Mario Party 3 LOST BITS | Unused Content & Debug Modes [TetraBitGaming]

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thanks to LastPass for sponsoring a portion of this video [Music] hey guys and welcome back to another lost bits video right here on tetra bay gaming the series where we explore the unused scrapped and unseen content in video games following the success of the first two mario party games 2001 saw the release of Mario Party 3 now although it may be one of the weakest selling mario party games I'd be pretty confident in saying that it is my favorites in the series sporting new characters boards mechanics and 70 all-new minigames this entry is a banger before we get started a big THANK YOU to LastPass for sponsoring a portion of this video ever feel like you have too many passwords to remember well with the power of LastPass you no longer have to remember all of them so you can stop getting locked out of your accounts and let LastPass do all the remembering for you LastPass allows you to easily keep track of your passwords so you don't have to write them down or keep resetting your password every time you forget it and I don't know about you guys but I used to do that a lot you can also allow LastPass to autofill your credentials even on mobile sites and iOS and Android apps making it super easy to log in LastPass also offers unlimited password storage and will sync them across as many devices as you need and if you're worried about security or your passwords being compromised no need as LastPass protects your data at every step best of all these features are free with other options available if you want some more features like advanced multi-factor authentication so if you're interested in leveling up your password game check out the link below to find out more thanks again to LastPass for sponsoring that portion now on to the rest of the video anyways with all of that out of the way go rabid iceblock it's time to find some lost vids kicking things off we have a slew of unused graphics models and sounds oh and by the way if I sound a bit extra nasally in this video I'm a little bit sick so I please forgive me anyways if you've watched my previous lost bits videos on Mario Party 1 & 2 you'll recognize a few of these which makes sense since numerous things were copied from games game first up is the unused jingle that's been left unused ever since Mario Party 1 why does it keep coming back your guess is as good as mine but maybe it's just such a short jingle that it's useful for a quickly testing audio with it I don't know next up is a hidden character icon this strongly suggests that some characters were meant to be unlocked in the game probably the series newcomers and we're however in the final game every character comes unlocked right off the bat so obviously this idea to use these was scrapped but by using the following game shark code in a North American version of the game that doesn't have a save file yet the game will skip right to the character selection screen and we can see remnants of the game having us unlock the characters surprisingly even the back of the box for the game states you can even unlock new characters in the one player challenge so I guess maybe having them unlocked right away was a last-minute design decision speaking of dayz and waluigi they each also have an early portrait graphic both are a bit different than the one seen in the final release there's also leftover early textures for waluigi ii which for the most part look fairly similar aside from his overalls originally being much brighter next we got some scrapped story mode ratings for a d e and f rank in the final release the lowest rating you can get is a c i guess either they didn't want to have to differentiate that many ranks or they just didn't want the player to feel bad for getting anything lower than a seed next up we got an early stubbier version of this toad card as well as this unused koopa transition screen graphic which is it used since koopa never hosts any minigames or anything like that in this game another unused thing that has also been seen leftover in previous games is the now printing image and surprise surprise it makes a comeback here as well once again its purpose is to act as a placeholder for the minigame icon image this graphic can be load it into the game by using the following game chart code which forces the game to load chance time as a regular minigame this of course never normally occurs now onto some graphics that remain unused in this game that were used in previous Mario Party games from Mario Party 2 we have this Italian flag and backdrop from the language selection screen this data corruption screen this Bullet Bill and vs. graphic that pops up before the minigame Roulettes and an updated graphic for the picker item which was also unused in Mario Party 2 then from Mario Party one left over are the graphics for 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th place these block graphics from the Bowser's magma Melton board an early version of the star block also from that board as well as graphics for the mushrooms laughs poison mushroom block perhaps these blocks were once planned to return in this game too but it's probably more likely they just forgot to delete them when copying over stuff from mario party 1 then as far as unused models go the model from the test map we saw in the mario party 1 lost bits is left over although it's currently unknown if it can be accessed in the same way it's a pretty cool test map so if you haven't yet seen me explore it in that video I highly recommend you check it out these blocks sporting values from 0.5 to 3.0 which are also found in that same test room in Mario Party 1 also have their models and textures left over here then untextured there's this completely unused slide and stairs combo which looks kind of cool really I wonder what it could have been used for and then there are these weird hexagonal and octagonal prism objects that have also been sticking around since the first Mario Party these were probably just very early platforms to test collision or something moving along we got some more things scrapped that have been scrapped of four twice first is of course the no game feature if this is your first time hearing about it by using the following game shark code in a standard party game this mode can be enabled and just like the name suggests no mini games will be played between turns it also reveals the yellow characters heads up display background which is otherwise never seen unlike the previous games though where the game would end after the set amount of turns in this game the game just keeps going on forever and unfortunately the no game graphic no longer appears in this game this mode was likely either used by developers to quickly test the board functionality without being bogged down by the minigames or who knows maybe it might have been an actual planned mode for players to play a party game without minigames either way regardless of what its intention was it was left hid it away from the average player next is a message that pops up from the millenium star if a player already has the maximum 99 start limit he says hmm I'm very sorry but you can't carry any more stars similar messages also exist in Mario Party 1 & 2 and just like those although not technically unused I suppose I don't think it's likely at all that someone could amass 99 stars without cheating within 50 turns either way at least we know there's a star limit just like its predecessors Mario Party 3 also has a ton of really cool debugging content at least I think it's really cool I don't know what it is but debugging stuff like this leftover in games always fascinates me anyways first is a debug pause menu that can be accessed during a mini game by using this game shark code in the middle of the pause screen several new options appear we got canceled reset lights info must and s east Kancil just backs out of the menu reset will instantly end the minigame in a draw light allows you to play around with the lighting and fog in the current game by using the see buttons info will toggle a memory usage meter mus STP which is obviously short for music stop does just that and finally SE STP which sounds for sound effects top obviously disables all the sound effects overall a pretty nifty little debug menu the same memory usage meter from that menu can also be loaded elsewhere in the game if you're into that sort of thing similarly you can also enable the TV safe zone frame this basically showed the developers where user interface elements could be placed on screen so they could be visible on most TVs next there is also a save data debugging menu which can be accessed by using this gameshark code and holding the Z button during a screen transition just like the name implies this menu lets you play around with the current save file here you can unlock all the minigames unlock waluigi and dayz which just supports what we discussed earlier change story mode progress which character you're using the difficulty level and you can also instantly unlock the waluigi island and backtrack boards not a bad little menu if you're lazy like me and just want to unlock everything right away now I'm not sure if this is unused or not but by unlocking all the minigames I think I sequence broke the game and when entering the minigame room toad will first say that you've unlocked all the secret mini-games and then he'll tell you about how to unlock the minigames the kicker is that after telling you how to unlock the minigames he'll say hon it looks like all the mini games have been unlocked excuse me I was mistaken please play whatever game you want I guess this message would appear if you didn't enter the mini game room even once before unlocking all of the minigames again it's another one of those not unused things but probably seen by very few but I thought I'd give it a quick mention we had a lot of fun with Mario Party twos character animation test so I'm pleased to see it make a return in Mario Party 3 again it's pretty simple you can just swap between all the different character their animations and then move rotate and zoom in or out of the model as you please you can also swap between the lower and higher poly models of each character which is always interesting to see while Luigi honestly doesn't look that bad even in low poly form but then we have unfortunately I wasn't able to recreate the absolute monstrosity I saw in Mario Party 2 but ah there we go this game still has a few weird models like this kicking around nice what you doin Wario I think all these slick moves call for another dance-off [Music] this time around Mario Party 3 also has a message check mode as the name implies here you can basically view all the text messages seen in the game interestingly boo is used as the placeholder icon for the text boxes that other characters normally use admittedly not as interesting as the character animation test but still cool to see nonetheless furthermore although only peach appears in the North American and European versions of the game in the Japanese version peach will be joined by the rest of the original crew including another copy of herself additionally only in this version will all of the games screen transition animations play out as soon as you enter this mode it's kind of a weird thing to scrap from the other versions and saving the best debug menu for last we got this main one again this one is visually the same as the ones for both Mario Party 1 and 2 right down to the missing question mark DK silhouette image using this game shark code in the North American version 1 of to debug menus can be accessed by holding L or R respectively during a scene transition they are mostly the same only one will have different names for some of the minigames will remove all the missing entries and also contain the text check I mentioned earlier these menus basically let you test any mini game with any configuration of characters we also see the minigames in Japanese transliterations like keno P o Koopa tone decay koopa hammer and who could forget gogo mokuba with this menu you can also load right into several different duel maps test any of the game guy minigames chance time and also test loading the minigame explanation screen overall a pretty slick little debug menu to test things and get around to different minigames quickly I can definitely see why this was useful for the developers and last up for this video I tried once again to move the camera around to see anything noteworthy that's normally unseen to us but as we saw in both mario parties 1 & 2 the game boards and most minigames just used 2d graphics for the background with some objects overlaid I couldn't even see any of the spaces during a party game anyway that's all to say there's really not anything unseen in these instances though it is fun to flip stuff around for areas that do use more 3d objects sometimes there's pretty cool stuff to see you like the outside of peaches castle when loaded inside but for the most part the areas are just super small with nothing really out of view or the background just trips out like it did in this main menu toy box area though I was able to see these two trees here which are normally unseen during this segment of the intro cutscene honestly the most interesting thing was to zoom out of the game setup area and see the background color of stars reset every once in a while in a continuous loop it's so rad that even the Millennium Star lost his face for some reason anyways guys that's all for this Mario Party 3 lost bits video and I hope you enjoyed it as always if you did be sure to slap a like down below and subscribe for more lost bits in the future and if you want to catch up on some more lost bits you can check them out by clicking on the card right here check out my other social media things which are all linked below to stay even more up to date and if you want to support the channel check out my snazzy merch over at tetra big gaming com or consider becoming the latest tetra bit channel member click on the join button below for more info anyways guys thanks so much for tuning in and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 171,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Party 3, Super Mario, Mario Party Lost Bits, Mario Party 3 Lost Bits, TetraBitGaming, Lost Bits, Mario Lost Bits, Mario Party 3 Debug Menu, Mario Party 3 Unused Content, lastpass, lastpass login, password, password generator, lastpass chrome, lastpass download, lastpass premium, random password generator, generate password, password manager, recover, lastpas, laspass, lastpass premium features, delete account mobogram,, how secure is my password, last password
Id: 9OWGrstEmDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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