Beating Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen How Nintendo Intended

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we've played a lot of pokemon games on this channel beating them how nintendo intended following various different pokemon guides from multiple different publishers some of them are more straightforward than others some are hilarious and we started this with pokemon fire red and leaf green with the official prima strategy guide that i got when the game first came out now i didn't expect that video to blow up the way it didn't have as many follow-up videos as it did but one comment i saw a lot on the original beating pokemon how nintendo intended video was that i didn't technically beat it how nintendo intended since it wasn't the official nintendo power guide so i did the only logical thing waited about a year and a half scoured the internet for a copy of the official nintendo power guide for fire edit and leaf green overpay for a copy that wasn't ripped to shreds and since the original video was just titled beating pokemon how nintendo intended it today we're going to be beating pokemon fire red and leaf green how nintendo intended it so let's take a look at this guide and hammer away first if you're new here here's the generic subscribe plug in those analytics too and secondly in this series we follow the strategy guides trying to follow them as closely as possible to see how effective they are in guiding you through the game while also trying to ignore my prior knowledge on this game as much as possible the guide opens up with a full map of kanso and the sevi islands making it look a lot smaller than it actually feels like when you're playing the game it says when you first brave certain routes in cities you'll proceed in a linear fashion but eventually all of the kanto and sevi islands will open up for your full free exploration it then shows us how to use the control since pokemon fire right and leaf green pack in so much epic gameplay you'll want to know the controls like the back of your hand we learned about the key trainers here that we'll meet in the kanta region from the western kanto countryside to the eastern shores along the way you'll encounter friends foes and formidable pokemon trainers it says mostly what you'd expect from these various trainers like for team rocket it mentions how they're a criminal organization that will most likely run into although we'll definitely run into them since you can't beat this game without encountering them at least a couple of times then for the gym leaders it says the final gym leader that you'll fight in viridian city is a mystery his identity is veiled in a secrecy however this picture of the ominous man standing slightly farther away than the other gym leaders with a somewhat visible r on his shirt much like those team rocket members right next to him have makes it seem like he might be up to something the next few pages cover the basics like battling including this type advantage chart we should milk for every possible advantage and the difference between smacking a foe with a physical attack or lashing a defender with a special attack it then goes on to say berries provide a surprising zing and if you're wondering yes the berry page is still intact towards the back of this guide and it even shows examples of some good teams with diverse types than a bad team with common type showing the importance of attack type diversity it also calls running dashing in this early part of the guide which is interesting then shows us how to catch a pokemon it says although oak tells us to catch em all you may prefer to only catch those that will help you blast through battles with major style and maximum glory it goes very in depth with quite a variety of things from the basics to trading with pokemon coliseum and xd even version exclusives making your way to milo tech which i think is supposed to be a pun and not a typo and it even talks about pokemon box a huge solution pokemon box is basically pokemon bank but in 2004 but with a gamecube game that could only be purchased through the pokemon center making it one of the rarest gamecube games to date pokemon box is even shown on the back cover of the guide saying gotta store them all and how it's a vital tool although you don't really need it to beat the game or anything so i guess it isn't a vital tool there's also this excerpt saying think you know the cantor region think again it's packing more surprises more pokemon more territory and more technology than before and nintendo's official pokemon fire red and pokemon leaf green players guide reveals every single secret under the kanto sun don't leave pallet town without it the marketing on the back of this guide is rather aggressive but that sums up the 32 page intro in this book with all that out of the way let's load up a brand new save file on pokemon leaf green and hammer away at it exactly as nintendo intended starting off i pick leaf and name ourselves c so the thumbnail can stand out a bit more from the original video and of course name arrival nintendo or rather just ninten since it didn't fit with the o the guide says to spend a little time getting to know the neighbors of pallet town before we leave although there's only one other house in this whole town so we don't exactly have many neighbors we leave so soon then choose wisely among the three starter options after professor oak smacks down his hot-headed grandson the guy doesn't really explain these starter choices much but i did notice that many of the screenshots prior to this page feature charmander or charizard so i just pick charmander dispatch our rival pick up the free potion on route 1 collect oak's parcel return it to oak to get the pokedex and pay a visit to gary's sister to get the town map the guy then details viridian city explains the pokemon center and says shop smart shop pokemart this old timer then teaches us how to catch a pokemon and that pretty much sums it up for the tutorial part of this game that might be hard to believe if you're more accustomed to newer pokemon games which have a lot longer tutorials and the next task we have to do is battle our arrival on route 22. it says to catch a manky here since it will also help us for the first gym and for the actual rival fight it says catching pikachu on route 2 can help but route 2 doesn't even have pikachu on it so they must have met the viridian forest i just used charmander to win this battle then head into viridian force and catch ourselves a pikachu since the guide said it will give you a big advantage against the first couple of gyms the first gym has two ground type pokemon so i don't really know about that but after rustling through the forest we finally make it to pewter city the home of the first rec center here we can increase our cultural awareness by visiting these scholarly types see the museum in the name of science and fight for our freedom by fighting brock so we can leave the city the guide says how if you selected charmander like we did you might have some trouble with this fight however if you catch a wild monkey on route 22 it will prove very useful against brock it was very useful indeed taking out both of his pokemon to give us our first gym badge in our kanto journey the guide also details things we can do later on in the game on the sections where you first visit the town meaning we'll have to do a lot of flipping back and forth later on but i noticed this section telling us about getting the old amber from the museum called backdoor bargains and i can't help but to think that the guide writer must have thought they were so slick putting that in now that we have our dashing shoes we can battle the eager trainers on route 3 and sees some bad deals as a shady traveling businessman wants to sell us a magikarp for 500 pokey dollars the guide says it isn't worth it since we can find them so commonly later on so i don't buy it although as you guys might know i always like to buy the magikarps when i can in this game then in mount moon the guide says how we can find geodudes here which are good against the trainers here so i catch one and name it rock and use it for most of the cave it also says to do whatever it takes to snag a clefairy so i catch one too then meet the infamous fossil guy after defeating him the guide actually asks us which fossil to pick and shows what each fossil turns into and says to pick the one that bets fist your team even though you can't purify it for quite a while so i picked the helix fossil because it turns to a watertight pokemon and we don't have any watertight pokemon at the moment we could have if we got the magikarp but that's besides the point when we exit mount moon we reach route 4 where we deliver the goods by learning mega kick and mega punch i guess the goods we're delivering are our strong punches and kicks but as we continue along we arrive in cerulean city cerulean city is home to a pokemon gym and it's also the launching point for all of those who wish to visit the pokemaniac known as bill spend some time learning about berries help foil a robbery and check out the insane prices on wheeled transportation it's all in a day's work for an up-and-coming pokemon trainer the first thing the guide wants to do here is battle our rival nintendo don't be rattled by the sudden appearance of an abra the psychic type will try to use teleport for the first few turns i'm pretty sure his abra only knows teleport at this point in the game but we follow the guide anyway to use our pikachu on his pidgey our high defense geodude and his rattata then back into pikachu on his squirtle for the victory the guide has us do things in a strange order in cerulean and it wants us to punish the thief now then it shows the misti fight but it also says to travel up north before the misty fight to meet bill so i just go up north many trainers test our might along the way as we fight through the 6 didn't realize the nugget bridge was in toronto and make it to thrill bill here we find an odd creature which is just bill and after helping him out we get some cruise ship tickets and can now prepare to fight misty in her water type gym the guide recommends electric types for this so i mainly use pikachu although this battle was harder than i thought it would be for a pikachu i end up losing the first and second time because her starmie is just really strong takes hits really well and has water poles which can confuse you one thing i noticed is that the guy didn't mention any of the hidden berries you can get throughout the game and if you don't know there's actually a berry you can get next to the pokemon center before mount moon and that's the person berry which helps cure confusion which is great for the gym against misty and i always get it when i play through the game myself but since the guy didn't say to get it we don't have it we eventually shock misty and get our second rec center identification though the guide also does detail the barry powder traitor man here someone who i always forget is in this game and he is a very obsessed man who gives you a berry powder jar if you have any berries but since again the guide made no mention of berries in this game and getting berries in this game is a lot harder than it was in say ruby and sapphire we don't have any berries so we can't get the berry powder jar said i just continue south into vermilion city the city that boasts a gym and a man who will give us a fishing rod first we seek and destroy by getting the vs seeker in the pokemon center get the fishing rod yakityak with the pokemon fan club guy to get the bike voucher have a far-fetched idea by trading for a far-fetched for a very common sphero as this is the only way to get a far-fetched in this game then board the ssn here we meet our french-speaking rival for a third time as he unleashes four powerful pokemon he goes down in two shakes of a lamb's tail so we go upstairs see the captain make the cut by getting the hm for cut then go to fight lieutenant serge his pokemon are a fierce bunch so we use our ground type geodude as the guide suggests and avoid water and flying types as they would be decimated by lieutenant surge now i do think it is good that the guides suggest that we catch a geodude to mount moon because it is very helpful for this bright moment as well but i think it would be nice if the guy had recommended that you also go to diglett cave first and perhaps catch a diglett as it's very conveniently placed close to the gym and has pokemon that type trump the gym leader but for some reason no guides about kanto mention that anyway after a few magnitudes from our trusty rock we defeat surge and get our third gym badge from here we can do the neato shuffle by swapping our nito's with another in-game nidoran trade go through the diglett's cave and get the flash hm then return to cerulean city to get the bike and make our way towards the rock tunnel later on around this area we can catch a big one being zapdos in the nearby power plant after we get surf but for now we shed some light on the subject by using flash in this dark cave so we can actually see as going through this cave without flash is rather painful we teach graveler rockslide from this move tutor in the cave i didn't even know was here and make it to the township of lavender home of the scariest skyscraper around but we can't get to the top of the tower just yet we can still do the raffle battle around here though and use our electric type moves against his shockingly electric weak team to defeat him with haste after that we trek on over the next route and fight a bunch of trainers and i'm now just noticing how for the underground tunnels in this game which are just a straight line the guide has an a to mark the entrance of them and a b to mark the exit in case you get lost we then arrive in the biggest berg in kanto celadon city home of the world's largest department store not sure if that still holds up like eight generations later but there's a ton to do here like get t for one from this nice lady then share it with three random security guards so he could press the game later on get a coin case from a man down on his luck in the restaurant and learn nothing from his story as we then proceed to gamble a bit ourselves and use the pretty printer pictures to print our team on the back of the trainer card i always liked this feature as a kid when i first played through the game and if you're curious about the team that we have so far there it is there's some other small tasks here but for now we have to go through the back door of course and get ourselves an eevee the back of this guy then has a full pokedex showing more about each pokemon and how to evolve eevee as well so we might do that later on with all the fun in celadon city out of the way we can take on erika now celadon city's grass type gym leader her main strategy is to hit us with status conditions like sleep paralyze and poison so we bring along some full heals and use our fire type starter pokemon to hammer away her grass type pokemon and get our next gym badge this bustling city is also hiding one of team rocket's secret hideouts beneath the game corner most of the team rocket grunts here use normal and poison type pokemon almost exclusively and luckily we have three of the four recommended types since charmeleon just evolved into charizard when we deliver the goods and see giovanni the guide still doesn't outline his team and only seems to do so with rival fights and gyms some guys even outline every single trainer you see in the wild on random routes and stuff and some like this just don't outline that many but it does say giovanni specializes in ground and ground and rock pokemon the first time i read that it seemed a bit awkward and it seemed like they just wrote ground twice but they just mean ground type pokemon then pokemon who are ground type and rock type at the same time graveler which is a rock and ground type at the same time and primate match ups so nicely for giovanni's team allowing us to get the silk scope from him so we can return to lavender town and climb the tower it makes mention of hunter so i did catch a gastly here too and use it on the team since i've really just been using this graveler charizard pikachu and prime ape and could really use some more team members to flesh out our roster here in the tower the shadow nose kind of ominous as we reveal the shadow marowak and defeat it then save mr fuji and can now make it to saffron city since we can just give the guard some tea here we have the psychic friend network where we get the psychic tm from mr psychic that we can teach to our new haunter we can go ringside with charizard in the fighting dojo and get a hitmonchan then go into the silf building in battle what felt like a hundred team rocket grunts or should i say snorts eventually the guide says you deserve a break today thanks guide you too and so do you the viewer alluding to the conveniently placed beds we can use to rest up then there's rival battle number five and our rival starter reach its ultimate evolution being a blastoise and the rest of his team is still mostly weak to electric it does tell us it alakazam with strong physical moves like it normally does but this time it specifies not to use fighting moves since fighting is weak to psychic after laying waste to our arrival we get lapras in the final lap then he's blasting off again as we meet giovanni and battle him with ground type attacks for a nice little anime reference and after defeating him the grateful prez we saved gives us the master ball to catch any pokemon we want and from here the guide is a little bit unclear i know that we are technically supposed to go to fuchsia city now and battle koga so we can level up a bit since koga is technically the fifth gym leader although his pokemon are most of the same level as sabrina and then after that we come back to saffron to fight sabrina but the flow of the guide made it seem like we should battle sabrina first since we're already here too and i feel like a lot of people easily made this mistake since the gym border in this game is a bit wonky so i head into sabrina's gym where her three psychic types are weak to dark ghost and bug type strikes then her venomoth has several weaknesses and more likely to have a pokemon with psychic to take care of the venom off as well as our charizard which just destroys it her gym went by a lot easier than i thought since sabrina tends to be rather difficult especially since our levels were a bit lower than i wanted them to but haunter got most of the kos here sort of like what ash did in the anime to give us our sixth gym badge or should i say fifth gym badge since we only have five now with the pokey flute we can now head over to the cycling road but first we have to deal with a pain in the snorlax the guide says how it's a major rarity in kanto since there's only two you can catch so i catch one and add it to the team over primate this juggernaut is definitely worth the trouble fuchsia city is a place of great opportunity you can beat down koga the local gym leader to get the soul badge before that though we hook better gear by getting a good rod then slip out the back door again to catch ourselves a golden with our new rod we get the gift of the golden gab by finding the wardens lost golden teeth and sink our teeth into great fines by also funding the surface chin which is great for our newly acquired lapras before we can fight the gym leader koga though i evolve pikachu then bring in an armload of antidotes for koga's poison type foes he and his gym minion sling poison conditions left and right psychic type moves devastate koga's team fast so i use haunter to take care of most of them and don't get fooled by his levitating poison types that are immune to ground types this gives us our fifth or should i say sixth gym badge and the next thing the guide says to do is take a break and go to the power plant now that we have access to surf we zap into zapdos power and catch zapdos although i don't add it to the team since i already have raichu which is also electric type and i'd rather just use the team we have right now the guide from here highlights other optional things you can do like catching articuno and shortly after exploring the sevi islands but since they're all optional i'll just skip them for now and maybe make a part two follow-up video to this one with the post game and the extra elements if we hit say 4269 likes after that we surf on over to cinebar island which may be small and quiet but is also plagued by odd going ons a large building called the pokemon mansion has fallen into disrepair and rumors of genetically altered pokemon are circulating through the populace sounds a bit like stranger things but first it's alive alluding to the fossil revival lab in this town tig talk which you should follow me on by the way link in the description alluding to the metronome move tutor here and of course the gym we need to open by finding the key in the bottom of the mansion no idea how the gym key got all the way over here but this allows us to fight blaine and his four high-level pokemon pack a wallop but he has a significant weakness surf will decimate his team so we use lapras and bring along some burn heels to win this battle now we have to return to viridian city for one final gym battle against giovanni and his fierce team of pokemon that all share the ground typing the guy who recommends pokemon we've been using already for this gym like a strong water type with surf which we have in lapras a ghost and poison type which we have in haunter i think it's the only ghost and poison type line in this game and it even mentions how this ghost and poison type should have levitate so i don't know why they didn't just strictly name hunter or gengar or even ghastly giovanni goes down in two shakes of a lamb's tail and you again sheesh we have our final rival battle and he has a well-balanced team as usual the guide says pretty much exactly what it is said for the rival fight for the whole game with his alakazam being a toughy although it wasn't that bad we balder dash and go under to get through the victory road and make it to the final destination of our journey the indigo plateau we have five more battles before we can claim the title of the world's best pokemon trainer while we're getting ready to rumble the guide recommends to level up stock up on items and fix our team around a bit it shows some suggested pokemon and of the five categories it suggests we have three of those categories covered and so far i think we did a pretty good job of using pokemon that fit exactly what the guide recommended i don't think there was a point at all in this guide where the guide suggested a specific type or pokemon or move that we didn't have first up is lorelei with the recommended move types of electric grass and rock even though she has all water types for the most part so lorelai uses dual type pokemon all but one share the ice type slowbro her water and psychic type also knows the powerful ice beam attack fire type attacks won't get a bonus when used against a water and ice type so try attacking dugong cloister and lapras with electric or grass type attacks which we do with our raichu a tough fighting type with like moves can come in handy against them as well rock type moves will do extra damage to lorelei's entire team except for her slow bro but don't have a rock type use the move it will be destroyed by her water type attacks if you're having trouble bring out a pokemon that knows toxic and tried to outlast your foe that one wasn't too bad then next up we have elite for bruno bruno's pokemon look tough but they have a couple of glaring weaknesses that you can exploit onyx is doubly vulnerable to grass and water type moves a water type pokemon that knows surf can usually coyote in one turn which we have in lapras his three fighting type pokemon will fall before psychic type attacks especially if they are delivered by a psychic type pokemon if you don't have good psychotype attacks try flying tight moves remember that ghost type pokemon are immune to fighting type attacks which will give you an edge if you have a high level slowbro that knows surf and psychic you can probably win this battle using it alone although i end up mainly using haunter for this one i also taught it giga drain because he has two pokemon that are doubly weak to grass poor agatha she's convinced that her poison type pokemon are the best but one go around with a strong psychic type will set her straight if you bring a psychic type pokemon that knows psychic you should be able to get through the battle without a scratch even if your pokemon is a few levels lower than her team use a psychic type with high speed otherwise the ghost and poison types could get the drop on you with super effective ghost type moves if you don't have a good psychic type tracing out a poison type of your own which i guess we do with our own haunter at the very least it will nullify their constant attempts to inflict the poison status condition and then finally fourth up we have elite for lance lance will provide your first taste of dragon type pokemon a rare type that has very few weaknesses ice dip attacks are your best bet for taking them down especially if they're fired by an ice type pokemon and we have a lapras with ice beams so this was pretty nice dragon type attacks will also be effective if you happen to know any if ice type moves are in short supply you can try to outlast the dragon types by sending in a pokemon with a great special defense rating and using a very powerful attack such as hyper beam psychic or double edge use an electric type move to handle gyarados and water or electric moves on aerodactyl lance uses the outrage move a lot so be prepared we were pretty prepared with a lapras so it's come to this your final battle is against your rival who has stalked you from day one use electrotype attacks to blast pidgeot from the sky the electric type moves will also work wonders against gyarados and blastoise water type attacks will drown ryhorn and arcanine and fire tip attacks will fry exeggutor and venusaur your rival usually saves alexander for last so make sure that one of your pokemon has enough hp left to take it on if you have a ghost and poison type like the guide's favorite try to put alakazam to sleep before you bring it out that way you can get off a shot or two before the psychic type responds with a psychic type attack unless your pokemon are extremely high level you'll probably need a lot of revives lemonades and max potions a full revive or two wouldn't hurt either not sure where to get those full revives though if pokemon fall in battle don't revive them until you have a good tight matchup that way your in-battle pokemon won't be destroyed when you spend a turn reviving between lapras raichu and charizard a little bit we take down our rival and with that we beat pokemon fire red and leaf green how nintendo power intended it thanks to this nintendo power guide with all the clues that we can use overall this was a lot of fun as generation 1 and kanto in general hold a lot of nostalgia for me as for the guide itself it really wasn't bad but was a bit confusing with some flipping back and forth and the placement of some of the gyms were a bit off i do have to say that the prima guide was better since it was just straight up a lot funnier and although it had its fair share of errors and didn't make sense in some spots too and was also just missing half of the sevi islands it made for a more fun experience which i think is what it's all about the back of this guide is jam-packed with extra info too which is nice though and overall if you're a kid playing through this game for the first time and you saw this guide on the shelf while you were checking out and you picked it up it probably would have helped you a lot although i feel like most of us barely use these guys when we got them as kids and just like reading them and looking at the pictures or cutting out the berry pages for no reason that's part of why i like these guides so much there's just a lot you can do with them aside from just playing through the game with them with all that out of the way though that wraps up our kanto journey for now so thanks for watching have a good rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: PaPaSea
Views: 325,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon firered and leafgreen, nintendo intended, pokemon videos, papasea, pokemon, beating pokemon how nintendo intended it, pokemon challenge, beating pokemon, pokemon gameplay, pokemon fire red, pokemon challenges, pokemon gold and silver, pokemon guide, pokemon fire red guide, prima pokemon, nintendo power
Id: qeZtVd4V1aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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