Running Bowline Tutorial -plus stories

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[Music] [Music] you bad the line came out in a big snafu [Music] [Music] being careful not to put my Spurs into this tree because this lady likes to pay for you know the full deal I have opinions about how how detrimental Spurs might be and I don't think they're as detrimental as people think but yet I still follow the sort of industry standard because I like to be above reproach so anyway wearing Spurs came up on the Ronin ascender not poking the tree now I'm up here setting the tree up to rig not poking the tree ok got this line or our lowering line will come through here and it's retrievable it's going over this these couple of limbs here and some more on the backside but not terribly important how balm tough that is because we're not going to take a big heavy thing but this will redirect our our stuff all over this way and I'll tell you why later so this will be retrievable and it'll do no like rubbing rope damage to the tree and then my line also is over two big limbs and through a what I call a my saver it's a homemade you saver and Joe made it for me so my rope is going through a pulley to and blah blah blah we're such dang tree huggers right now but yeah we're going to do this and it took off all the dead limbs that would impede our rigging of this dead top over here okay youtuber you still with me so I don't know if you can see it right there is the fence so I'm entirely over the fence right now and we need the whole tree back that way so that's what we're doing so the reason I'm doing it this way is rather than take all the limbs off and strip them out over the fence here I can just rig a big top over and then we can put a pull rope in the rest of the tree and it'll fit through there so I'll remove a little bit of limbs here around where I'm making the cut so that it doesn't crash those and break them off and they go over the other side of the fence and then we'll just send it I see one little twig on this side of the fence headache dude bright shirt was handy [Music] I like it okay YouTube see that rigging point up there that's retrievable so we don't have to go back up there again he's Adams gonna pull that out and there it goes there it is thank you rope you served us well hey YouTube you want to see how I do it running bowline I usually tie it real fast and nobody knows how it happened but I'll try and slow it down so obviously we want to capture this to capture it and then we just kind of forget about it don't mind this dang it Adam you're making us look bad sending us this oh well we look bad okay so so once you have it like this you lay it over and through and then what you use this to just kind of push the loop then you go around and through I'll show that more later still not spurring the Rope dangling on barbed wire this is a 200-foot rope it's about 10 feet left over this is the thing that I call my savor because it's mine it's not a you savor Joe made it it's a little burlier than the tree stuff you savory ones for bigger diameter and whatnot use it all the time yeah we want to get right through there so go ahead and pull it over that's the spot you don't have to do the rabbit hole and then grab it and around the tree no instead you can do the rabbit makes the hole see like this see one hand see the holder one hand that's just how fluid it can be when when you use this into the rope to sort of make the hole that you're helping out with your left hand - but you're kind of twisting the hole in over-under twist back in there's your bowline and when you get that down quick you'd be surprised I mean I fumbled it a little bit but it can become crazy fast that's a bowline see and the running bowline so the running bowline let's say let's say we're gonna capture this limb see this is we're gonna we're gonna pretend we're gonna pretend that this is a tree limb and it's not very common that we're just gonna make a bowline see that's the bowl and again this is from tying it from the different direction but it's the same thing rabbit goes over and when you pull this it makes the whole happened and then boom he just runs around and in see it's just it can be blazingly mind-blowing ly fast if if you know how to do it when you're ready you know you just boom Boland you know you just boom Boland so now we want to do a running bowline so we're just going to capture this leg of rope we're gonna we're gonna put it here we're gonna just drop that and forget about it now the bowline is all about this and this forget about it now the bowline is all about this and this so this is your rabbit he's gonna make a hole watch boom boom he's already out he's already out of the hole boom he's already out he's already out of the hole he skipped that whole other section where he had to pop out he just was born out of the hole through here and in well there's your running bowling that also can be become crazy fast you know you put this around around the limb you drop that leg line and yes if you doubt me that's the bowline no reason to tie it that fast but it's handy to know how right just driving away from the job and I'll do a voiceover explanation of it it was kind of an odd thing another kind of tender neighborhood relations thing not too bad but we should have been able to just drop that tree all straight down on the other side of the fence there and then clean it up and boom you know easy-peasy but the client thought that the neighbor was in her words a little cagey about whether we should do that and I thought well maybe she just doesn't want a hassle though and the job was bid for four good neighbor relations and dropping the tree down there after I talked to the neighbors I kind of wasn't sure what they thought they didn't kg was pretty accurate so I was like okay well we'll just bring it back so that's why we're rigging this tree back against it's leaned over onto the clients side and it gave me a chance to play around with the Ronin and you know I like to do a little bit of rigging I haven't exactly done much climbing lately and I'm pretty bad out of practice actually but yeah that's the neighbor thing you never know if it starts to look tricky with whether you're gonna have you know because the neighbor doesn't owe you nothing you're working for the client not their neighbor why should they you know oh from the door and let you in I understand that so unless they're just like come on in let's get this done no problem then I'm like never mind we'll just stay on our side that's why we did here I guess that's the end of this explanation seemed like there was more to it but there isn't we went ahead and did it a little bit harder way didn't change the price either just did it the harder way I really liked that lady that's funny how like if I didn't like that lady I might change the price I'm just analyzing myself here but yeah that might be true if somebody was hard to deal with and you were adding extra work you might change the price unless you had some happy happy love by it's gone that lady's really cool there's a long story there okay I'll go ahead I'll tell the story so how I met this lady a long time ago is her neighbor a neighbor on the other side had this really old cat that got chased up there by my clients who I didn't know was my client yet because I hadn't met her yet but my clients dog and this super 18 year old cat used the last of its power to hike up this tree to get away from this dog and it was truly not gonna be able to come to hound I mean it was it only lived for a few months after I rescued it because it was it was an old age anyway it was a church day for me I wasn't going to be doing any work but the guy I just felt sorry for him on the phone because I believed him that and he didn't have any money he was he was house-sitting for his dad dad was out of town and he told me who his dad was he was influential guy and don't worry it'll be good for you and I was like no you don't worry I'm not getting paid for this I'll come and do it so I brought the the kids and I went out there and rescued this cat and it was one of those cats that hold on a second so so I got a couple of my kids cuz I wanted you know to take my kids and be a hero for my kids right so I brought the kid and I went out there with a bucket truck and the thing when you go to rescue a cat with a bucket truck it's amazing how many times the bucket truck gets there like on the last little bit of how far it can go well that's what it was it was perfect it got just far enough to reach the cat and I went up there with this little carrying case like you might go on the airplane with and that cat was like so thankful to see me it just happily me out it's way right in the carrying case it didn't try to do the kungfu and slash my eyes out it just was like thank you so much dude and it went in the carrying case big hero daddy's a hero didn't charge him and then everybody in the neighborhood had heard about this guy who came and had a successful Cat Rescue on an old cat and I have I have been doing work thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of work ever since over this job I did for free because it just carried so much weight with so many people and so yeah that's kind of interesting that's that's how I met that lady yeah we go back a long ways yeah I'm done that's my video for the day [Music]
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 38,493
Rating: 4.9220271 out of 5
Id: LsyWpjQLf3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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