Beating Super Mario 64 with a Mario Kart Racing Wheel? [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another Super Mario 64 challenge video right here on tetrapack gaming where we take on the n64 classic in various unconventional ways so at this point I've beaten the game with several different controller setups from an NES style Mouse to using a rock band drum kits to continue the streak of weird ways to play this game in this video I'll be taking a stab at it with the recently released pro deluxe Mario Kart 8 racing wheel being a big Mario Kart fan I decided to pick this up because I thought it looked really cool but I also thought hey why not try to beat mario 64 with it as well the goal for this challenge will be the minimum 70 star requirements to normally beat the game alright guys grab your engines let's get this race going in three two one the intro cutscene starts up as usual and blah blah blah let's just get to market jumping out of the pipe but before we head on into Peach's castle let me give you all a quick rundown on how the controls are set up here turning left or right will move the control stick in the respective direction the right foot pedal is up left pedal is down the a button is well the a button the X button is set to be the right paddle shift Zed left paddle C up and the minus button here is set to C left and if you're wondering why I'm not using any of the other million buttons on the steering wheel it's because they're linked to the same input as either the pedals or the steering wheel making them redundant also I just realized I'm gonna need to get on that Puma stock sponsorship pronto anyways with the controls out of the way after a quick chat with the worst camera operator ever time to head inside the castle and jump into the first stage Bob on battlefields as usual I like grabbing the star behind the Chain Chomp first so let's try that once I got here I quickly realized this challenge wouldn't be a walk in the park but somehow I plopped onto the post and three quick round pounds later we have our first star of the challenge after a nice cruise up the mountain time to face up against King Baba this battle was a good lesson in learning to control Mario with this steering wheel it's just really tough to process which pedals to press and which way to turn in addition to pressing all of the other buttons but either way three quick throws Nets us another star racing seems to fit well with the steering wheel challenge so I think it's time to raise Koopa the quick I normally like jump kicking up this slope but at first I was having a lot of trouble doing so but after a while I got it and left Koopa the not so quick got him in the dust first our number three I did it really feel like collecting all of the eight red coins here and since we don't have the wing cap yet for the last star here blasting up to the floating island was pretty simple as normal now on two whomps fortress after adjusting my foot pedals that shifted around way more than I'd like I was able to pull off this little trick here to get up to the top of the fortress to fight king wang and by simply doing the classic ground pound trick here this flight was a no-brainer sai flipping here was pretty tough but doable and after climbing the fortress and the tower at the top we're up to seven stars after rescuing the star from captivity in the wall here time to try Alice or as I like to call it my life this was not easy I had to turn the wheel and jump so precisely and despite so many close attempts I kept failing but then numerous safe States later somehow I barely managed to squeeze into the cave for yet another star that's another owl list with a stupid controller in the books okay up next the first water stage of this challenge Jolly Roger Bay since swimming uses flight controls it was even more difficult to process which pedals to press here this definitely took some time getting used to that said I was able to enter the sunken ship open some chests eat some bubbles and drain the water for another start after a few attempts at yanking the star from the you Nagi opening some more chests and blasting up to these stalagmites we're up to 13 stars pretty good pace so far if I do say so myself before moving on to the next proper stage let's take care of a few of the castles secret stars first so I'd open to the castles secret aquarium for an easy star there and since the beam of light was shining down in the castles voile it was time to get spirited away to the Tower of the wing cap and man as annoying as it was to control wing Mario there was something about controlling Mario's flight with the steering wheel that was honestly oddly really fun I pretty much had to grab all eight red coins here in one swoop but it was certainly doable so another stars in the books and the wing cap has now been unlocked we did some regular and underwater driving so now let's hit the snow and ice for some winter driving as a Canadian and no icy roads for a boat to stop me so down the chimney we go to try our first slide of this challenge dang Mario Kart 9 looking pretty slick though honestly sliding down using the steering wheel like this was one of the most fun experiences so far I took the shortcut so it was kind of short-lived but we'll definitely have to come back here to race the big penguin hello it'sa me your uber driver so I grabbed the baby penguin brought her to her mama and dropped her aw okay Cooper the quick was fine and all but now it's time for a real race let's get it [Music] oh that was a lot of fun if you have the means I definitely recommend trying this out for yourself then a few well-timed wall jumps later another star number 19 is ours now although we have way more than the eight stars required to head up to the first Bowser stage let's first head back into the courtyard and pay a visit to big boos haunts so I forgot to shoulder check and accidentally ran over a few boos on the main floor the merry-go-round in the basement and the large boo on the balcony for three more stars someone's gonna have some explaining to do to the Mushroom Kingdom insurance company now with 22 stars in hand time to finally open the first star door and jump down into the first Bowser stage honestly the climb up to the pipe wasn't all too bad but what I'm more worried about is how I'm gonna throw Bowser using this wheel just as I figured spinning Bowser around sucked broccoli bro my brain just could not process the order of inputs I had to do to properly spin Bowser with his steering wheel I was able to gain a little bit of speed but it was surely not enough for a big throw that will be needed later down the line in this challenge and this definitely was not easy by any means this can be a problem for future me though so for now let's just bait Bowser closer to the edge of the stage and get a quick and dirty throw into a bomb but man just like that Bowser 1 is done and we have our first key with it in hand it's time to head on down to the basement where we can catch MIPS for another easy start I always dreamed of driving in an area with copious amounts of lava as well as inside of a volcano so let's see if lethal lava land can fulfill my wishes the eight red coins here were super simple as usual and surprisingly I was able to dispatch the big bully pretty easily and even though jumping up to the star was pretty goofy somehow I got it on my first try I usually skip this star given the chance but I was feeling like some extra pain in this challenge so I tried running on the log here even getting to the area took several tries and it certainly wasn't an enjoyable experience but hey at least I can check getting the red-hot log rolling star and lethal lava line using a Mario steering wheel right off my bucket list I wanted to get at least one star in the volcano here so I jumped on in made my way up to the top made my way up to the top four star number 27 next I think it's time for some land of the shifting sand variety popping klepto to get the star out of his clutches was pretty easy as was jump kicking up the side of the pyramid what wasn't nearly as easy was climbing up to the top of the inside of the pyramid I fell several times which was pretty frustrating but after a few more attempts I was somehow able to steer my way up to the star at the top I didn't really feel like climbing up to the top again for the pyramid puzzle start collecting the eight red coins or climbing all four pillars to go fight I rock so let's just move on it's time again to jump down into the goopy black tar rabbit hole into hazy maze cave clipping down to Dory in the cave wasn't all too bad but unfortunately I didn't land right on the middle hill and man let me tell you trying to use Dory to get up there was not easy okay let's peek let's be calm there we go finally the watch over rolling rock star is definitely doable just had to swerve left and right really quickly for the wall jumps and then I wanted to visit the hazy maze part of this cave at least once in this challenge so I quickly grabbed the star for navigating it as well then after grabbing a nice little star present from this schmuck I thought hey you know what let's go stomp on Dory some more and unlock the other caps so after airing out some frustration on discount Lapras here I unlocked the metal cap grab the red coin star there and then subsequently drained the water in the castle moat and went to unlock the vanish cap as well oh boy time for dire dire docks great another water course swimming was just as annoying as before but fortunately getting a bored Bowser sub wasn't all that bad what was pretty bad though was trying to swim through the manta rays rings not a good time you know I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to try and get this star since there were so many easier ones I could have done but I guess I just had to commit to getting it at this point 1 2 3 4 5 let's go then after doing some more water ring stuff and jumping into the jet stream with metal Mario first r38 time for our second Bowser stage with the power of Nathaniel bandies massive twitch gift subs bomb on my side I was able to pretty easily get through the fire sea stage well minus the last part which was kind of tough but yeah super quick super shameless plug if you want to catch me play through these challenges live be sure to follow me over on Twitch there's a link for you down in the description if you're interested hope to see you there anyway is now time for the second Bowser kerfuffle I was certainly not excited to try and throw Bowser again that's for sure thankfully there was another solution now before my chat let me know during this run I never knew this but apparently you can just hold the control stick in one direction mash a C button in the opposite direction and this will get Mario to start spinning Bowser without having to rotate the control stick it is a very slow build-up to get to a decent speed but hey it certainly beats the alternative to try and throw Bowser like I had to before and just like that bing-bang wahoo Down Goes Bowser too with the second key in Mario's possession time to finally unlock the upper section of the castle since it was the first painting I saw I decided to first hop into wet-dry world shocking airlift star was super easy as always with the warp getting to the top of the town required some precise movements but nothing I couldn't handle express elevator was fine as was grabbing the star in the cage in the hidden town guess your boys getting the hang of this steering wheel thing after swiping another freebie star from another toad snowman's land is next and for whatever reason I decided to get most of the stars here I guess they were all just super easy and hey the more I get now the less time I have to spend in rainbow ride so yeah ice block star chill bully the star in the box Red Coins it star and blasting up to the top of snow lad gets us a cool six stars in the bank now time to once again scale tall tall mountain some parts here were fine and I felt like I was cruising but other parts demanded focus and I had to make sure my inputs were precise so I wouldn't fall surprisingly I didn't fall even once so I was able to get to the top of the mountain for the one star there and although I usually do a slides gift to get to the slide star since I had so much fun with a cool cool mountain slide I wanted to give this one a go too it was definitely more challenging since it required more precise movement and somehow I clipped through the slide which was most unfortunate but eventually I clear the slide for yet another star since climbing the mountain took so long each time I only wanted to get one more star near the top the one behind the waterfall and then lastly for this course I hopped off the fly guy here to gently float down to the Lone Star on the mushroom and next up one of my favorite courses in this game a tiny huge island I quickly clipped all the Piranha Plants touched all five secret spots and turned the wiggler into roadkill for another three stars but after getting the star near the top of the mountain it was finally time for our rematch with Koopa the quick this race was far more difficult than the first one and though I got close and even beat him a few times I was a big dumb and fell off the stage shortly after eventually though after countless attempts and safety reloads I ran past the windy bridge and used Koopa the quick to actually push me forward a bit to barely beat him this time without dying after hell yeah after going through that punishment I felt like I deserved some easy quick and dirty stars if you will so after unlocking the next star door I grabbed the final freebie star from the toad up there swiped MIPS for the second time and grabbed both stars from princess's secret slide which for some reason I forgot about up until this point I even decided to try the slide skip there yeah big flecks and before going on to the final two courses after getting all those easy star I thought it was a fantastic idea to go right back to painful ones and try the wing Mario over the rainbow bonus course big mistake I hate getting all eight red coins for the star normally and doing so with this steering wheel made grabbing them infinitely worse it took quite a while but thankfully it was yet another star down next tick tock clock you guys know the drill for this one just climbing up higher and higher incrementally for each start with my controller setup I wasn't able to move the camera as much as I'd like so climbing up had its hiccups but regardless I was able to grab four more stars with ease uh all right guess we got to ride the magic carpet a few times in rainbow ride as you'd expect by now some of the more precise platforming sections required more care and attention but I was able to nab this start here and after some pretty slick movement I surprisingly got the tricky triangle star first try for star number 69 nice and now that we've hit this monumental star counts as usual it's time to once again try to execute a backwards long jump or blj up the endless stairs that's what I'm missing okay here we go hang on to your seats get some addition itial d music pumpin hey we did it again there we go nothing can stop us no blj is too great pretty sad and with that I got another blj attempt under my belt then one more magic carpet trip up to the airship and star 70 is ours and with it we can finally head on to the final Bowser's stage thankfully the default camera angle here is how I usually play through this course so playing through it wasn't all too bad at all a skip and a jump a jog through some wind and a jump into this pipe and now it's finally time for the final Bowser fights thankfully the sea bun technique I used for Bowser too was super helpful here as well throw one check to not bad and now the stage breaks apart and it's time to see if we can throw Bowser far enough with this technique to beat the game took like five years to build up enough speed but here we go and yes Bowser go boom the Jumbo star is ours and I'm happy to say that yes if you're crazy enough to try it this game is absolutely beatable using a pro deluxe Mario Kart 8 steering wheel another W for the books as usual with these challenges for the most part this wasn't the most enjoyable way to play through Super Mario 64 but there were segments like these slides that were awesome unfortunately no wacky ending cutscene this time as the game plays out and you and I both wonder what unconventional controller will be on the chopping block next time but anyways guys that will wrap up this challenge video and I hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to like the video down below as it really helps me out a lot and also let me know what other controller setups you'd like to see me take on next time or what other games you'd like to see me beats with the steering wheel also if you enjoyed this be sure to check out some of my other challenge videos by clicking on the card right here swing by my other social media things which are all linked below and if you want to support the channel check out my merch over at tetra bit gaming com or consider becoming the latest member of the bit Club and get some extra channel perks click on the big join button below for more information anyways guys thank you all for tuning in and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 210,628
Rating: 4.9329233 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 Challenge, Mario 64, Super Mario 64 with a Racing Wheel, Super Mario 64 Steering Wheel, Mario Challenge, Challenge, Super Mario 64 Wheel Only, Beating Super Mario 64, Mario 64 challenge, TetraBitGaming Super Mario 64, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common Tag, Lost Bits, SM64, TetraBit Mario 64, Super Mario, Nintendo, Mario Kart, Mario Kart Racing Wheel Pro Deluxe, Is it Possible to beat, NicoBBQ, Nathaniel Bandy, TetraBitGaming Challenges, Gaming, Mario
Id: DtCis9N71zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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