Becoming an Engineer But It's 1200 AD - Medieval Machines Builder

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well this dude is really into his soup how's it looking buddy can you stare a little more in there do you want this carrot in there here buddy here let me help you there you go look at that we're making soup together what are you doing just pondering life over here anyways welcome everybody to Medieval machines Builder this is a game I've been following for uh actually a couple years ago now I saw an introduction to it uh the demo came out for Steam nextfest and I'm super excited to get into this one because I love Siege engines and a game all about building them yes please what are we building up here I don't know it's looking like it's it's trebuchet worthy and I hope we get right into it and just build a freaking trebuchet I need to start building I should go to the Grove nearby and chop some trees down this is so cool so I gotta actually have to extract trees and build it from the very base okay so I need wood beams we'll go over and get some trees first all right well I got my trusty Lumberjack ax and we're gonna whack a tree a few times and now it feels like I'm playing a Survival Game Goodbye tree you now shall be turned into a Siege weapon okay I can hold multiples how strong am I I'm holding literally a whole tree okay game come on all right so we gotta place wooden log here and I place multiples no what the hell do we do with these ones just throw them over there uh so we're gonna debark the tree I think yeah so now we just got to whack this okay I'm just going down the tree debarking it ah and just like that we have a perfectly cubed log all right so One Log and that's all we need right and then we're good to go am I going the wrong way yeah I am I'm smart oh God how long is this gonna take do I have to actually build each beam I should build the beam on the opposite side now no crap game thanks for letting me know though oh God yeah we we might be here a while this is gonna I like this I like how in-depth it is but this is gonna take some commitment all right so I debarked both of them because we can hold multiples at the same time and I think you get the idea looks like I'm gonna need shorter Beams I should saw a regular Beam on the right Workshop this isn't really a workshop kind of just in the open place wood beam here and now I need to saw it in half I have a hammer ah there we go yes cut the beam hopefully this is the right area God I really hope this is the right area all right there we go now we have two short beams where am I supposed to put these here yeah I assume so and oh I actually have to put them here so that's an even shorter beam um no I can't actually put that there so I have to put this here so what are those I'm going to need some sort of materials to continue building luckily there's a large box of nails nearby yada yada yada uh so yeah we need nails and metal strips for these ones okay quartermaster wants a beer before he talks to me what are you doing what is going on with your mouth are you pondering are you pointing at me are you counting boxes people hear a weird man alright so he really didn't want to walk this far to get a beer oh this is the nail storage no I need where the hell do we get a beer he said walk across the town so maybe it's over here aha it is here okay I have the beer sir I shall bring it back there you go sir you've saved my life now you can take all the necessary materials I might as well just grab as much as we can we're gonna need some leather sooner or later a rope yep that makes sense I'm assuming this is all we need to make a trebuchet uh I don't have enough storage space right now so we'll grab the rest later if we need it all right onwards we need everything for that oh getting fancy now we need a little one and we need one more big one so should be enough with these two extra logs just chop down another tree of course I'm assuming we need to solve this one in half wait what do you want me to do I want you to hammer those down I think hold on is this what you want me to do hammer time oh hell yeah hammer time dude this is I this is so great I was worried this game would be very basic in terms of the building I think it's very awesome that we have to like assemble every small piece of this uh okay so that side's done okay now we got some smaller beams we can put those I guess wherever we want okay fancy and why can't I put another one down it's really gonna make me do wait what I'm confused I only had two how did I gain a free one whatever I'm not gonna complain there we go make sure these things are tied together oh I have to do three for that one for whatever reason and that is in place all right next one oh I have I don't need to use these for these they're wood blocks that I looted from the guy that I gave the beer to so this is just in my inventory super simple uh we do need short beams for this though no don't whack that I need to grab that and put that there see if I can maybe do the other one now then okay we're getting into the Rope we'll put that in there uh I need short wood beams that looks quite large to me but I guess we need short ones for that change distance wait what okay I have to whack that in do I have to whack all these in I think I do yeah okay there we go rope is intact now we got the action oh it is a catapult wow catapults are bigger than I thought okay got these short wood Beams I believe I needed that for these and indeed I did oh I don't have enough rope oh I don't remember him having rope all he had was yeah all this guy has is metal strips where do I get more rope where oh God I'm dumb I should freaking rope everywhere okay I didn't realize I could just loot the whole town here thanks everybody ah we have the wheel okay we're gonna need that oh there's stuff everywhere why didn't I think of this okay so obviously the trebuchet arm somewhere too because we need that all right there we go we got the Rope now we're just gonna slide what does that rope even do I don't even know what that's there for uh very short wood beam okay so that has to be double short then put these into place there we go may as well do the other side we should have everything we need now now that I have rope I just need to find axises now I wonder if I could make those I might be able to refine these more what are those oh those are rocks all right well the one thing we can do is the very short beam so I believe the ones you cut in half are called shorts so I'm assuming if we do it once more it'll be called very short so we'll Strip This log and refine it okay that is now done I need a few axes I've seen or axises I've seen them on the wagon near the box of nails okay so we steal them off wagons got it um we need a short wood Beam for that I think yeah I got lots of shorts as we'll do what we can right now and Hammer Time don't know how we're hammering downward looking upward but okay think we're getting there we are nearing the end we just got to very short with beam all right hold on we'll just keep going oh this is the stopping pad that's actually cool so it doesn't damage the wood just by the sheer weight of the Catapult itself okay and now we got to go to that wagon and oh there I didn't even see them back here oh now we're gonna be done in no time I think because we just have these two things and then possibly the actual arm that launches it I think that's it there could be more to this I have no idea oh yeah we still need the Cog mechanism out here to tie it up right because this I don't know how you pull it down I think there's a there's usually there's usually a chord and then you wind up yes you wind up with whatever is attached back here so we still need to do a little bit but we are very much nearing the end now stick that in make sure the wheels don't fall off that's kind of important I think we can install this now and then we just need the wind-up mechanism and we are done I think so yeah we need access and everything else we have so simple grab the axis and just like that I think we actually are done okay that was a pretty big process actually but with a game like this I hope this will be in depth and complex and indeed it is okay whack it in and are we good build the machine Part Locker um um what where oh right here there we go okay so that oh we'll lock it down okay and that just holds it it's ready Let's test it in a battle I guess shoot um are we in battle right now what the hell is going on adjust the cat the angle of the Catapult all right so first of all let's pull it back that automatically locks it in place so when we want to shoot we just kick that I guess simple enough wants me to adjust the angle though oh change distance okay and is this any different no I guess I can only use that one side I'm assuming distance equals angle right okay this is so freaking cool okay we can now rotate that's good and I guess we're ready to shoot so shoot oh wait there wasn't a H dude I am oh my God I didn't load it I got I got excited all right it was all good to go that was just a test flight all right let's try that again at least I know how to do it it's already aimed up so now we just need one of these bad boys okay try that again and shoot yeah that was nice oh that actually did some damage all right well we got one of the foundations down we need to get that left Foundation now let's wind it up see if we go for another good hit and get that Foundation this is gonna take a while I wish I could go out and get closer to it to appreciate the damage so I got the front wall I think we should go up a bit now and try and get that back wall so we're gonna break more of the foundation but once we get through that top piece we should get to the back piece and hopefully if we break the back Foundation these side foundations won't be strong enough probably should have went for the middle that would have saved time I love the destruction of this so this is fantastic all right so now that that piece is gone if we shoot the exact same area we should be good to take out the back wall I think so load and shoot and ah hey that's hot piece are you serious it's gonna take forever all right that should be good now we've taken out the whole freaking wall what the hell did I hit oh there it goes the back wall was it is it considered destroyed it's still kind of standing how how does that happen oh it's falling it's Fallen come on take it down that's that's destroyed right thank God deed is done the towers collapsed I can finally rest walk to the food okay I guess rest is stuffing your face with food in this game and I'm fine with that it is with great pleasure we write to you today to express our gratitude and admiration for the recent success and destroying the enemy's border posts your exceptional skills will undoubtedly prove to be a crucial asset in the upcoming conflict all right so the enemy did not give up because I destroyed their Tower so we're continuing the war campaign and they're entrusting me with continuous support to uh Supply the troops so I guess I'm building more Siege engines understood all right and as I assumed that was going to be it for the demo unfortunately that's a very quick look into this game but I'm super excited for it because the premise sounds pretty interesting I love medieval combat games but too much of it is focused on the front lines of combat I love the idea of being an engineer during a medieval Siege like uh situation so this game gets me super excited uh I do like the building in this I'd like to see how deep it goes though uh because besides catapults and trebuchets I hope there's more than just that you know battering rams ladders things like that I don't know how deep it's gonna to go but uh that was a good introduction into medieval machines I hope you guys enjoyed it as always thanks for watching and liking I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 129,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medieval machines builder, medieval machines builder gameplay, drae, draegast, medieval, medieval engineer, medieval machines game, trebuchet building, building a trebuchet, funny, medieval siege weapons, siege weapons, siege machines, medieval weapons, medieval combat, castle warfare
Id: htsuc9dp0fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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