Beautiful French Drain - Looks and Results

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this is sean with gate city foundation drainage we're on a job today in colfax so what we're doing here is we're going to be doing a l-shaped french drain and it just rained a little bit last night and take a look at how the water is coming down off of this well it's coming off this hill here and it's landing on this on the concrete flowing across and then this area of lawn just stays soaking wet right here here is some video on the day that i went out and did the quote for this customer and it wasn't that wet that day but there was a little bit of standing water in there and the customer is saying that this area just stays super super wet and he can't even like mow a lawn and everything and this irrigation box here is just slammed full of water he said that thing stays full of water all year round and so there's a lot of water just hanging in this one area and so we have had probably about a week and a half of no rain so it's actually dry for the moment but when i was out here before doing the quote it was real sloppy and the homeowner says he can't even turn his llama around in here so we're gonna go from about there 15 feet up come across go 10 feet and then we're going to angle straight to the natural area right there and so we got ronald here we got jeremy here jeremy's off getting some river rock this customer has done a bunch of landscaping here in this yard and so we're gonna match up the river rock to top the french drain with what he's already got so we're on our way to go get that right now but first things first let's get this dug out so i've got the mini excavator the 24 inch trenching bucket we are going to reposition the dirt on site so i've got the concrete buggy here and so he just wants the the dirt pretty much taken to the back there to the woods is kind of a roaded hole over there we can just leave some piles in strategic places for him and he said he'll do the rest so that's what we're working on today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're making pretty good progress here we found the sprinkler line didn't break it so that's always a good thing and got the trench dug out i've got my first layer of gravel in here so i'm about to start spreading that out and we'll get there ronald's got our perforated pipeline there so we'll get that in there and then we may we'll probably hit some sprinkler lines when we trench but then we'll be going out to the natural area over there [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right we've got our gravel laid out ronald's getting started on the perforated pipe and i'm getting started laying out where the french drain uh the solid pipe's gonna take it so check out this irrigation control valve box look at that so this whole area is just slammed full of water so getting this french drain in here is going to correct all this [Music] [Music] i have got a quick story about this clip right here so when i first went and looked at this job the homeowner said that there was some corrugated pipe catching the gutters and that the corrugated pipe was working really well and it's coming out where jeremy is standing out there there's a small outfall and so we were supposed to hook that corrugated into our system and we didn't do that so it was a few it was probably like less than a week later i was downloading and looking at these clips and i came across this clip and it just i mean it just hit me that we did not connect that corrugated so i called the homeowner right away i said hey man i'm watching i'm downloading these clips and looking at them and there's no way we connected that corrugated so we've got to come back out here and so it hadn't really rained too much so it didn't really hurt anything but it was just kind of interesting that that reviewing the clips here i just had forgotten i guess i was i was busy working on the decorative rock and trying to get all that done and just failed to hook the corrugated back up so we had to zip back over there and get it hooked back and dig it back up and hook it back in so take a look i forgot to take the camera back over there when we went over there but we dug it up and found the corrugated and you can see it right there off to the right and there's our pipe and so we used a street 45 a y and a couple of mission bands and got that piped into our system and so there you can see a little bit closer but luckily i saw that and we got that corrected before we had any major problems [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are making pretty good progress here we have got the drainage gravel in this is an angular stone from the quarry locks into place pretty well we hand trenched along here because we've got our irrigation box right there so you can see some of the wires in there that we we found then we're going on down the way here we got about three quarters of a bubble right there and we're heading on down the way jeremy took the old dump truck to go get a pallet of this river rock this stuff for one ton you can get 10 tons of regular quarry gravel so this is about 10 times the cost i probably want to try to cover overlapping yeah i think so we'll see how much we got you know what i mean maybe that's what we should do is just dump it and see where we're at because we got plenty i think okay i don't want you to have to work it twice [Music] so [Music] [Music] we are finished with this job so let's take a look the homeowner already had a bunch of this same river rock in different places in his yard so we topped off the french train with that we went and he he called the place that he normally goes to they knew what he needed we went and picked it up and so that's our friend train right there he's going to do some more landscaping across here and put some bigger boulders in here for more like focus pieces so i'm excited to see what that will look like and we didn't get any gutters we just have the french drain and here's our outfall so we picked up a few extra rocks because it's pretty much the same cost to pick up one ton as it is to pick up a little bit more and so we delivered these rocks down here because he wanted to build this outfall up a little bit so i think it's going to be pretty good now normally i would say that river rock is not good for drainage but there's not going to be a huge amount of water coming through here so this decorative rock will work well for here [Music] i'm back out here it's been about four months and i was in the neighborhood and i just texted the homeowner and said hey i'm in the neighborhood can i go get some footage and he was like yeah it's raining pretty good so it's still pretty early in the morning it's a saturday morning and uh let's take a look at how we did over here so this is the french drain right here and it looks like the homeowner added some more rocks around it he did all this he does all his own landscaping and so he said it's working really well he hasn't had the standing water all right in here anymore [Applause] all right so he added some more rocks in here but there's the outfall [Applause] so that's some serious water coming out through there and that's the french grain and the gutters that we forgot to connect when we were first here so the homeowner is really really happy with everything especially now that the waters the problem is solved so it's good to get back out here and take a look at that that turned out really awesome
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 66,184
Rating: 4.9524517 out of 5
Keywords: French drain, Greensboro French drain, French drain alternative, flooding yard, French drain flooding, Greensboro flooding issues, PVC French drain, French drain best pipe, French drain pipe size, French drain pipe material, best pipe for French drain, high capacity French drain, French drain non-point water, gate city foundation drainage
Id: 8TT1M_dbcO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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