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well sir our people work 18 hours a day this corporate America isn't what it used to be in the boss is like poppycock their job is to die so I don't have to hello everybody graceful blaze and we're taking on a new game for the channel called production line is the music getting you pump I love this music it's very emotion inspiring anyway production line is a tycoon management style a game where we need to make fat stacks of cash by making cars not just any cars though we have to make an entire production line that assembles outfits paints and prepares cars to be sold out in the showroom production efficiency productivity and amazing in fatigue are the name of the game here boys I went through the tutorial and it's very important to do so production line is it's easy to pick up but there's a couple of things that kind of the tutorial doesn't really go through that well one of the options for improvements is improved tutorial so I went ahead and let the developer know about that but the game is an early access very cool game so far I'm gonna have links in the description below if you want to check it out let's hop into a new game so one of the things that you can do besides try out the various missions is you can edit a mission however you want you can level editor leveler change the layout of your factory and all that sort of thing I'm going to go ahead and leave that alone right now and we're just going to pick small factory I mess around a little bit with it just to basically learn the the ins and outs of the game so here is our Factory and we must get started so the tutorial it says that when you play through it the first time it resets so we shouldn't have to see it again I think unless like I learnt discover new things or something like that so this over here is your slots button this is where the magic happens maybe convert considers conveyors and importers and assemblies and bodies now the eat the good part is that all this here the chasis the body the paint the engine all this is in order so as long as you plug this in an order you can't go wrong but some of this stuff is a little bit more difficult than that and that's kind of where the the tutorial fell a little bit flat but I'll show you right now so everything starts off with a chastised assembly because that's where that's where the car begins now you're going to notice to the bottom right there's like a little metallic platform like almost pallets almost well actually they are pallets that is where you need your resources to get dropped off so you need to make sure you have room for that let us sum let's see how do I want this facing oh you know what actually this may be best to put down here because that is the right there is the import to where the now I think you may need some space here too I'm not 100% sure ah you know what yeah let's put it right up here for right now no route to the stock file don't you worry we'll take care of that in just a second second thing that we're going to need is a resource importer now these things can only be connected by these little like these little windows look at things over here I dad I never knew like in a tutorial it's like put down a resource importer and I'm like where here's a greenfly well let me put it there and won't let me put it over here either you have to put it over here so let us do so now you need your resources to get over to the chasis assembly no big deals all right all we have to do is use the resource conveyor and it kind of gives you an idea of the direction that it goes so let us go this way hold on oh come here come here baby there we go and then let us go this way onto our pallets and look chunk flips are coming in pieces of scrap metal being put together by machines isn't it glorious men and hardhats looking around sadly as I may or may not be able to pay their paychecks depending on how well we do from chance assembly we have to go over to fit body now actually I'll get eyeless real quick one of the things to note is that the direction that these things go in is very important you need to make sure your arrows are facing the right direction fit body see how the arrows are coming in this way middle mouse button click it down in order to make it move back and forth it says to keep some distance between the things for upgrade so I'm gonna go ahead and do that we'll do like um was one two three one two three three full tiles right there no route to the stock file huh we'll change that now you notice the palace this one are on this side who came up with this idea conveyor belt now the direction that you dragged the conveyor belt is the direction that the items move that's something that I didn't know but it's very important otherwise you'll so if you go from fit body to chassés the game will hate you you need to go from chasis to fit body now the car can move in but first things first we need to get this set up to the stock pile and that's fine we're going to go ahead and do so let us go over to the resource conveyor and move things around as we do and the cool thing is that the resource conveyor can move over anything that you have with no big deal so you see that we can move across our conveyor belt and it doesn't hate us ah here comes the first chasis the roll in in the machines are loading up Bob over here is checking the computer screen everything's looking good a new loan is available from the bank but that's fine because I still need to you know finish doing what I'm doing let us continue on where to the painting facility one two three full spaces between them is what I'm going to give it put her down let's make sure to get a conveyor belt going from one way to the other now lovely the pallets are on this side so I guess Lady Luck is on our side as we go ahead and connect it over into the pallet and now we'll be able to export yep look buckets of paint buckets of beautiful delicious creamy silky paint moving across our screen you can click on any one of these at any time and it will show you things like the efficiency how much is waiting for the next vehicle the stockpile the requirements the employees everything and there's an upgrade button that you can eventually do if you research the right upgrades very cool game so far let us continue I want a car damn it moving onward we need to fit the engine so again three four spaces is what I'll give it a lovely conveyor belt going from one to the other what site is our pallet on this time it's on this oh look at this we have another resource importer over here let's use it resource importer right over here it's nice and close after all and then let shuck it out and bring it on down and there we go and now it should be delivering resources as a matter of fact I kind of wonder if you connect if you interconnect the two resources will that make will that give you like double the resources will it move faster and faster I really don't know let's see how things are going down here right now where's the holdup at insufficient resources over by the body fitting area where all the doors and hoods and everything else go down actually we can see exactly what goes down on it body shell put trunk bumpers trims arch all kinds of stuff doors and panels and all there have it let's provide word accessories our last the accessories are going this way which is actually pretty good because we do need some space let's check something out over here I'm curious where the export is I almost feel I almost feel like that is an export right there but I'm not 100% sure I've never gotten I've never gone this far so to speak so let's see what happens when we let's see ooh it'll let me put this here sure let's well fit electronics now there's plenty more it looks like so let's get it going this way that's what we're going to do I'm going to put a nice large opening right here just in case conveyor belts for the wind going from one to the other now to get this little hump over here you have to click and then drag from that conveyor belt otherwise you get to like crapoly connecting conveyor belts I don't know how else to explain it they won't have this cool terney chunk lit on it and it'll make everyone sad and depressed resource conveyer get yourself over here we got things to do right over this way right oh wow it can go over everything like it can legit go over everything that's kind of interesting what happens if we do that does it legitimately just go over everything yep it sure does it goes right over the heads of the workers okay well now that I know that I guess we could make things a little bit more streamlined later on in life but for right now let's just continue onward with our factory cars are going to get spat out here over into the fit electronics in electronics it is let's see one two let's get a third one right about there looks good conveyor belts move from one to the other and then the resource importer I'm sorry the resource conveyor to make sure that things happen in appropriate fashion we can connect it right over like this which is quite nice the pallet well not the pallets I guess but the resourcing operation in the correct atmosphere at this time there are little boxes and stuff like that this is really cool these be all little like different tiny parts and accessories everything this guy is looking over them nodding approvingly moving on from here the quality check go ahead and make sure that it's facing the right direction though and where's the export at are we getting kind of close that's way down there we may get to it I don't know let's make sure we have enough space here while they check down now it doesn't look like the quality check guys need any kind of imported I live over there this is the boss he's like look at this pie chart profits are down workmen's comp claims are up this plate is going to hell in a handbasket what are you people doing all day and this guy's like well sir our people work 18 hours a day this corporate America isn't what it used to be in the boss is like poppycock their job is to die so I don't have to all right boy look at this we got a car over by the accessories things are things are still looking a little a little drab though what is that like a friggin bullhorn know what I mean I guess that's I guess that's part of the car but it actually looks like a legitimate bullhorn like someone would use it a rally or something go ahead and speed things up get so yeah put it together and it's moving down over here oh wow that was quick a little bit of fit and finish and we're all done quality check how's it going on it the next slot is not connect to the next slot I assume needs to be the export let's slow things down real quick ah the export goes to the x4 area that makes total sense is there any way to get there closer than what we have I mean not really the closest export they're kind of the exact same distance apart these two over here there's one over here I wish there was one over here but there's not so I guess let's connect to that one over there conveyer belt and this is going to be a long-ass conveyor belt I'm going to move it all the way around this way and then all the way around this way and then from here to here there we go the final conveyor belt is connected our cash flow down big time but look at this voice the very first car flipping sideways doing things in an awesome manner and soon it will end up on the car lot and hopefully make us a little bit of money because we have been spending a pretty big time over here oh look there's like there's like a boss over here always got the business suit on he's on his cell phone look at him working deals baby look at him working deals and what happens what happens now is he taking a call or something going on over here oh it's exporting okay well it's done it got exported kated we unveil the car showroom this is a list of all the cars you completed construction of but it's not yet sold the prices will vary depending on what features each car has having an empty showroom suggests your cars are too cheap whereas having an older stock showroom suggests you need lower price to lower your prices crap okay so we only made one car and the car is already gone but the facility is prepared our facility legit oh here's another one this one's a green one this time that's what my favorite colors by the way green so I'm hoping this one sells for big money all right let's watch hold on what is this whoa car model the individual car models your factory producers are shown here each model can have an enormous number of variations based upon which features are included in your vehicle and all these features are priced individually well that's awesome they're different trim levels and everything your salespeople automatically match prices to the current market price for each car feature although you may choose to overrun them and make cars sell faster we're slower the current price of the car is shown here okay $16,000 oh wow this is like what is it like a like a low-end Ford or something like that along with the price category currently falls into when the prices reach certain levels to category with change and buyers expectations of what features will come with the car will change also do not try to make luxury cars until you have researched all the features that people will expect you can create different variants of each car perhaps to have models at each category by clicking on new model button you can also archive old models which prevent new ones of that type this is wow that's really awesome these are features currently research to let you can apply to your car models clicking them ensures that they get into the right slot in the production line if that slot has the upgrade installed the feature will be added obviously features add to the price of the car so a basic car and then QA well that's all we have right now is Quality Assurance okay Wow so we have a sedan a regular old sedan our price is normal but what we need to do is start researching new stuff to add to our car so I want to see the showroom let's see is it going to sit on the shit's going again sit there for like a second isn't it and then it's going to get sold oh it's in the showroom right there 16 grand 16 grand does it matter before someone buys it they go pretty quick I think it just got sold it sure did alright so I've got a little bit of money coming in but things need to get better things need to get more impressive marketing what does this do the screen shows your current crop of ideas your marketing geniuses have prepared the various campaigns that you have or may not be able to run campaigns different their objectives or cost the duration how many ideas are used up when launch oh wow okay so there's there's marketing campaigns that you can add and then of course research the research screen shows the different technologies you'll need to research to compete in the world of car production research costs research point which are regularly generated by each research facility you've placed you can only research one tech at a time and you have to pay the researchers wages even if they do not work so you should always be working on something holy crap Wow look at all this look at all this tire wheels nozzles okay oh wow oh boy okay well we don't have any research facilities so we're going to need to get one let's go over here to the facilities button research facilities cost 49 grand and it does require some employees but that's just fine now where could you put this can you put this anywhere ah so this right over here this is like a little office area where all your above blue-collar people work let's put her down wow that was a cool that was an interesting friggin sound you just built your first research department now we have researchers working for us it's time to choose what they should concentrate their efforts on to make research go more rapidly you may wish to build more facilities if funds allow alright let's click on it show all research accessories body chastised engine more robots ooh oh that would be nice more robots expansion power production oh yeah oh yeah we're going to I think we're going to want this we're going to want faster everything because that'll mean more cars research it do it now and add this to the queue while you're at it the researchers gray depressed broke and tired hard at work staring at their erasable dry erase boards and charts and such papers fluttering about make my Center better make it better how are you doing progress point nine nine percent you boys better work harder faster stronger insufficient resources going on over here a we need more resources we need all the resources as a matter of fact I think we have another resource importer way down over here we might as well use them all and get as many conveyors going as we can here we go you just place your first stockpile these can be used as intermediary between resource importers and your own manufacturing slots as a final destination ln the final destination think of that mess configurable many warehouses ensuring that the production line never runs out of resources triggering a pause and production that's true um let's see add item oh oh okay I see how this works so the biggest place that we're getting insufficient resources is right over here in between the chasis and the fit body so let's put something over there and more loans from the bank huh well I'm not worried about that right now let's go over to fit body shells hoods trunks bumpers okay so that's the kind of stuff we're going to need let's put a let's put a warehouse over there all right now we need to connect these stock piles as well with the resource conveyor you can see over here you have to interconnect it so now there's a place for the different resources to get dropped off that over here I put one down with like a bunch of doors and panels and all kinds of stuff like that there's a bunch of stuff that we might need over here like I said it's always insufficient resources it seems like so I wanted a little bit of extra everything maybe that'll keep things moving along a little bit faster how about over here there's always a decent stock of paint so it seems like this area this area between this and this are definitely our problem children whoa our update our upgrade just got unlocked what is this here now the research is upgrade is going to apply to upgrade to the individual slots for to take effect upgrade all slots how much did that cost probably a bunch of money but whatever the more robots the better baby choose the next research product should be improved efficiency yes that's what I want next start working on it boys while I make sure the stock piles looking freakin sweet the facility is going the warehouses are doing their thing our incomes going down a little bit let's check the chart of stuff waiting for the next vehicle okay so look at that that efficiency is haribol right now so all the time it looks like it's just waiting for the next vehicle and then this little area over here is when we're running smoothly so we got to figure out how to get our efficiency up if we zoom out we can see right over here yeah right over here this is waiting on powertrain now I have my warehouse sitting down with power trains but I guess the main problem is is how much stock is in hearing if everything could get done in time all right our research is almost done over here and then I think we're going to start getting our efficiency down a little bit more improved efficiency let's grab the next research project over here faster resource import faster overhead conveyors predictive stop control move reorders resources at the start not to end the production cycle so all these are really good actually any of these are very good let's go with Vasser resource imports so we can start well you know we could do that or we could get we now we need we need faster resource import let's do this as the resource imports are complete even more robots hmm import priorities that'd be pretty cool too faster overhead conveyors Master overhead conveyors that sounds like a good idea let's do that and then from there let's go to even more robots we'll go ahead and put that in the queue you can see right now things are getting a little scary money-wise right but it's no big deal I've increased the price of the cars and it seems to be doing pretty good so now we're selling cars for 20 grand right now which is way over the market value of the 16,000 that we had can we even go higher than that let's go a little bit higher than that we're going to keep pushing it until the people of the universe don't want to pay any more cars are still selling we've got the appraisal up by 40% right now we're going to see if this one sells coming out of it a lot at the moment you can see right now it's out in the showroom just kind of sitting there for right now I'm going to watch it we're going to see if it gets sold if you get sold we're going to keep it up because the biggest thing right now is we want to turn as much profit per car as possible yep sure enough it just sold and the profit margin continues go up I move the price even further now who competitors research the public the bottom of the right screen shows that one of your competitors has done some research as your rivals research card technology they'll become less rare and thus less valuable I had to fall too far behind Oh God all right well we're still selling cars like hotcakes for the impressive price of 45% above market value so that's helping out a little bit but we're definitely going to need to get more research done as a matter of fact the second we get more money I think I'm going to go ahead and buy a secondary research facility when this car sells we're going to be real low on money but we're going to get another research facility wait for it wait for it wait for it come on baby sell come on you're on the lot seller Eddie Selberg right yes screw it we're doing it another research facility the money goes way down but the amount of research that we're pumping out now doubles and research is definitely one of the ways to get real real I don't know efficient in the game man people are researching all kinds of stuff they're researching sunroof leather interior we're going to need all that as well but for right now we just need to get our we just need to get our technology up our technology was a little bit slow but that again is the first time I ever messed around the game so that's going to happen as well come on baby you better sell old grades down to seven grand over here oh okay hold on think you're getting a little bit hectic ah I may have to bring down the price as a matter of fact or to get this thing to sell if not I'm gonna have to take out a loan in a second here boom there we go just barely sold in time faster overhead conveyors her up oh and not a moment too soon as well even more robots coming up next which is going to be super important the money area we're still kind of breaking even if we go back over to the efficiency area still a lot of time spent waiting on that next vehicle now I think that having the extra robots is really going to help because then everything should get done a lot quicker I think right about here well the running time is about half the running time is all the time so that's what I want to see about half of the time these guys are waiting for resources this place has been a resource heavy operation since the beginning but anyway guys what do you think of production line really cool little game I love all the options too it's amazing how much technology and stuff there is that you can do and man I gotta tell you know if I knew what I knew what I know now when I started one of the things that we definitely would have done it had more research facilities in the beginning and we probably would have started getting research done like immediately pretty much right in the beginning so we could have been getting the faster robots and the faster overhead production line stuff and everything else we're moving up to 50 grand so things are definitely getting better more cars are turning out and our cash flow is starting to go up but that allows that I got four right now boy I hope you enjoyed production line again all the information is in the description below if you want to check it out until the next time folks stay foxy and much love you [Music] you
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 466,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, production line, production line game, production line gameplay, car factory tycoon, car factory simulator, car factory game, build a car, car production line, car factory, car building factor, management game, tycoon game, production line steam, production line early access, ultimate car factory, building a car factory, manage a car factory, custom cars, build custom cars, cars, production line tutorial, faster car building, car building, making cars
Id: f0qfkkPtuwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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