Becoming a Spoiled Brat who thinks she owns the world... in Sakura School Simulator

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welcome back scrubs to another episode of soccer is school Mila I'm dressed like a kindergartner okay it's cuz I don't want to grow up I'm sure I won't be tackled by the police if I go into a kindergarten school oh man what I would do to be a kid again you know you had to go to school [Applause] whoa what happened I think I blacked out for a second man why does things look so much bigger than they used to look is it just me or I have little legs now oh well I'll just go home now door opens oh no wait a minute don't tell me I'm a kid again will you buy me a toy please take me to the mall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what oh my god have we did me switch bodies are you yes that is right you can now play as the little girl in soccer a school simulator oh right in the nuts you should have to redo them all what the heck okay but by now we have become a spoiled brats in soccer school simulator so there's been a new update to the game that adds a ton of things that we'll get into but right now I just thought it would be funny to be a spoiled brat what other spoiled brat things can we do like beat up this poor boy kid did you just run over that man is he dragging him listen jet pack time oh if we could do something like that now that's freaking cold I just gotta look for myself I can't see him but I heard it okay maybe I was just hearing things oh no there he is that's so cool look at that it makes freakin going around so much faster oh my god who's shooting me can't there be just like on a slightly less punishment for a child Wow we go so fast Oh how are you still shooting me I think I want you drive now in my pink car there now I'm sure that by the ring hits oh my god I will drive to the mall and no one will do we thought about it I go to the mall now oh no I got like ten stars Oh No okay so that happens a lot so once again the developer of soccer and school simulator left a comment said why am i watching this at 4 a.m. go to sleep anyhow all changes screen in the next update if you guys see the last update where we're basically that's what the Alice in Wonderland update I told the developers if they could change the my green screen because great spring doesn't work on my hair anymore okay why are you here here this where the kids live so they're brother and sisters I see you're blocking my vision I'm gonna sell my brother for a Gucci dress right now I get to hit people with my brother oh it's a fight now mom doesn't like you okay mom said I'm the prettier one she loves me more damage him he's impervious oh no because you my quite a speed you Mike why was he running in prison like there's children spoiled brats are not to be taken lightly alright bija Mike knows this that's why he ran to the police for help I love the - feature that's so cool where does the little boy have a slingshot [Applause] not that much he's fighting the cups okay well this is a good time to use my oh my god there's a good time to use my action these are Bocelli these ain't kids these are aliens why why does it freeze so yes we could use magical powers as the little girl it's talking about school simulator go figure not only can the little girl attack we can also heal as well so let's do it okay well they probably have to be damaged for her so the little kids in this game are not to be messed with okay the slingshots whole army will come after you he's had a motorcycle can we turn the cuffs off we probably should then it always freezes the game for me at least now with the cops gun we're free to do whatever we want without any repercussions oh my god Oh it immediately crashed the game I don't know why it does that come with me let's go to that youtubers house awaken egg his house why must the spoiled brats always hurt me all right I want to see if they did actually change the green screen I'm just really curious he's like take whatever you wouldn't leave oh my god I have a microphone now - look at that man beat your mics improving that setup he's like ira slashed his tires good job I want to try something the police aren't here so it should be fine the games [Music] it ain't crash now except I did oh yeah we got a police copter now okay this is legit fun to drive and it crashed again well I didn't know the helicopter pad thing was there you learn something new every day holy crap please don't freeze when I hit the ground oh my god this girl is not real it's the super spoiled brats I just attacked myself like an idiot the question I have is why yeah that's it just why do you think you're gonna make your youtube videos today not if I have anything to say about it thank you I'm not aiming at the right place Oh oh my god oh my god she's like a fish she's like a fish BJ Mike always keeps this machine gun under his desk just in case a spoiled brat comes there with magical powers you know everyday occurrences that just happened I just want to attack beat you Mike that way we can heal him I just wanted to see if it actually works oh no where is he oh you hear that right I'm not crazy Missy okay let's get in our jet pack here oh no oh no I can't we do the same thing every freaking an episode but it doesn't get like it doesn't get old to me it really doesn't hey brother no babe stop playing on the slide while getting shot yes he doesn't have a care in the world I have the power of God in anime on my side it just goes in random directions inside them what oh there is there is sty why why why why see what happens when you let spoiler Brett's rule the world that the Sun has went out this is terrifying I've charged I've turned soccer a school simulator into a horror game so now you can actually edit the weather that's a new thing yeah you could do things like this everyone's terrified to come out of their homes now the mall belongs to me all right I just want to heal you okay that's why I hit you I just want to heal you it's okay just don't blow up the machine-gun please okay what I just asked you not to do that and look what you did you did the opposite of what I asked we have we've ever been over here this is the quarry what are you whoa my god so y'all just been here for a while huh so this is where area 51 is this is where the aliens come to exercise I see do am I supposed to kill them give me your Gucci alien clothes well I guess we know what to do I hope it doesn't freeze next time I'm gonna play on my phone okay I just don't like to because the phone tends to mess up but you know I'm sure if you played it on your phone it'll do a lot better than what it does on my computer they did not like that all in my guide why is she floating so don't attack aliens but hey what what were said who was that enemies have a rocket launcher no don't give aliens rocket launchers already aliens yahooza bosses in the tower I like this this game just escalates so quickly before you like if it beat you Mike's not shooting you in the cops are don't worry the aliens are there - what the heck beat you Mike Jim wait don't tell me he became a hero we went to go after the aliens no there he is already get over there okay jetpack time just let's gotta get out of here okay this is not safe nowhere is safe in soccer a school simulator this is important lesson I just want to know what the aliens are doing it sounds like they're destroying the earth it was the 40 over here I think it is let's go maybe would you get bead you might to go destroy the aliens you know he does have a lot of firepower I mean I'm just a little gay like what am I gonna do they they are attacking the city now and shooting rocket launchers at me Beecham I do something there was how are you joined the aliens he's waiting last very long did he wait no he's gonna eat him yeah Elin just I can't get shot there okay well that that went through the fight oh I'm alive I'm alive I'm I went to the ground okay you know what the Soccer School simulator locker I'm just I'm just really want to read the manga right now so heavy my fairy tale among bhisma so that's like my max weight [Music] oh man I really want to enjoyed this story but yeah my arms are broken they just broke are you tired of lifting heavy manga well join book walkers today why because you can get some high-quality digital manga all in your device I know you want me to sweet vanilla for you a little more okay will you when you get the mangas alright digital Hmong this clay I have to clarify Digital manga can get five bucks off by putting a little code beat you underscore under case okay don't put a capital you won't get any money off and then you two will have convenience and you will never have to tear your muscles lifting the heavy paper long good okay you want to save the trees this is the way to do it your book Locker today alright use code bead you it's an affiliate like I get money it's blatant but I mean I really like it I actually enjoy it I have many mangas okay I do this every soccer issyk-kul simulator today scrub of the day goes to [Music] Jordan with lots of numbers [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 973,351
Rating: 4.9179773 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, spoiled brat bijuu mike, spoiled girl, spoiled brat, bijuu mike, sakura school simulator, sakura school simulator bijuu mike, sakura school simulator update, sakura, bijuu mike sakura school simulator
Id: WzK-SWpPUyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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