Beautiful REDWOOD CUT DOWN why so many ads?

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[Applause] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] oh yeah oh i'll go away i'll go way smoother next time hey what's up youtube i wanted to take a minute and talk about a subject that has come up a few times recently people asking me why the ads why monetize videos is it worth it and i probably shouldn't mention the guy's name even though he's been a long time subscriber but he says this is just one example hey august long time viewer here get rid of the ads three and ten minutes come on man i understand youtube is a business and it's 2020 and there is money involved don't get me wrong but people watch youtube because cable sucks and are tired uh paying to watch commercials at some point people will stop watching your channel because of the ads will the lost viewers be enough to elicit a change the answer i guess lies in whether or not the revenue from the ads is high enough to overcome the loss of viewers and your youtube business plan and only you would know that i'm trying to be a jerk i love the channel and learn a lot so he says be blessed and yeah how am i blessed uh in one way is from youtube and from pardon me from uh monetizing the videos it has they made a platform uh any old joe blow can fire up a camera and say hey watch this and um eventually if he if he's got enough content and if he puts it together well enough he'll get a way to supplement his income and that has happened it's been what i've been able to do when i first started doing videos i did them completely for me it was kind of a show-off type of of mentality really though i wasn't saying do it this way or uh i didn't really have a message uh i just wanted to make something that was generally inspirational genuinely uh gave the vibe of skill and gave the vibe of be nice but there was no i wasn't doing it any i was taking no requests you couldn't talk to me in a comment and get me to change anything i was doing because i was just saying hey watch this and so it's changed a bit now monetization has put me in touch with the audience if the audience is talking to you and they're wanting a certain thing and you're not going to change a thing for them because you have a busy life you're just doing what you do the camera's on and it's and that's one of the advantages of a true reality show is it's not like cable cable is not real by the way if you haven't got rid of cable get rid of it just watch youtube only buy youtube premium like i don't watch any ads there's no ads when i watch youtube i don't even realize how bad it is to watch ads because i don't see ads because i pay 12 a month for youtube premium or youtube red or something i'm not sure what it's called but by doing that i don't have to put up with cable ads and i don't have to put up with cable programming yeah it's off august if you put that picture on the ground just put we removed this tree fresh and all from the very beginning today's job four hours in local tree service couldn't finish it [Laughter] so cable programming is just another word for more cable ads because those shows all will be trying to bend you in one direction or another and it's never a direction i want to be bent so yeah get rid of cable um spend 12 bucks a month on youtube oh yeah mighty mini if you spend uh 50 or 100 on cable and you only spend 12 on youtube and you get rid of cable you can watch youtube ad free that's what i do so that's just kind of a solution that i kind of like that i feel like mentioning but as far as why i do what i do i do it more so for the audience than ever before now i'm more likely to make a video with the audience in mind than to just make a video saying hey watch this i'm such a badass which when i first started making videos i i made them almost out of frustration for the videos i was seeing i was watching youtube videos and and with there were very few that i really was like that's the ticket and those few were ace tree you know my original inspir inspiration ace tree red coats stuff like that a lot of what i saw i was like no man i'm gonna have to make a video and that's kind of how i got started now i'm monetizing my videos the short answer he's wondering if it's worth it to me to monetize yes as a friend of mine just recently said you are not going to spend thousands of man hours filming placing cameras all about and editing long hours into the night you are not going to do that for a few pats on the back you might do some effort of video for youtube but you are not going to go to the links that i go to multiple camera angles trying to have the cameras be stationary trying to get away from a lot of head movement you know helmet cam make you dizzy stuff trying to get quality programming you're not going to have a lot of incentive to go to those links unless there's money involved because money helps it really does now i thought about going to a subscription where they would probably you'd probably lose a lot of subscribers right if if everybody had to pay like two bucks a month for your channel and uh i thought well that could be a way they would never see ads and then it just didn't feel right though i just didn't i didn't i want the people who don't have two bucks a month who don't have youtube premium who don't even have a youtube account or whatever i want those people to be able to watch the video so i didn't want to go to a subscription but yet the money from youtube monetization helps me buying cameras and drones and and taking time out of jobs to go up there set the camera where you want it to be you know all the work that we do to make videos is it's mind-blowing there is a lot of effort in put into making videos and it is worth it the web store that we started the line of gear we have everything was built on the youtube platform the reputation so without youtube uh without some sort of mass video [Music] social media i suppose there would be no the audience wouldn't have been there because nobody would have known about us so that is the benefit of youtube and then when you're married and you're spending time working there better be something to show for it you're not gonna do it for pats on the back it's better to be a hero at home than anywhere else so i have to spend my time wisely and if i'm going to do something if i'm going to continue with youtube i can't do it just a cheesy upload i can't just turn on the camera like this talk to the camera for a little while and call it for to me it's it's i just i want to produce something i want to make a polished edit and turn it over and hand it to you like a gift and if i'm going to do that it helps to be paid sorry youtube my battery died i didn't catch the last two picks maybe i'll pirate those two videos from august but now i gotta throw my old battery out and if he doesn't catch it [Laughter] i never wanted to say this many words so but i did and there it is did i answer the question i don't want to be a subscription channel i don't want people to have to pay i'd rather get paid than not get paid though and so youtube pays me and so there's some ads well one thing i should mention that my friend said to mention was we don't he's another youtuber we don't choose the ads and we don't choose how many the ads are so if i could commiserate with you a little bit my dad was watching a video in the dining room the other day in one of my videos and i was overhearing it and it's going along and i'm kind of expecting to hear a certain thing because it's my video and i'm familiar with it all of a sudden there's this other content and it was jarring it was an ad and then he watched a little further he had to watch for five seconds and then click out of it or something you watch a little further another ad another ad another ad like that and i was like man that is annoying just go around the back a little bit or gap out we'll like put that in slow motion and play it like five times and put some music to it remember dude but you see the spikes like slide and stab remember we were talking about that the other day i'm like dude i don't remember the last time i gapped out but today i did it like twice it's always both gaps yeah they just they pop out and then they slide down and re-stab boom it up but my dad he don't care he watches tv he's a tv guy he's barraged with ads all the time so he just pushes through him as soon as he can for me it was it was unbearable that's why i have youtube premium and i don't see any ads so i don't control i i didn't put no biden ads on my channel okay i don't choose the ads i don't choose the number of ads they're put there by youtube and they're kind of like uh something about the way the world goes around but i tell you what uh the new fan set i built my wife wanted a new fence in in the front yard youtube paid for it that was really cool youtube has not paid me in a in a way to compensate how much work i've done however there has been some benefit and when you can feel that benefit at home and your marriage and say hey look look honey you wanted that fence uh youtube bought the fence then it's pretty it's pretty handy so i'm gonna keep monetizing most of my videos and i hope that explanation helps you and if not freedom sweet freedom god bless america click away if you don't like something anywhere that you're watching don't watch it don't watch it to hate it just don't watch it we did good yeah that was pretty flawless he made it really affordable for him too yeah he's got a lot more work to do though yeah there is more work i'll be home in the morning thank you thanks man you too good job that could work i thought i should show my shirt in case somebody thought it said flat earth which it does not
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 25,415
Rating: 4.9148369 out of 5
Id: oWNO6yxi0Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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