Becoming A Warlord With A Gun Empire In RimWorld [EP2]

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hello one and all and welcome back to the rim World gun Empire series might I just say my good friends I am ever so glad to see you here today I'm so glad that you're joining me once more for yet another episode though I do plan for this episode to be much shorter than the first episode I still have a lot planned for us to do today we still have a lot of work of course first and foremost we're going to get started today by mining out several different coal or veins from the sides of these mountains now the reason that we're doing that is because we are actually going to begin selling some of this coal for components which of course is very crucial for making Firearms based on the comments from the first episode it would seem the vast majority of you guys are okay with me selling things like coal and stuff like that as long as I'm doing it to actually buy components and other resources that we need to make guns so we could think of it less as buying and selling and more of just bartering one resource for another I suppose suppose however after Richard went back home to the base and Scott was still out mining that night we ended up getting some Monumental news it would appear that Scott and Ds are now engaged looks like Richard told DS that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and she completely agreed well apparently it is that easy I'm very happy for them in the meantime of course however as Downs is waiting on her marriage to take place I could really use her help in researching some basic Vehicles now this is going to allow us to build several different car parts to build some basic Vehicles like a truck a bike things like that of course though I think we're going to end up going with the mule it appears to be some type of flatbed truck and honestly I just think it is the perfect smuggling vehicle I mean take a look at it here it's it's amazing now as one might imagine it is going to take Downs quite a bit of time to finish up the research that is required for basic Vehicles so in the meantime we are going to try to better our base beautify it and things like that with new floor a lot of you guys were letting me know in the last episode of course as well that I shouldn't bother smoothing the floors and stuff and I do agree with that it's just the problem is when we were doing that originally in the last episode we didn't have a lot of stone blocks just yet unfortunately so of course now that we have a good stockpile of those we're going to try to use those mainly for flooring and whatnot with that being said sometime later Downs finally ended up finishing the basic Vehicles research which means we can finally get started on our mule truck and I am so excited I must say now unfortunately it's not as simple as just building the vehicle out of steel and components no we actually have to build a garage bench which unfortunately we don't have enough components for so we're going to have to do a little bit of trading with the Marshall service naturally of course we would send Scott out all by his Lonesome on this trip at some point I would like to get him something like a guard or just begin sending out other colonist along with him in case he were to get ambushed or something like that but with all his Charisma he had finally made made it to the Marshall service and began trading our coal for components once that was completed of course he began making his way back home now this trip is going to be much faster and much easier of course on Scott once we finally get the old mule up and running unfortunately we weren't able to buy enough components to actually build the vehicle components on the garage bench we had barely made enough to build the garage bench itself but we did end up getting that completed however now I decided to check in on some of the components that we would need to build a vehicle itself and the majority of them did take a decent bit of components so we're going to end up having to do a bit more trading I apologize I know this episode is starting off quite slow with a lot of trading we would sell anything and everything we could find including a gorland seed that had sprouted just near the base and we had quite a few other things in storage some things that were left as gifts by visitors and just basically anything else we had really essentially anything that was worth a shiny Little Penny was loaded up into Scott's pockets and taken out of the territory with him all the way to the Marshall service base once more at some point we're going to have to do some trading with the damn Rebels otherwise they may catch on and try to take us down plus it would help out quite a bit seeing how the Marshall service settleman here has to refresh their resources after a while regardless though after a good bit of trading and traveling later Scott had finally returned home and was unloading his inventory onto the shelves he got a good bit of components as well as a good bit of fuel obviously of course components were extremely crucial to the car parts I would say about 95% of the car parts that we built required components but some of them also required the fuel but mostly the fuel was used for gassing up the mule after we actually created it it was at this point I was beginning to wonder if maybe I should have tried to save some resources and instead of building a flatbed truck maybe just build something like a dirt bike or something to try and smuggle these guns into these settlements but oh well I you know it took a long time but we finally got all the parts built I suppose and with that of course Scott and his amazing construction skill would finally finish up our mule truck now as you can imagine I'm getting sick of calling it The Mule so I was extremely relieved when I had the chance to name it I decided to promptly rename our new and very first vehicle the rifle Runner even though it's not very agile or very fast it seemed like a fitting name oh this Bodacious bad boy sitting in the pale Moonlight it's going to be able to run so many guns across these deserty Hills I cannot wait and if you thought building the truck was good news get a load of this Richard and Ds are beginning their marriage ceremony oh my what joyous days we're having here at the gun Empire ah yes under these Sandy gigantic mountains the two of them have decided to elope and join in a gorgeous Union together and of course they've decided to party the night away celebrating the Glorious occasion but now that that's finally finally over with we can focus on what's truly important to us here making some money we're going to go out and do a bit of trading but first we need to collect a lot of food even though the old rifle Runner is going to get us to our locations a lot faster we are still pretty low on rice and other plant material as well as Meats thankfully though hunting emu ostriches as well as several different baloue would help us put a good bit of protein in our diet as well as our freezers now the only thing left for us to do is throw them down on the floor butcher them like a bunch of savage animals and begin turning them into jerky or sandwiches or something that Scott here can take on his trading missions and eat on the inside of the old rifle runner on his way there I like to Envision as well since it still can take over a day or so for us to get there and come back that he's most likely either sleeping in the bed of the truck or in the cab I I don't know I think that's a nice little detail to add very realistic he of course immediately began heading out I was actually quite surprised to see that that he could drive over the barbed wire but maybe we'll just pretend that they took it down and that it wouldn't have busted all four of his tires he immediately began heading back to the Marshall service for a little bit of trading as you can see of course he is going quite fast as well but unfortunately back home we ended up having some impid scavengers attacking us from the outlands there appeared to be only three of them though they were quite well armed one of them was only carrying a silver axe but the others had a large Anaconda revolver pistol and a sniper rifle they've most likely heard rumor of a gun Empire beginning in the desert here and thought that this were some small operations functioning out of tents or maybe some small buildings little do they know that we have a fortress of a mountain I suppose though with that being said they're going to be finding out just how fortified we truly are in just a few moments as they're beginning their attack Unfortunately they have been here for hours planning out their attack because we don't have enough manpower to try and attack them directly we're going to have to try to defend the base from our barricades and barbed wire one of the foolish little rap scallions was trying to charge directly at us with his ax and he ended up catching a Bullet to the Head a few times and dropped to the ground the others though were continuing to fire at us so we began trying to move to cover where they couldn't hit us shinichi went down unfortunately but Richard scooped him up into his arms and ran to cover where they were safe at least for the moment it would appear even as the two of them had taken cover though and were trying to hide they were still experiencing heavy fire from the enemies we would have to figure something out and quick but for now shinichi is literally bleeding to death so Richard is going to try to stop that bleeding by tending to his wounds even without medicine right here on the field even as we were still under heavy fire Richard began tending to shinichi up until the point that shinichi was actually able to walk once more However unfortunately this did not last very long shinichi was quickly struck by another bullet and hit the ground again this time around though Richard was out in the open all by himself taking on the enemy he would not give up though if this has to be his last stand right here right now in this spot so be it Richard is no longer a coward he is not going to turn on his friends this time and it's a good thing he didn't because now the calvalry is here that's right Scott has arrived back home and there's going to be some hell to pay but first Scott is going to distract the Scavengers so Richard can carry shinichi to safety damn that was a close call we're not going to be able to sustain too many more bullets hitting the old rifle runner though it's going to be best if Scott kind of gets them off the trail of Richard here and he goes and Parks it and starts fighting thankfully it would appear that Richard has got shinichi inside the base where Downs can begin tending to his wounds to ensure that he doesn't die Richard is now running back onto the battlefield Scott has also parked a truck and is running inside our walls where he can meet up with Richard to provide cover fire the two of them of course would immediately begin engaging in a fire fight with the two remaining scavengers that were still alive luckily they both seemed to be quite injured so even if we were to wait them out they would die but we decided to take matters into our own hands Scott began moving into position alongside Richard the two of them ended up killing another of the impid while Downing him and then the last remaining one with the Anaconda pistol decided to flee we would also begin retreating just a little bit to ensure as she was fleeing that she wouldn't get a lucky shot in at us and after she was gone we decided to come in and begin putting out some fires but before we did that we had an impant to strip and then of course stabbed to death here on the ground once Scott was finally finished taking out all of his rage on this filthy impid scavenger then we could begin putting out some fires and trying to haul all of the equipment that they dropped back into our base oh and let me tell you this has been a very exhausting night exhausting battle so I'm very glad that we all get to lie our weary heads down and rest with everyone intact nobody died we were a little bit injured but nobody's dead truthfully though I don't think that would be the case if Scott and Hatton came in when he did and saved us sometime later though I realized we didn't exactly have any way to easily access the inside of the base when we're actually driving our vehicle so we began mining out a small section of the Hill here that way we can put an automatic garage door in that way we can bring the mule in anytime we like without having to get out obviously of course it wasn't very ideal for us to have to go around to the one side of the base where the opening was large enough for the vehicle especially driving over the barbed wire and this will help us from having to be exposed to enemies if say for example just like Scott was earlier they were nearby he was having to get out of the vehicle and run inside after bringing the rifle Runner and it was time for us to unload our cargo we had a bunch of silver a good bit of components and a good bit of Kim fuel as well we were going to haul all that inside and now all we really needed to get started with our gun production was plenty of Steel so of course we immediately began mining out several veins of Steel that we could find within the mountains at some point though we're going to have to start going to different places maybe setting up some camps and whatnot to try and retrieve components and steel first though before we end up doing something like that I think I'd like to increase our population now I do also want to mention I have added a new mod to the series by your all's recommendation it would seem a lot of you have said that I should add one of the mods that actually um increase the price of weapon cells so I've decided to add the full gun sell price mod now this mod basically what I assume here of course based on the name is that weapons are going to sell for their full price which does end up making sense to me of course I think I would like to have something where I could make it sell for a little bit less and then as we uh establish credibility we sell them full price but I I I'm a bit too lazy I'm I'm not going to lie to you I uh I didn't find any mod that would allow me to do that though I didn't look too hard so I I'm going to go with this one I hope that's okay and with that that being said it is finally time for us to begin working on some Firearms yes we are finally going to be making some guns here in the gun ire uh not necessarily guns they are weapons of course we're actually going to be making some incendiary launchers uh we may end up making a few Anaconda pistol as well to sell though now of course you may be curious why I am making the incin launchers uh first uh those actually have a very high sale price if I'm not mistaken I believe it is 380 silver which is one of the highest prices for the like types of guns and whatnot that we can make currently so obviously of course whatever gets us the largest and fastest profit we are going to go that route we will end up doing some research at some point I believe on different types of weapons but for the time being we are actually going to have Scott here do a bit of mining under the base well under the mountain which actually is our base for the time being here I actually have two small storage rooms planned out as well as six small prison cells as one might imagine this project is very large and tedious especially for Scott alone so once Richard has completed his tasks of creating weapons or once he runs out of resources we're also going to get him to help out as well in the meantime as well I'm going to have Downs begin researching into blowback operations which will end up unlocking several different types of weapons now there are other different research trees as well that will end up going down at some point that do the same thing the same thing in theory of course as it will unlock many different types of weapons per research branch and now my dear friends as you can see it would appear that Richard has run out of components to continue building weapons and is now helping Scott with all the mining here on the new section of the base normally I would be pretty excited that he's able to help out and that this isn't going to take near as long Richard doesn't have a crazy high mining skill but he has one that's high enough that you know this project will go a bit faster with his help but with that being said we're also out of components again meaning we're going to have to go back out on a trade Mission at some point point now I know I have mentioned several times that I am actually going to begin trying to trade with the rebels just as often as I do the Marshall service truthfully we don't give a about either side of the war as long as we are making a good profit this would be a good time to do so I believe as well as the Marshals or at least the settlement that is nearby to us under the Marshall service is running very low on components and other resources so we may end up basically just trading with the rebels to give the Marshall service time to refresh at some point throughout this episode I would also like to try and begin building at least some dirt path to both of those settlements but of course with that being said we've done a good bit of work in the base Under the Mountain here it's time for us to load up a bunch of stuff to take off to one of the Rebel settlements to do a bit of trading with Scott here so of course he loaded up the old rifle Runner and headed on out the Journey of course was long and treacherous actually it was neither of those things because this truck is really awesome and keeps us safe for the most part so it's not really a big deal but while Scott's doing a bit of trading I wanted to mention something here that's not really too big or important per se but I still wanted to mention it nonetheless I'm actually going to be changing the faction type of the oak Foundation which is basically the secretive branch of the Rebel forces um no particular reason other than it was just uh interfering with gameplay and stuff like that and causing me a few issues for you as the viewer there really won't be any change at all except for this new icon as you can see it's the exact same faction leader gear stuff like that the only difference is it has went from The Savage settler icon I believe to the rough Outlander icon so I you know I I mean none of that really has anything story-wise any implications but I I just want to mention it in case you were wondering why it changed in other news however it was time for Scott to head all the way back home after trading with the rebel forces now if you have a Keen Eye just as Scott you may notice this small mining operation in the Desert Hills not too far from our base well my good friends you just as well as Scott are correct it would appear that we do indeed have some mining operations going on here in these mountains by the thrombo and Union funny enough looks like they're mining components just what we were hoping for I decided that I would give our people some time to kind of rest and recuperate and kind of just get their stuff in order before we decide to go out and attack that mining work side I'm sure as you guys know from the first episode when we had the raid from the thrombo and Union they are nothing to mess with they actually wear some pretty good armored well armor for lack of a better term and have some very tough Weaponry so they're not exactly anything to just laugh at right away so we do need to prepare for this ahead of time I ended up having Scott build us a gun complex that way we could uninstall it and haul it in the truck for when we get there we do have some better more fortified turrets but unfortunately we can't uninstall them so this is the best we can do we loaded everything up into the truck and then set out once again this time around it was actually quite a bit slower getting there and it was a bit of a rougher drive as we're going through these small hills but eventually we did make it after arriving I realized the terrain here was extremely green and shitty and if we were to stay here for too long our lungs would fill up with toxic gas no doubt from all the pollution in the nearby area lucky enough for us though I suppose we won't be staying too long as we're going to kill all these thrombo take their components and then get the hell out of Dodge actually you know what take their components and take their very expensive ancient weapons as well and then get the hell out of Dodge regardless though we began getting everything into position we would actually end up having Downs Drive the vehicle because I realized at some point during my testing with the vehicles you can actually injure other pawns with them so even though she's in capable of violence she can still run somebody over which is pretty cool so in other words if we mow them down with our gun complex there's a very good chance that Downs is going to come by and run over their heads all right look I'm going to level with you there is more than a good chance I do end up doing that uh as you can see as the battle starts here I actually damn near immediately bring Downs in with the rifle Runner and just start trying to run over all these pawns if nothing else this is completely distracting them from fighting with us giving us a good chance to shoot at them but also occasionally running them over and hurting them Andor killing them and as you can see this was extremely effective for the most part and I would continue doing this up until the point that the truck was actually very damaged but also ended up running out of fuel part of that of of course is because our fuel tank was damaged though however with the rifle Runner out of commission and downs hiding on the inside the fight was still yet to be over as we were still killing as many as possible up until the point they began to flee and now with that just like a flash of lightning the battle was over we had one remaining throon who was able to walk at least and they ended up running away unfortunately though we did try to kill them it did not work however there was one injured remaining thrombo and just underneath the rifle Runner we decided that we would actually try to tend to them and keep them from dying as I felt that they needed a new home in the gun Empire if you know what I mean speaking of which I can't wait to rehome these nice components as well back at the good old gun Empire based on the surrounding area as well as the contents of this building it would appear that they may have been Excavating the mountains as well as any ancient structures nearby looking for ancient mechanoids I suppose we'll end up taking those with us as well as you might imagine though we're not going to get very far at all without our truck and we're definitely not going to be leaving it behind the issue is with the truck it is extremely damaged from the battle now the majority of the damage I'll say is probably from bow and arrow shots a few straight bullets things like that as the components of the truck are essentially demolished for the most part however it is also most likely due to us running over several thrombo I will say though I struggled quite a bit with actually getting the truck repaired because for whatever reason the colonist wanted to repair it one second and then run away so they basically just kept taking turns eventually though after a very long amount of time taking to repair the truck it was finally operational once again and we used a teeny tiny bit of fuel that we had left to gas it up and we arrived back home one of the very first things we did after arriving home was throw our new thrombo and companion into his home sweet home of a prison cell where we would begin enslaving him of course we also promptly stripped him of his armor I'm sure that's worth a pretty penny to somebody and now finally and thank with all the components that we pride from the cold dead hands of those thoan we murdered we are finally able to create more weapons that we can sell truly a joyous day I must say at some point though of course as we do more research for different types of guns and whatnot I really hope to ramp up production and of course after we grow population and have more people with good smithing and crafting skills for the time though we're going to be working with what we have which of course includes scaming up some steel by shredding some mechanoid corpses any chance we have as well as hunting down some local wild dromedaries you know this just reminds me I I want to take a second and say that I'm very grateful that we're actually using vanilla Vehicles because although I do like pack animals like dromedaries and stuff like that this is so much easier not having to try and tame them or take care of them feed them stuff like that the truck requires very little maintenance it was around about this time as well I decided that we would start beautifying this new section of our base where our new storage areas are as well as our prison cells because of course working on the prison cells and improving those is going to help us recruit and enslave any ponds that we put in there but of course as I say that we did manage to enslave our new thrombo and companion here with a very shitty prison cell but as you can see he is now indeed enslaved and has a pretty decent skill set especially with Mining and construction he is also an undergrounder which is very useful given the current environment that we live in and boy howdy just let me tell you that that construction skill immediately came in handy he's also wearing one of the suits that we had in storage I really don't know why but to be honest with you I don't think we have any uh any other apparel or attire for him so we'll allow it for now but we also did end up making him a slave caller to ensure that he is properly suppressed and won't try to Rebel anytime soon we finally started moving many of our shelves into our storage areas which was basically the entire purpose of having a storage area of course and we also kind of started working to try and finish up a lot of the flooring in these cells but we ended up running out of stone blocks so it looks like this Project's going to be on a little bit of a Hiatus for the time being interestingly enough though sometime later we ended up having a combat supplier from the United Rebel forces that had entered the area and were looking to do a bit of trading with us it was your basic standard Rebel trade Caravan few drones a bunch of soldiers and Camo though I must mention that their camo is not desert camo so I'm assuming this is a traveling Caravan that primarily does trading probably sees very little battles because it would appear that they are maybe from an arid shrub or possibly a temperate forest settlement regardless though there appeared to be a very familiar face among the soldiers of the Rebel Caravan a purple handsome thrombo looking gentleman carrying a rifle some of us may find familiar okay yeah I said the word familiar like six times there but it's true he is very familiar of course anyhow though we ended up doing a bit of trading with the Caravan and sold them some of the weapons that we had created unfortunately though it would appear that we are most likely one of the first stops for this trade Caravan as they didn't have all that much silver to actually buy things from us meaning of course that we can't sell them the throon swords or Hammer that we got when we attacked the mining work side which was extremely unfortunate because they are worth a lot of money so it looks like we're most likely going to have to travel to a large city or settlement or something of that nature to sell this somewhere that they will actually have enough money to accommodate the items because it will definitely be a very good Payday for us for sure uh some time later though I noticed that the rebel trade Caravan was beginning to leave they actually ended up going through our doors and walls and traveling through our territory here which we really don't mind they were beginning to leave through the northern section of the map when unfortunately we had some visitors from the rimor Marshall service arrive the two groups of soldiers immediately began slaughtering one another unfortunately for the rim World Marshall service soldiers though they were highly outnumbered and the rebels ended up killing two of the three soldiers that had arrived with one of them easily escaping as soon as they had entered they basically left but this does mean that we actually have quite a few weapons lying on the ground here most of them of poor or normal quality but some of them actually with Masterwork as well as a legendary knife which is pretty insane so of course we had Scott and Richard swoop and begin grabbing up all these weapons to take back home some of them we would use for us and others of course we would keep in storage the ones that we ended up keeping for our soldiers here or I should say giving to our soldiers here were mostly rifles except for a Glock pistol that we actually gave to shinichi here I ended up giving Richard the assault rifle style rifle of course and I ended up giving Scott a more Desert Tech sniper rifle to replace the survival rifle that he had been using for quite a bit of time there now of course course I could end up selling these weapons and I'm sure we most likely will at some point if we are able to get better weapons for our people here just you know later on down the line but for now this is what we're going to be doing it sure beats the hell out of those makeshift weapons that we're using even though shinichi is dual wielding one of those you know you know what I mean you know for a gun Empire there is something of a severe lack of weapons or at least there was a severe lack of weapons in our storage currently we have plenty of makeshift weapons and droan ancient weapons like a bow and swords and things like that but very little actual guns that will be selling it is of course very possible though if we have a trade Caravan from the outlands at some point in the near future we will trade them our makeshift weapons as they basically take anything they can get their hands on in the meantime however I've decided to have Richard try his hand at making some metal armor which is actually worth a lot of money and if it begins turning out fairly well we may also end up selling that to both sides of the war as well as other fact basically of course anyone that's willing to buy it but for this first set of armor I've decided to give it to shinichi not only are we actually making him his very own set of metal armor that he'll be wearing but we've also decided to give him Richard's ballistic shield from the first episode that we created I do realize that it may seem a little bit strange for me to just give away the ballistic shield especially so quickly since Richard has only had it for a very short period of time but within that amount of time I've realized that Richard will not really be using that in any actual situ situation as he never has a one-handed weapon while shinichi here you'll notice has his Glock pistol that goes right along with it and of course if he wants to put the shield away he can actually dual wield his makeshift machine gun along with his pistol once again I see shinichi becoming something of an enforcer here for the gun Empire but let me know what you guys think about that should he have his own kind of uh task Squad his own mercenaries or something like that at some point a little bit of time later we ended up having a group of travelers from the rim World Marshall service once again that were passing by now these folks weren't exactly passing by nor were they just visitors no these two people my friends are rimor Marshal Service soldiers but they are not like any other soldiers these are actually of the specialist class the best way that I can think to explain the specialist among the rim World Marshall service is maybe like the Juggernaut from the Call of Duty series but also kind of like a detective in some situations my best guess is that the Marshall service has decided to send them here after their group of soldiers was attacked by the rebel Caravan they're most likely investigating the situation and they're most likely going to have quite a few questions with us but while our protagonists of the story are being investigated by the basically CIA equivalent in this universe of the Marshall service it is time for me to bid you all farewell my friends I hope you have enjoyed today's episode I want to thank you guys ever so much for watching of course I want to thank you guys as well for all of the support I know a lot of you guys longtime members of the channel really like the rku extended kind of universe I have here uh and you guys always enjoy these types of series but um the first episode the turnout on that episode is is amazing you know I mean I haven't had a video um do that well in this universe that fast I don't think um since the very first episode of the logging Empire which of course is the very first series so um you know I I'm just really ecstatic about the tremendous amount ounts of support and hype and everything that everyone seems to have for this series but once again of course I love you guys ever so much thank you once again so much for your support on the episodes on the series and just thank you for watching I love you guys I will see you next time goodbye
Channel: Rat Knight
Views: 132,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modded rimworld, 100 days in rimworld challenge, rimworld biotech, rimworld, rimworld vanilla expanded, rimworld expanded, rimworld guns, rimworld gun nut, rimworld gunnut, rimworld vanilla expanded gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld modded, rimworld vanilla expanded mod, rimworld vanilla expanded mods, rimworld playthrough, rimworld 100 days
Id: bKT7HIp48Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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