Bears and wolves, O My!

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I happen to live in some of the most beautiful country in this part of the world I do everything that I do in this beautiful area of Wyoming I've seen more wildlife earlier in my years before things changed many years ago when the grizzly bear was put on the endangered species list this was an orchestrated situation brought on pretty much entirely by Yellowstone National Park Rangers shooting hundreds of Grizzlies bringing the numbers down considerably which brought the list which brought listing of this bears endangered previous there was no engagement to this bear had a lot of bear over these last forty some years there's been an awful lot of bear Grizzlies that had been born and have populated this part of the country and there's probably for the biggest the biggest misinformation handed out here from every entity about the numbers of grizzly bears they talk about these these numbers I've seen documented information I've read documented information on studies of the bear I live right here in grizzly country this is this is grizzly habitat right where our home is they don't cause any trouble around here at least they haven't but the fact of the matter is we've got somewhere between four and five times as many Grizzlies is what they want to say that we have and the reason that I say this is because there were studies that were that have been done been documented and various publications one of them being National Geographic studies done in various parts of the area here Montana Idaho Wyoming numbers of bears and he came up with numbers from these studies that's about four to five times larger about four to five times larger than what we're being told that we have and these things come out and then they told they almost always toned down these numbers somebody tones down these numbers we're going to come up with these numbers let's be honest with each other let's quit lying deceiving everybody and in this aspect of this grizzly when they were delisted this was about the taking of 18 million acres of our federal grounds basically to control and keep people off of our federal grounds in short socialistic management of people and we got along reasonably well with this grizzly situation until the past fifteen years the numbers have just exploded so and these bear have wandered into areas that you know they shouldn't be in right in and around our homes all times all times of the year when they're out of when they're out of their winter dens and that's the other aspect bears used to spend about six months in their den but it's pretty rare for them to be in there more than about two and a half or three months in this part of the country anymore because there's so many of these bear and there's not enough food to go around and when their system tells them that they need to wake up and go out and you know cruise the country and try to find something to eat they're out but anyway my focus here my purpose is to show you what's happening this is a serious serious situation that Vera was delisted then been put back on the list there's no logical reason they have to be hunted these animals have to be hunted and we have to have we have to have a season without having our hands tied without telling us exactly where we got to be what we've got to do and everything else to be able to hunt these bear and I love to see I love to see these animals just like I love to see anything else but there's a point there's a point when something has to be done and something must be done to do with this and we have we have an area here that encompasses a tremendous amount of country where they've determined acceptable grizzly bear habitat it goes right at right out into the cities right into the cities here one thing another this is not where these animals belong they don't belong there at all and these things are done purposely or socialistic control of people then wolves come into the picture wolves were brought into this country illegally well they'll legally appropriated funds there was never money ever appropriated by Congress for an introduction of non-native invasive species that's never been here the Canadian gray wolf it never was here it's not a reintroduction what's we've been fed it's an introduction of something that's never been here Wyoming for instance has laws on the books against you know invasive species this is the the largest most invasive species of anywhere in the of any animal in the world they carry some fifty some hot diseases and these wolves this is where things really went wrong this is all tied into socialistic control I watched our moose being just gobbled up in this part of the country we had some of the most fantastic cyrus moose living in this part of the country particular drainages that were 15 miles long that had 30 some-odd moose on those drainages lucky to have one moose at some point in time in the year on that drainage these moose have been just absolutely decimated and when it comes right down to it this was endorsed this this wolf introduction was endorsed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department they sent they sent Game and Fish employee along with some environmentalists north to Canada to bring these wolves in here elderly illegally and they're supposed to been held in holding pens and inoculated for diseases basically a quarantine and whatnot this was never done this was this is a completely illegal introduction of wolves now I ask anybody how do you make a legal president out of an illegal introduction of a non-native invasive species it's not possible but why these people twist anything in the in the world around over over time since these wolves came here our hunting opportunities have demanded diminish tremendously there are historic areas were where our elk lived or elk lived year round our elk wintered in a lot of instances these elk have moved completely and I mean completely hot on these locales where they've wintered for you know hundreds of years is the fact of the matter I understand the migration routes of these animals I hunted all this country I know this country very very very well I know exactly what's happened and everything's being ignored there's something that has been put in place then in the areas where wildlife are elk moose deer sheep you know herds are being preyed upon considerably there's something in place in lawmen law that allows these wolves to be taken out not once not once has any wolf been taken out because it's been preying on our wildlife here and Wyoming well what does that tell you and what does that tell me it tells me that this thing is being done purposely to take away our freedoms and this is tight this is tied into every aspect of our freedoms one of the most basic of our freedoms is our private property rights these bear our on the private property and they get into trouble and one thing another and sometimes something's done by the game department sometimes it isn't it shouldn't be going on in the first place and any bear that wanders onto your private property I firmly believe that you have a right to take care of the problem yourself and this is this is this is where things really start to start to stand out here and this shows you that it's about the taking of our private property this shows you that it's about the taking of our freedoms it's the taking away of our hunting enjoying what we have paid into as conservation minded people buying hunting licenses for our entire lifetimes we've paid into these systems these game departments are using my dollars and your dollars to take away what you have paid in - are now are paying into year after year for your whole lifetimes they're taking it away and they're absolutely wrong absolutely wrong doing what they're doing we have built this there wasn't a money tree that was that was growing here when the game and fish started how do you think it started it started by selling licenses to individuals and they're using this money these monies to take things away just like they used our Pittman Robertson's funds money to illlegally use that to introduce wolves into this part of the country so I don't see in my and my view from what I can observe that there's a worse threat till hunting to what we enjoy than our game departments and most specifically the Wyoming Game and Fish Department they absolutely do not care they don't give a damn about you the only thing they're interested in is their lifelong job their paycheck and their retirement and the perks that go with it they don't understand they set in office was removed from these areas this valley that I live in has right in the neighborhood of 50 wolves in there in the valley we have a quota to be able to take six wolves out well that doesn't make any kind of a dent in the wolf plan police and there's way more than that born every year it's real obvious to me that this is being done purposely to take away our hunting I have I have documented information on the numbers of permits that have been taken away that have been reduced year after year when they when the game department and people started seeing these things happened the first thing they do instead of taking care taking care of the the real cause is to take away the hunting opportunities from you and I they need to they need to control these these large carnivorous predators that eat every day of their lives to live they have to eat to live and they're being fed are animals that we should be enjoying whether it's whether we're a sightseer and we don't hunt and we photograph or we're a hunter or whatever aspect that it is it's being taken away from everybody and it isn't just the game department was tied into this the Interior Department the Forest Service is tied into this they're part of the socialistic scheme they're part of the socialistic scheme to control people I know for an absolute fact by things that I've observed and things that I've experienced as soon as hunting season opens and we go into the mountains and we've got our our vehicles our trucks and our horse trailers parked it its strategic locations trailhead then the country starts being you know kind of over one with these with these with these bureaucrats that think that they have to keep an eye on us the whole damn time when I go to the mountains I go to the mountains to enjoy myself and my freedoms I don't go to the mountains to run into these people to have to be harassed and bothered by these people if I want to see them I'll I'll stop in to the end of the office and see them when I'm when I'm in the area and this is this is further proof I've seen them I've experienced it myself asking me who's here who's there well it isn't my job it isn't my job to keep track of people I keep tracking myself but at the same time it's become very Enfocus everything that's going on and every time that there's kind of a Shorty's a game and one thing another it's always taking away these licenses and there's there's a there's a point of no return they don't when they take these things away they don't bring them back when freedom is gone when freedom is gone it's gone it's not going to come back it's not going to come back with this with this continued socialistic approach and this is going on clear across the United States and every locale I visit with people on the phone about these aspects it doesn't make a difference well it's in Georgia Georgia or Florida or mean or Wyoming it doesn't make any difference where it is we've got we've got these socialist controlling things and if there was management if there was management it would stand out but there is no management this isn't management of Wildlife this is the control of people and the gradual take away our freedoms and it's tied in to gun control just as well as anything else because basically if we don't have anything to hunt they're narrow-minded idea is that we don't need don't need a gun oh I see you've got a gun with you a game warden says well it isn't any of his damn business that I have a firearm it's my Constitution too right he's carried he's carrying one but these people think that they that there's there's two sets of laws there's not two sets of laws we have a constitution and the Constitution applies to them and applies to me equally we don't have two different situations going on here you see but these people they keep usurping power that they don't have and they keep destroying these freedoms and it's up to you it's up to I it's up to everybody else to make a stand to voice what's going on we know what's going on everybody knows what's going on clear across the country we've got areas people that I visit with thinking about having seasons for coyotes seasons for quiet coyotes well but it what a bunch of nonsense a coyote is the vermin that it is and it needs to be hunted 24 hours a day 365 days a year just like the wolf the wolf is nothing more than an overgrown coyote that has got an aptitude appetite about three times larger than a coyote and they hunt and hunt in packs and they've taken out hundreds of thousands of our wildlife since they've been here and they continue to well yeah now you can see so their answer is well we need to take away your hunting permits but they totally ignore they totally ignore this this this heavy predation and this isn't acceptable there's a lot of aspects here there's a lot of a lot of angles that need to be approached things that need to be attended to you need to have a voice you know we we have a situation here in Wyoming our game department has overseen by our governor well our governor is part of it of course he's part of it if the game and fish does it ought to be this is ought to be that here rubber stamps everything we've got a Game Commission here in Wyoming made up of a number of people and these people you know they do exactly what the game department wants it's all it's all just a bunch of phoning us and it's gonna continue to be these people that are on the Commission they're not individuals like myself that see what in the world's going on here because all those people that are in there are just the perfect models for what the game department wants and they're appointed they're appointed to the appointed to the Commission you see selected well they're the wrong people just like this the wrong people you know driving the force from from Cheyenne here in the game Department well there it's the director of The Game and Fish Department whether it's the head game warden whoever it is they're wrong they're flat damn wrong you can't continually take away these things it's just like having a savings account and you start out with a half a million dollars in your savings account and now you're down to 50 bucks you know this is what it works at this is about exactly where it's at right now one of the best ways for me to describe it to do with our elk and deer hunting opportunities here and every year we have public meetings and people can come and you know basically participate in these public meetings all these public meetings are as socially as socialistic controlled meetings for the game Department to get exactly what they want you don't have you can't stand up for 15 minutes and talk and try to explain to these people anything they've taken away our first from our First Amendment speech rights by the very methods of how they use things but by the way that they use you use use things and the way that they control these meetings 70 people show up at the meeting they divide that that into ten groups of seven and they sit around the table and they cuss and discuss things and write down a few ideas and what they think to be done and statisticians to figure these things out the likelihood is that irregardless that whatever these people come up with it's gonna be exactly what the game department wants in the first place so they make you think that you're participating in game management hogwash this is this is socialistic mind-bending socialistic mind-bending to get exactly what they want and everybody better set up and take notice and across the entire and entire country this is what we've got happening and I've compared to many situations from too many little Cal's Clerk across the United States to know or not know what's happening I know exactly what's happening and the purpose is they just can't stand it that we're out there but they sure love the paycheck they sure love the money that we provide for them but they use that money and just knock us right in the head with it that's exactly what they're doing and how long do you think these freedoms are going to last with this going on all the time they can't last our games nearly all gone they've got it exactly where that they were that they wanted and we have we have situations we have situations where a large amount of elk for instance of migrated into lowland farmer ranch country and now the ranchers and the farmers are dictating what happens to the wildlife we've got people charging huge trespass fees on their property to come in and kill that elk well this is nothing but pimping for wildlife it's an illegal outfitting operation is what it is and why should these people benefit benefit off of that game and dictate the game Department's created this entire situation the game departments tied in with all these landowners the Game Commission is tied in with all the situation and the whole thing is just nothing but a great big price nest and the whole aspect of it is wrong it's not headed down the right path so folks you better get involved and you better have a voice use and see that it makes a difference you
Channel: The Real Gunsmith
Views: 37,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bears, grizzly bears, wolves, canadian grey wolves, hunting, bear hunting, wolf hunting, wyoming game and fish, us fish and wildlife, wyoming, game management, long range hunting, randy selby, the real gunsmith
Id: AuF7qYxfQGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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