Beanie Knit Flat | Step-By-Step Knitting Tutorial | Free Pattern| Knitting House Square

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[Music] hello everyone this is madeline from knittinghouseware and today i am back with another knitting tutorial so this one probably was one of my most requested videos in the comments of my last hat knit flat video so i'll put a picture of that one up on the screen so in that video i showed you how to knit a ribbed beanie flat right so we knit it flat and then we seamed it up in that video i got quite a few questions about how to knit just a plain beanie right so this one just has the bottom ribbing then kind of like that flat what's called stockinette portion decreases and then bind off at the top so what i've done in today's video is i've created this hat and again it is knit flat so there's my seam so what's great about this is that you don't need to know how to knit in the round you don't even need to have circular knitted needles to work this project and i show you each one of those steps along the way so at the bottom we're going to start by casting on then we're going to work a portion of ribbing then we're just going to work the center portion of the hat work our decreases and then i'm going to show you how to finish off at the top and create this hidden seam right so my seam really is pretty hidden that's it right there you can really only see it on the inside of the hat then i added some pom pom just as a bit of fun there so down in the description box below you're going to find the full written version of the pattern and this pattern is available in four sizes so in just a second i'll show you some of the samples demonstrating a few of the sizes then you're also going to find links to all the materials i used to create my project and you're going to find each one of the video breakpoints that way if you want to fast forward or rewind any specific part of the video you can find all the different time points down below there will also be a chapter bar along the bottom of the video telling you exactly where to go for each segment if you have any comments or questions please feel free to leave them in the comments down below and if you're new to my channel don't forget to hit that red subscribe button that way you stay up to date on all my future videos let's get started now before we begin i just wanted to show you a few of the sizes available and how to read the pattern for each size so first up starting with the smallest one so this one is the newborn size on here so it's just this really precious little tiny hat i think it's really quite adorable next up there is a toddler size i don't have a sample of that one so let's skip to the next one so next up is the adult small or kind of like the teen size this is the size i wear it fits a head circumference between 20 inches and 21 inches so i do get asked quite often how to measure what size hat you need i find the easiest way is to just use a piece of string wrap it around where like the hat ribbing would sit and then just lay it flat and measure that piece of string so that's the way i do it so this is the size i wear this is the teen or adult small and then we also have one larger size here which is the adult medium and this pattern is really nice because if you wanted to you can scale it up above this by just adding on an additional 10 stitches now in the pattern the way the different sizes are identified is noted just below the table so whenever there's a series of numbers the first number is going to be the newborn size next up in parentheses is going to be the toddler size brackets is the adult small and then the curly brackets is the adult medium so if for instance down here at the cast on i'm knitting the adult small size so i always find it's easiest to just go through the pattern first and highlight all the numbers i need so for the adult small i'm looking for the number in brackets so i'm going to cast on 82 stitches then as i go through the rest of the pattern i'm just going to continue following each set of the numbers in the brackets now the last thing i wanted to mention is how you can modify this pattern to be different sizes so let's say you wanted to go one size larger and make an adult large so to do this i would just add on an additional 10 stitches so you can see the stitch counts in between each one is by 10 so i would cast on let's say 102 stitches then the only parts of the pattern you're going to have to modify is going to be where we set up the decreases so when you set up the decreases you just want to have an additional two stitches in between each set of stitch markers so i hope that helps to clarify all the different sizes and again throughout this tutorial i'm going to be knitting this adult small size so that's what all my numbers are going to correspond to [Music] the materials you need for this project include a us6 and a us7 knitting needle and for this project you can use either circular knitting needles or straight knitting needles since they are knit flat i prefer to use circular knitting needles so that's what i'll be using here six stitch markers and the ones i've shown there are pre-made stitch markers if you don't have any stitch markers already you can always just use a little piece of yarn that you tie in a loop a pair of scissors and a tapestry needle all the supplies i have here will be linked down below this video so this is the yarn i'll be using for the project so it's dyes cast which is hand dyed here in philly it's called squish worsted and per skin you get 218 yards or 100 grams and this is the wintergreen colorway so i just loved this colorway it just reminded me of like winter and snow so it's a white base with gray and then speckles of like a tealish blue and i just think it is so pretty so i was very excited to pick this up i'll have dye's cast linked both at my local yarn shop which is loop and then also the dyes cast website link down below if you're curious about it now the first thing i need to do for this project is cast on so the cast on method i'm going to be showing you today is a really quick and easy cast-on method to use that's called the backward loop cast on now if you're looking for a more advanced cast on technique check out some of my other videos that i'll have linked up above where i show either the long tail cast on or the german twisted cast on so for the backward loop cast on what i have in front of me is first my smaller set of knitting needles so my us6 and then my yarn and what i'm going to start by doing is creating a slip knot in my yarn so when i create a slip knot for this cast on method i don't need too long of what's called a yarn tail so i just need about eight to ten inches unwound and then i'm gonna take my left hand and i'm gonna lay it behind the yarn so i essentially have what's called my tail closest to me and my ball of yarn further away from me now i'm going to grab onto this tail with the bottom three fingers of my left hand next up i'm going to be grabbing onto my working yarn behind my finger i'm going to take this working yarn down below my finger towards myself up the front then back behind down the bottom again towards myself up to the front back behind down to the bottom now i'm going to grab onto this other strand with my bottom three fingers as well so i always like to angle my hand now a little bit more so it's kind of like pointed at a 45 degree angle here almost and now to create the slipknot what i'm going to do is i'm going to rearrange these top two loops on my finger so first i'm going to take the second loop and i'm going to move it up closer to the tip of my finger so it becomes the new first loop now i'm going to take that new second loop and again i'm going to pull that one up towards the tip of my finger so that one becomes the new first loop then i'm going to take that second loop in here again and now i'm going to grab it pull it off of my finger until a knot forms so that is my slip knot now i want to take either one of my knitting needle points and i want to have the point going over towards the left and i'm just going to slide it right on to that piece of yarn pull on my yarn tail to secure it on so now my yarn is on my knitting needle and that counts as my first stitch now the way i like to hold my knitting heel now is i'm going to grab onto my knitting needle kind of like the base of it with my right hand and then i'm going to hold that first stitch in place with the pointer finger of my right hand i also like to take the tail and hold that one in my right hand as well just so i don't accidentally start casting on with that tail so now the way the backward loop cast on is going to work is i'm going to lay my left hand behind that working strand of yarn and again i'm going to grab onto it with my bottom three fingers now i'm going to take my pointer finger i'm going to go underneath the strand towards myself up the front then go back behind that strand down to the bottom again towards myself up to the top now it's essentially like i have like one and a half loops around my finger now so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my right knitting needle point i'm going to go underneath that loop along my finger slide that loop off of my finger and onto the knitting needle and then i just tug on it gently to secure it in place so you want it to be loose enough to where they can slide along the knitting needle and not so tight to where you can't barely move them at all now again i'm going to put my hand behind that strand i just removed my hand so i have to reset it up again i'm going to put my hand behind that strand my left hand grab onto it with my bottom three fingers take my pointer finger underneath towards myself up to the top back behind down to the bottom towards myself up to the top again now here i'm going to slide that loop off my finger onto the knitting needle and this time i'm not going to let go of that strand what i can do instead is i'm just going to take my pointer finger again go back behind down to the bottom up the front towards myself slide it off my finger onto the knitting needle so now i can just keep on wrapping my finger around the yarn and sliding the yarn right onto my knitting needle so it becomes very easy to do this a little bit quicker [Music] and now if i ever accidentally drop that strand all i have to do is again just set it up again so i'm getting my left hand behind the strand grab onto with my bottom three fingers go underneath the strand first towards myself up the front back behind down to the bottom towards myself up to the front then again just begin sliding those loops off my finger onto the knitting needle and depending on the size you're knitting you need to cast on a different number of stitches so all the number of stitch counts you'll need will be in the pattern down below for the size i'm knitting i'm going to cast on 82 stitches and now when you go along your knitting needle and you count your stitches that first slip knot does count as one stitch so i'm going to keep on going along and cast on my number of stitches so now i just finished casting on the number of stitches for the size i'm knitting so what i want to do now is i want to take the knitting needle point that i just finished casting on all those stitches to and point it towards the right then i'm going to grab onto my other knitting needle with my right hand so when i look at my knitting needles now i have my knitting needle with my stitches on it being held in my left hand and that's exactly where the working yarn is coming out of and then i have my knitting needle with no stitches on it over here in my right hand so these first few rows we're going to be working the ribbing pattern so the ribbing pattern is where we're going to alternate between knit one and purl one so as a quick refresher how the knit stitches work first is i'm going to take my right knitting needle into the base of the next stitch on my left knitting needle i'm going to go into the front base of it starting at the left going over towards the right then i'm going to take my yarn come up in between the two knitting needles then pull it nice and snug take my right knitting needle point and pull that loop through the stitch on my left knitting needle now i'm going to slide that stitch off my left knitting needle now for a purl stitch i need my work to be in the front so i'm going to take my working yarn in between my two stitches to the front of my work and now i'm going to take my right knitting needle point into the base of the next stitch on my left knitting needle and i'm going to go into that stitch going from right to left right into the front base of it now i'm going to wrap my working yarn up to the back in between the two knitting needles then down to the front now i'm going to push that loop through the stitch on my left knitting needle and slide the stitch off my left knitting needle now next up again i would have a knit stitch so for the knit stitch i need my working yarn to be in the back so i'm going to take my working yarn in between my two knitting needles to the back now again for the knit stitch i'm going to go into the base of the next stitch on my left knitting needle going to the front base of it going from the left to the right wrap my yarn around so go back behind up in between the two knitting needles pull it nice and snug then pull the loop through slide the stitch off my left knitting needle next up i would have a pearl yarn in between to the front first go into the base of the next stitch going from the right to the left wrap up back behind first then down into the front push that loop through slide the stitch off my left knitting needle so that is knit one purl one knit one purl one and i'm going to keep on alternating between those two stitches all the way across this row and you want to make sure before you do any knit stitch you're going to bring your working yarn to the back work a knit stitch then for the purl stitch you want to bring your working yarn to the front purl the next stitch bring your yarn to the back knit the next stitch and just keep on going all the way across working yarn to the front purl one and you'll know if you have the right number of stitches and that the pattern's correct if you finish this row with a purl stitch sometimes you got to slide your stitches all the way up to the knitting needle point too so they don't become too stretched out so now i just finished going all the way across that first row and i did just finish with a purl stitch so i can tell it's a purl stitch because there's a little bump in front any stitches that i just purled should have those little bumps and then the stitches that i just knit will be the flatter ones so if i point with this instead this flat one right here that would be a knit stitch this bump right next to it that'll be a purl stitch knit purl pump knit purl bump so it's a good way to read your knitting now what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn my work so again i want my knitting needle with my stitches on it point it over towards the right i'm going to hold on to that knitting needle with my left hand and i'm going to take my free knitting needle that doesn't have any stitches on it over here in my right hand now again as i go across this row i'm gonna work that exact same repeat so i'm gonna work knit one purl one all the way across so the first stitch there knit stitch yarn to the front purl one and again i'm going to continue going all the way across this row knitting and purling each stitch and as you're going you want to check to make sure everything's lining up correctly so when you're about to knit a stitch you want to make sure that right below it is flat right so right below that doesn't have the bump so that tells me i'm in the right place for a knit stitch now next up this next stitch on my left knitting needle right has the bump in front so i want to make sure i'm lining up my purl stitch right on top of it so that is a great way to make sure all your knitting is going to line up if you're ever in a situation where you're knitting right on top of a purl bump that means somewhere it got offset in the previous section so you need to go back and figure out where the mistake is so now i just finished going across that second row and now again i'm just going to turn my work so now the knitting needle with my stitches on it is pointed over towards the right my free knitting needle's over here in my right hand now we want to continue working that ribbing row over and over again until it reaches the length specified in the pattern so for my size that's one and a half inches so i'm going to measure from the bottom of the cast on up to the base of the knitting needle and when that's one and a half inches i'll come back and show you in the next step so now i've completed that initial inch and a half of the ribbing so what i need to do next is i need to increase my knitting needle size the way i'm going to do this is first i'm going to take my knitting needle with my working on it or with my work on it right and still point it over towards the right right as if i was about to start knitting into it but rather than grabbing my other smaller knitting needle what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take my other set of knitting needles and just grab either one of the points so now when i look at my work i essentially have right my smaller knitting needle over here in my left hand and then my larger knitting needle size over here in my right hand that i'm actually going to begin knitting with so for this row i'm just going to knit every single stitch and it doesn't actually matter which side of your work you just finished for that inch and a half in rooming because that those first rows are completely identical on either side of the work so i'm going to take my larger knitting needle size and i'm going to go right into that first stitch as if to knit and then just keep on knitting all the way across this row [Music] so now when i finish going all the way across this row i'm going to end up with no stitches left on my smaller knitting needle size so now i'm just going to move this one off to the side i don't need that knitting needle anymore and now all my stitches are on my larger knitting needle size so i just knit across that first row in the center portion of the hat so when i turn my work to begin my next row again grabbing onto my other larger knitting needle here i'm going to purl across the whole back so essentially what we're gonna be doing for this whole center portion is knit one row then turn our work and purl one row turn our work knit one all the way across turn your work purl all the way across and you just keep on going back and forth between knitting a row purling a row now i want to continue working those two rows over and over again until the center portion of my hat measures four inches so for me i have one and a half inches of ribbing and then i want four inches of that knit one row then purl the next row after that so my total blank should be right around five and a half inches before the next step [Music] now i finished working that center portion of my hat and i'm ready to begin the decreases so for this decreased setup row i want to make sure i have my stitch markers ready again here you can either use some of the pre-made stitch markers i'll have some of these linked down below i've metal ones and plastic ones here or if you don't already own stitch markers you can also just take some pieces of yarn tied into a little loop and that works perfectly as well when we begin these decreases we want to make sure we're about to work across one of our knitting rows so i just finished going across purling each stitch then i turn my work and now i kind of have like the outside of my hat facing out right this whole flat knit portion so this is the side we're going to work all of our decreases on so first for my decrease set up row it says knit one stitch then place a stitch marker so i'm just going to take one of my stitch markers and place it right onto my right knitting needle now there's a set of little stars and in between those two stars it tells me my repeat that i'm going to continue working all the way across so the repeat for my size is knit 14 working knit two together then place a stitch marker so first i'm going to knit 14. [Music] and now next up i need to do a knit two together so what a knit two together is is it's a knitting decrease we're going to turn the next two stitches on our left knitting needle into just one stitch so the way it works is instead of just putting your knitting needle into one stitch as if to knit you want to put it into the base of the next two stitches on your left knitting needle as if to knit so i'm going to take my right knitting needle point and go into the base of the next two starting over here on the left hand side going over towards the right so my knitting needle is going through both of those stitches wrap my yarn around as i would for a knit stitch and then pull through slide both of those stitches off my left knitting needle so i turn those two stitches into just one so to show it one more time again i'm going to take my right knitting needle point into the base of the next two going from left to right wrap my yarn around pull through and that's a knit two together so now i'm gonna place a stitch marker and again i'm gonna work that same repeat again so i'm gonna knit 14 knit two together so first let me knit 14. and now again just to show knit two together one more time my right knee needle point into the base of the next two stitches wrap my yarn around pull through place a stitch marker and i'm gonna keep on repeating that knit 14 knit two together place a stitch marker all the way across until you'll end up with one stitch remaining so i'm going to place my last stitch marker and then knit the final stitch now i've gone all the way across that first decrease rail placed all my stitch markers so i'm going to turn my work and on the opposite side of my work i'm going to purl all the way across so anytime i get to one of these stitch markers let me purl the first stitch first then any time i get to one of these stitch markers i'm just going to pass it for my left to my right knitting needle then keep on purling next stitch marker pass it keep on going all the way across now that i finished purling across i'm going to turn my work now i'm ready for the two decrease repeat rows so first when i'm on the knit side of my work the repeat i'm going to work is knit the first stitch past the stitch marker then i'm going to knit until two stitches before my next stitch marker knit two together past the stitch marker knit until two stitches before my next stitch marker knit two together past the stitch marker keep on repeating that in between each set then knit the final stitch then i'm going to turn my work and i'm going to purl all the way across the back side and then again i would just work that same knit up until two stitches before working knit two together all the way across over and over again until i have the number of stitches in between each one of these center stitch markers that's specified in the pattern now for the size i'm knitting i'm going to continue working those two repeat rows over and over again until i have a total of seven stitches remaining in between each set of my stitch markers then i'll come back and i'll show you the final step where we basically cast off the remaining stitches and then seam down the edge so now on this final decrease row what we're going to be doing is we're first going to be removing our stitch markers as we move along and then within each set of stitch markers we're going to be working multiple knit two togethers so first let me just knit this first stitch i'm still going to knit my first and last stitch i'm going to take off a stitch marker so i have an odd number of stitches before my next stitch marker so in this case i'm gonna knit the first stitch then work knit two together each set of two stitches until my next stitch marker so i'm gonna do knit two together knit two together knit two together take off my next stitch marker then repeat that again so i'm gonna knit the first stitch then continue working knit two togethers all the way across until the next stitch marker and so if you're knitting one of the sizes that has an even number of stitches in between in that case you're just going to work the knit two togethers all the way across except again the first stitch of the row and the last stitch of the row [Music] and knit that final stitch okay so now i have the number of stitches that i need for my final kind of like a cast off here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to break my yarn and i do like to leave i always like to leave extra so i'm going to leave about 12 inches or so and then cut my yarn and now for this step i'm going to need my tapestry needle so i'm going to turn my work so that the purl bumps are facing me kind of like the inside of the hat is facing me and now what i want to do is starting at the opposite end i want to thread this tapestry needle through each one of those stitches so starting on the end where the working yarn isn't coming out of i'm going to go across and thread my tapestry needle and this piece of yarn through and so i'm showing you right now the method of what it would look like if you're using straight knitting needles okay so now if you're working on straight knitting needles this is what you have you just threaded your yarn all the way through the stitches now i'm going to slide my stitches off my knitting needle the quicker way to do this if you're using circular moving wheels like me is you can pull on one circular needle so that they end up over here on the opposite side and then it becomes a bit easier because what you can essentially do is as you slip each one onto the waste yarn you can slide it off the knitting needle so i'm just threading that piece of yarn through each one of the remaining stitches i'm going to pull on that strand to secure it so now what it should look like when you get this nice and tight is almost like a little star there at the top where all the stitches are gathered around so later on when we weave in the ends we can make sure we get that nice and tight but next up what i'm going to be doing is seaming up this edge so the seaming method that i use is called mattress stitch so the way mattress stitch works is you want to have your work basically laying so that the right side of your hat or the outside of your hat is down towards the table right purl bumps are up and then you're gonna fold in the two edges so now your seam is gonna go right up here i like to start at the bottom of the cuff and go up towards the top of the hat now the exact seaming method is called mattress stitch and what that is is essentially we're going to go back and forth one side to the other side picking up one stitch in from either side so let me show you what i mean so now what i'm looking for when i work mattress stitch is on either side i want to find the outermost stitch so for example if i look at this right side here and you kind of have to roll your hand underneath your hat to keep it from curling in you want to look for the outermost column right so this right here these sets of v's are my outermost column going all the way up this side then if i just grab on to that outermost column so those sets of b's and i stretch out my work i can see that there are sets of bars in between that outermost stitch and the next set of stitches right so this would essentially be a column of knit stitches so what i want to pick up on this side is these bars that are connecting the first stitch and that second stitch so these are the bars i'm going to want to pick up now if we look a little bit further up on the hat it becomes a little bit easier to see up here because we don't have ripping anymore so up here again the first set of these on that outer edge is going to be our first stitch and then if we stretch out our work i can see that there's little bars that are connecting the first set of these bar next set of these so again this is the bar i want to pick up on the opposite side it's going to work the exact same way so here i have my column of these going down the side and then next to it in this case we have a purl stitch but what i want to look for is that little bar right in there that's connecting that column of these to the next purl stitch so i want to pick up kind of like the left most or sorry the right most bar within that purl stitch then again as we get higher up into just the knit portion it's a little bit easier to see again right we have that column of knit stitches and then i kind of push my nail in right next to where that column is and stretch it out and i can see that again there's those bars so the bar connecting that knit stitch and the next column of knit stitches so those are the bars i'm going to pick up on either side so what i have to seam with is i have my tapestry needle and then about 30 inches or so i always like to have extra of a piece of yarn so i'm just going to thread my tapestry needle and now as i mentioned before i like to start at the cuff and go up towards the top of the hat you can start on either side i'm going to start over here on the right hand side and again i'm going to kind of unroll it find that leftmost stitch or the furthest one towards the edge and stretch it out now when i first bring my yarn up i'm just going to go kind of like this these two right here the cast on edge so i'm just going to go one in thread my yarn up and i want to make sure i leave a little tail here so i'm going to leave like six or eight inches there now i'm going to go over to the opposite side again stretch out my work i have that column of stitches down the side that's my first column and i'm going to go to the next bar over now i'm gonna go back over to the other side stretch it out again pick up the next bar going up there and for right now you don't have to pull them too tight now again find the column on the side pick up the bar and i'm just going to go back and forth for about an inch or so just to start with so now that i've done that little section i'm going to hold on to my tail so that this one doesn't go anywhere when i tug on the yarn and i'm just going to gently pull on the yarn so it tightens up that seam then i'm going to go for about another inch or so and again tighten up the seam now that i'm up into just the plain knit and purl section of my work it's a little bit easier to see so for example i just picked up one on the right side so i'm looking over here on the left side now i'm going to find that outermost column stretch out my work and find the next bar that i haven't picked up yet go back over to the other side again find that outermost column stretch it out pick up the next bar and you just want to make sure you're keeping it all the way aligned all the way up to the top and that nothing ends up offset so every once in a while i like to double check that there's not one side that has like a lot more fabric than the other side if it if that does happen you do just kind of have to skip one or two of those bars along one side to get it to match up again so now i'm going to continue seaming all the way up this edge now i finished knitting and seaming up my hat so the last few steps i want to show you here is first how i weave in my ends and then also how to add a pom pom if you're interested in adding one of those so for my hat i have a total of four ends two at the bottom two at the top and the easiest way to weave them in is actually to use this seam that we created and weave them into the seam so for example if i took one of these ones down here at the bottom and threaded my tapestry needle with that yarn tail now all i have to do is just take this yarn and just thread it back and forth kind of like into the bulkiness of that seam so i usually just go back and forth like four or five times then i can cut that yarn and then i just move on to the next tail so again weave that one into that seam as well then at the top for the one that's actually looped around the circle so holding those stitches together so that's this one for me the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to pull it nice and tight just to make sure that top loop really closes up then for this one because i want that top loop to stay closed up and i don't want those stitches to accidentally expand out further i am going to tie a little bit of a knot for this one so you can really choose anywhere around the circle to tie your knot i'm just going to make sure i pull it nice and tight first right so i'll use the strand right next to it and just tie a double knot right into that strand now once i've done that you can either use this tail to put on your pom-pom or my pom-pom already has strings on it so i'm just going to weave in this tail and then cut it as well [Music] now this last part is completely optional but what i usually like to do is add a cute little pom-pom to the top of my hat so i just chose kind of like one of the contrasting colors in this yarn and found another yarn that i had that matched pretty well so i think that'll look really cute and i used one of these pom pom makers that i got off of amazon to make this so i use the size that's missing which is the 6.8 centimeter size so all of these link down below if you're curious about them i think they work really well and so when i tie my pom pom i just leave on two extra long pieces of yarn so this is the yarn i tied the pom pom with and now again to add this pom-pom to my hat i'm just going to use one of my tapestry needles and starting with one of those yarn tails i go to the top of my hat and i find one side of that loop or the center circle at the top going to one side with the first strand i'm going to get the other strand and now i'm going to go into the opposite side of that circle at the top now i go to the inside of my hat and typically what i do for these is i don't want to tie them permanently onto the hat just in case someone wants to wash it or something like that right that way they can take the pom pom off so how i do this is i just tie it kind of like i'm tying a pair of shoes right so i'm gonna do like a double knot with a little bow and then i only cut the strands just a little bit so that way if someone wants to rehab it re-add it to the hat again they can do that later on so there is my finished hat if you have any comments or questions please feel free to leave them down below and if you're new to my channel don't forget to hit that red subscribe button that way you stay up to date on all my future videos i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: KnittingHouseSquare
Views: 15,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ribbed beanie, ribbed, beanie, hat, knit, flat, no circular, circular, not knit in the round, easy, beginner, tutorial, free pattern, download, step-by-step, KnittingHouseSquare, Knitting House Square, learn to knit a hat, no double pointed needles, double pointed, no, without, straight, straight knitting needles, first hat, multiple sizes, adult, kid, with pattern
Id: _HqhNhtCjAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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