Becoming a TOILET BOSS in Skibidi Tower Defense

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today in skibby toilet Tower Defense I'm using hidden admin commands to morph into enemy toilets I'll use these commands to prank my brother melon he thinks this is just a normal 100 unit challenge little does he know I'll transform into a toilet get this video to 5,000 likes for more pranks let's get goated okay goats check this out Bella thinks we're about to do a 100 unit challenge but really I'm going to use a top secret morph command to transform into the toilets melon it's time the 100 summon challenge so let's start by summoning in the brand new Clover man that's a brilliant idea I shall purchase nine crates yes but of course I shall as well give me him please remember melon you can summon 11 crates ooh Shamrock speaker man I'm going to equip that actually it sounds cool the leprechaun cameraman and the shamra speaker man but I didn't get the lucky TV woman or the Titan Clover man so let's open nine more I got one I got the Clover woman bro you were so lucky all I got was more basic units again lucky TV woman I'm doing it one more time this is 27 now and I got trash again that lucky TV woman the Shamrock and the leprechaun cameraman nine more crates just to see if I can get him there's no way you get the tight end Clover man that would be broken watch me sunny I didn't get him I really hope we unlock him soon you can get get pots of gold on the track this is my fifth crate sunny and I heard a bring oh it was another one of the TV women's dang it I just wasted nine more of my openings I'm up to 36 I need to go to the regular summons I need something decent entering the crates scrolling down to the legendaries open up nine of them dang it bro I'm six crates deep and I literally got in nothing actually that's cap I got everything except that last dude yeah bro you're only missing the Clover man I'm happy with this one though I open up a scientist cameraman which means I can use him in my party I need to do that too cuz technically I can't use this scientist cameraman yeah melon you got to open it up from the crate otherwise you're going to be broke oh where is the crate where is the crate where is the crate it's the legendary tier I'm about to open up some mythics ooh that's cool give me that money maker this is my seventh crate opening and I got him you're so lucky bro I got a bazooka man I'm going to equip him I really like it on the early waves then it's back back to opening mythics please give me one of these rare Towers I've still got uh three more of these that I can open and I will get the Titan Clover man I'm going to open some godlies at least then I might get a drill man oh no Sunny I've only got one crate left and I didn't hear theing I know I'm getting down to the wire now too and all I got was toxic acid Gunners and DJ mans I'm going to go unlock an acid Gunner real quick this is my last crate opening please treat me well TI a drill I got a Dinger I got a Dinger and I saw three mythics in this spin oh yeah Titan drillman acquired you're so lucky Sunny you know what yeah I feel pretty good and then you're a big fan of the acid Gunner so I'll give it a try too all right I got the Bazooka man but I'm out of crates my squad is completed same here Sunny let's head over to toilet town and work together to destroy it okay goats I just muted on Discord melon has no idea but this is when I'm going to use my pranks I'm going to vote for insane mode and faster mode but then I'm going to morph into a toilet when he least expects it and I'll pretend that I'm part of the enemies melon are you ready of course I'm ready sunny I was born ready so the question is do we start with money makers or bazook I'm starting with a bazook okay well then I'll do money making hopefully you can take everything out I hope so as well bro is your placement any good up there uh I think it's all right oh Auto skip press it oh my bad my bad oh wait I have to press it too dang it you are the fool in this situation sunny and I'm too broke finally it skipped you know what I'll just put another bazook with you and we should have Autos skip enabled what of course Sunny ooh upgrade mymoney there we go more Shoney money melon we need to be careful we don't want any of these toilets to get through upgrading my monies oh yeah all level two that is a good idea upgrade and and upgrade how do you have them all at level two you meant level one yeah I didn't mean level one but I need to get my bazook to level one as well cuz we're letting toilets through and I don't want to see the toilet core get damaged anymore it's just one spider toilet it's going to be fine it's going to be totally cool annihilate the spider toilets yes we did it we actually did it nice one I'm going to hit an upgrade as well and place a second one down you going have to upgrade on my money money moves let's go okay goats I'm going to morph into a toilet and go off the track to confuse him he's going to be super confused all right oh I've even got two of my money makers at level three now I got to hide from him real quick and run the command and I don't want this to look too sus so I'm going to start out as a criminal toilet yes you know what that is really sus I didn't realize this said 750,000 I was thinking it was more like a mutant toilet okay okay I got to change that quick police toilet clear the chat and yeah that's a lot more believable I'm a little police toilet now perfect timing we are annihilating toilets sunny sunny where'd you go bro I'm here you don't see me no I don't and what the heck why is this police toilet so fast we got to stop him where is it bro I'm chilling at my money makers where is it oh no wait what he just stopped right before the toilet Corp I think he's glitched bro I see him dude he's just chilling he glitched out what the heck is going on I'm so confused wait melon you really don't see me look I'm placing down a drill man over in the circle near start yeah I don't see you anywhere Sunny you see my drill though I'm going to put another one in the other Circle I see you doing that but I can't find you anywhere all right I'm standing at the golden toilet where the toilet spawn in you don't see me over there no sunny I don't really understand maybe there's like an invisible glitch or something can you see me yeah I see you bro you're right inside of me right now dude you're not this toilet quit the cap no I'm not the toilet I'm standing right there though you don't see me wait what the heck what how is this toilet off the track what is going on what are you talking about I don't even see anything just look at me sunny I can't see you we've been over this and now this toilet police is going everywhere you're being cringe why are you pranking me no I'm actually so confused right now what is going on melon I'm trying to summon in more drills and upgrade them Sunny are you this toilet police right now no I don't even see a toilet police dude he's going off the track I'm so confused I what is happening I am at the spawn adding in drills I don't even see a police toilet oh no I don't have time for this this evil Overlord might actually push through I need to deploy my lucky speaker woman and by that I meant TV woman okay goats I think it's time I will Mor toilet yes I have become the golden toilet I just got to wait for the chat to fade above my head and clear it uh what is going on why is there an evil Overlord on the top that just dropped down and that's walking super weirdly on the track no way are we getting the evil Overlord glitch this is a secret wave it comes out of the gold toilet and goes crazy Sunny what is going on bro can you just come clean I'm pretty sure this toilet is you no how could it possibly be me if it was me it would probably do something like this you just typed in slor laser toilet it is you yeah I was using a secret morph command to troll you how do you like the new toilets oh my goodness that is awesome I know and you really got me there sunny I was so confused for so long I know dude at the beginning it was perfect I was so far away and could still summon in my drill man's but I knew if I transformed into the evil boss toilet it would be a bit sus but it also looks so cool cuz I got to summon in as if I was part of the game you know like a secret level yeah bro how do I morph as one of these toilets you don't wait you just typed in morph toilet then I could do what if I did Mell toilet I'm just telling you be very careful once you morph I don't think you can undo it it didn't even work Sunny there's no melon toilet that's impossible I'll show you how to morph I am him you actually did it I've got to become my toilet version yeah this is the best toilet in the game though right here n bro that is the worst toilet in the game everyone knows the melon toilet's cooler check me out you are puny toilet with very little health I am still a very cool toilet look look at you you have a million Health that's actually really awesome I know but also I can't upgrade anything can you upgrade your toilets or does it not let you hold on let me try something I can't do anything anymore I can only summon in new towers oh yeah neither can I maybe morphing wasn't the best idea and now I'm at unit limit bro this is going to get bad yeah hny I have a bad feeling we're going to die yo melon check this out I'm going to show you a funny toilet this my favorite I shall Put a Spell on You melon yes no stay away from me that's a pretty cool toilet hold on hold on let me show you one check this out Sunny I'm about to become a hacking toilet you better do it fast cuz we're starting to lose our health hacker toilet engaged with this I could do anything yo there's magic witch toilets on the track right now I've never seen him uh sunny I think we're going to die to this TV claw toilet it's moving so fast no no I'll stop him morph toilet boss you have to listen to me I'm in charge well we died but you know it didn't die that like button smash it now goats we might have found the new strongest Tower in skibby Tower Defense you know how they added the hammer pencil man well we got a master variety of it pretty much the master just makes this unit way stronger than normal and now we're going to put him to the test and see if we can speedrun Insane Mode on the hardest map it's official not only did we get every tower out of the doodle crate we even souped them up with the master trait no freak way shy check him out melon it's absolutely broken let me tell you exactly what this does in case you forgot I I actually have no idea what it does sunny I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the viewers details the master perk gives us 25% more damage 25% faster attack speed and a 15% range boost basically it makes our unit overpowered oh my goodness Sunny what mode are we going to take on it doesn't even matter it's all going down well Sunny equip your money maker yeah I got him uh wait do I got him yeah I got him and now we shall head to the turbulent ples do you think that maybe they fixed the Summoner now uh maybe you can equip them let's go melon get in here melon melon melon melon melon melon melon melon melon melon I feel like one of those birds from Finding Nemo melon Mar Maron Mar I feel like Space Princess what are you even saying whatever just vote nightmare in fast mode and turn Autos skip on oh my God Mel fast mode press fast mode I I'm head fast mod what are you even saying shush bro go come on come on okay I'm going stop I'll stop sunny I was trying to be Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time oh that yeah that was just awkward I don't really know what that was I was trying to be a seagull from Finding Nemo uh Sunny I'm going to prove to you yes that I will to make more money using my strategy that's that's good and all but melon we we have a problem what is your problem the problem is this isn't 1,000 Health on PVP mode we actually have to battle these toilets at some point okay it's fine I've got two of my scientists at level one yeah same bro it's literally the exact same situation I just have how do you have $80 I don't understand it makes no difference bro because we're both going to make the same amount of money this next wave do you not understand how math Works bro I just don't understand how you had more money than me because I'm not a fool uh Sunny I'm going to spend 350 here you should probably uh place that Summoner pencil boy nope I am going to Peck away at them oh do you have the entire doodle Squad cuz I do not oh yeah I have the whole doodle the whole doodle Banger Squad I only got two of them melon we are taking massive damage this is not good we're already at less than 50% of our health it's okay sunny because I've got this guy oh he is not Sunny we're going to die I upgraded wait the Summoner it actually works now no way they fixed it buddy oh we're we're actually dead bro can we survive can we survive we did it sunny we survived bro this is very bad yeah we're dead okay let's think about this process this carefully maybe uh two times speed was not such a grand idea yep well it was a good run Sunny wait maybe we survive maybe we actually surv oh no we're dead we could have clutched up if we had more of these guys here I'm going to revive oh yeah that's how we clutch up sunny from ping toing yes it's it's all calculated all calculated and now I will upgrade my Summoner for $1,000 more Summoners and more pencils I need more money yes I have two at level one so now I've got guys summoning in with 1,000 Health excellent work melon excellent work I have no idea which units are mine any oh wait they're highlighted with a circle got it I kind of need to upgrade my money makers though you feel me I feels you oh look at our summons come through they're actually just getting run over though melon this is not good no we took out all the herbs the herb herbs it's okay I'm going to upgrade my money and then next wave I'll be rich everything is going to be okay yep same here next wave I'll be rich look at that we got our boys with 1 th000 oh my goodness they're getting wrecked melon melon we're about to take massive hits not from the Herber oh we're dead again no we're not oh we just barely survived we need upgrades melon we d desperately need upgrades I can only buy this and oh no this uh it's time to summon in more Summoners is that really the best idea wait I could have bought the big guy oh well it's too late now I'm investing in the Summoners oh I've reached my limit on them did we do enough damage so these guys can finish it wait I think we actually did let's go no way we're holding it down upgrades we need bigger upgrades we need more upgrades massive up upgrades U melon oh the Summoners just clutched up so hard what did they do we were about to lose bro we have 70 Health we're about to get slam dunked and then two Summoners came in let's go all right all right we're surviving cuz I'm pretty sure you cannot Reby more than once now check this out sunny I have nowhere good to actually place this Hammer man oh yeah we really need our big hammer guy don't we can you uh saell some of your boys off no where do you want me to put them we need these guys we need to sell something off here maybe I'll sell my Summoners off they're pretty trash over here no don't don't don't don't don't don't just put put the hammer guy all right do what you want it's too late Sunny I've solded them off and now come on let me Place him I've deployed him sams's oh he's smacking and whacking and we got saved by the summon I'll make him Target the strongest cuz right now Sunny we need to heavily invest I know bro we're actually surviving right now though heavily investing more money melon is that such a good idea it's a great idea do you think we can actually survive now uh I hope I'm going to get this guy as well put him right about her I'm at the max unit okay this looks like trouble on the double so I'll do a unit upgrade hey he Sunny we need your C pen man oh you don't have the C pen but this other guy's got the master upgrade dude deploy the cpen I'll focus on the Hammerman all right I'll place it here like so and I'll even oh his upgrade is expensive so I'm going to start upgrading my money makers brilliant plan melon you're a genius same here I did the exact same thing uh Sunny can we take out this evil Overlord uh I guess we're about to find out oh I think we're about to die Sunny get that revive ready get the revive oh oh oh we're smacking come on die no way we actually killed him that was so close bro now can we destroy these police toilets we we did it we actually did it sunny that's crazy I'm upgrading this guy I need 5,000 Buck KUSI and then I think he's going to unlock his machine gun ability It's Hammer Time come on I feel like these are little groundhogs smack them back Oh I thought they almost pushed through I mean they kind of almost did kill all toilets how's your Frontline Hammer doing he's killing some things how much more money do you need I need all the money this is sketchy bro come on get me paid oh no there's a Strider we got him no way and melon bad news I still don't have the ability on the cpen bro you need to unlock that ability Sunny no more playing I'm trying to it's just so expensive yeah dude I don't even have the hammer yet bro 6,500 to unlock it we are in big big trouble I put in some work on the Striders oh nice I could finish that let's go oh my Gody does Splash I think let's see he was killing two in one hit oh you're right that's perfect bro once you get to that upgrade level he is cleaning up yeah bro he does massive AOE now nothing is getting through I mean they're going to get through they're definitely getting through melon it's okay I did a lot of damage a lot of D and then my boys can clean up oh let's go you got to get another one of those to level three yeah level three is the secret yes or do I get robotic C pen uh I don't know just just get the C pen I guess yeah I'm really close bro I'm 700 away got it let's go 12,000 damage a hit and I could use the machine gun and soon I will max out my hammer pencil man if things get dicey I will activate the special ability uh-oh Sunny these mutant toilets these mutant toilets you're probably going to have to activate it okay I'm ready go I'll do it I'll do it you did it a bit too late Sunny are you okay we're dead good job good job how's that my fault huh you should have activated the minigun before why did you do it as they were leaving I I thought I don't know I thought we were good thought I could save it you good there Donald Duck I'll just return to Lobby well Sunny even if you have the strongest unit in the game it doesn't really help if you have no brain waa whoa wao relax bro you should have said it doesn't really matter if you can't upgrade it but you goats can upgrade our Channel by pressing that subscribe button every time that number increases we level up this is season 3 of Dom Studios skiy toilet Multiverse things are getting really crazy and we can't wait to react to What Happens Next will the alliance be able to save the Titan clockman or will the toilets destroy civilization as we know it watch until the end for an unbelievable twist it's so messed up goats last time we saw the drill Titan and now I can't wait to see what happens I think they're going to rescue the Titan clockman I hope hope so melon this is the skiy Multiverse by Dom Studios season 3 yo is that a clock bomb to start things off yeah hit him with it oh he's done for get out of there cameraman you got 2 seconds to run bro yo he's flushing him no that was just brutal he flushed a toilet then lost his camera head yo what are they doing is he slowly drilling with that thing yeah but that's a chainsaw toilet oh no what the heck warning TV appearance what's going on oh no yo he froze everything now he has time to take everybody out yo they're going to infiltrate the base you're right bro they're going on the rescue mission why don't you flush these toilets on the way over or just explode them yeah that works too yeah that works throw that bomb in his mouth yo eat that that slapped him too yeah what the heck dude oh no the tied cameraman I thought we removed the infection oh yeah he had to rewind time cuz he accidentally killed him oh let's go drop the base on him that'll Purge the infection no way no way he's flying out with the drillman nah drill man's got him bro slap him down but we have to save the Titan clock man my goodness what have they done to him I don't know but I'm hoping president clockman can undo it uh-oh uh this looks bad really bad no the poor cameraman oh oh no no no not speaker woman no oh she's too quick with it wait what just happened what just happened yo the surveillance woman just wrecked them ow it's the glitched cameraman let's go yeah they were having none of that all right they need to fix the Titan still though he needs a recharge hopefully this is enough I feel like this is a trap Sunny something doesn't feel right I agree it seems too easy oh no the magnet Titan and the scientist toilet I'm pretty sure they're both going to be here oh no oh no flame him up melt him who do you think's going to win this bro obviously the Titan speaker man I don't know his magnets got melted but he's got other tools too n he's done bro he is dusted oh destroyed him you're right you're right but now what do they do all their tools broke bro I've got a bad feeling about this this I feel like he's going to turn evil inside the base wait what they have a drill toilet oh that was easy destroyed who is that yo what is going on wait a second melon if the other one in the top hat was the president claw who's the one in the white suit the grand president clock no [Music] way we still need to fix the Titan cameraman come on take his weapons away already oh no he's actually wrecking the Drill N there's no way bro the drill is way stronger yeah look he's angry now the drill was just going easy on him cuz he doesn't want to hurt his friend yes freeze time and remove that infection yo they froze one of his arms both of them who is that bro is that the surveillance camera woman no it was the Dr Octopus guy the multi- driller and now they can remove that parasite safely with without hurting him yes they got it now destroy that disgusting toilet already oh gross don't let it get away yo that guy was nuts and they saved him the Titan cameraman's back to normal finally bro I didn't like when he was our enemy yeah but if I was this tight and drill guy I'd still be pretty annoyed I think he's a bit sad he's like I'm sorry for everything I've done you can see the emotion on his face yeah those deep passionate blue eyes eyeball I mean just one eyeball bro what is up with this Titan clock Man the War has only begun there's still so much more that the skibidi alliance needs to do to destroy these toilets once and for all that's a good start that's a pretty oh no that's a big army bro yo the Titan speaker man is so strong he doesn't care bro he's wrecking them with the knives oh he's got a shield but dude it don't matter he's still going to get wrecked yep cameraman's back on the good side he's got it under control here now the question is will the Titan clockman get fixed this season I hope so I hope so too they need their watches bro yo he is going off bro he is angry that was hilarious Yo it looks like they brought in a medic I hope that the TV medic can save him yo the cameraman is really angry yeah bro he's beating himself up cuz he's the one that killed him true he deserves this actually he doesn't melon it wasn't even his fault he got infected by a parasite toilet what's happening do you hear that what is that sound dude what is going on we're underground bro we're drilling through to try and find a shortcut Shields up what's happening above them oh no I have a bad feeling there's a battle raging yo they just tuned up his drill and now get up there and save everyone yo what is going on yes defeat the toilets this might be the final stand oh no oh no take out that baseball toilet bro these toilets are getting weaker all of their big bosses have been defeated already oh no not a toxic toilet yeah flush that bruh take out the minig Gunner there we go skibbidy Factory bro they need to take that over already yo since when can the toilets Drive bro this animation is insane so much chaos is happening I know dude the Multiverse is so awesome I just want the Titan clockman to get fixed already he needs to get back into battle shape whoa what is happening sunny I don't know it's pure chaos bro everybody wants to kill this guy plunger yo we got frozen the glitch cameraman is insane yeah bro I hope we get a new unit like that on toilet Tower Defense soon that can actually slow and freeze units that would be really awesome now let's see here what's happening ew those teeth look gross uhoh wait how did that guy even get in there it doesn't matter though cuz the grand president has arrived skidy AP ocalypse wait they're finding the origin story the reason that this all is happening wait what yo what what melon don't tell me this was all an inside plan it's a conspiracy bro I think they caused the giid apocalypse and they're trying to cover up oh bro the Multiverse lore is so awesome bro they knew too much and they had to be killed for it I really hope the president of the clocks defeats the guy in the white suit he's an evil villain yeah dude this just got so much crazier than I thought and I can't wait for season 4 now when all those episodes come out we're going to react to it so make sure you subscribe to our channel to check that out today in skibby toilet Tower Defense I'm pranking melon by becoming him but as a toilet I'm going to use admin commands to troll him I just hope hope he doesn't notice too soon but have you noticed our merch store check out the plushy bundle before it's sold out visit sunny and now to get CED Sunny are You Ready for today's One V one yes I am bro equip whatever Squad you want that you think will be the best in the late game early game and mid and while you're doing that I'm going to go take a sideways poop Sunny I've already equip my squad you idiot oh really then well if that's the case let's let the viewers in on a little secret uh what's that the fact that this challenge is worth 100% of our gems I wager all 20,000 460 gems then I wager one gem no no melon you have 20 Deal's a deal melon I can see your scoreboard you have 20,000 gems uh okay fine I wager all of my gems sunny I can't wait to be 20,000 whole gems Richard let's go now melon no funny business all right enable Autos Skip and just be cool all right no using any cheats that'd be cringe all right I'll just be cool with it do you want to use the admin command where we speed up the toilets a bit though all right also Sunny I've got the most optimal money-making strategy I I don't think you do we've been over this it's the exact same thing no mine is more optimal it's not but okay look I have 280 you have 230 boom yeah but made more money melon it's the same thing trust me now boom and I hit this upgrade and you hit the other upgrade and now our money is the same well done no but I I had $50 more dollars last we it doesn't work that way that's not how math works and I get the win yep I know I know you know what it's fine think whatever you want I don't even care anymore I'm going to speed these toilets up now what's the command it's like uh set speed two I don't want to go too fast yeah set your own toilet speed to two Sunny no no no no no no you need some toilets to go a bit quicker set enemy speed too did that work oh no what have I done did set them but it's only going to happen next wave Mel can you just type the command yourself maybe fine I'll do it myself Sunny you're so stupid did I mess it up I'm confused yeah it's supposed to be all in one word but I did set enemy speed to well at least now your toilets are zooming so we've got a fair battle ahead of us I don't know how my acid Gunner is going to take out all these turls I don't know how my base is going to survive all this damage but goats I just muted up on Discord it doesn't matter if my base takes a little bit of damage and you want to know why it's because I've been added into the game the developers have put in a sunny toilet and when the time is right I shall run a command in chat and summon five Sunny toilets into melon's base maybe just one actually will do the trick anyways it's going to be really funny when that happens okay I need two laser Gunners please kill these toilets I don't want to take any more hits melon can we lower the speed of these toilets I think that was a bad idea set speed one I think it's a great idea okay I lowered my speed oh my God you cheat now I got to lower my speed how am I cheating bro I got nervous I panicked now need to get these money upgrades same here pH I got four money makers I got my lasers upgraded I need to spend more money on these lasers actually it's really important bro you almost died I didn't even realize I know that's why I was freaking out you are trash at the video gam Sunny yeah say that to my face you won't yeah get over here get up to the glass right now sunny and floss on you you are trash at the video games look at me I refuse fine I don't need J approval oh yeah watch this I have upgraded my money makers now I have four that each earn me 250 per wave and soon I shall upgrade this next laser cameraman excellent now I do massive damage I want to start summoning units but I don't think you can summon units in PvP mode dang it oh so that Tower is only bugged in player versus player I think so Sunny well I'm glad I didn't put that in my party that would have sucked yeah it it does suck thanks for rubbing it no problem I got to take this guy out so I'm going to have to place this right about here o it punched him in the face that was awesome how do you have so much money how do I have so much money s investing Sonny I'm just thinking about this how can I survive longer I think I need to buy more money and I have this guy in a pretty lousy position but at least he'll hold the back lines melon it appears you are growing stronger but indeed it does sunny but it won't carry you through the end game I may have very little Health left but I have something that you don't yeah with that inspiration motivation and perspiration wa those are three of my favorite words and goats I also have cheats he has no idea melon you're going down bro your C pen is trash bro my C pen is wrecking your tets not even a little bit dude bro it's fine my acid Gunner is really what's wrecking everything why do you like the acid Gunner isn't it bad bro it's so good for the early game what are you talking about it does 200 DPS only oh what is this cloner toilet inbound oh that thing is creepy looking yeah and this is starting to look like a problem there's an evil Overlord with 6,000 health I actually don't know if I can kill that you can't kill that bro it's so weak bro it's got a lot of Health it is melting oh this is this is close I actually do not appreciate this bro kill one of them at least oh this is bad what's the cool down here oh we're good never mind we're going to kill both I'm being chilling the cloner toilet is so bugged is it just going to sit here after it dies yep yep it is sunny well that's annoying it's just going to be here for the rest of this video pretty much whatever I'm not worried about it I'm soon approaching critical mass my moneymaking is getting really strong same here one of them's at level four and the rest you're at level three I'm actually ahead of you you're kind of sad no I'm actually probably ahead of you nah I just need $350 and then they're all level four yeah well I only need $ 250 and then I wait what they're all level four yeah bro I've been investing in these guys yeah you cough it up I know you're allergic to Greatness oh I'm allergic to cheats you're up to something I'm not bro you can literally check chat there's nothing there oh yeah you're actually right I don't know why I doubted you I won't do that again Sunny upgraded just in time I got paid 4,000 for that wave skip I'm going to upgrade my damage dealers so there oh yeah that's pretty well then I'm also going to buy Hammerman cuz he's goated I should go in the front now okay well then I'm going to just pay for upgrades on the next wave you're not even saying words okay guys melon's lost his mind is it time I just muted my Discord should I summon a sunny toilet nah I'm not going to do that I think what I'll do instead is I'm going to summon a melon toilet in my own lane and then I'm going to blame it on him but I'll clear the chat so he'll have no evidence that I'm the one who's done it it's time spawn self melon once I enter this command a melon toilet shall spawn in my Lane now I've got to be quick clear the chat all in a day's work I got 10,000 to invest upgrade upgrade upgrade uh bro what is this you summoned a melon toilet I didn't summon a melon toilet shy what the heck that's actually bad for me you're going to get so much money then why if you didn't summon it is it on my track I don't know no sunny but I didn't summon it I swear bro there's nothing in the chat window what did you do no no no this is you you had to have done this sunny what is going on no it can't be me cuz I would have a melon on your track uh Sunny my melon's about to kill you no I'm upgrading I should be fine that is a lot of Health but I can take it out oh I got paid a lot of money for that oh that is ridiculous that's why I wouldn't summon it in because I just gave you so much guacamole spinach thanks for the B nii I will use it to upgrade my hammer pencil man one of the strongest Godly Towers in the whole game oh no o cha ching another upgrade soon he'll be max level and I'll have his special ability well at least I got my C pen to level three Sunny so nothing's making it through yeah what is your C pen seeing it's seeing you losing yeah right bro just cuz my health is lower right now than yours doesn't mean much I'm here for the late game I'm going to destroy you by the end this I could spawn in one airplane toilet and you're dead yeah but it has to pass my Hammerman good luck with that dude your Hammerman doesn't even do that much damage you sure about that he does 9,000 damage every 0.45 okay that's lowkey a lot of damage how much health does this have okay it probably wouldn't survive yeah I wouldn't say so and on top of that he just AOE now oh no Sunny no toilets Shall Pass hey how's your C pen doing does it have its special ability yet yeah it does does actually oh really well soon enough I'll acquire my own special attack the hammer smash which will destroy nearby toilets dealing 125,000 damage to every toilet after that payment I've got enough max level on my hammer pencil same here maxed out on my cpan oh really let me guess you think you're good at the video game oh I know I'm good at the video game nothing is going to be able to get past this well soon enough I'm taking your gems out of your cold dead melon hands okay well first you're going to have to get through my much alive and robotic C pen whatever bro I'm not worried about it soon the units are going to get crazy once wave 20 hits you're done for we'll see about that Sunny oh we will oh we will cuz goats on Wave 20 I am going to do this command spawn Sunny one I'll start with just one toilet and see if he can survive it and should he defeat my toilet I will summon 10 more or maybe five more or maybe 500 more and then I got to clear the chat fast so he can't tell after an unfortunate turn of events uh goats I've got an unfortunate update I tried to summon in a sunny toilet over on melon's track and it doesn't work yet so instead I've morphed myself into a wer and I'm going to summon the ultimate Army against him his C pen won't be able to stop it uh Sunny where'd you go bro I can't find you anywhere and why why is this toilet on your track moving backwards what is going on what are you talking about bro I don't see that he's going backwards and he's lagging so much it looks like it's a player almost that is so weird perfect guys once I entered this light you can't see the chat above my head let's go with uh I think about 1,000 toilets should do the trick clear that chat quick um I'm so conf what is happening why is there so many melons oh oh no oh no there's a melon toilet on my track too dude I I don't understand what that toilet is on your track I'm still so confused but what is happening here this is too much this is just too much for me to handle bro that is actually insane I'm looking at your track right now how many wers is that that's it I need to deploy myself a TR Titan bang Max him out actually I think I can handle all these toilets wait no they're zooming why are they zooming yo that is epic how many melons are flying out there too many sunny you're cheating I know you're up to something nah bro I wouldn't do any cheats that's crazy not when there's gems at stake dude even with all your cheats I'm still stopping every single melon toilet from making it through really yes I am Sunny oh my goodness oh my God this is so many but I'm still taking them out they're literally flying off the track bro that doesn't make sense how were none of these getting through how did you die and I died how do I die let's go also Sunny you're literally me what is going on I morphed into a melon toilet to prank you oh what the heck is this well melon I guess because I cheated I don't owe you any gems that makes no sense you definitely owe me all your gems sorry got to go no today skiy just dropped the brand new try Titan yeah it's a mix of all three upgraded Titans and let me tell you it's by far the new strongest Tower in the game stick around and see all four forms of this Titan and what its special ability does bro look at this new tower the tri Titan this thing looks crazy dude it's a mix of every single Titan combined we have to have it bro and that's what we're doing today we're going to open up these crates until we unlock it then we'll put it to the test versus endless mode bro this thing looks crazy according to this it has forms four forms that it can transport into what does that even mean I don't know but I'm trying to unlock it right now open again please I need this dude I saw a Mythic but that's not even what I'm after I need that Godly Tri Titan yes I need him too sunny so let's start spam opening these crates I'm way ahead of you melon nothing shall stop me please oh I just saw the Mythic to twice I want to get that guy too yeah I did not see the Mythic hold on I want to make sure I didn't forget to pop any lucky booster type things yeah melon don't forget your lucky boost do you think it makes a difference honey uh yeah maybe it's crates but you're right H I don't think it does anything but it's better safe than sorry oh I got a Mythic on the first try maybe it does help dude I need to pop that look booster ASAP let's go upgraded tight end speaker man now give me The Godly come on Mel and I only have 20,000 gems left bro where'd you even find this lug booster it's in the shop but it doesn't do anything for the crates so who cares all right all right s wait I just heard a bing I got it no way you unlock The Godly I did Sunny I've got the TR TR TR Titan sorry TR Titan bro bro bro I need that you're so lucky can you keep opening crates maybe you'll get another one for me I don't really know if I want to give you it sunny the tri Titan looks so cool I literally gave you the computer Titan fine dude I'll open more my gems I'm losing them all please please I haven't even seen him in the rotations yet neither did I sunny but I got him oh it kind of just appeared like a cha-ching yeah if you're a cha-ching that means you got something good wait I know what I need to do I got to equip all the other units from this crate in my party that should help increase my odds take these off off don't need them and now let's see upgraded Titan speaker man that's pretty cool healer TV woman and this guy excellent my party should now help attract the tri Titan do it please work please work come on it's a hidden Jutsu I don't think it's working my w Riz was not enough yeah Sunny you're going to need to just spend a lot of gems if you want to get them well it's a good thing I only have 5,000 gems left I'm about to be broke come on come on melon you might have to be the only one with the tri Titan are you serious Sunny do you really think you're not going to get him I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get him I can open one more crate please last try please clutch up clutch up unlucky I'm not getting it I only got the most common TV ones pretty much this spin wait sunny I got a bing oh I got the Mythic I didn't get the tri Titan dang it and I just got three large TV mans well that's okay as long as one of us has the TR tight and we can test it out you're gosh darn right sunny but I've got a few more spins left let me just finish them out I hope you get lucky help me out I need it wait I got a bing I got a Bing please please what did I get what did I get oh I got the Mythic again I'm sorry sunny it's all good brother I just want to see it in action so I'm equipping some other towers that are pretty strong and I'm ready to go battle all right sounds good I'm going to equip my Mythic and most most importantly the tri Titan don't forget about your money maker I already got them honestly I think I'm just going to use these two units well let's get in the lobby and put him to the test let's do it sunny wo endless mode looks so cool dude this is awesome where are you going to spawn your money makers I want to put them all the way back here somewhere safe yeah I want to keep them nice and excluded right over here shny yeah this is my spot right here this is my chosen spot I'll equip them right here and let's turn auto skip on so we make that Shoney money yep uh Sunny Make sure you defend for the early waves though cuz my units are expansive yeah and it looks like there's three tracks one on the left one on the right that go down the railroad and one in the center where maybe bosses appear and they literally get blown over The Lava this is crazy but yeah I'll do my best to defend I I get you it's not going to be easy though this is crazy Sunny check it out the toilets are inbound yeah and I messed up I should have done two upgrades oh my goodness bro dude we're already going to take damage look our Titan's going to get hurted in that's fine he has 1,500 Health he can tank some hits the real issue is I can't even afford a unit I need 450 don't be bring me I am bring you what have you done Sunny nothing literally nothing I know that's the problem okay well I'm going to spawn in one more and upgrade it now on the next turn I'll have enough money to summon in my $450 unit and I'll put it right here where hopefully it will kill all the toilets the problem though melon is it has a very small AOE I got a bad feeling about this does the Healer TV woman do damage I have got no idea well there's only one way to find out but on the next turn cuz for now summon him yo oh he's not killing them Sunny are you serious are you serious we're taking heavy damage here what do you want me to do about it oh my goodness sunny it's fine I have the Healer tvom worst case scenario I'll bring our health back up later I need more goop I might even consider placing down my Mythic all right I'll upgrade this guy 450 bucks hopefully he can take out some toilets now oh it's working he's making us some money let's go that's what we need dude that's what we need take out that oh my goodness Herbert is going to get through yeah Herbert's pretty strong bro he has 2,000 Health this little nerd oh dang it it looks like we need my Mythic you have enough money in the next wave I probably will well I'm kind of lowkey broke I ain't going to cap I ain't going to cap I am deploying the Mythic kill the herbs Sunny the Herbert's got away it's fine bro we still have over 1,000 health and I'll heal us up later as long as we don't die we're going to be chilling bro wait why is this just called an upgraded Titan speaker man it looks crazy yeah that thing has got to be the hyper Titan at least bro I don't understand and and melon it looks like it has a special ability but you need to level it up to unlock it and no way this guy has a special ability too I'll wait and press it when these towers get close come on wait for it oh wait I got to upgrade my money Sunny can you kill these herbs hold on hold on I I was way too late bro that that wasn't even close what was that I'm sorry I wasn't focused bro I'm targeting my guy on the strongest I made some upgrades I should have some cash coming in now 1,000 500 level that up and I'll even Place some healers let's see if they do damage I'll put them in these Corners here it looks like they attack not too shabby and it will passively unst units in a range of 40 every 30 seconds oh I don't think it heals our base BR are you kidding me it's just like a camera repair drone hold on hold on we don't know for sure yet let's be patient maybe the Titan will recover health uh 700 okay maybe not whatever dude my Mythic at least is clearing out the toilets it seems that's good that's really good plus the back lines is a lot stronger I'm going to keep leveling this TV unit up and it should be able to vaporize our enemies and maybe at the higher levels the Healer TV woman will heal the base maybe probably not that would be a little bit nice melon when you level your guy up he unlocks a beam that slashes fire beams and does 5,000 damage uh are you sure how do you know this see the top left icon there's a little bubble press that top left icon of the unit right next to level one oh this oh my goodness I need to get that blast beam I think you already have it to be honest yeah I think I just need to press something no he's just blasting them now bro his attacks are crazy I'm just upgrading my money cuz you got this now he's only at level one though but he's insane dude he's cleaning up most importantly though you need to get that try Titan check this out blast beam bro all right that was cool I had to see what it did Sunny that beam does 5,000 or maybe 2,000 I don't know it's a lot it does some good bramage that's all I know a lot of bramage hey melon how much does the tri Titan cost I want to see it in battle cost 2,500 sunny but everyone knows you've got to maybe not Max it out I think I'm just going to deploy the tri Titan well your money is coming in nicely now check it out Sunny within this next wave the tri Titan will be deployed bro look at this he kind of looks goofy at level one yeah bro he really does does he change as he levels up he better for sure for sure he transforms when he levels up and bro he has an ability called radiation radiates nearby toilet dealing 5% of their Max Health every second for 20 seconds bro that means if they get radiated they die nice let's go and bro at level one does 6,000 damage every second that's crazy yeah I actually don't need to do anything now you've kind of got this in the bag yeah but I need to max out my money that's all I know I'm trying to max out this healer to see if she actually can heal our base dude these new towers are absolutely awesome although the range is huge 70 range I should probably be putting them close to you yeah you probably should be doing that sunny all right I'm going to sell this one we don't need it and I'll put a Healer right about there level it up a bit and it should definitely be able to heal both of your Towers now it doesn't show the ring but the damage ring is that white outline but technically it has a range of 50 to un stun that is crazy absolutely insane I just wish we could speed this up a bit yeah I know it's so slow hey melon check what I just typed bro no way you made the toilets come out quicker let's see if it works I'm not even sure if it's going to do anything Sunny what have you done we'll see bro we'll see we'll see how the the tri Titan looks at level two yo okay that's cool that is crazy this is totally the new strongest Titan in the game he's probably even stronger than the upgraded Titan drill ultimate so it has four forms apparently that it can transform into I just don't know how to do that maybe once it levels up you can press it or maybe every time it levels up it changes forms you're right that's what's happening dude check them out melon you need to make make him evolve and acquire his final form I do indeed sunny but first I need maxed out money money money money money money yeah my money is maxed out already yeah that speed command did not work bro these toilets are like slugs they're so slow yeah they sure are taking their sweet time I have maxed out this healer TV it will now unun you every 10 seconds that's not actually that strong now that I think about it yeah that's pretty trash cash Sunny whatever I'm going to build the front lines up now tired of you having all the fun I'm going sell this guy off and then soon my try Titan will have the $115,000 upgrade very nice except it won't even have to do any work now Sunny can you sell your guys off the whole point of this video is about the try Titan nah I'm not down oh you're so annoying what do you mean they're only level one I'm going to have to place a new one down because of you no you're chilling you're chilling it's cool all right F I'll sell them thank you Sunny we got to see what the tri Titan is capable of because I'm unlocking his third level and while you do that I will protect the back lines the tri Titan is now at level three y look at that transformation it went from purple to red and now it's got these insane swords bro he is going to annihilate these toilets is that TV new in the middle uh what do you mean in the middle on its chest was that there before wait you're right I don't think that was there before no way I wonder what it's going to unlock on its next level up bro we've got swords we got the laser beams what else could we possibly have it hasn't even unlocked its special yet that radiation ability or can you activate that oh I can activate that whenever Sunny oh so if these toilets start to approach you can cook them I can absolutely wreck them not like they're ever going to actually get close though and on the next wave I'll have a enough for the final upgrade I cannot wait to see that and in the meantime I'm going to max level these guys 13,500 for level four on this upgraded tight end speaker man y I love that special attack toilet with 10,000 health no problemo and now sunny it's time $20,000 upgrade check them out no way bro is that the final upgrade it is sunny it's maxed out it now does 40,000 DPS and he's insanely powerful and insanely epic bro this thing doesn't even look like it's from the skibbidy universe it looks so cool bro it could probably solo all of endless mode that is ridiculous bro I wish I unlocked it well melon I'll stick to my measly upgraded Titan speaker man he's now max level and he kind of looks the same bro that is trash whatever nothing can penetrate our backline defense I've got it it organized and check this out just for funsies I want to do his radiation power uh sorry I probably should have done it there did you use it no I'm saving it for this wave check it out it's time soon soon once these uh toilets get close these running ones right over here it is time to take them out bro what is that thing uh I don't I pressed it I don't even know what it did was that the attack where he was just double slicing with his swords or what yeah I don't I think that was his radiation I think it was just when they get close enough he starts meleeing them oh okay well it looked pretty cool the only thing is I wish endless mode could go quicker bro this is so slow yeah s we're probably going to be here for like an hour nah I don't think I can do that yeah neither do I should we just AFK and see what happens well it looks like the toilets are kind of pushing through Sunny the smed toilet it actually made it past I guess I'm eating my words I thought there was no chance bro I guess I need my upgrades I need my upgrades this guy is so tanky it's time for a second try Titan okay I take back everything endless mode is not that easy oh it will be sunny I'm going to unlock every single form that the tri Titan has check it out it's time for radiation it really doesn't do anything maybe it's broken or what does it say radiation nearby toilet stealing 5% of their Max Health oh that's why it's going to just do their Max health for 20 seconds yeah but I thought it would have like a cool animation or something but it has none of that what if it's passive and it just always does that oh that would be insane but I'm literally pressing it so it's definitely not passive oh okay okay plus if it was passive we would have saw the mutant toilet taking damage while he was walking around bro how many of these guys are you going to summon in bro I just want to get this guy and then I'll have all four oh that's a cool idea boom now we have every single form of the tri Titan that is awesome bro you're actually a goat for that yep and now let's see how far these boys can carry us sun saell off all your units I don't want to do it now bro my units are trash anyways fine my money makers too everything it's only up to the four Tri Titans all right let's see what happens should I sell the Healer or does that not matter no healer no nothing done I really thought a boss was going to come out of this Center portal yeah same here but nothing ever actually happened maybe there'll be one soon though o that would be a really cool idea I mean we're on Wave 30 maybe on Wave I don't know 40 there's a boss that comes out of the middle dude someone beat over 1,000 waves that must have taken 24 hours bro at least how could you even do that bro wave 33 is getting cooked these armor toilets die in 2 seconds this is easy with the TR Titan goats you've got to get this Tower and take it on endless mode if you want to set the new world record melon there's starting to be some boss toilets yeah but they still don't stand any a chance hny I haven't even had to activate one of my radiations that's true bro you're actually too strong oh wait melon this isn't even a track up here look I can spawn Towers in it oh maybe that's where we should be putting our Towers but bro it looked like units would come down this I thought the same thing sunny I wonder is this ability always the same strength bruh BR sell buy stomp sell dude stop sorry bro I'm stomping these toilets stomp oh I forgot to stomp stomp them sell them and stomp got them sell I'm just trying to entertain myself Bella this is so slow this isn't tll shy we're destroying these toilets you're absolutely right bro watch this oh they're fresh a fresh batch watch it wait for it wait for it and stop them bro that's absolutely busted dude you just did so much D oh yeah not as much damage as your Tri Titans oh yeah it's time for the rad dude the radiation does nothing I swear it's a jader wait are the toilets actually going to make it through nah we're chilling we're chilling sunny I think they're going to make it through bro no way Elite Striders how does this happen uh Sunny no no no don't do that Sunny you're cheating it's not it's not even doing it look look these guys are too strong you're going to kill them Sunny you're going to kill them of course that's my goal bro I don't want them getting through I won't let them okay one of them made it bro are you stupid that's not the point of the challenge we got to see how many of the tri Titan can stop I know all right I won't do it again I just felt kind of weird I didn't like watching toilets destroy our headquarters check it out Sunny there's more Elite Striders bro you need to activate your radiation right now radiation acquired yeah does not do anything Sunny bro spam it use it on all of them I did oh no don't tell me three more are breaking through Sunny it looks like we're going to lose what if I don't want to lose oh my goodness Sunny that's not part of the challenge all right it's all come down to this the tri Titans could not survive against wave 40 well now you know if you have all four forms of the tri Titan you'll get to wave 40 and if you want to get to that subscribe button press it right now to get goated today in skib toilet Tower Defense we're Unlocking The Godly Titan computer man this unit is so rare that it has less than 1% chance to unlock so let's see how many gems we need to spend to unlock it and then put it to the test versus Insane Mode subscribe to our channel in less than 2 seconds to get CED 1 2 let's go all right Sunny they finally added him the brand new Titan computer man wait a second what do you mean finally added him bro I've never even seen this skibbidy bro if he's a computer he's got to be the strongest skiy ever plus look at these other Towers they look so cool the drill looks like an assassin and this one's insane he's like Dr Octopus with his drills that's the drill woman and you're right Sunny the other one's the drill assassin bro I'm buying nine crates 0.4% chance to unlock this new Godly come on come on give him to me give him to me well I at least got the drill man yeah Sun I did not get the drill assassin yeah I got the drill woman and upgraded camera woman but I didn't get any assassins or godlies I guess I'll have to open 10 more until I obtain him same here broki bro these units are really rare I still didn't get either of them hold on I want to see something is there a way I can open crates up fast F and bro if you buy 10,000 gems you can get the Gem cameraman or the gem Titan no way the gem Titan sounds awesome bro there's only three of them in the entire game there's only three gem Titans doesn't it guaranteed no it's a 1% chance it's the gem cameraman where there's a bunch we already have some that is crazy sunny right now we need to focus on the computer man I Won't Stop opening these crates I know come on at least get the Assassin dang it come on bro I got him I actually just got him no way I didn't get the Assassin but I got The Godly are you kidding me sunny dang it I got to keep opening more and more and more I'm actually the goat for that hold up unequip unequip unequip I don't need to see those I need to see this yes I've got him Titan computer man you're so lucky Sunny I'm still wait I got the Assassin let's go hey nice job I'll help you unlock another tight end computer though drill assassin how strong is this guy he does 7,500 damage every point4 seconds that's pretty dang strong yeah but not as strong oh I almost got the Assassin for myself but you didn't hny but dude I got the Titan computer it's even harder to get I know I'm super jealous I'm going to keep opening crates until I get them too and check it out I oh I almost had The Godly and the Assassin in the same role got another assassin Sunny same I just got two assassins in this opening dang it hold on let me add those guys to my squad M I got another drill assassin bro why am I getting so many but I can't seem to unlock the Titan computer man cuz you're not as goated as I am come on melon get with it I need this Sun this is getting ridiculous I cannot believe I haven't gotten him yet I know bro you've been super unlucky hold on let me open him for you here give me one second open again here you go I'm calling it tied computer right here come on come on come on come on come on I haven't even seen him yet Sunny oh I've seen him like five times at least I haven't seen him once what the heck Bo give me the computer man I need him dude I I am getting ridiculously lucky here I've spent how many gems is this I started at 50,000 now I only have 11.75 th000 bro I still have 177,000 gems maybe we can get it come on give them to me sunny I'm getting really upset right now yeah I'm starting to feel that way too I haven't even seen him in the carousel for a while I haven't seen him period dude that's unlucky all right I got it this is the one come on Titan computer show yourself bro are you out of gems uh I think I have one spin left sunny and then I'm out of gems it's okay melon at least I've got it guess so this is my final spin please and I didn't unlock him sunny I quit I give up I'll never unlock the Titan computer man I got another one no way bro I'm insane at this I got a drill assassin and a Titan computer computer man in the same opening hey melon look at him just look at him that's my squad dude or you serious bro that's awesome please give me one yeah yeah yeah I'll trade you you absolute Noob why are you calling me a noob why are you being mean about it I'm not being mean about it I'm being honest you're a noob my trade is processing and there we go Titan computerman acquired nicely done and now I'm making my squad Titan computerman drill assassin ooh gem cameraman for fun and I need my money maker where's my money money there it is and one drill woman melon take the potato out of your team I'm trying to just organize my inventory here sunny I can't seem to get the computer man out of my squad all right I have two computer man now I'm going to rejoin sunny I think my game is glitching how do you have two no it's it's just I have one in my inventory but two in my hot bar I don't really understand I'll be right back and while he's gone I'm going to sit on the golden toilet Sunny what are you doing on the toilet uh uh nothing let's just play all right all right that was a weird time to take a poop Sunny let's head to the brand new map toilet Town wait is this one actually new I have no idea but my arrow is pointing to it so I'm assuming it's new now we've made it melon I'm pretty sure this is the starting level and your account glitched and just made you replay it it might be sunny there's a very good chance of that I'm not going to cap make sure you vote for fast mode Auto Skip and insane difficulty yes because we are going insane on this match dang right we are oh wait we need to make some money place down your scientists I need to stop the toilet Sunny I've got more important bze wax to handle what are you putting down you're acid gunning them I was trying to at least but some toilets are going to get through no matter what yeah bro acid Gunner level one is really weak you need to level them up yes and that's right to skip the wave yeah I got to Auto skip on that's not enough money to do anything yikes my cheapest unit costs 400 okay sunny once I get this guy to level two he should melt the units hopefully probably not how much is that upgrade going to cost you 250 don't skip this wave yet bang nice now we can skip yeah I have Auto skip on I never turned it off I should have just saved up for 250 heyo upgrade ski boom level two come on take the toilets out please oh he's actually doing stuff now let's go except those guys got away you should have put him here where I'm standing yeah actually lowkey that would have been a better spot oh wait I almost have enough money to place a unit I do check this out melon the drill woman let's go with that we'll be able to take out these toilets dang right brother and I'm getting some thick upgrades and I think my acid Gunner should be able to melt most of the toilets now he's at level two bro and this Tower does 1,000 damage every 2.5 seconds and I think it's Splash damage let's see oh wait it's not Splash damage it's fine Sunny we're chilling for the next next few waves just make some money oh yes I will and I'll place down a gem cameraman cuz he looks cool we got that Shoney money we do indeed got that Shoney money and it's not funny funny oh no it's not but we got to work our way all the way up to the tied computer I want to see how strong this new Godly is all right well start saving up Sunny what do you think I'm doing I don't know I have no idea what you're doing actually bro your acid Gunner is actually melting all of these toilets I don't even have to do anything I know the acid Gunner for the beginning levels is so good his damage over time is literally cooking them he is poisoning all of them that's a lot of money oh one of them got away and then melted on the way back Bro they can't get away they'll just die they'll take two steps forward and upgrade bro my money is coming in nice now okay some toilets are kind of starting to push through Sunny don't worry don't worry I got backup over here and now I will summon one assassin let's see how strong this is well Sun you missed all the toilets so not very strong so far it's okay there's more coming there's more coming upgrade so it attacks a bit quicker upgrade so it attacks quicker we should be good I hope oh we're not good we took damage it's okay sunny I upgraded my acid Gunner again he should melt all the units yeah I did some juicy upgrades come on oh no this toilet has a lot of Health left uh Sunny got it I took it out I maxed out my first Money Maker nicely done I have two more that I need to get to level four I just need 2,000 buckaroos come on and I have enough let's go upgrade success very much success hny and now I just upgrade the money to max level like you said oh that's a good upgrade it reduces the cool down his DPS is going to double sorry her DPS the drill woman the drill woman is so cute yeah she's kind of cute too like look at those tentacles boom Another maxed out money money bro she shoots explosive drill bits all right these toilets are kind of pushing through I'm going to put another upgrade on my acid Gunner just to be safe not a bad idea boom nothing should make it through now he's maxed let's go bro he's melting them on top of that if they get to the back lines my drill's level three and does crazy damage yeah exactly if one single powerful unit makes it through like this evil Overlord it'll get melted actually that might be too much health for me to melt oh no are you serious right now Sunny that's it we need to deploy him the ultimate unit the tied computer man why not two of them let's go eat that evil Overlord up yeah bro this guy has a big hit box it's hard to place him yeah but it's okay check it out the evil overlord's at 7,500 Health can you take it out oh yes you can bro that was light work and I want to max out my tighted computer man another level yeah same here here and I've maxed out my money so it should be pretty easy I should not have placed it there though I should probably put it where your acid Gunner is yeah dude you got to own the squares oh I got to get out of the way there was a sweet spot here got to maneuver and find it let me have this yes I got it bro he whips out such a cool Katana slash and boom level two I'm going to see if I can max out this assassin and then I'm going to max out the drill woman and then finally max out the tight end computer tight end computers at level three oh my God his next upgrade is actually not that crazy but it's super expensive 20K what does it do uh gives him a bit more damage a bit more or a lot more M makes some like I'd say not quite twice as strong interesting this next upgrade for my drill assassin is going to make it do three times the damage let's go max level that's awesome Sunny 900 damage every 1.5 seconds that's not that great no dude click it again it bugs out the UI oh I see it now 7.5 th000 every 7 that's really strong I know dude he's going to melt these toilets that's why they call him the Assassin sunny and then I'm going to level up drill woman like I said come on we need this upgrade perfect it's maxed out it's not the best placement ever though probably would have been good here where I'm standing so I will put a second one oh wait that's an assassin misclick boom $220,000 sunny it's maxed out nicely done bro let's see how much damage is this 175,000 twice a second yeah bro that's awesome if my calculations are correct that is 35,000 damage a second that's a lot of damage but is it AOE damage or single Target I think it's only single Target okay so it's not as impressive yeah let's compare it to the ultimate upgraded Titan drill man this guy at max level I will show you how much damage he does I think it might be more and is it AOE or is his just normal damage too I think his is normal damage as well this is pretty sweet though the toilets are having a hard time getting past these two circles yeah he's kind of cool beans oh wait no the drillman gets AOE yeah the drillman might be stronger because of that yeah I think he just does more damage dude bro are you kidding me but he doesn't look as cool does he I don't know he looks pretty cool too it's hard to really say yeah sunny I Max out he was a lot cheaper than the computer he does 18,000 damage every 6 seconds in an AOE oh yeah well watch this what about a maxed out gem cameraman I can't afford it how much Moola he cost another 7,000 for the final upgrade that's kind of quite a bit of Moola hny I know and I just spent it so I guess technically the computer TI the Titan computer man does a bit more damage than the drill man but the drillman does it in AOE so he does a lot more damage yeah but melon look at your highten computer man do you notice that icon on the right side when you click it once he's level three he unlocks the special ability let's see what it does Sunny soon I want I want some toilets to get through yeah I was going to say maybe wait for the toilets to show up but check this out Sunny something you didn't realize about the drill man as well he's got an ability check him out waa he literally stomped on those toilets yeah but I don't think it's going to be as strong as this Titan computer man's I hope so oh brother I want to see it in action even the Assassin has an ability wait for real hold up hold up what about the drill woman nope no ability there I want to place one and I'm Max leveling right now what's his ability do did you just use it yeah I wanted to know what it did it didn't do anything well there's no toilets nearby Sunny I'm selling off my drill man I want to see your computers in action he's just killing everything too quick all right let it surround come on attack oh he sends them backwards he hacked into them no way no way that's awesome is yours on cool down no it's not sunny I can still use my ability okay that's actually kind of busted now pop your drill man assassin one assassin one assassin oh he just killed a bunch of them bro he assassinated them but now he's stunned sunny and the units they're making it through don't panic I have this ability at the end of the track I can activate it wait for it wait for it send him back no one's even close to him it's okay your drill killed it yeah put my drill man just in case how did that guy die it looked like he had a lot of Health left the cool down is not even long on the computer hack it's only 1 minute it's pretty thrun so you can spam it yes of course hack him send them back to the shadow realm bro he just ate all his toilet friends that was weird this s play doet is pretty strong though sunny it's kind of scaring me I know it's starting to get harder it's okay though once he reaches the drill boom boom Oh that was not enough Sunny he might actually make it through no no it's fine in 5 seconds I can hack him Sunny there's another one there's actually another one it's okay sunny oh that was close we killed one we killed one and I I'll put another computer you're going to need to hack you're going to need to hack I got it I got it you're going to need to hack I hacked it oh my goodness Sunny you're getting me scared out here can you die though oh thank goodness bro it's only wave 34 this is getting crazy yeah no more slacking dude we got a Place some strong units down trying to find a good spot I might just have to spam more drills how much damage does it do I can't see this thing is in the way I hacked them all all over again dude they were spawn camping their friends I'm going to put more assassins Sunny make sure you're using your abilities quite frequently yep it's on cool down though boom I just used the Assassin ability and it swiped some toilets dead and I will use the hack right now oh that was good oh that was good come on let me get this upgrade perfect upgrade in the back back lines all right we're chilling we're chilling wave 37 it's starting to get crazy though that's a lot of Health still melon this is not looking good it's okay I've got my hack ability I'm going to use my hack ability all right very good I'll use mine when I wake up oh we're dead we're dead do you see these things they're going so fast I see them chill okay I've got to use this explosion oh we actually wrecked him we wrecked him nice nice I need this upgrade oh we're we're dead Sunny no dang it ah GG melon we tried and can you goat try and save our Channel by pressing the like And subscribe button right now today sunny and I become the biggest skibbidy ever we start out as a tiny little baby Skiby then we eat other toilets get bigger and then we eat bigger toilets get even bigger and before you know it we're the largest skibby ever plus it helps that sunny and I found this most insane Infinity size skibby toilet glitch stick around to see it sunny today we're playing 2048 snake game but with skibbies let's do it bro oh I'm excited I'm going to become the biggest toilet in Roblox oh I'm a little skibby head I look so weird yo and we change colors if we get bigger I want to become the god toilet the ultimate Titan bro right now I'm a yellow toilet I'm a green toilet same here bro this Ace guy thinks he can get away get over here buddy wait what I can Sprint in this game dude that's awesome hey melon hey melon I'm right here I'm a blue toil I don't see you bro see you no this guy's going to eat me oh he's a big toilet bro he's got the skib with the headphones I just ate him all I ate all his little tail pieces yeah and he's trying to get me this is not good oh he left me alone thank goodness he went for that lucky block wait there's Lucky Blocks that's so cool Sunny get over here no melon we can be cool we can be friends relax oh this guy's 12 let me Munch him dude he just let me eat his tail yo melon this is not good there is a pink person trying to get get me I need help son I can't really help you he's bigger than me you could help you could eat the back of his tail and then get huge and then eat him I did I atat most of the back of his tail lucky block though I got to get it I've got to have it yes I got away from this guy he gave up wait no he's coming back he's coming back I'm bigger than him now sunny I a 128 block actually I'm just the same size yeah you're a pink toilet yes I am ooh this is a nice eat right here that's a good snack is this guy bigger than me oh yeah 2K are you kidding me get away from me bro I actually think this is the best snake game in Roblox right now it's so satisfying give me all this give me all the skibbies give me all the skib let me eat you boy wait this person's AFK I think I can eat them yes no someone ate me are you kidding Sunny you fool that's it I'm buying double respawn I don't know what that means wait I came back huge I'm like a Titan no way yes and someone's trying to eat me I don't think so I'm 512 Sion toilet let's go lucky block Lucky Block Lucky Block Plus 64 yes I'm a 256 toilet now what is that why how I'm getting the 2x respawn how did that guy gets so close to me well now I'm a big toilet no Sunny chill chill chill we can be chill all right yeah I'm just trying to eat part of your tail so that we can cooperate and be bigger together you're right let me eat you then IAT you no melon no not again not again take my Roo game 290 again double me up I'm going to be enormous and I'm going to eat the king of the server soon um I'm going to try and sneak up on him this is a really bad idea Shield up got a B no no he's coming for me shield shield activate yes now I'll eat them oh wow do not hit the red speed pads Sunny they are not a good thing sorry melon I couldn't hear you I was eating bro what who did you eat how are you 2048 Bobby in the goat what did you do Sunny did that thing make me slow I just paid for double respawn again but I also paid for a shield so that no one can eat me guys do you see this VIP I need to get in there yes I'll become strong in here the strongest in all the server only 500 Robux let me grab this Lucky Block too and I'm going in the VIP Zone yo I'm going to get huge in here guys it's time for me to grab this lucky block plus a th000 yes wait can I grab this toilet in the middle yo it's so cool but I can't grab it but I'll Farm up in here and become huge yes if I sneak up on this big toilet I'll be able to eat him and create a 4,000 block here son I just be making moves in silence right now yeah real ones move in silence but the goats they eat their enemies a I didn't get that much food that guy was huge but I can just add scores to myself wait what what do you mean you can just add scores to yourself okay that's a that's a lot of roox it cost 1.5000 Robux to get 65,000 score bro that's insane I definitely didn't just buy double size for 5 minutes bro are you serious I'm just eating peeps out here bro stay in the VIP Zone you coward you don't want this you don't want this oh that's so satisfying eating these noobs yeah it's so satisfying bro oh I munch on noobs guys I'm buying the boom skill Time 5 I don't know what it does oh look at these noobs n n n n n thank you for your Foods Sunny they Top Dog in the server is like way bigger than you my dude I know that's why I'm eating noobs makes me feel good about myself hey I have a 4,000 head now guys I need to buy another Shield to be safe cuz I'm going to try and use these boom bombs on the top dog where is he there he is oh he's cornered um I don't know what that did but I'll eat that guy Lucky Block give me plus 4,000 nope that was still pretty good though 500 all right I had enough of this VIP Zone I need some action I need to go out there and eat I must Feast upon the Flesh of these skides wait this guy looks pretty big maybe I can explode him oh wait hold on I got I got to I'm so close I need to make this guy a 1,000 block I don't understand what this explosion was supposed to do it just destroyed my own tail the he he's trying to eat my stuff no I eat you not the other way around okay what is this slam effect I'm going to buy shock wve there's no way he just oh I have't oh I'm huge I swear if this king of the server can come in the VIP Zone he can't come in the VIP Zone look at this loser melon look how big I just got I just ate somebody they tried to eat me but I have a shield up I'm going to try and eat the king of the server's back tail Sunny I'm going to be cheeky about it all right if you need some help let me know I'm eating noobs right now I'm just going to wait until he's not looking where is Munch a little bit of his tail oh there he is and I see you too melon watch this guys I'm going to zoom in come on I'm going to hit him with the shock wve nice hny nice one what How's he getting away I'm trying to hit him with a bomb ski ooh plus 5002 I ate a lot of him though oh wait no he left he went to the lobby melon that makes me the king oh uh Sunny you are huge Maji yeah I've been grinding I've been eating scrubs out here becoming the biggest Skiby in the server hey Sunny I'm going to need you to uh leave me alone I'm going in my VIP Zone yeah what if I go in the VIP Zone uh you can't do that bro you're too broke you think so I got 63,000 Roo I'm busting in you only have 63,000 how much Robux have you spent I've been spending a lot of robucks lately I'm not going to cap bro I still have like 180,000 no way no way yeah bro I don't know what you've been doing that is crazy how do you have that many roox stay away Sunny stay away I just want to test something on you if it does doesn't work it's fine then you can eat me okay okay yeah yeah yeah let's test it and I'm not eating you I want to see what the bomb does meel I wanted to see what the bomb does you're so cringe I wanted to see what the bomb does yes I soon will be able to take you out Sunny yeah but not really I'm eating your whole tail what the heck I'm supposed to have a shield right now yeah it only Shields your main guy dang it I must make another 16,000 then I can use that ability to make a 32,000 Skiby I want what it looks like it it looks like the old guy in the server he was 32,000 what um yeah what does 64,000 look like then huh I don't know he wasn't 64,000 dude the VIP zone is broken plus eights and 16s and 32s everywhere yeah dude that's how I got huge you were just cheesing but the lucky block is honestly way more op give me the lucky block yes plus 512 dude you get 512 here in 2 minutes yeah but you get like a Lucky Block every 30 seconds here wait where in the in the VIP or somewhere else no just just going around you just collect the lucky blocks whatever bro I get it you're too good for the VIP zone or you're too afraid of it cuz I'm here and I'll eat you yeah but you ain't eating me right now Sunny yeah come in here I dare you no I don't want to I don't want to I didn't think so that's what I thought cuz I'm the biggest worm in Roblox and you don't want this you can't handle this can handle whatever I can handle and whatever you can't handle is what I can handle dude that doesn't doesn't make sense then get in here and prove it all right I'm coming chill bro I am the king of the lobby you you must come to me you think I answer your phone calls no chance I make you talk to my manager yeah where are you Sunny I'm back here eating and feasting oh you've got a shield up you're afraid of me you coward no no I just want to eat your tail a little bit you can't even eat my 4,000 no eat everything now I'm eating your tail now I'm eating your tail you made me bigger you actually made me bigger thank you no oh this is not good this is not good what's Happening Here who's winning this you won bro you made an 8 ker how do you have an Aker as your second oh my L yeah that's right back up don't make me don't make me melon enough go away give me my tail I want my tail back it's mine it's my property I'm the king I'm literally the king I have a crown go away no I want it I want it bro I want it this is so dumb wait actually this might be a hack hold on melon just uh come eat me again I dare you yeah let's do this I don't really have a shield right now anymore shy so I'm going to just leave no no buy a shield buy a shield that's fine buy a shield okay 80 Robux and I'll just keep munching you yeah keep munching do it do it do it and then I munch back and I'm pretty sure I'm multiplying these cuz I have a double score thing yes yes yes now I have 32,000 it worked I'm a hacker wait let's keep doing this then I think it's going to stop working soon though cuz you're too small but I can eat your 2er you're so small bro oh yep now it won't work Sunny yeah you're too puny you got to get on my level wait if you had the double eat as well this would have worked we could have multiplied to Infinity yeah just come come near me really quick uh come come I I got an idea okay yeah what is that going to do huh nothing you stunned me oh no yeah well I took I took your back things oh no not my 500 bro I'm way bigger than you you're puny you're nothing dang it bro we could have multiplied to Infinity bro buy the double score thing how do I do it double score okay 160 Robux for 5 minutes come here Sunny time to multiply eat me eat it eat it and then I eat you and then you keep eat we just keep circling we just keep circling circling when am I going to get bigger bro why is it just your blocks yo because I'm bigger so I guess I'm the rate limit that's that kind of makes sense but if I multiply that 2K and then leave you alone oh I'm AK Now it worked Sunny it worked okay so then can you eat this wait that wait that made me bigger yo yo Sunny get out of here I'm going to eat you no this doesn't make sense it wasn't supposed to be like this wait you're still bigger than than me what what I have 65,000 okay let's continue this then yeah take give me my crown back are you crazy smash we must do the worm do the worm I don't really know what happened there but I don't care multiply what is going on ow you ate me yeah I'm Gman sunny I became Gman no way we actually found out the ultimate hack I want to see you I'm coming back in as a puny toilet I am Gman where you at bro let me see that let me see that uh I'm near the VIP Zone yeah I'm here this is me the lowest level possible protect me dude eat that guy yo yo yo yo yo what you think you're doing huh what you think you're doing bro get over here get over here that's right that's right don't eat me melon you look amazing bro you're beautiful you did it you beat the game let's go why would you eat me you ran into me guys make sure you like And subscribe if you thought we found the most amazing glitch ever today in skibby Tower Defense we unlock the new upgraded Titan drillman let's test out how powerful this new Titan will be and do you think it's stronger on skib or toilet Tower Defense comment which game you think is better let's get CED yo melon check this out you know how we like play toilet Tower Defense and this game skibby Tower Defense yeah Sunny well look at this boy right here the upgraded Titan drill man he's out no way he looks absolutely insane sunny I can't wait to use this guy and destroy the hardest difficulty melon head to the store scroll down to exclusives and for 599 Robux we could become overpowered actually s I'm just going to buy him right here press e and give me this upgraded Titan drill man I actually got him then I'm going to unequip the DJ man cuz he's trash and use the upgraded Titan drill check that damage out 18,000 damage in an AOE bro and is it attack range is crazy how much stronger than the normal drill oh he's just different the normal drill Man actually does more damage to a single Target but his AOE ability on the new upgrade is going to go crazy not true technically Sunny because also the upgraded Titan drillman Attacks over twice as fast three times faster almost oh you're right he does way more damage he is insane he's probably the new strongest unit in the game let's go I want to test it out then on the camera base follow me sunny I need I need money and stuff first bro you didn't set up your squad give me a second give me a second I accidentally unequipped all of them cringe bro all right I'm ready Sunny let's go insane mode vote for it melon and enable super duper fast mode of course Sunny of course we shall destroy the evil scientist oh we shall cuz we've got the up cre Titan drill man and also melon place your money makers quickly I'm going to put mine at the end of the track just in case they can become distractions Sunny I'll clear out the units so we can get that extra goop hey good idea they pay pretty nicely in this oh wait they only get $5 and you kill two of them bro how am I supposed to kill them they're so quick bro that was sad not going to cap not going to cap that was sad and I missed the wave yep that's my point that was very sad bro where am I supposed to put this guy I need to place him somewhere elevated only that is annoying going I put him here I need $10 more oh boy Marland this is not looking like a very strong start for us we are tanking some hits so I need to place another guy down and upgrade it's fine Sunny we're going to be chilling I can feel it we're going to be B chilling I just wish this guy had a faster attack speed bro 2.5 seconds is so slow I know I know did you upgrade him no I I didn't I don't have the money yeah this is getting expensive let me put another scientist and let me go ahead and upgrade to scientists we are taking hits oh Sunny we might actually lose oh no how much damage is a spider toilet only 40 we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling don't skip wave don't skip wave I missed the money I'm sorry technically if you noticed you could have still made the money yeah I I didn't know okay I didn't know there's a delay when the new wave starts you get paid 100 bucks and then you get paid again from your units I'm trying to kill these guys to the best of my abilities but it's really hard Sunny wait I got the upgrade and he's actually kind of putting in work nice that's good and once I upgrade my boy here he really couldn't hit them come on it's fine I am going to invest my money oh I messed up whatever I can still invest my money and now my bazooka man will do crazy damage yes perfect Sunny uh he can't really hit them though yeah he can look B bro that's like the worst AOE ever Bop oh that was it oh no bro it's cuz I can't place him unless he's elevated it sucks and we we're we're dead Rive for Robux I never knew you could do this this is such an awesome feature I got it sunny yeah very balanced very balanced we're still alive and no one's getting through my toxic Gunner now sunny I can feel it also that revive gave us 1,000 bucks oh you're right wooo we should die more often we really should Sunny with this I can take out these stupid spider toilets yeah and if I got an upgrade as well my bazooka man yeah he probably still can't touch very much of the map bro whatever I'll focus on my money we got a new type of toilet inbound hopefully I can take them out ooh that was close spider toilets you know you ain't ready for the toxic Gunner come on melt yes bro your do that like corrosive little poison bubble you put on them is finishing the job bro I know I'm actually wrecking turn that auto skip on Sunny check this upgrade bazooka man now he can really help I hope can he hit these other parts of the track now maybe can't really tell I'm going to get another upgrade on this guy all I need is five more bucks here we go he is going to destroy everything nice 200 damage per second on your unit maryin I need more money big time yeah I'm making a lot of money right now I ain't even going to cap yeah what level are you boys oh I can't even check never mind there're level four three three and two all right mine are all level three that's all I can do and one of them's level two dang it that's a juicy upgrade though I got one to level four same here I got two level four one level three and one level two oh no not these Speedy toilets woo oo you cooked him just in time my acid Gunner also poisons them Sunny so they take damage afterwards that's quite nice melon and I'll tell you what now that I've got tons of cash flow it's time upgraded tier driller you're crazy Sunny no one's even going to get past him bro every 3 seconds in an AOE he does 5,000 damage I need to get his cool down lower which is exactly what I just purchased every 2 seconds now you're cracked Sunny absolutely cracked uh no and his next upgrade is actually really affordable but I don't want to do it yet I want to keep getting money yeah I've got two maxed out monies now and soon I will max out everything bro we don't need our other units look at the drill go bro just keep that auto skip running dang right brother making Dash money yep I've got them all level four soon my money will be maxed and I too will deploy my very own upgraded Titan drill man check this out melon I'm going to put a b drill right here the normal Titan bro he's so tiny andak it's okay he's going to attack the strongest unit always and he does a lot of damage still but not as much as the driller let's go they're both Drillers sunny I know but this guy does AOE which means he's busted and just like that maxed out money nice one I think you got to put your upgraded Titan in here that's exactly what I'm doing Sunny I'll put him right here nice when you hit those upgrades he's going going to attack everything exactly that's what I was thinking bro I'm sorry your gu is going to be useless from now on my guy is just going to destroy everything then I'll just have to get another one you are crazy and he's already level two probably does more damage in you no he does the same damage all right his next level three upgrade is crazy expensive yeah and I need to go Max up my money makers I haven't been doing that it's only wave 16 bro there's so much time for us to make that cheddar so yeah my next level ups are going only into moneymaking and level three let's go he does 13,000 damage every 1.2 seconds that's insane bro I think you're right our backline units are trash now but we'll leave them for now cuz we're not at the tower limit yet so there's no reason to sell them plus what if one of these old toilets found their way through that would be not good but they won't Sunny maxed out drillman and I've got maxed out moneymaking wow I actually placed him perfectly when you max him out he just perfectly hits this track right here no he doesn't bro look from a bird's eye view he's clearly missing it no he's hitting this what are you talking about no right here he can't reach I I don't think we're looking at the same thing oh it's cuz I can't see your up wait now I can see your upgrade what the heck yeah you're right it works nice job he's perfectly placed you're right I'm sorry can you forgive me no I can't I cannot find it in my heart dang it I'll always always just be a fool yes you will sunny and I've deployed another drill man yo are you trying to cook them before they even get out of here yeah bro I'm going for a world record bro we got to leave that Autos skip on permanently then of course we are Sunny yes and I shall sell my bazook I don't need that I need that money so I can invest it here in level four maxed out yeah then I'm going to sell these guys too I don't need them here anymore know it's funny you Max them out he won't even be able to hit anything yeah yeah yeah very funny bro very funny watch this one you want talk about not be able to hit anything here eat this crazy Sunny you want to get that close I'll show you close oh yeah nothing's going to even get out of here anymore oh I can't place him on top I was going to put a bazooka on the top of the spawn Zone bro that would actually be such a goated spot yeah I got to get this big upgrade for 8,500 is your guy max level already no he's only level three okay only level three soon he will be maxed at level four one more wave Skip and our upgraded tight and drills will be unstoppable yep there it is and upgrade and I'm hitting them when they spawn let's go now I want to put a baby drill right here why we don't want no baby drills honey yeah we do we need to see the difference between the two of them all right let me upgrade this guy to Max tier yeah one of them is weak and pathetic and the other's cool and Red Cap bro this guy's way cooler he's golden like me nah bro he's yellow weak and pathetic and like doesn't even hit in an AOE and attack slow but this guy who's red just pointing the fact out that he's red and I'm red is also way stronger he's literally the upgraded version but check him out he's got lots of gold plates on him cuz he still respects the color yellow and he distinctly does not have a green watermelon yeah not many things have a green watermelon Sunny this guy doesn't have your glasses on I never said he was me that's actually a good point but I never said this guy was me either you were insinuating it which is already too much I was insinuating that he reps the color red Sunny whatever I maxed out this drill as well and now every 1.6 seconds he hits a single Target for 35,000 so I think it's safe to say he's going to kill whatever comes out of here I'm going to sell my drillman in the back because uh he's not doing anything I'll leave mine just in case bro cuz if you remember on these later waves like wave 38 39 and 40 stuff gets really strong out of nowhere fine I'll leave him just in case because he was perfectly placed you really just sold him to Reby him yeah that was dumb I did Sunny now don't regt it I have no regts also melon check out your acid Gunner back here you want to sell him or maybe just place a second one in the front line so you can slow down the enemies oh does he actually slow I think he does maybe I don't know if he slows them sunny I know he poisons them yeah but you could sneak one in right here true I could first I got to max out this guy hold up and maxed out oh wait I need $10,000 sorry wave 30 bro we're almost there I'm going to put another Titan just to make sure we got that bramage cuz we just saw a really strong unit survive for a while there no way nothing could possibly survive this yeah it probably died to my regular Titan drill who hit him for 35,000 yeah placed an acid Gunner down son are you happy oh I've never been happier and once that's max level he's going to slow down these turlet and I'm also placing a laser man down because he's cool fine then I'm going to get another RPG guy down get another bazook the only problem is I can only place him on this pipe so annoying there's got to be a better spot except there is not sad times this level is really bad for Bazookas M the saw blade toilet yo that guy got pretty far melon we're chilling Sunny don't worry I don't want to be chilling I want to be winning we are going to win don't worry all right let me see here I got 30,000 Buckaroo I'm going to place another upgraded drill and watch and learn melon it's going to be snapped into max level boom let's go you know what's kind of weird about these placements you can see their little hitbox rings and they're overlapping but you know what I won't question it sun you're just overthinking things don't worry yo yo yo yo yo these toilets are getting strong bro how far down the track are they going to get we can't be having that Sunny one guy got farther than that you know what it's time for me to place down an Unstoppable Behemoth oh look at them Sunny they're pushing through oh no we can't be having that it's okay we're going to be fine we're going to be fine everything is going to be fine yeah because I got a Max Level drill that does 35,000 health and he's going to one hit KO anything yeah totally even though he does less damage whatever plus I got another max level drill here once we get a little more Shoney oh that to I got a lot of Health he dead though chill yep max level there we go anything that survives our spawn campers hits this corner track and gets destroyed yeah bro we got so many drillman in there yeah look at his laser toilet oh oh oh he thinks he thinks and he's dead it is over we just got too many drillman yeah but wait till the Boss shows up bro the boss going to have like 5 million health or something and Sun chill your boys in the back they no longer need them oh yeah an extra little bit of cash o looking a long way wave wait oh wait the criminal toilet Sunny no way max level sell sell sell cell sell max level no way no way not like this not like this Melon No how is that possible bro we had so many upgraded Titan drillman that's actually insane I I don't know how that's possible how do noobs beat this I guess it's impossible for them bro it is insane mode that's something we forgot about yeah but it was so easy bro it deceived us it was the easiest game ever and then all of a sudden on Wave 40 it's like here have an Unstoppable boss fight maybe we needed units to slow it down dang it oh wait melon I just saw something what that button here you have special abilities on your drills what do you mean it probably stuns the target enemy oh my God where how did you do that just click on one of your drills make sure it's yours and then you can press that button I don't I don't see a button son there's a button right next to their stats that looks like a fireball oh my goodness we could have destroyed him yeah we messed up big time okay goats so I messaged the skibby developers and asked them to add a new admin command this new command will randomize your Tower when it reaches max level and melon has no clue so in this one versus one skibby defense challenge I'm using this to prank melon and he's going to be so mad comment your ideas for other custom trolls and I'll see if the developers can help me out let's go melon it's time for for the ultimate one versus one check out my new Squad I unlocked Sunny your squad is trash bro what are you talking about I got the Titan drill man and a money maker plus bazooka man what do you have I guess the Titan drill man's all right but everything else is terrible peep my squad sure melon let's see what you have Titan clockman the boom I didn't even know he had a tower the Valentine's Titan bazooka man and the scientist bro your squad is crazy yeah yep it's absolutely counted but it won't be enough to stop me melon let the one versus one commence oh Sunny it'll be more than enough okay melon time to spawn in our money makers yeah yeah totally that's how you approach this game for sure you don't put your damage in the front to make even more gu wait you're actually going to take these toilets out to get paid yep give me that dollar dollar bills whatever bro I got Autos skip on I don't need that money I got income flowing yeah bro wait they uh they don't pay that much I only got 25 bucks for that yep not worth it I need to get more go up he's now going to beat me in the race okay guys I just muted up on Discord I've got to show you something special about today's video If I put this Command right here mode random upgrade what it's going to cause is every time a tower reaches its maximum level it's going to evolve into a random other Tower let me show you how this works really quick I got to use another cheat for that though hopefully melon won't notice let's give myself say h 5,000 should be good then if I were to place this unit right here and upgrade upgrade upgrade you can see it just evolved now he's a cameraman upgrade him again now he's a plunger Bro Look at that no way I just got the Valentine's Titan anyways I got to I got to sell that so melon doesn't notice so melon how's it going over there pretty good sunny my money is coming along nice yeah same here bro same here I've already got one money maker at level two and let me tell you once I Max him out he's going to make me so much guap yep and I already got a bazooka man and goats I just muted on Discord again I have way too much money melon might notice I got to sell this buy this sell this buy this hopefully he doesn't notice and my money makes no sense okay we're chilling now and Sh let me just deploy one more of these boys yep and that's even more goop for me no way bro what level are your money makers mine or level two oh what the heck a toilet actually made it through are you kidding me y that little police toilet's on a journey mine are all at level two Sunny don't you worry nice work bro let me get another bazooka man wait where the heck did my bazooka man go what do you mean he's just gone he just disappeared what did I sell them by accident that might have just been what happened I'm so confused yeah bro you probably sold him off that's crazy come on let me deploy these guys I don't want to take much more damage hurry up and oh my goodness the skip takes forever please there we go now no toilets Shall Pass yeah yeah yeah same here bro I took a bit of damage but I got three bazooka mans now and I'm going to upgrade my scientist there we go more money place down my last scientist and upgrade same here I'm about to make so much go up it's not even going to be funny let's go okay goats I'm muted on Discord again you know it's going to be really funny when he maxes out a money maker and it transforms into a different Tower he's going to lose it yo melon how close are you to a maxed out money maker oh very soon sunny it's on its way don't you worry bro you need to slow down I got three of mine at level two and one's up to level three now oh yeah same same here well it's a tie game for now but soon I shall destroy you oh Le shall see about that sunny I I have one rocket cameraman at level two well I'm going to upgrade one of mine at level two then take that no you're not allowed I have three of them instead of one upgrader I don't really know what's better they're probably pretty much the same but now I will invest boom level two oh yeah two at level three now Sunny dang it bro if you get maxed out money before me you'll be able to save up for these boss toilets yeah I will sunny and then I'll destroy you because you don't have any strong units like de boom to take them out that's not true I have Titan drillman uh Titan drillman is kind of mid Sunny kind of mid yeah why don't you say that to his face hold on he's going to spawn in soon you're actually deploying him why why not bro he's chunky look at this boy boom say it to his face melon bro you're not even the upgraded Titan drill man you're going to get wrecked whatever let me at least upgrade my money making boom sunny in One More Level I'll have a Max out Farm bro I need you to chill out I can't lose like this no all right fine I won't max out my farm instead I'll max out my bazooka man so nothing gets through okay have fun with that mhm I know you're jealous Sunny no I'm not that's really not economically intelligent because now you're going to invest money in a damage that you don't even need yet and you could have had more money oh that's actually a good point maybe I should have invested in him I don't know what to do yeah I'm going to get more money cuz I'm smarter than you yeah you think you can beat me to a maxed out Sunny no chance about to max out my money maker and then I'll be the richest in the game yeah right bro how much does that next level up cost I'm only $200 off Sunny no no no no no no no no way no way you're going to get it before me I'm about to get it sunny very very soon oh no you might even get two of them with this wave skip come on pay me so I can max level oh sunny it's time for me to max out my money what what just happened yo did you sell one and then place a bazooka there no I did not place a bazooka there it just faded well I'm so confused he's at level one to this is the worst spot plus a bazooka man can't even stand here what is going on bro why would you sell off your money maker that is so stupid you misclick I didn't dude I don't want this unit get rid of him he's useless bro you actually just misclicked and played yourself and wait I can only place four scientist cameramen I can't even place my money maker back wait are you serious yes I'm serious Sunny what is going on bro that is cringe brother that's it bro I'm no longer upgrading my money I'm too scared to see what happens hey melon check this out I want to show you something cool yeah you ever seen a basic cameraman yeah I have yeah but what happens when you let level him up for 100 then 150 then 350 you get the boom how the heck do you have the boom Sunny only I was supposed to have to Boom he's part of my squad he's a secret tier unit no Sunny what have you done what have you done why how come every time we max out units they evolve because I created a special new game mode and that's why I have all these trash units in my party because they're cheaper for upgrading watch this evolve and now I've got an acid Gunner I should have known I should have known bro dang it I've got to evolve something that's dag it bro oh my units are so expensive check that out I just got a secret agent from that Evolution but remember melon anytime you max out a unit it will evolve okay I got to get my money makers to one below Max that's the best I can do yes that is indeed the strategy Mr melon and upon the next wave skip I will have maxed out money cuz they'll all be level four yeah good for you Sunny you sure you don't want to turn them to level five you cheat yep I am 110% sure about that one thanks for offering though uh oh my goodness R how could you do this to me because I'm the goat bro why don't you max out that bazooka like you threaten to I will I don't really have any choice that's my cheapest unit bro Max him out watch him evolve into a cameraman bro I sold a money maker off by accident what are you doing Sonny I don't understand how that keeps happening I think it's because I pressed X on accident and sold him and I just got a nice large laser cameraman got some levels on him he's looking pretty juicy and yeah let's let's spawn in this again let's just keep going with it oh this is so stupid how am I going to beat you Sunny oh my units are so expensive I just got a camera helicopter it looks like he's going to summon in some units for me bro I should have known something was up when you equipped that trash Squad dang right bro as if if I'd use these lowlevel towers on purpose well I guess technically I did use them on purpose but I mean like as if I I didn't realize they were trash I knew they were trash and now oh no Sunny yeah what's wrong Mr Merin it cost 5,000 for my next upgrade I can never have four money makers deployed ever again this is not looking good for me yeah here let me help you out let me just send in a quick Speedy boss no Sunny why zooming look at that toilet fly oh you're finished bro that is going to destroy you no I can't allow this come on Skipper Dipper come on skip oh wait it's dead bro dude you actually crushed that toilet what the heck that wasn't even hard goes to show how strong the Bazooka men truly are Sunny whatever I'm going to build a new max out squad over here oh wait yeah that's just that's just a worst way of doing this this is way cheaper I need to max out one of my bazooka men and pray I get something goated oh I just got a tight end cameraman that's sick I wonder what I'll get next sell off the acid Gunner Place another one and upgrade oh melon look what I just got the potato are you kidding me you actually got the potato that's the best unit in the game yeah it's kind of over now I can just chill and relax and I'll save up my money and summon a nice plane toilet for you but Sunny are you sure he's uh not maxed out yet you might be able to get a few levels off on him yeah that's not a bad plan let me level him up I actually don't know what his maximum level is yeah you just keep putting some on him see what happens I'll go to level two boom level three maybe even nah I don't think so you should probably go to level three Sunny that seems a bit too risky and now I'm max out a bazooka man what did I what is this I don't even know what this is bro celebration speaker man bro look at the damage it's trash bro it's worse than the rocket and I'm Ma I got a cameraman are you kidding me bro let's go the only good thing about that is it's really cheap to upgrade yes with this sunny maybe just maybe I can get a good unit yeah we'll see about that one there is hope still for me to win I hope it turns into a drill man yo I got a what is this a Titan speaker man he kind of looks like the hyper Titan with that jetpack on well but I think I still need a stronger unit than this if I want to win he's not even attacking anything yeah bro his range is too low dude good luck upgrading him I bet you it's really expensive it is that's why I've got to save up for my bazooka man again well I'm going to sell all my Towers except the potato cuz I don't need them you're such a cheat sunny I would have made a god squad for this it could have been so much fun sell sell oh melon all you need is one potato and now you die I need a potato desperately are you sure you don't need a nice mutant toilet oh no Sunny stop summoning in these units it's just not right right I just hope your tight and speaker man can't kill him I think I can actually take him out M be you're real with you no C uh no capap I hope not no noep no yep I definitely can't take him out no y I got to pray I get a potato here no potato give me the potato also why aren't you just maxing out bazooka man to level him up wait why don't I just do this da boom time nah bro my dude's getting through he's getting through let's go come on buddy get leveled up oh my God dooom you're so useless you're actually so useless yes take this L it's okay sunny I can still tank this hit for now and then all I need to do is save up 30,000 for the plane toilet I need to evolve I need to evolve desperately bro this is hopeless just admit it wait uh this is really this is not great sunny I got to deploy my Valentine's Titan come on skip wave already this is so stupid you can't even kill Strider toilets I swear if the wave doesn't skip in the next 10 seconds I'm going to be mad bro bro you have 100 Health left you're finished I just need to get some upgrades and I'll be fine why don't you just max out your money makers cuz I can't they're going to do something weird dude you're so toast go it's the only way I won't be toast is wait Sunny why did you give yourself $5,000 what are you talking about that's it I'm giving myself $5,000 then what are you talking I never oh yeah I did do that didn't I yes and with this I shall upgrade my Valentine's Titan and kill all your toilets bro you're still struggling here I don't even know if I have to do anything I think you're dead uh I'm going to kill everything here Sunny don't you worry no cap no cap and now I'm going to evolve my bazook man oh no that's pretty Trash Guys you just made him so much weaker I got to just pray I get a potato I need it really badly melon I feel bad for you you could give yourself 10,000 are you sure about that shy yeah I'm sure about that one okay I'll give myself 10,000 and for some reason I gave me 20,000 so I'm not going to question it what that's cheating I don't know I didn't make the rules sunny and now Max out this acid Gunner wo I got an ice thrower wao it does no damage bro look at it yep that's why I'm going to evolve it again I got a de boom that's trash and I'm out of money yep and on the Horizon by the way is a mutant toilet good luck with that I believe in my squad I think we can actually take down the mutant toilet this time yeah how how is that going to happen with my dooom back here syny he does a decent amount of damage actually this Valentine's Titan is destroying him yes with the power of love anything is possible no way you're actually going to take it out and get paid Bank why is my dooom here not doing anything the dooom that I spent so much money on just didn't do a thing does he not even have the attack range bro he does I wait it's because he's elevated bro you have him in an illegal position you actually can't play that is so stupid why can the Titan speaker man do it I don't understand bro the fact that you only have the Bazookas is hilarious for this because you can't put them on the low ground I yeah but the Titan speaker man's not supposed to be up here but he can hit things how do you know what if he has to be on The High Ground too I've watched him hit things oh wait oh I see what you're saying yeah what if he's like bazooka man no way that was too crazy Sunny you are so dead all shall Prevail no matter what happens can you put a actually maxing out of money maker is expensive too bro my potato is cleaning up bro this is so hard wait to Boom has that ability what' he do oh my goodness I just wasted it that was insane but check it out Sunny the Valentine's Titan also has an ability wait what I want to see what this does love wait you just sent the toilets backwards yeah I don't really understand that one the dooom one was insane what's the cool down uh 200 seconds oh so I got 200 seconds to kill you no Sunny you don't got to do that let me do some calculations here um not enough is the answer not enough soon though melon I shall destroy you no you don't have to do such a thing honey oh but I do but I do no but you really don't you see oh no melon it looks like my potato might not be strong enough bro I know your potato's going to kill everything I get it come on Wave skip wave skip oh my goodness these toilets kind of one just made it through no no no no like this not like this not like this dooom him dooom okay okay that was close you're actually dead though there's a bunch coming it's okay I've got a dooom back here and I'm confident in his skills all right well good luck with that hold on just sell all these I don't need them anymore oh no oh no no hit this guy hit the guy there no oh well melon I just summoned in a plane toilet but I didn't even need it oh my goodness this game is so stinking dumb and I could have used back to boom let's go turns out evolving your cheapest unit is a good strategy
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 457,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5fKZj3x1MUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 36sec (7536 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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