BEAUTIFUL 'EMOTIONAL' CHORDS! (everyone should know)

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all right let's turn this into a trilogy we had beautiful chords we had beautiful spicy chords and now there's easy but beautiful chords sellouts excuse me oh no nothing all right well have a seat anyway playing music beautiful music isn't difficult it's all about the right notes in the right context yeah but i mean executing even the simplest lines perfectly is a real challenge i mean we can add dynamics vibratos it's not just about playing the right note that's totally right i mean that's my entire thing i just love to play stuff like me [Music] it's beautiful but please stop shaking that guitar it makes no sense it doesn't that's a gorgeous vibrato listen to it it sounds good no it does absolutely nothing i'm seeing all these youtubers do it these days it makes no sense stop it the mouse so done with this where are you going to record the video he's right i told you so okay let's start with exercise number one it comes in two levels mega easy and ppd probably pretty difficult so let's get started e minor [Music] so that's it so this is the easy one because the chords are really easy you can make the picking pattern as difficult as you want really tabs for everything i will be playing are available with my patreon page if you want to check it out but let's get started so in e minor the picking pattern is going to be on the low e string the d the g and the b strings constantly alternating between the four so e g d and b and i actually prefer to play this with finger picking because you've got more dynamics and more subtleties in there now we can play the exact same chord so basically this is the start of like a horse with no name the chords from that song e minor and then we go to basically d6 over f sharp we can call it like this beautiful mystic chord and then to g major which is one finger super easy all the strings open except for that low g and then the second part of this hole we go to the middle four strings playing an a minor chord and then to a sort of b minor seventh chord to c major seventh and then the second or the third time and the fourth time we can add that pinky to fat four on the d string [Music] so now the ppd version [Music] this is pretty sweet right so it's a sixth eighth time signature and basically how we counted this one two three four five six one two three et cetera so it's pretty cool let's get to the next one all right respects for a strat [Applause] [Music] so etc etc it's a beautiful chord progression we're basically playing just e minor d b minor c and it's seen in so many songs from the chili peppers can't stop to make it brain by funkadelic it's a beautiful chord progression and if you look up emotional backing track probably gonna find this chord progression playing also it's fun because it really marks the start of my youtube career basically this is my second video ever uploaded was a backing track in the key of e minor playing this very chord progression so let's get to it what are we playing well it's basically a triad in an open voicing as we would like to say so it's just the one the minor third and the fifth but not played like this but spread out so the highest note becomes higher so you play the one the fifth and the minor third like that that sounds cool we also call this a compound third where the minor third is basically an octave higher [Music] has a very unique sound to it very poppy you hear that a lot and the second chord to d major is simply playing five seven and seven on those same strings but now we first play the highest notes and then land on that root note the d put five on the a string [Music] i'm playing these notes together by hybrid picking it's a very cool technique where you play one note with the pick and the other with the finger like so and now we do the same thing but now from b minor to c so we play fret two four and three this is the b minor chord again open voicing and then to c major three five and five so those are the four chords [Music] doing a little run whatever you can do [Music] and then we start on e minor again [Music] and we play our index finger barring on those fret sevens and our ring finger is going to play f sharp the first inversion of d major if this makes no sense to you just listen it sounds great so we play and then i think i did a little hammer on from 9 to 10 with a little pinky just because you can sounds great and then back to b minor and there we have the progression and it's so much fun to play this entire progression all over the neck because it's just four chords and it's a great exercise and finding the chords everywhere e minor [Music] to d [Music] so etc etc let's move on to the next one [Music] so this is the third one and it's basically just played with one finger but later we're gonna make two parts and play it together and it becomes more than just the sum of their parts that's what they say right anyway let's get to it so we use one finger we play it on fret nine on the g string then we play all the three strings in succession so g b and e the b and the e strings are open all the time and now we slide it up to fret eleven thirty 2 fret 8. so it's e f sharp g sharp d sharp and back to e [Music] [Applause] and at last one is played four times to complete the bar [Music] the second time around we slide down to the fret six to the c [Music] sharp the third time we go up to fret 14 the b let's fetch 16 i mean the b and then the last time it's back down again to 6. so let me try to do something now three four so now we've got the melody playing in a looper we're going to add some chords and i like to call this chords the coldplay chords we'll see in a minute so we start off on the one the e [Music] to a [Music] to e to b this is your mind happy now you can even add the open [Music] strings [Music] i mean do i need to say more cool play right sounds great and there's one more [Music] it's a beautiful way to play in a key of e major but now we basically start on the v chord which is the b so all we have to do is play this basically a b bar chord but not barring the b so it makes it way easier as well so you play this and the top two strings b and e are open [Music] so this creates this rich b major sound with a lot of extensions just singing away beautiful and i did a little strumming pattern in there [Music] but you can do whatever feels good for you but this is what i like but now the second chord we do something fun we change the chord basically to a c sharp minor but only by changing the bass note so the b over here if at seven on that low e string i'm gonna move that two fret nine on that e string so basically playing a sort of c minor seven at nine chord c sharp minor seven at nine [Music] very rich and we play the same basic strumming pattern you can also see it as picking because we're more selective strumming [Music] and then we play the same thing again but now with a different bass note again we go to the a major chord really but still the top four strings playing the same thing the only thing we change is that a bass note the open a string so we play that twice but the second time around we do the same thing b c sharp minor and now to an inversion of the e major chord it sounds so difficult but it's not that hard we play a fat four on the low e string that's the the bass note the g sharp again the top two strings open [Music] and the last thing is the same chord as the first but now lay down two frets so a at nine basically [Laughter] so entirely [Applause] [Music] big all right so that was the last one thank you so much for watching i really have fun making these videos because sometimes you can really find something beautiful and just something easy and basic so you don't have to be a wizard per se to play beautiful music spread the word and if you're just as excited about learning as i am maybe check out one of my courses i made learn practice play and next level playing i put my heart and soul into making these next level playing is my bikini course it teaches you all the basics everything you need to know about becoming a well-rounded beginner guitar player and the second course is more intermediate based on the electric guitar more getting into solo skills and why and you know all the things you can play cool exercises cool solos cool techniques the whole shebang as they say thank you so much for watching and catch you guys next week with another video bye
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 2,989,938
Rating: 4.9652605 out of 5
Keywords: paul davids, guitar, beautiful chords, heavenly, chords, progressions, voicing, beautiful chord progressions, acoustic, electric, lesson, guitar lesson, les paul, telecaster, nylon string, guitars, basic chords, spice up, spice up basic chords, turn basic chords into something beautiful, beautiful, chord, beautiful chord, guitar chords, basic guitar chords, easy, basic, davids
Id: vGaFyzyMfmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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