Beating Minecraft Hardcore, But I Start In The END

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the end Islands Baron lands floating over an endless void the last place you go in a game after beating it to loot and pillage and today we are going to randomly spawn in in hopes of surviving looting and beating the game all while in Hardcore Minecraft also make sure to like And subscribe if you want to help me out and enjoy the video and here we are end only Hardcore Minecraft this will probably be one of the hardest challenges I've had yet this is like my eighth restart completely random seeds completely random starts but I don't think you can craft anything no you can't craft anything out of Co fruit maybe the flowers if I can get some without looking at an Enderman well I guess I'll just grab a ton of food for now I don't know what else to do and we need to find an inip so inip loot has a chance of having a pickaxe I think that's what's nice about Coors fruit so in ship loot should have a chance of having a pickaxe I'm not sure how I'm going to get over there though looks like there's a pretty big gap maybe if I just punch an Enderman to death I can throw an ender pearl not too sure how that's going to work cuz endermen do Insane amount of damage in hardcore mode but I think since Endermen are three blocks tall if I just like burrow into the side of something here maybe I can punch them without them hitting me so let me just punch this in stone with my fist all right now I think if I punch an Enderman yeah see I can just sit here and keep punching this Enderman and hopefully he'll drop me a pearl hey we actually got a pearl since I took a while to mine this hole I think we should probably get a few more let me see all right now let's see the shortest distance we could hopefully ender pearl across yeah this Island's cut off right there too I'm thinking we can make this ender pearl honestly yeah we can definitely make this ender pearl okay maybe not okay we made it but at what cost there's a chance of teleporting me up right that's not just going to come right back down is it okay let me run away from the edge before I eat again we have made it over that wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be now how to get to the treasure rooms I'm pretty sure these have treasure these two three four and then the boat so I don't really want to alert the okay this is what we're doing now I want to collect these in rods cuz I think I can ender pearl up there but the issue with Ender pearling oh no the issue with Ender pearling up there is that I need to then clutch wait if I get slow falling and then I ender pearl like right there I think I can land on the Roof oh gosh he's right on my tail all right I think if you're two blocks high and Enderman can't hit you or I might just have to run into this building cuz oh no the doorways three blocks tall I seem to be in a bit of a situation ah okay he's floating he's floating he's floating let me I'm floating I'm floating I'm floating let me get up let me get up let me get up okay where did he go let me get some more end rods while I'm here all right well I think since I'm up here I'm going to go ahead and see if I can please don't give me fall damage okay that could have gone a lot worse ow I was trying to neate negate fall damage I really hope I can reach the chests from here I I cannot afford to eat so they should be in this corner back here I think uh that was the Enderman that was mad at me I think oh no they're right there hang on here big brain plays well we have a pick which is really all we need cuz now we can get blocks thankfully oh my gosh I was really really worried really prefer if it was in Breaking three but you know you can only be so picky I guess now I need to try to get to the next couple treasure rooms and then the boat I don't I just don't know what would be the most efficient use of my blocks I need to eat though so if I teleport back down to the ground hey that that actually helped me out quite a bit cuz I can go to that chest now okay one more fruit and just don't TP me anywhere stupid all right making good progress making good progress you see I think if I break this one I can drop down again negate some fall damage I'm just going to try to avoid shulkers and that angry Enderman wherever he is I really need to make it over to that one but can I eat without do okay it's not the worst and not the best ah okay if I just sit here and no more pellets hit me I'll be okay I'll be okay what are they are they just bouncing around in there okay now I wouldn't mind going to the ground I am very worried that there's still an angry Enderman although I don't think Enderman stop being angry at you do they all right we got a protection three chest plate protection 4 helmet we do have a pickaxe and we have one Pearl this is actually shaping up quite nice I was really hoping some of those chests had better loot but it's okay cuz I think we can grab enough blocks to go to the end ship and if that's the case then there's decent loot there I really need to get some wood cuz not having half slabs is going to be tough can't I just go through an end Gateway won't that take me back to the end Island think but I haven't spawned one in yet because I haven't defeated the dragon maybe it'll spawn one anyways and 64 I'm really not sure where that aggro Enderman went unless he's like in there or tpd up there somewhere and he just hasn't sensed me yet so I think it's time that we try to loot that last one I'm hoping if I throw a pearl kind of like lob it up there as far as I can with the slow falling effect I'll have enough time to clutch there we go really hoping to have none hit me considering once I get up there I can't eat all right this is not going according to plan why is there so many okay we're going to reset again and eat and get some more ender pearls cuz this is ridiculous all right time to punch more Enderman for ender pearls I guess now I think I've got enough ender pearls to [Music] retry all right let's see what loot we got in here this sky is the limit of course ooh Diamond chest plate o more diamonds I was really hoping for a sword in one of those but you know we'll make do with what we can oh okay well the Enderman just left and now I can loot this protection IV and breaking three mending curse of Vanishing and curse of B whoa [Music] oh all right easy easy does it I think that's this whole thing looted let me grab some more IND rods cuz I can use them as blocks all right I'm out why are you still coming after me I've did nothing to you and now I think we just need to find an End Gateway or another end City cuz I I would really really prefer a sword and and another pickaxe instead of all these shovels but you know I'll take what I can get I'm just trying to find islands close enough I can ender pearl to them I really don't want to waste my blocks but I also don't want to waste my ender pearls that much wait wait wait I just came from over here I need to try to go that way cuz the end Island's at 0 0 so I got that okay I almost did not have that ender pearl just endless [Music] nothingness been wandering around forever and there's nothing does that yeah it's an end Gateway H now the question is is will it put me back through it even though one hasn't spawned at the end island or h and there's another treasure room if I loot this and get some decent stuff I might try to go through the end Gateway and hopefully it does not take me out let's see about raiding this first see if we can't get an actual weapon and by raiding it I mean just pearling to those two treasure rooms and stealing the loot and then leaving without upsetting anybody so I guess it's time to loot this now and uh I'm just going to go out on a limb and say the best way to do it is just to use blocks I know it's a crazy idea but yeah I'm not messing with all those shulkers chest should be this side I think then that'll have chests and that should have chests I'm hoping we really need another pickaxe here oh they're on that side good thing I checked let's go Unbreaking three as well that's exactly what we needed choire hardware smel and ironing yes yes that's that's exactly what happened just there just now efficiency 3 ain't the best but mending and Unbreaking three yeah I can just Farm Enderman if I need to that right there was probably best case scenario all right now there might be a chest in this one oh I should have my wings on H wrong way sorry Enderman or Shuler or whatever you are oh wait all right all right all right all right I thought there would be treasure up there but there might be treasure over here let me see if I can just load up high enough while I'm up here and there we go hello there oh my gosh I'm going let all those go away that was ridiculous that's too much okay oh there's [Music] more and all went according to plan and that had no good loot I don't think there's no more loot I could get in here let me just check this room one more time there was none in there I didn't see none up there either oh [Music] okay oh well that's nice I earned an advancement now where was that end Gateway at thought it was somewhere over here maybe not though I guess I can defeat him with a pickaxe or her the Ender Dragon there we go now I should be able to just do this and then pop right in I'm going to mine some more blocks and get a little bit more food before I go and I should probably Farm a couple more ender PE so I guess I'll just beat them to death with a shovel this is so much faster than punching it with my [Music] hand and then we're just going to mine a few more blocks I don't we have two stacks maybe we'll get like one or so more Stacks this is fun all right now if everything goes according to plan uh I think I can just go back to here right oh I guess it just teleports you to the end pad I mean that's smart now since I have the elytra I think if I just go to the tallest tower I think it's that one I can fly to like all these towers those or anyways I just got to not get wrecked by this Dragon no no no no no no no okay we're off to a rough start already off to a very rough start indeed and these things give no saturation I'm going to put my chest plate on I got to heal before I go up there cuz if I go up I'm I'm not going to be able to heal it'll teleport me to the ground all right I think that's good enough now all right now we can put on oh no that one's taller I actually need to bridge over to this one all right we got two of the towers I don't remember how many Towers there are but there can't be that many right I think that just saved me from the dragon knocking me into the air no don't hit me okay yeah I guess I'll just fly down to this one then don't hit me okay yep all right putting the chest plate back on all right I'm going to stay over here and heal a little bit I don't know where the dragon went no no no no no no no no no leave me alone but circling above me what are you doing I need better saturation all right I only got these three towers left let's see uh okay it's perching it's safe to bridge up ah no don't you don't you [Music] dare all right only one more look at how many Enderman are chasing him or oh I can't eat uh last pillar though so this is all went along pretty swimmingly if I say so myself well not really but you know what it's okay cuz it's over now or about to be and now I'm just going to beat him to death with whatever does the most damage I guess the shovel does more than the pickaxe 5.5 huh come on Mr Dragon Land down here now the shovel actually does quite a bit of damage that's funny and the pickaxe takes more attack speed with less damage that's a little bit silly a free ender pearl oh another free ender pearl it's about to perch whenever the Enderman do this but see they're three blocks stall so bye-bye Enderman I'm really hoping one more perch and punch and I freed the end give me that beautiful XP listen ah I just love the sounds and of course we can't forget to take the Dragon's egg and I think that's it uh now time to end the game how you start the game look I was going to say punch a tree but there's no trees all right we'll F I see trees trees located oh we have sticks now oh I've never been so thankful for sticks in my life ah no go away you come on ah we have beat the game this is all it took right here it was a piece of wood a lot of time and a couple of retries from fresh seeds but you know what it's okay we've defeated the Ender Dragon we've beat the game I hope you enjoyed this was this was definitely the hardest challenge I've ever done up to date and I have an arrow through my neck Life Is Good Life Is Good
Channel: TurtleNation
Views: 163,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, turtle nation, TurtleNation, end only world minecraft, end only minecraft, starting in the end minecraft
Id: diJeZaNff8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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