Easy Cable Knit Hat for First Time Cable Knitters

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if you've been thinking about trying your hand at knitting cables this project is a great place to start but if you're still on the fence don't be intimidated the basic cable in this project consists of a super simple repeat that only involves one round where you knit the stitches out of order that's really all there is to knitting cables the step-by-step tutorial is coming up first things first i'm recommending red heart amour because it's velvety soft and it has a really nice selection of colors to choose from you'll also need a us7 16 inch circular needle a cable needle and two stitch markers in different colors get yourself a nice long tail since we'll be using the long tail cast on for this one and gather it up in your hands like this be sure to hold the yarn on the needle with your index finger so it doesn't fall off while you swing the needle down grab the loop on your thumb then swing it up and around to grab the loop on your finger then drop that thumb loop over the tip now this pattern is available in eight different sizes from zero to three months all the way up to men's and the number of cast on stitches and the various steps throughout the tutorial are different for each size so you'll need to have the pattern in front of you as you follow along you can view it for free on my website or if you prefer to have a copy in hand to print or save for later you can buy the pdf from my shop i'll have a link to both of those options in the description below so you can do what works best for you when you have all the stitches cast on lay your work out on a flat surface like this and make sure the braid is along the inside and then it's not twisted anywhere first grab your stitch marker and place that on the needle in your dominant hand decide where the working yarn and the tail are coming from and knit the first stitch that'll join the two ends together so we can continue working in rounds then knit the next stitch this time pull the yarn in front and purl the next two stitches then pull the yarn to the back again and knit the next two stitches so that's the repeat knit two purl two for the band of this hat when you reach the last two stitches if you've done everything correctly they should be pearls all right now pass the marker over and knit the first two stitches to kick off the second round and then purl the next two so once again our repeat hasn't changed for this round you'll continue to knit two and purl two throughout the band of this hat now the total number of rounds you'll work this repeat is dependent on the size you're making so refer to the pattern for that information now chances are you'll have to put your work down at some point or you might get interrupted as you're working this knit two purl two repeat and you'll need to know what a knit and purl look like to keep going so if you're newer to knitting just always keep in mind that when you're seeing a bar or like a strand of yarn that's directly below the needle that's always a purl stitch or when you see a v under the needle that's a knit stitch so that's a nice little refresher if you're sort of new to knitting and just keep going with that knit two purl two repeat for the number of rounds provided in the pattern for the size you're making when you finish that up it'll look something like this next up we'll work on the hat sides and get to those cables soon the first seven rounds are really straightforward you'll knit six later on those knits will be a part of the twist and the pearls act as a background so the cables really pop out and purl two this is going to be the basis and the foundation for our cable twists but we're not actually cabling just yet now one little tip here if you think you'll have trouble keeping track of these seven rounds which i personally always do and it's a little harder to count back when you do have those twists i like to add a stitch marker of another color to help me remember where i started so i'm always going to mark the first round and then that way i can count back from there to know that i'm on the right track all right so keep going with that repeat for this round knit six and purl two when you get to the end of the round again you should end with two pearls and we'll jump right into the next round once again the repeat is knit six and purl two we're not changing anything here we need to have seven rounds of knit six and purl two and that's going to be the same no matter which size you're working on and here's what it'll look like when you get that finished i count seven rounds for my stitch marker and we're ready for the cable round so grab your cable needle and slide the first three stitches onto it and make sure you're holding it to the front of the work then simply knit the next three stitches now here's the basis for the cable we're working these out of order right we knit the last three first and we're going to knit the first three last that's going to give it the twist so to do that you'll need to knit the stitches on the cable needle and there's a couple different ways of doing that and i'll show you both the first way i'll show you is to knit them right off the cable needle this is typically what i do myself because it saves an extra step just make sure your stitches aren't going to fall off the back needle and slide the stitches from the cable needle down so they're in a workable position and knit them so that completes our cable that is the only thing to knitting cables we've got a really simple repeat and we have a row where we knit things out of order we always want to follow up one of these cables these twists with our two purl stitches so we're keeping those backgrounds and we're kind of giving it some contrast so they pop out now for this next cable i'll show you another way that you can work these stitches out of order first up though you'll need to slide the first three onto your cable needle and knit the next three stitches so this way of knitting them will be to slide them back onto your regular needle then go ahead and knit them and of course you've finished a twist so you'll purl the next two so this one cable round is what creates the twist working those six stitches out of order so as you progress through this round you'll notice the stitches getting tighter and not really stretching around the circulars it gets a little uncomfortable and it makes you feel like something's going wrong but this is completely normal and it will get better as you work the next few rounds after the twist so the closer your work is to the twist the closer the twist is to your needles and your cord the harder it's going to be to knit them because everything is stretched we've twisted them out of water and we've put a lot of strain on that but as we continue to knit and get further away from that twist it'll ease up and be easier to knit again oh i also want to mention here this is just one type of cable needle but honestly any variety will work just be mindful of how thick it is the closer the thickness to your needles the better like before your last two stitches should be pearls and you've made it through the hardest part now that you have the most difficult part out of the way you're ready to jump into your super simple repeat you'll knit six and purl two and you'll do that for 7 rounds so here's the general way that this pattern works you'll knit six purl two for seven rounds and then you'll follow that up with your twist round and repeat now as you would probably guess the number of times you repeat this is completely dependent on the size you're making so again you'll want to refer to the written instructions in order to figure out how many times you need to repeat this for this side of your hat and when you get it finished it'll look something like this now make sure you've worked through round seven of that repeat to set yourself up for the crown decreases we'll work these decreases within the cables themselves so it looks neater and honestly the cool thing about working a decrease in this way is that the crown decreases are the same for every single size because of it so we're picking up on the first round of our crown and what you'll do is slide the first stitches on the cable needle and rather than knit the next three like you would to create a normal cable instead you'll knit the first stitch and then knit two together for a decrease so we've decreased by one stitch on one half of the cable so we need to do the same thing on the other but we need a different decrease so that it goes in a different direction and for that we'll work the slip slip knit so you'll slip the first two stitches over and knit them through the back then you'll knit the next stitch that finishes up the cable and you'll purl the next two and repeat pass the first three over knit the next then knit two together and from the cable needle slip slip knit and knit the last followed by your two pearls so that's the repeat for this round you'll decrease by two stitches per cable but keep in mind you can find the total stitch counts for each size in the pattern when you're finished with that round it'll look something like this and things are probably getting a little tight on your circulars especially if you're making one of the baby sizes when you can't comfortably knit anymore you'll need to transfer the work to either double pointed needles or a longer circular so you can work the magic loop method now i tend to prefer working magic loop i think it's a little easier than dpns especially for newer knitters so that's what i'll demonstrate here but just in case you prefer dpns and you need to see how that's done how you would transfer it over i'll also include a link to another video on how you can transfer your hat stitches to double pointed needles the first thing you want to do is hook your stitch marker on the first stitch so it stays in place and switching to the magic loop honestly is as simple as continuing with your pattern on your new set of needles now remember our stitch pattern for this round is similar but we decreased so we have fewer stitches within our cable so that changes things a little bit so rather than knit six and purl two remember we've decreased by two in our cables so we'll knit four then purl two so you're knitting four purling two off the smaller circular and onto the longer pair once again i'm using that orange stitch marker to help me keep track of the knit four purl two that round repeat so i know how many times i've created this round when you have all of the hat stitches on your longer circular needle you'll pull the needle out so it's a little more centered and separate it roughly in half pulling the extra cord through if you can try to make sure to pull the cord out after two pearls so you're completing a purl on one needle this will make things a lot easier later on i didn't do this at first but i did go back and fix it later because it's just so much easier to start with a knit if all possible so the front needle here will always be the one you knit your stitches off of in the back you'll pull it out and that's the one you'll knit with now as we progress through our crown rather than make seven rounds in our knit purl repeat like we've been doing since the cable is smaller now consisting of only four stitches we don't need to knit as many rounds because if we do the cables look a little off so instead of knitting seven rounds this time you'll knit only five now we already knit one of those rounds when we transferred over to the new needles so we just need four more rounds with knit four purl two repeat remember you can find these exact steps in the pattern i just want to make sure you see the techniques and you get the general idea here all right when you knit all the stitches from that needle pull the cord through flip it over and slide the stitches on that front needle then pull the back needle through and keep going with your stitch pattern so when you get to the end of that round pull the cord through again flip it and slide the stitches on the front needle and continue knitting with the back needle by the way if you need a little more help with magic loop knitting i'll include a link to a more beginner friendly tutorial in the description below from here you'll keep going with the repeat until you reach the next cable twist round okay at this point you should have five rounds after that last twist and we're ready to decrease and twist again now remember our cable now only has four stitches so instead of slipping the first three you're gonna slip the first two then knit the next two together then from the cable needle slip slip knit so the decreases aren't changing here just the number of stitches since the cable is smaller now follow that up with two pearls and repeat and with this we're decreasing the size of the cable yet again now that we're done with the twist round we need to work a few simple rounds here since our cable is smaller our repeat changes a bit this time you'll knit two and purl two and you'll work that for four rounds total and when you get that finished it'll look something like this and we're almost finished we need to decrease just a bit more but this time we'll decrease in the purl stitches we're actually not cable twisting anymore so get yourself set up to work and knit the first two stitches then purl the next two together so pull the yarn forward insert the needle through the next two pearls and purl them together as if they were one then keep going with that repeat knit two purl two together by the way if you want to keep track of your stitch counts whenever you decrease you'll find those spelled out for each decreasing round in the instructions all right our last round is a decreasing round as well but this time we'll decrease within the knits so knit the first two together and purl the next stitch and repeat knit two together purl one when you're finished with that round your hat will look something like this and we're ready to close up the opening so trim the working yarn leaving a nice long tail and thread that tail on a yarn needle you can also remove any markers that might still be there you won't need those anymore and insert the needle knitwise starting with the first stitch and sliding it off and do this for all of the stitches when you get to the point that you've worked all of them off the first needle you'll need to slide it all through so you can keep going in order when all stitches are secure on the tail pull it to draw it up and run the needle around the opening several times to secure that opening and it's always a good idea to flip it inside out and do the same thing on the inside so it's nice and secure then all that's left is to weave in the ends that's all for now friend i hope you have a great time knitting your cable hats and i want to let you know how much i appreciate you watching and sticking with me here until the end of the video if you haven't subscribed yet please consider doing so if you're into this sort of thing i make crochet knitting tutorials like this all the time and i'd love to keep inspiring you to make something that'll make you happy when you subscribe or like or leave a comment on any of my videos that really helps the channel and it's a tremendous help for me to keep doing what i'm doing now don't forget the links to buy the pdf or view the pattern for free on my website or in the description below happy knitting and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: B.Hooked Crochet & Knitting
Views: 23,097
Rating: 4.9705014 out of 5
Keywords: knitting, cable knitting, cable knitting patterns, cable knit hat, cable knit beanie, how to cable knit, how to cable knit hat, how to cable knit beanie, easy cable knit beanie, easy cable knit hat, cable knit hat pattern, free knitting pattern, knitting pattern tutorial, how to knit, fall knitting patterns, knitting hat, knit hat patterns, free pattern knit hat, free pattern cable knit hat
Id: t_hfN7U-fAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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