A GETTING OVER IT Level That Will DESTROY Your Sanity!!

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hello my friends and welcome back to another Super Mario maker 2 video today we're going to be taking a look at a level I probably shouldn't be playing some of you guys will remember about a year ago I played a mario maker one level that was designed for me and it was based on getting over it the popular PC rage inducing game that everyone knows and some people love well it's been brought to my attention that a new getting over at level has been made this one was not made specifically for me this level was made by go Sagan who is a crazy good Mario maker to player and a great streamer over on Twitch I'll put a link to his channels in the description below but supposedly this level really really gets the feel of getting over it I don't know why I'm gonna be putting myself through this I can already feel my blood pressure rising the salt being poured on my head right now but without further ado let's fire up this level and see how we do here we go you guys see the level cone right beside me it's also going to be in the description below if you want to check it out before you watch the video as I said in the intro I'm also gonna put ghosts Egan's twitch channel and youtube channel in the description below for you guys to check him out Oh baby alright alright a little bit nervous actually on a lot of it nervous the funny thing about these getting over at levels is that I've actually never played getting over it with Bennett body I know that's kind of surprising but I'm gonna I'm gonna throw it on a gauntlet here if we can complete this level you have a guaranteed a DTR guarantee I will play getting over it with Bennett fatty color on my twitch channel in an upcoming stream you have my word but that's only if we can beat the level my thought process is I want to be able to compare it to some of the levels that I've played the getting over at levels that I've played and see see how it compares because I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of references to the actual game of getting over it that I'm not gonna understand because I haven't played it but here we go I mean I know the basic premise of getting over it is to climb the mountain get to the top of the mountain that's that's important so here we go I've seen speedruns of it I know some people can beat getting over it in like less than two minutes now or something crazy oh-oh-oh at least the music's really peaceful oh my gosh oh my gosh is this work wait a second is this wait oh oh I think I'm supposed to go fold up okay okay okay all right progress city baby let's go okay it's just so this makes me love the fact that these levels we now this is and we're not starting off too hot gang this is the very start of the level and I am riding that struggle bus hard maybe I can just do this okay that works Oh baby oh my goodness gracious oh my gosh we're we are gonna be here a wild gang we are gonna be here gird yourself gird up and fill your horn with oil because we're gonna be here a while no but as I was saying I love the fact that Oh Mario maker has added these vertical levels because I don't know just something so nice about playing Berk levels that where I'm supposed to go I feel like that's the jump we need to make gang I feel like that is that's the jump oh my gosh okay we made it let's go oh my glutes are already working out dude the glutes are so so worked out already you see any veins popping out of my neck it'll be okay well be okay okay all right another shot at the title let's go now the question is how do I want to do this wait and wait what oh yes okay all right this is good we're doing all right gang Oh Oh get up there can I just run up and jump yes yes oh this is incredible I am loving every minute of it despite the clenching that I'm experiencing this level is amazing okay okay all right let's go let's go let's flip and go okay what oh my gosh this how all this is this is gonna be a crazy jump how did we make that bro how do we make that yeah okay okay okay oh okay okay hope hope the claw haha I got impatient I gotta time my swings here dad okay that's trickier than it looks it looks like this jump should be easy but you keep bonk in your head maybe I don't want to swing at all maybe just swing low Sweet Chariot there we go there we go there we go whoo [Music] no wait what wait what we're running out of time are you serious are you serious no I don't want to run out of time I want a checkpoint or something bro all right no okay all right all right we're alive I somehow made it up here once we're gonna have to reset anyways but I feel like with our first life yes we ran out of time but we made some good progress here let's uh let's continue on the struggle bus so something I just noticed on our second life here is if we find a blue pipe we want to go down it because it will bring us we want that checkpoint hype dude well that that's a new way to die that's uh intriguing but again blue pipe blue pipe oh you can't make these deaths up you just can't we're back alright we're back let's go hold up up up up up up okay yes much greater progress as far we've wasted way less time here it's time oh my gosh okay we did it again we are cooking with gas gang you smell that that's gas and we're cooking with it there there I knew it alright 300 seconds to work with let's go gang 300 flippin seconds to work with let's go okay okay there's a blue pipe can we go down this blue pipe no wait a second oh oh that's how we do it alright alright alright alright well we've learned we're learning gang where we are learning and burnin plugging and chugging screaming and creaming let's go baby dude I was at I was uh having no struggles with this and now I'm oh I am on that struggle bus core okay okay no all right come on man let's go it's flippin go bro what wait what no please please say it ain't so bro oh my gosh oh my goodness well that's a No [Music] [Music] wait what is this song I know I know this song but I can't remember what it is well we might as well restart cuz we're not gonna have enough time no okay let's go let's go yes yes yes so much time alright [Music] where am I supposed to jump here I'm guessing I need to jump off one of the conveyors but which oh no no yes yes yes no no no no no we've come so far gang we've traveled many miles how did I get up here so easy the first time oh I got up here so easy the first time I think I just used my momentum or something oh [Music] there we go okay so wait a second wait a second what how do I get over there just like that Oh [Music] where's I'm still looking for a blue pipe man still looking for a blue pipe to give me a checkpoint okay all right oh my goodness bro wait a second oh my gosh [Music] [Music] oh well that could have been worse I'm most definitely gonna need a new pro controller after this okay okay can I go up this kumquat pipe no okay come on yes yes yes yes wait no [Music] no no there's the checkpoint no no please no please please no no no I'm so saddened I'm I'm very happy about our progress don't don't get me wrong dude I am you know how I am I'm all about the progress city bro but goodness that was demoralizing seeing the Check Point knowing we had a couple chances to get it and then not being able to nail it it's tough it's tough okay all right now this parts not really that bad I just got you got to get full momentum on your swing that part is not bad at all [Music] no no [Music] [Music] Oh Oh my heart like I have pain in my heart just want the checkpoint I just want that checkpoint is that is that is that too much for a man to ask can a man ask for a checkpoint okay plenty more time to work on getting the checkpoint here let's go oh please checkpoint yes yes oh I didn't know getting a checkpoint could feel so good all right I feel so much better now gang tick down to checkpoint city I'm guessing when I get on top of that little bitty piece of island whatever whatever that would be called oh oh we got the checkpoint but things sure are not looking any easier oh oh okay well I'm not even I'm not even mad bro oh that was close oh I just gotta make sure I got a double check we got the checkpoint I have never in all the levels I've played in Mario maker - I don't think I've ever been as happy as now to see a checkpoint dude that's how that's how much this checkpoint means to me there we go oh baby let's go okay um wait what the thing that stinks is we're gonna run out of time before we alright I wasn't expecting that that was awesome okay okay gently now gently caress the baby gently wait what is this what is this no no no no no no no no no no no rid of them no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no bro I my heart I can't even what was that I don't is that from the game i oh wait okay hold on I do remember now I remember there being a thing that took people back to the start that people were like freaking out over and I understand why now I I totally I totally understand why after experiencing what I just experienced that was like an out-of-body I I you don't got you guys know I can talk all day but there sometimes there's just no words [Music] as I said at the start of the video I don't know why I'm doing this to myself but oh it's gonna feel so good if we can complete it but it's looking like a bigger and bigger if The playing bro yes all right you know what I'm gonna do we got the checkpoint I'm gonna take this minute two minutes here just Zen get my self centered Rieger the loins refill the horn with oil and then we'll be ready to go okay so we know do not even come close to that on/off switch bro that is bad flippin news/bad lip in news okay so this is progress city maybe that was it was a little bit of progress city okay that's kind of cool I kind of like this part [Music] haha I did kind of like this part how do I get Mardon I can't like no oh alright well we might as well let the timer run out I'm losing steam gang weave village it just hit the two-hour mark starting to lose steam like a train running out of coal right now dude like a train steam engine running out of coal yes oh my gosh okay okay alright listen only the second time we've ever been back here so I don't we got plenty of time Oh No let's go okay all right just chill chill chill chill no no no no couch come on baby oh my gosh my glutes can't take it anymore oh if you could feel how hard I'm squeezing this controller dude this poor controller I wish there was like a squeeze test to let you show you how hard you're holding a controller because it ain't good come on boys let's go no okay all right okay no okay okay okay okay no okay okay okay okay oh there's that there's that light come on oh my okay okay okay wait for the donut do not mess that up okay okay plenty of time all right then you start the problem is I'm looking at the timer I know we're starting to run out of time Oh forgive me Father for I have sinned let's go down the pipe please be the EM please please please okay it's not over whoo oh yes I've seen the end this is the end boys this is the end I've seen the ending of this game of getting over it with Bennet Fadi and I know you go to outer space so do I have to make a Yolo here what am I supposed to do I don't want to mess this up and die I mean I don't oh there's the end there's the flippin end please please please okay I don't want to mess this up okay I am just gonna we have plenty of time dude if there's a kaiser block [Music] this is a bad dream this is a bad dream there's no way that just happen I mean it's a it's a dgr video see you knew something like that would happen right you knew you just deep down inside when you saw me prepping for that jump you knew I'm gonna say a huge majority of you guys knew that was gonna happen mm-hmm plenty of time plenty of time yes oh my gosh all right no hesitation no thinking let's just go just get this flippin done please please please the amount of relief I just like we reached the two-and-a-half hour mark it took me two and a half hours to beat this one guys right around two and a half hours I'm just gonna put how how how oh my gosh I mean I knew this was gonna be a bear I knew it was gonna be a challenging level I think the clear rate was throwing me off the 1.81 but what you have to realize is you can't die to like enemies you can't you can't really fall into any pits you can't really die a to any enemies so that clear rate is a little bit inflated it is way way more difficult than that 1.81 clear rate that it's showing I think out of all the levels I have beaten out of Mario maker 1 and Mario maker too far and away the most precise level I've ever played if you guys are crazy enough to try this on your own go check out this level code right beside me also in the description below and go give some love to go seigen for designing this level check out his YouTube and twitch page you guys won't regret it and speaking of twitch I did make a guarantee if we beat this level I would play the real getting over it so we could make the comparison from that game to this level and so in an upcoming live stream check out the dgr twitch channel because within the next I don't know soon I'll be playing getting over it Bennett body but let's wrap things up I need to but thankfully we can't wrap up this video thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time I'm dead [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 764,395
Rating: 4.8870292 out of 5
Keywords: getting over it mario maker, mario maker getting over it, mario maker 2 getting over it, getting over it mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, mario maker dgr, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, carlsagan troll, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42, carlsagan mario maker, mario maker carlsagan, mayro, mayro troll, troll mayro, mayrosmm, mayro mario maker
Id: mibOeic1inQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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