yeah these guys are actually fun funny this guy just asked me if I'm actually going to fin the progression this time yes I will see that's what that's what bro gets oh my God Duke is Duke is gone oh my God finally no I see like a super jump okay let me grip yeah let me let me grip okay oh Smith alloy oh we oh we yed that bro we yed that the guardian helmet with the 2 Hp The Stone Heart thank you guys the go okay guys we got the flame CH uncap so we got the the plus 10 HP so we're actually balling um let me take all this stuff for notes and hopefully we we meet them again in the same server so we can get the this um the Springs Park cuz that Spring Park is worth a million notes to me bro like unironically okay let's see if they're in the same server please please oh no I'm lagging guys they're not the same server no no it can't be my spring spark my spring spark this is tragic I'm going to have to like go out and do bounties now to actually get that bro are you serious right now here let me trade my um my strength let's see if we can actually level up from that dude cuz I did just do a whole boss battle as at level eight so bro I need XP okay whatever um let's go do some bounties guys let me go to the void ey let me just reset all right guys bro the only people in the server is literally my bounties so I'm going to Su arrow that guy on the campfire let me just charge it all the way up bro he not going to see it and Bam BR I just hit him with like a two bar SU area low key but um okay let's speed him up come back here bro how did I miss though okay guys let me just chase this guy I think he's running to his friends yeah he's running to his friends obviously oh and oh he ran straight into the Su a beat down the Su beat that does like does like 3,000 damage if I actually land it off oh I'm lagging I'm lagging what is this cursed where's this domain the lag domain oh we're piecing them up though guys there's like three three of them in the server cuz like bro look at the server list look at my left side my screen my bounty list yeah so there's three of them right now I see two of them and also why are you doing a bar to me at M1 hello hello you don't even have an endgame weapon and you're doing a you're doing a bar to me at M1 what bro bro just perfect flash me low key that is genuinely crazy but here no we parried this and let's not get um sidetracked low key let's just Su in the area oh I see I see him coming I see laide coming but it's okay because we just got we just got health pack okay where's this guy okay let's let's put this guy in combat cuz I have a feeling he's going to uh leave his teammates and bro this is b b three bounties worth of XP I'm genuinely going to be balling after this I need him the burn low key or you know what I'm not going to let him burn I'm I'm use I'm going to use him as a hostage they're not going to how did he get knocked what okay well I can I guess I can let him burn now but as I was saying guys is um I need to use them as like a hostage because if if both of them get knocked I mean if both of them get gripped then they have no reason to stay in the fight you know what I mean like why would you stay in the fight if all your friends are um gripped so it just it doesn't make sense I think he's going to spawn a boat and try to um try to sail away I need to drop this guy cuz he's too heavy bro I'm sorry you're too you're too heavy I'm going put him on fire yeah I'm just going to chase this guy now there we go okay let's pick him up and now let's attack this guy this bounty complete perfect thankfully I didn't get teleported out but now the 's guard on me and him okay let me run to a place also spring spark or no no spring spark bro this stuff tragic magic okay let me run to a place where the etor can't get me because um I don't want to be um one V2 by MPC that has Auto Parry but um I'm going use suuk a on this guy when he comes up let's do it now oh I I completely missed here bro I'm running out ether so fast I need irir addition pretty badly low key um I just want this to get this rris guard off me and um why are you running like look if I why are you running bro let's just you going I Arrow you you're like the only person in this group with an enchant he said what you got it bro oh BR he's leaving his friend behind saying you got it bro bro I don't care about his friend okay I'm going to put him on fire then and let's just keep chasing after you oh he went inside his Guild base what I can't go inside the guild base that's crazy it's cuz Tris card was chasing me what okay that's that's pretty crazy let me try to again get inside real quick oh my God who is this guy I was trying to to defeat the NPC and this guy with sightless they brought they brought the whole squad on me bro they brought the squad on level eight yeah this genuinely crazy okay at least the NPC's on him now here let's do Suk up beat down on this guy okay I need to start spitting of course there's some guy with a rifle that's just going to costy range me why I fight these guys oh they they really spun back oh they they really called the Ops on me bro okay let's just we got I want spit okay there we go I just have to reserve my health oh it's trps I really got jumped bro all this for what let me flame within nope they did all this for a level eight that is crazy guys I'm not strong enough yet I only ate two fingers I need to get stronger it's time to eat a finger um let's use our dumbbell real quick guys that is crazy they they Lo there is three people losing to a level eight so you know what they decided to do they need to call three more people but this time they're all max levels with meta Chim builds slightly speed stuff like that genuinely crazy um okay we have 4 strength now um we're in the depths ah guys we just need to eat more fingers and then we'll be stronger but no if I if I was like higher level I would I I definitely could have won that I I literally just got um blindsided I was um trying to defeat the exra SCS I can go in the guild base and decide to run and then this came out of nowhere and decided to jump me I got I literally got jumped like that one character um and juu kaen bruh this stuff is not sweet bruh stuff is really not sweet out here in Detroit but um okay guys so I have 40 strength now I want to get um 40 I want to get 55 Charisma so yeah let me let me go ahead and do that real quick I need to go up and get the how to make friends book which uh you know I think I might know some people that might need that book definitely not them though cuz they had they had three max levels on standby they definitely had friends bro lock in bro they they maxed out that book bro the how to make friends book they they prestiged it okay because they they have three whole max levels on standby that stuff is crazy for a level eight it's like calling it is literally the equivalent of calling the FBI on some dude that stole um $2 off the ground bro can we lock in well let's see what our um trial is going to be hopefully it's it's not enforcer which I doubt it I'm literally level eight it's going to be like an angel or something to be honest but all right let's go up why are there just barrels here is someone hiding in them no okay okay hopefully he's like Angel or or sharco or something like that we're about to see these ones are fit for crushing I shot relish and escaping their remains off the floor this TR is about to give me a naruka finger bro let's lock in let's lock in let's lock in how much times are you going to say lock in super guys I can't help if my if lock in is my favorite catchphrase can we lock in okay let's see oh we just have an angel well he's going to get knocked pretty fast low key we can just use Relentless flames and he's he's lowkey cooked let's do come back here and yeah bye-bye brother I'll see you I'll see you later all right guys let's go back up to the surf my character look looking cold though that's undeniable okay guys we're in the surface now um let me buy the how to make friends book if I'm not broke which I shouldn't be because I literally got like sugar daddy 3,000 notes but this the math textbook this the weapon manual how to make friends there we go um oh wait I already had I already had that book I could have leveled up before but okay let me just level up real quick guys we're going to go to 55 chrisma because there are some just amazing talents at 55 Charisma guys also keep in mind this is a shrine of order build so um we're not going to be keeping 55 kisma it's going to be like more towards 30 kisma towards the end but yeah let's keep reading this uh book okay we leveled up uh let's see what we get unwavering solve I'm going to burn wor or spite I don't really want it let's get unwavering resolve right now hopefully we get showstopper to I'm praying we did not get showstopper but we'll get harsh response and as for our talent bro where's strong left where's my strong left why I'm not getting it okay guys we're going to rad to this and I'm going to tell Mystic that I want strong left okay hey Mystic I don't pay you for nothing okay what Monas will find me I seek physical mantras please okay please Mystic let's go vitality and um okay we're balling for now I think well I I can't believe I didn't get strong left I I need it that's L like sukana strong sua's punch bro that's his punch that's his that's his OG but okay please give me strong left next time but um okay guys usually I would end part one when we actually Shrine of order but like we're not going to be Shrine of ordering for a long time we still have 55 chis four your jod go so um I'm going just end it here it's getting a little long and I'll see you guys in part two okay but just guys keep on watching because soon we're going to get black flash and it is going to be insane okay so yeah I'll see you guys and bye-bye
Channel: supaa
Views: 117,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S1urf4g1NZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 17sec (3017 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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