The Toji Build Progression In Deepwoken..

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all right guys as you can tell by the time thumbnail in today's video we're going to be progressing as to you okay so um I haven't done proppr Bok progression for a while the last one I did that was like kind of a proper de progression was the one where I was getting like I was doing like the visor progression um in deepok so I decided I'm going to do like an actual proper de progression where I'm doing like a character progression and like what better character do than toi so I was looking for like you know builds to make with toi and I saw Punchy made a build on SOI and I said like okay I'm going to make a build very very similar to his but I didn't like the fact that he was like you know one handing a medium weapon with a sidearm dagger I did not like the the look of that at all I just hate one-h handing uh medium weapon so much it's like disgusting so the build I'm going to be going on this video is four Vitality two ER addition six proficiency cuz we're going to want to do as much damage as we can with daggers as possible um pre- Shrine we're going to be going uh 90 agility for the double Revenge Talent where you can Revenge twice cuz you know that's just like a must have on this build and we're also going to get 40 strength before Shrine as well to get all the good strength talents as well and then we're going to Shrine of order get 20 Ino 40 Willow and I think like 96 or 95 uh light weapon and then 904 shud we're getting 94 Sho for reinforced armor because we need to take some we need to we need to be like kind of tanky bro and the oath that we're going to go is oathless I know a lot of people probably say um you know silent h would be better to go cuz like it more suits toi I agree silent heart does suit toi quite a lot um but silent heart is just really [ __ ] boring like it's really boring you can't use any M and I want to use revenge like twice you know it would be kind of cool I thought that this would be really good so be an achievement L oathless um 90 agility 90 fortude build pretty much with 100 light weapon um so yeah I'm going to quickly go and do the tri of one and I'll cut to when I'm finished oh yeah for everyone wondering um I'm going to be getting ghost on this build cuz I feel like ghost would like better suit um toi and I'm still going to get tap Don but we're going to have like we're not going to have observation which isn't that big of a de in my opinion hey Revenge I needed that um so yeah we're going to be going uh ghost uh with tap Dona and the talents that we're going to need uh before Shrine is show slopper with 40 strength and then we need the like tap Downer obviously cheap shot and then we also need the N agility Talent where you can revenge like if you land your revenge B so you can basically Revenge twice that's going to be very very useful for this build also for the sword like well the weapon that we're going to be using we're going to use like the kiss Edge okay cuz it kind of looks like the inverted Spirit of Heaven um and that's what I was kind of going for this build I wanted to like use the ined spirit of heaven and not the not the katana that you use instead um but I'm kind of like I'm I'm confused on what Inon I want to go I either want to go um Knight or I want to go um Grim like I'm I'm I'm leaving between ight though because I don't know I feel like um would better suit the dagy though cuz it's like you get like another slash so let me know in the comments cuz I'm going to make this probably like a two par fre part series we'll see um let me know in the comments what uh in should I get on the kiss Ed should I get Grim or should I get um or if you have a better better idea trying to show leave it in the comments as well cuz I'm really confused all right cool we already got tap Daner and the chief shot which is nice um so we're already doing pretty good I can't lie I'm going to get uh GI SL will be really nice a speed demon actually I can't lie I might I might get adren S now I'm going to get J for now that should be nice for like you know a little bit of um a little bit more movement Mobility all right cool we finally reached our cap of agility I don't like I forgot what they did they did something to do with the caps but I don't know like how that sh even works I can't lie so we're going to have to go on upcap agility I think I'm going to have to head bounce the friend soz I don't think you can actually get up to the agility trainer um without like jumping up there with a friend like head bouncing so we're going to have to do that so I'm going to put the rest in this try oh yeah also I forgot to mention that we're doing like we're a void Walker in this progression you probably already saw the void eye but yeah we're a void Walker in this progression we're going to be kid um a lot of people we're going to be killing a lot of people I'm going to get hit and blade assassinations them on the ground it's like can assassinate people as a void you feel me um strong left Rapid punches I mean rapid punches was kind of suit told you I can't lie but I'm going get uh I'm going get strong LIF cuz I want to like I just want to punch people in the head bro I'm already getting ganked we got our first uh enemy of the video like a first proper NPC I'mma punch him in the face of strong left in a second bro he's geeking bro what's going on oh all right oh yeah we already have Revenge as well I forgot about that oh damn he's going to Ste my I hate the the shadow MPCs cuz they just steal your ether and like I have I do like oh my I do like no posture damage on this build as well like that's why that's another reason why I like strong left cuz like it does it does push damage oh yeah also I'm going 40 will power on this build so I can get um a neuroplasticity which is like 35 but the main reason is so that I can get exhaust and strike CU I really want that move that move will be so good in this boild bro can you punch me pleas I mean hit me fam come here okay cool we already dead let's go all right so I kind of like I kind of like I kind of like ignored this progression for like the next two days this is like two days later from when I started recording like part one um so I finally decided to start recording this progression again cuz I was like bro there's like nothing else to do bro there's nothing else to make videos on so I'm going just keep on making I'm going just continue this progression bro I might as well I want to get it out anyways um also uh if you guys want to fix like the FPS issue going on with the game right now just turn low Graphics mode on it helps like quite a lot with some of the FPS issues that's going on with robblox right now um but yeah I decid to come with the song luminant and I can gank this guy called Martin there's another guy saw I might try and gank him next but I'm going to try and gank Martin for now cuz I still need to get uh 40 strength and I need to uncap my agility but I'm going to get 40 strength first and then I'm going to uncap it all right he's over here let's go uh oh we're going to be a to call him off wait come here wait no no all right come come come don't run away don't run away let's go let's go let's go okay he doesn't look like like he's that progress he's a two star as all okay let's [ __ ] him up okay okay I don't have any moves like like like you know faint out with bro okay he's going to try and run but I'm the I'm the Dem at catching up to Runners bro the backstab where'd he go oh he's here oh burning servant I'm on fire still oh my God he's making like a universal flame build bro I'm still on fire what's going on all right I want to punch him in the head okay never mind my strong left is like so hard to land bro why am I constantly getting set on fire what the [ __ ] come here oh my okay bro these flame builds are getting outrageously bad bro come here par that M2 bom bro that strong left hasn't landed a single time bro all they have to do is just run away and then you're [ __ ] and I'm still getting set on fire what's going on you don't need to hit me any five okay let's Revenge okay I can't Revenge I don't have any ether right now this is bad all right we should be able to kill him though even though go to Bas he's just he's just [ __ ] walking backwards and using flame okay he cannot Parry okay Revenge that did not land he pared that come here okay that move does a lot of [ __ ] damage punch him in the head all right come here that should him run into him I'm going just hit him all these running attacks bro I'm still a par demon bro I'm still a par demon in this game come here come here need to leave this Discord cold as well bro people keep on like leaving and rejoining the cool bro it's so annoying all right come here oh my God bro how is he not dead bro I do no damage right now it's actually crazy I need to get a better dagger actually I can't even equip a better dagger until I trying up order let's go g bro all right finally oh my all right come here let's see what we get um okay we didn't get anything I'm going to grab everything actually just like in sell it um what the [ __ ] is that over there where's that icon over there what the [ __ ] all right let me grab all this stuff over here uh move into my inventory this is just all stuff I can sell oh my God he was stacked hold on give me these boots oh way better than mine uh pale morning uh did he have anything else is good yo that trackers bra is actually crazy all right give me that um everything else was kind of mid yeah everything is kind of M but I'm going to steal it all anyways just so I can sell it later all right cool let's see how much strength let's see if we can level up just from that one I don't I think I should be able to level up bro we powered him a lot and you get strength from powering okay we leveled up we leveled up all right we're two away from getting voice strength and then we need to go and uncap our agility uh bulldozer I'm going to get I'm going to get bulldozer actually I need to get uh showstopper as well um but I need two more for that uh your stuff okay oh that's actually good I might get this actually now you see me that kind of sues toi as well your steal on C increase I'm going to get that why the hell not let's see what other talents we get steady nerves unseen thre you can the of your weapons out provided you're not in combat yourself wait you can oh so you can assassinate people that are in combat that's actually really good um should I get that yeah I'm going to get that why the [ __ ] I'm going to get Champions or to see what else we get oh tra all right I'm going to get another point of profen once I get six proficiency I'm going to put the rest into I'm going to put two into audition and then I'm going to put the rest into Vitality which is like four Vitality after that um so yeah let me try and get another Target actually so I can finally get 4 strength all right cool let's see if I can yank this guy that's at Star set Valley right now yep I can give you to him all right cool he's a freest star though so he might be a higher level than me he's over here all right cool I'm going to try and immediately CL him off where's he running to come here don't go on that pad no [ __ ] no come don't run don't run don't run come come come come I really want to fight this guy oh I don't blame him for running to be honest bro cuz if you die that's a long way away all right come here no you look no that's that's crazy bro you know I'm don't even I'm not even mad I don't blame him bro he didn't want to die I don't blame him all right so I'm a really [ __ ] low level right now and I'm not even trying to V but these two people over okay never mind they're in the same base and everything okay I'm not ganking them bro I am not ganking those guys okay there's a guy over here but I don't want to kill him he's a vo Walker as well I'm going to start my L actually hey to you build question mark of course of course this guy's going bro I never yeah that's how you can tell you got a good cosplay bro that's how you can tell you got a good cray when people say toi build question mark I even Nam myself Tian zesi cuz like you know toi zenan well his name is fora now but still he's he's part of the he was part of the zenin clan so same thing all right since I only need two more strength uh before I hit the requirement of what I need like for like 40 strength is what I'm going for um I'm going to go back to the other luminant and I'm going to go try and find someone to like uh head jump me up to uh the theity chainel cuz you literally cannot get up to that [ __ ] legit bro I swear like there's just no way oh we getting gang these song Seeker NPCs always piss me off I swear oh yeah I have chain of perfection as oh my God yo they just yo actually demons they just my v and everything I always hat these [ __ ] NPCs cuz they're just fist users bro I hate people that use fist all right come here Dash in par that come in punch him in the head go up to the space Revenge M2 again get hit so it ruins off chain of perfection of course bro chain of perfection looks cool as [ __ ] actually God damn I actually like the look at that a lot hey all right come here all right M1 M1 Dash back M1 in the wo and he's dead all right cool yeah chain of per C looks cool as hell bro we got the chains and everything that is sick oh we got G from that [ __ ] as well all right cool um actually is my I don't even know how to uncap your thing anymore but I might have to do that Quest no you get it for killing a boss um so yeah I'm going just do a layer two run I think later cuz I need to yeah I do l two on and k e cuz we're going to need I'm pretty sure we're going to need stuff anyways we're going to have to do Layer Two anyways just so we can get our enchan uh but yeah I still don't know which I want to get bro I Grim or two days later and I still haven't decided so I can't lie the fit that like Punchy was working in this video bro even like the hair that he was working bro I can't lie that hair looked nothing like toi's hair like I got the actual to so I tried to get like a mark like on My Lip but there's none of those so I just got this Which is closest to but um I do want I I want to use the H Ty thing when H Tai comes out I'm definitely going to f that [ __ ] bro I'm probably going to do that [ __ ] on stream as well uh we'll see uh but yeah no I don't know what clothes to wear other than these like these kind of look like the clothes that he wore in the latest episode like a little bit like he wore like a white top and like black shs but like this is like the closest thing I can do to toi I can't lie like the fit that Punchy was working bro I just I did not like that fit at all bro I just didn't look like toi bro um so I don't know let me know the for in the comments is there anything I can use to make myself look like more I told you or is this just the best fit cuz I do not mind using this for this entire build bro cuz this fit looks cold bro I do know like I do not mind this fit all right cool we're approaching atress now bro I need to find like someone like I'm I'm praying that there's going to be like max levels of the camp or something like that or like anyone at ESS cuz I really need to um uh what's it called Head balance up to it I'm pretty certain I haven't uncapped my agility in a just I'm pretty sure you just have to go to the top of that thing I will try and get up there like myself oh yeah these guys hate me I'm going try and get up there myself and I if I can't then I'll just try and like find someone like unless I can find someone straight away but I doubt I can get up by myself cuz like every time I try to do it like it just never works okay there's absolutely nobody in the camp that's crazy I could just Ser hope the camp but I'm going to try and get up there bro look look there's literally just no way there's no way you can get up there legit how do they expect you to do this bro hold on let me see did they add like a like a like a paff for uh from the back now I feel like they might have made it like possible now cuz everyone was complaining about it oh wait hold on maybe they did make it possible now hey wait hold on oh I think they wait hold on I think they actually did wait where do I go from here now oh don't tell me they bro don't don't blue me now don't blow me now oh wait here there's a tree there's a tree all right let's uh is there an easier one to get to now we can easily get up there we got 0 agility already pretty much oh crap that's uh wait hold on I'm going Dash up here Dash up here okay we're chilling Dash up here air Dash again oh my God bro landing on these [ __ ] thingies are so annoying all right dash okay we're perfect perfect all right dash fors again and then we have another one okay they actually made it possible to get up now unless still was always like this but I don't remember there being these trees here last time I tried to do this all right cool we already got it let's talk to this again onity now that's what he says is anything you can teach me hey agility unbounded all right perfect I'm going to see if I can like train my agility as let's just Spam cck this how much should we oh my God yo yo we almost just leveled up completely holy [ __ ] all right uh yo unequip all right can i d b once yep all right Co we powered up again we're already power a that means we can shy up water now but I need to get oh wait I'm an idiot fam I only need okay you know one point won't matter bro let me just remove that okay one point will not matter but um it's just going to be kind of annoying uh low blow your attacks against ragor enemies no longer deal reduced damage oh that is good cuz like toi's an assassin I'm G to get that toi is like a whole ass assassin bro um let me get that uh Champion regia lights out I'm going to get oh I want to get Swift bro I'm going just remove this cuz I just don't want the legendary I mean that red signs keep on putting up um I'm going get what should I get I'm G to get rapid no I'm not going to get rapid I'm going to get drone s [ __ ] it bro uh I'mma put that there all right cool um I might need to Shrine of blossomy yeah I might need to do or we can just power up again okay I'm going to put all the stats into like the allocated things like I'm going to get like one uh light weapon uh one Willow I think what else was I going to get oh yeah one intelligence as well and one fortitude and then once I've done that if I still don't power up which I probably won't then I'm going to just uh what's it [ __ ] C I'm going trying to blow on me all right cool we are in the booksh okay what do I need I need to get um no I'm not getting any Charisma I need to get that the intelligence one where is it encyclopedia hey hey um ency okay fine I'll get it I need to get how to make mass techbooks as well hey give me that all right cool now we can run all right I didn't want to fight these guys also another thing that I was thinking of um that Punchy did that it's the one thing that I might actually copy from his outfit uh like the purple scarf I might get like a purple scarf to like represent the curse thingy um that toi had like around his neck you feel me but that [ __ ] got robbed anyways bro that [ __ ] got [ __ ] robbed if you haven't watched the movie already M spoilers but [ __ ] toi dies bro but yeah no no no no not the movie season 2 I mean um [ __ ] toi dies and the [ __ ] what's his name ghetto steals his [ __ ] Cur uh thingy like you see it in the movie like he uses uh toi's Cur uh I it's called he us Co Cur that's like on his shoulders there some like [ __ ] pull out like weapons out his ass or whatever all right cool we got one Fortune uh one intelligence now we need to get the prayer beads I also need to get one light weapon so I need this [ __ ] guys so like I need to power these guys attacks for a little bit and then I'll get my uh I should get a light weapon point just from Power okay I Su the game all right let me just keep on powering all right cool we got live weapons increased now all I need is PR beads let me just kill this guy it's like actually annoying as [ __ ] bro all right cool let's go back to the voi I need to quickly get um pray beads and then get one point into willower uh where are the prer beads here they are um all right cool let's get one point on power as well and now we're pretty much set to power up we just need to I do the shine of Bloss me which I'm going to go and do now and then after I've done the shrine of Blossom me um hopefully I have all the talents I need bro I need showstopper and the double the double uh Revenge Talent those are the only two talents that I need also the nice thing about having 40 W power is that I can also equip black diver which is I think the best armor in the entire game um like just like all around bases uh and then like obviously we're getting 40 W power just so we can get um exhaust and strike but it let us survive longer in the depths as as well like having W power is just nice I just like having W power also exhaus and strike is one of my favorite moves in the game I just love using it bro it's so satisfying to use it's like a like a a little like timed like stab into the [ __ ] like torso as cool as hell let me kill this brainer real quick all right cool trying to BL me I wish to engage in the deal I agree very well and we got G your hunger and thirst pleas faster okay that's not too bad to be honest as long as I just keep through with me um you only really notice gluton when you're in L to anyways uh return to Dark Ages your much damage is reduced by 20% your incoming much damage is cut by 20% to you returns of dark CES ain't actually bad you know yeah that actually isn't bad I might get that cuz I'm going to be doing a lot of damage with m1's like a lot of damage cuz I'm getting six proficiency I'm going to get that for now um but I really need to start getting the [ __ ] talents I need bro give me like show slopper hey Perfect all right cool got show slopper now all we need is the agility talent that gives us uh two revenges uh ping an opponent uh I'm going to get spinning Souls when why the hell know bro how do we get this Revenge Talent bro I actually need it no way uh steady nerves your climb height increases what should I get bro I actually don't know after next book uh sure I get swing bro we need this Revenge tent bro please lights out uh time to go I'm going to get fast paid I kind of want time to go as well actually I kind of see the toi build bro there's no way do you need like is there a specific Talent you need to be able to get the Revenge talent I need to look it up bro border CRI lights out rebound all right let's see what else we get heavy H skaty cat evasive expert um let speed I'm going get scy cat I just get a of exper as well damn we really didn't get it roll two give me give it to me from the roll two come on I'm going just Spam roll twos bro I do not need any mches why am I getting void walk 2 when I'm a void Walker what [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yo why am I getting void walk to when I'm a literal void Walker is this guy smoking crack or something what's going on okay you know I'll kill him yo okay we have Max thingy now uh IR addition all right give me the audition oh I actually turn my microphone on look I'm running all the way over there come here come here I I am not running away from you big man come here that's one V one come here n you initiated the fight come on let's go oh okay I'm getting mered all Revenge that he has he has purple Ling bro all right come here come here it's a fist user bro come here oh my God bro oh my God bro this what I'm talking about bro who fist uses to play Like This I Swear look F fam we are not playing ring around the Bro posies I'm going to die I'm actually going to die this fing game bro why do you play that why do you play like play like a weirdo that I'm not even kidding like on everything that guy gripped me and he got a chest for it bro what the [ __ ] have they done to this game but they made it so you can get bounties on other woodwalkers now like what's what's going on okay I'm going wait for him to come back to the wood I'm [ __ ] ganking him bro cuz when when we're not in the rain I'm going to Mur him hey he's back he's back he's back come here come here where are you running to big man come here nah no no Noah you're not you're not [ __ ] escaping come here come here you are not escaping yep showstopper coming on yep see now that I can concentrate we don't have [ __ ] piss rain in my face all the time I can actually M you come no where are you running to get down there [ __ ] come here easy bro G who's saying GG now who's saying G it was just about shut up fam give me all your [ __ ] I'm still everything you have all right cool I'm going to quickly go and look up uh what you actually need to get this [ __ ] Talent cuz cuz I literally cannot shine of order until I get this double Revenge Talent so I'm going to like hide in a corner and go look this up okay so tell me why the de developers are on the biggest amount of tip to get this double Revenge Talent you need to get every single [ __ ] assassin talent in the entire game I don't even know how to get the Assassin talents I tried looking up I don't know how I really don't know how so I I don't even know what the [ __ ] I'm doing anymore to be honest I I don't know what I should do with this build cuz I don't know how the [ __ ] to get these assassin tents I'm going have to look them up all right cool I found the list all right so to get all the Assassin silents you need low blow okay your attacks against I already have that okay that's calm I need now you see me I have that as well that's Cal I need vital point I don't know if I have vital point I probably do let me check let me put on a little a little campfire do I have any wood on me I do not have any wood all right cool I'm going to go and put on a campfire and see what all these have all right cool we have lights out low blow and now you see me so we're missing uh vital point which you need 20 agility for so I don't know how the [ __ ] I have that you reach the BR what okay so how do I not have valal point then what the [ __ ] all right cool I need valal point I guess and to get low stride you need to assassinate 10 enemies um so I guess we're going to have to assassinate 10 enemies I kind of regret uh trying to blust me now I kind of regret doing it now um cuz I need to get like two [ __ ] bro this bro I feel like the build is ruin now I swear this guy but he's like a five star so I I'm not tping to him with the hopes of killing him I'm tping to him of the the hopes of assassinating him all right so he okay let let me let okay kill that yep grip it grip it and then we assassinate him what fam grip him man what's your problem I'm not going to [ __ ] kill you oh bro people actually pissing me off this guy's like on high alert oh my God this fresh he is's going to kill me guys come here I have a baby SL fam now I'm going to kill you come here I know you suck a PvP with that self aware come here yep yep yep joing search yep evade that yep cancel that [ __ ] Parry that yep come here attack that on the floor so it doesn't get up boom punch him in the face come here yep punch him in the [ __ ] Corner come here yep keep on [ __ ] him up yep yep five star for what five star For What come here yep Dash mix ups come here carry that oh oh [ __ ] that is some good Dam right there all right cool um hopefully that that [ __ ] NPC can die okay [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up P that M2 Noe he does [ __ ] damage bro he does damage come here bro this NPC is so annoying I'm going to try I was going to try and grip him but like he he sto me from ging it all right let me just keep one bro imagine we actually kill this [ __ ] Max build right now has a power seven with like nothing with a baseo bro I feel like I'm actually about to kill him I'm not killing come [Music] here strong left into Revenge I don't have enough to do that okay I can't combo right now cuz I just don't have any ether this [ __ ] MPC is the most annoying thing in the entire oh wait never mind yo NPC go crazy I'm going grab this NPC and like Chuck it off the [ __ ] Edge cuz that's just going to piss me off all right come [Music] here come [Music] here all right y we might actually win this I feel like he's like low I feel like he has to be low right he has to be low I've I've been beting him up I don't have any [ __ ] ether at all let me spin his face give me that Health back strong left I don't have any [ __ ] tempo [Music] no Revenge he Dodges it no bro my revenge right now will be doing hella damage I can't lie I am low and I'm pretty sure does more damage L you are cancel that move again Dash into him again nice auto click yeah I know I have a really good Auto clicker right now I'm totally not [ __ ] jit clicking my mouse and you guys can obviously hear it oh bro can I M1 him please F he's playing like a [ __ ] now that's I'm going to lose I'm actually going to lose I hate when people [ __ ] play like this they just run backward and like Dash into you bro like they [ __ ] waste man I'm going to do I'm actually going to lose bro why do you have to play like this against the power seven fam oh my God you're a waste man you're actually a [ __ ] what's this [ __ ] username you're actually a Wast man yeah [ __ ] him up what's his username official ghost YT yeah we getting saved right now we're getting [ __ ] saved yes yes go crazy his name's hero as well he is a hero what's this guy's username yes let's [ __ ] go easy as [ __ ] what's this guy's username this gu need respect sink yo bro everybody go [ __ ] ping sink in the Discord right now join this video and call him a legend bro Co sink a legend everybody that guy is a [ __ ] Legend all right cool we got 10 assassinations now some very very kind people with the void hire let me keep on like assassinating them over and over again so we should definitely have it um so what I need to do now is go to forare we do not have enough knowledge to be able to get all the talents we need we need four talents um so that's four RS if we're lucky so we're definitely not going to be able to get it um so I'm going to have to look in the Deep boken build maker and see if if I level up and put the stats into the [ __ ] if it ruins the build it shouldn't ruin the build uh but I'm going test it out anyways um so yeah but yeah now if it does ruin the build then I'm going just have to restart the entire build and waste like another few hours of my life which is you know no big yeah I guess oh my God so much like bro making Shrine of order builds is the most it has to be the most annoying thing of all time bro like I get adding Shrine of order added more build diversity and [ __ ] like that but at the same time it just made progressing way longer cuz you basically have the shrine of order to make um like those are even a little bit good that like against you know like the meta monster those um so I don't know I feel like bro I feel like the game was better when there was no shine let me know your thoughts in the comments bro I just feel like the game was better when there was no Shrine of water I preferred the game when there was no Shrine of water cuz like you just you didn't have to plan out your builds you could have just like went like went on with your build and like you know you could have just I I missed the days where you could get 75 of your weapon and try level one and it wouldn't ruin your build but now it does all right cool I just looked it up in the de build maker and if I do like if I get like 56 light weapon for example um so I can level up and then I shine of order it'll ruin the build like it'll put too much into intelligence and like that um and too much like you know too much will remain in agility so I only be able to get like 87 light weapon which is like not good bro no not 87 8 83 I think something like that light weapon which is not good at all I want to get like at least 90 light weapon on this build like I was originally planning for like 100 but uh the original build is like 96 I think so I'm going to go to shine of water and test something there's something I wanted to test if I lock uh intelligence um so like it can no longer increase I want to see if Shrine of order still push in intelligence it probably will but just in case it doesn't I'm going to check all right cool uh let's see I agree very well all right and yeah still put [ __ ] intelligence which is kind of annoying I can't lie that is kind of annoying all right you know what it is what it is I was expecting that anyways I mean worse things worse we just have to make this a non sh of water build and uh don't get like reinforced armor which is like the worst thing that could possibly happen I guess like if I don't get reinforced armor I could still probably get 504 actually let me check actually all right cool I just calculated it if we don't shine of order uh the best build that we could possibly make is 91 agility 40 strength 50 fortitude for reinforce and uh Grand support or Commander 40 will power uh for another flying no yeah another flying no what what is it called uh it's something newd and uh what's it called exhaus and strike and then 100 light weapon that's what we can make um so we're missing out on 20 intelligence which I forgot why I even went intelligence in the first P I was going to get 20 for something I forgot what it was for I don't think he was that big of a deal though um but yeah now I'm pretty sure I'm going to make that build like I think instead of trying to ordering we just make this build cuz I can't lie I I really want to get the double I'd rather have double Revenge than reinforced armor you get what I mean so I'm going to leave it up to you guys do you want me to remake the entire build and like actually make it properly this time or do you want me to just keep on going like the way that I'm going the only difference will be that I won't have reinforced armor that's actually going to be the only [ __ ] difference if I shine a w or not so let me know in the comments what's your thoughts cuz I I personally can't be a to remake the build but if you guys want me to then I definitely all right cool let's see if we can get a gank uh two star for merit bro what why is that guy for I can't click on T okay that's oh that's me bro yeah you can get uh bounties on other voidwalkers now why would they do that that is weird bro actually you know what actually I kind of like Deads cuz um vo could be annoying as [ __ ] all right why is there a onear Star I'm going to go gank him anyways who the [ __ ] ises where is he I'm technically a onear still he's up here let me gank him let's see if he's going to log I don't know if he's going to log or not let's kill him oh and so reinforce rein I mean Revenge okay this guy's like a proper proper freshy but so are we but we we're both Freshies pretty much come here Dash him into the woo okay this guy is not okay okay bro okay you know what he's actually decent apparant I'll give him that I don't think any has the moners though I don't know what's he doing what is he doing up here I'm actually so confused he's probably doing some like new secret quests theame like another mind he does have Monas that wind blade monster like wind C I think it's no it's not wind it's good wind blade yeah that's one of my favorite monsters in the entire game I love that monster so much come here come here bro I do know I need to get a better light weapon bro I'm going focus on upgrading my you know matter of fact mid gank I'mma put my weapon manual in my H bar I'm I'm going focus on upgrading my weapon now cuz I really want to get a better Tanto cuz our weapon does no [ __ ] damage right now we are getting mugged bro hold on M up okay Dash okay okay okay you can't par what him say nice macro man just I'm clicking fast oh that's strong enough Parry H that's strong first my oh GG bro God damn all right cool that guy was decent in the game I can't lie I [ __ ] cool it I cool it I cool it I knew was going to say mro I actually cool it all right uh give me that Captain's cabito actually I don't have a good um thingy I do not have a good helmet yet uh I'm not going to get any of these I'm going just grab everything he had on him to be honest he had a lot of stuff on him holy he had a lot of stuff red snapper cooked fish SE bro this guy was fishing holy crap all right give me all that [ __ ] let's see we go in the chest as well okay let me okay let me vane that real quick that [ __ ] is oh we going Inon multiplicity should I use this is a bad it's not bad than my helmet definitely not but I might equip it just for the looks what does it look like does it look drippy no it doesn't look drippy at to it just looks like I'm I've got electricity on my face all right cool I'm going to go back to the void right now let me grab everything else real quick and all right that fight at the beginning of the video where I was ganking that high level was like really fun to me I actually enjoyed that quite a lot so I'm going to try and do that again I'm going to try and get a bounc on someone with a very high level let me drink all these calabashes and strike that all right cool let me try and get a boun on a high level actually first of all let's see how much I can put into a a light weapon real quick okay yeah I can't lie I feel like I'm going to enjoy having n90 agility more than having n90 fortitude anyways so like not shrining watering is kind of nice cuz bro bro having this much agility is crazy look how high I can climb bro like look at that bro I can climb high as [ __ ] all right I see the guy so he's all the way over there wait is that the same guy I just gripped bro that's the same guy that I just gripped I'm not gripping them again I'm actually going to feel so bad okay no it's a completely different guy okay I'm going to gank this guy wait no no no no they run into that guill base bring me in it yes I'm a fly hacker I'm a fly hacker come here okay this guy looks like the same exact level he literally the exact same [ __ ] as me stiletto and everything base armor oh okay Let's Go Crazy come on then oh they're going blurp blurp lightning brao all right come here oh they have never mind they have reinforced holy [ __ ] with the grand support thing as well okay they cannot [Music] Parry push him in the face okay okay they just it got hit by a fat [ __ ] crit right [Music] there oh that move is terrible all right I don't know what the [ __ ] [ __ ] they're doing why does why did only one of their moves have uh blurple on it or whatever the [ __ ] it's called purple lightning yeah why does that move only have it why does none of his other moves have the lightning am I like am I dumb or what's going on oh Dodge that okay Doge that we're definitely wiing this one one right now oh that that strong left hand revenge is like my favorite combo right now oh I need spine C bro I need spine car right now bro if I had spine car be going crazy oh dashing them with Revenge bro we do no M1 damage right now and they're tanky as [ __ ] cuz they have [ __ ] tons of fortitude cuz they have reinforced as well oh yo come here no Revenge strong left oh we need to make our strong left bigger I swear our strong left is like small as [ __ ] right now Never Lands and that's I'm like right up in their face come here paradon bow yep how are you not dead my friend strong left okay okay dashing some again wait matter of fact how do I not have spine cards I have 90 agility and four strength how do I not have SM CLE bro there's no way GG bro they did not say anything nice they're probably going to respawn in that g base actually so I need to hurry the [ __ ] up and get out of it unless I want to fight them again uh do they have anything good on them three stars but it's still trash amazing all right I'm going to just grab absolutely everything all right cool uh I'm back in the vo I'm going to heal up a little bit and then I'm going to go and fight again we have 11 white weapon already I'm going to probably put some into foro actually cuz I'm still going to get 50 foro definitely um so yeah here we go let me just uh spam this [ __ ] see how much we get we're probably going to get a [ __ ] ton all right cool nine that's not too bad actually and then I'm going to put the rest into so willpower where's my prayer beads all right give me these prayer beads okay all four of the high levels are all in like the monkey P so they definitely need SE and like the only other person I can ganking this guy and he's like in the ocean so I'm going just Ser up and try and find more people to gank but yeah now I'm already enjoying this build like how it is right now and it's Lally a flipping freshy bro so if I get this [ __ ] to like max level and I get like the double revention and everything I'm going to be so guessed like this build is actually Peak um all right let's try and join a Texas USA so I'm going join a packed one actually uh 12 players that that's all right hopefully it's an EU so all right cool we got lucky is actually an EU server oh my God there's so people all right s Seeker Wilds all right cool I'm going to gank this guy Andre let's gank Andre he's a free he's a high level than me definitely um I want to see how this gang plays out where is he he's right below me oh he's going into the mines perfect he won't be able to run away then that is perfect all right there's two people doing some friendly One V ones come over here Andre where you going to come here that's one V one I feel bad for just mining his [ __ ] but I need I need to gank you bro come on let's One V one put out your weapon no don't run you have an inchon on everything oh all right okay this is crazy this is actually crazy I'm I'm I'm okay okay this is crazy okay hold on hold on we need to actually our toi toi running mechanics bro our super insane speed fam they're not going to be able to catch up to me N I can't lie they are they I'mma Be Real they're not catching up to me bro I'm a track star demon I'm going to break the angles watch this look at this watch this okay I've already broken the angles but I'm going just play with them now oh so you run away when it's a one V one and now your friends are hereit bro this guy's like just like he's introverted deogan player bro all right hold on let me uh let me show you guys the method all right so we have to dance on them wait did I actually break their ankles that hard what the [ __ ] going on let's [ __ ] him up let's [ __ ] him up let's [ __ ] him up come here where's your friends now where's your friends now come on let's go oh my God he does so much [ __ ] damage bro J yep okay he can oh and his friends back this is [Music] bad he's getting smoked these guys suck let me spit on him and he'll midf fight oh okay that new montra is crazy I do not know why they gave win that montra still that MRA is actually insane come here bro this guy bro when that one hand in their sword you can tell they're just [ __ ] at the game bro you the [ __ ] one hand their sword bro how do you physically do that yeah let me run away from that domain expansion bro come here bro come here your friend stuck in his little room no he isn't Dash fors again yep hit your friend okay we're actually going crazy right now oh he didn't get brought up cuz I uper him nice Peak no I was going to try and like [ __ ] hit him off the edge bro if I can make it a one one I can easily win this cuz they are not good oh what the f fam what hit me bro we were all raged though bro I [ __ ] hate getting 3v1 by Max builds at level 11 like this [ __ ] is ridiculous bro maybe if I had like if I had like a 100 light weapon at level 11 and I had like a good uh you know weapon as well I could probably [ __ ] kill all of them but right now I'm using a baby Stell with 11 light weapon i l do no damage at all so I'm going to [ __ ] leave the depths and uh I'm going to probably train my light weapon a little bit all right guys I can't lie this episode's already been pretty [ __ ] long I've done a lot on this episode um so yeah I'm pretty sure I'm going to end the episode of here it's already been like hella long bro I don't want to make this videos way too long um so yeah a few things to like mention that I want you guys to tell me in the comments All right so the first thing is what enchant do I use Grim or umbr or if you have a different idea for an Inon I should use tell me in the comments cuz I'll definitely I'll definitely consider it um on top of that uh Jo me to remake the entire build and like actually trying of order it or do you want me to just continue the build without reinforced armor and I just get 5042 instead tell me that as well in the comments I don't mind I really do not mind and uh yeah that's the only two things I really care about actually that's the only two things I really want you guys to know um so I hope you guys enjoy this video uh subscribe if you enjoyed the video as well I'm trying to hit 50k and I love you guys and have a wonderful day
Channel: vert
Views: 80,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, layer 2, prog, progression, solo prog, solo progression, deepwoken progression, deepwoken solo prog, deepwoken solo progression, broken, insane, vampire, NEW, META, GANK, build review, how to, vert, vert deepwoken, new roblox anime game, new roblox game, cc game roblox, peroxide, type soul, peroxide new game, bleach game roblox, best game on roblox
Id: ItV6BtnE3XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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