Beach Metal Detecting Venice Beach

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all right before we get started today here's where we're going this is the parking lot we're going to stay in right there there's tennis courts there in the parking lot uh we're going to that parking lot then right here is a skate park and we'll metal detect around that we'll also get it down here by the water check it out because we'll be at the beach uh this is a little place called venice beach you may have heard of it maybe i'll do a walk through also a venice beach um i noticed though when i get to these places it's a lot of if i'm hunting in the dry sand it really gets to me like my legs and stuff it's really hard to do the dry sand any metal detectors will tell you that they know so i have big plans but we'll see what really happens anyways that's today's adventure well we made it down here not exactly where i was planning on going um we're actually down by the venice pier uh venice the place i was going to go is down their ways we might walk down to it that's the plan here's the car the parking space but we did get to park right on the beach even if it did cost nine dollars that's okay though i'm hoping i can write off on my parking at the end of the year because i do it for my videos all right let's turn it on and see what we can get i'll turn you guys back on when i get my first target and when i can see the water there's a big blocker here you can't see the water the big sand going you can see it down there waves look beautiful right now now there's people everywhere see this way there's a lot of beach to search here many options well i'm gonna just start right in this area down here by the water it's not low tide yet so we'll see what happens all right we got our first real sound it actually sounds good that sounds like a silver ring i'm sure it's just a quarter but was right on top so yeah it is a quarter we'll take her look at i can watch the cut form but yeah here it is quarter first coin of the day oh wait that's not a quarter that says five on it and it has some weird uh eagle on the back it's a date on this looks like a 1988 looks like a russian coin two-headed eagle i don't know we'll see when we get home all right that was a good find i was thinking it was just a quarter a lot of tourists down here so i'm not surprised back at it i spotted my first metal detectors down here he's right in front of me all right we got somebody who lost their keys let's see if we can find them did you lose them at [Music] is that a little bit was that person feeling down a little bit a little bit past it hopefully i hope it works i could try mine mine's one of those too see if it does i find everything here let me dig this up real quick oh jeez all right we got a nickel well it's really sad but i can't find it i i have one it's a keyless uh a keyless one it's no key so i have one of those two it's a push button so i tried mine and it doesn't really come up that good on the vector here's a 15 14 right pull tab although i haven't got any pull tabs yet uh it's a bottle cap but when i was searching for it i did find some change so what i'm i'm waiting for like a minus a minus sound so i can get a minus that's when you need headphones though because the minus you can't hear that well there's one right here you can't even hear that at all yeah there it is you see it's not going to be this deep it just fell out of her pocket she said so this isn't it i think she might have misplaced it oh my gosh whatever this is too deep i'm not digging it oh there i think i got it yeah see so rusty now that's why i can't even hear it it's really loud because of the waves too it's hard to hear stuff anyways uh back to the hunt i'm going to spend a little longer on this and i can't do all day well now that we're down here i'm going to go the other way since i saw that other detector and i just noticed there's a cut forming as we speak okay i made it to the cut and first shot right away i got a sound and it's a quarter well i think i mean it's the perfect sound for a quarter i guess it could be a foreign coin all right we got our second quarter all right we got another shot you can see the water is coming up right now there it is i see it got a dime this is great i'm uh got another quarter sound right here maybe nobody's checked this beach i'm glad i didn't uh go the other way i think every metal detector goes that way so i think since i got turned around it might be a good thing there it is another quarter all right just a matter of time we get a ring just i got a lot of beach to go and it's all cut here's a faint sound like my favorite i know it's that's a really good sound and now it's not and another one should have it but i don't know yeah i think another quarter sound i haven't been checking up here wait a minute i'm focusing on this one get sidetracked here i think that's it whatever the sound was i think it's a small sound we'll check it up here though just to be sure that's your first piece of jewelry yeah and i see a marking on the back i think i don't know what it is that's diamonds i have to stop now this could be a good day [Music] definitely a pendant of some type i think it says 14k probably just silver but there we go we'll check it later on so i'm gonna i'm gonna be having fun now i should show you this quarter really high quarter all right we got it i heard the dick so i was standing on a hill there it is what the heck wow that's not worth a quarter now holy digging all right i guess i should hit the top layer too all right i'm not taping so much coins anymore but here's another 10 but i'm kind of waiting for the waves get it now oh come on yeah i'm gonna go up here because it's a 10. even though the waves came up here that sounds really good i see a ring perfect i knew i was gonna get a ring today it ain't much of a ring but it's a ring ah yeah beautiful though opal an opal ring it's a tiny one but hey it's a really beautiful piece of offal i'm assuming that's silver but it rang up like gold so who knows anyways i gotta put that in the safe spot and i forgot to mention uh after i found that gold i went a little further and i went back and i did the same row again and i got a quarter and now that ring so i knew it was good good idea to double check it when you find something always double triple check just a little helpful hat all right i'm gonna wait i think i got a sound here no no maybe not where do you miss it by an inch or just not even an inch and that's why you double triple check i'm taking it up here must be high tide right now geez i hate that that's just a coin is a dime anyways the cuts getting better look at no sound and i dug that really deep and there is a coin but it doesn't detect it now that it's out of the hole and it is a foreign coin another oh it's five dollars it's a dollar sign and a five uh better mexico all right i'm going to mexico hopefully soon but i'm going traveled quite a ways without getting any sounds we're going this way and i think the sand might be too deep i think this part of the beach like the sand is the light sand anything heavy is too deep back there it was better so i'm going to go back the tide's starting to go down a little so i can do the lower section well i made it back where i started here's another penny um but as i got over here i realized there's two more metal detectors down here that's crazy no matter where you go there i guess they're you're going to find them but another penny there they are down there i don't think you can see them but you can kind of make them out probably one's coming straight at me the other one's going up and down oh well i've got my ring so i'm happy well i just dug my first hoop earring uh thing right horrible it was deep i'm right here by the pier and i just been digging a ton of coins well not time but a lot of coins right out of here and here's a look it's on i think there's two sounds definitely two sounds here i'll get this it one whoa just in time oh it's a almost dirt in my bag it's dying i keep thinking i should go now i got a ring and i keep getting signals it's crazy i can't leave i mean my beaches aren't this good so i should stay and enjoy it even if it's just coins i've already seen three other detectors so counting me that's four four detectives what the heck i hate that you dig and dig and dig and it never shows up anyways that's another time no it's not that's a penny and i think there was one more sound but i don't have to dig it let's see no that was it two sounds the water filled in my hole anyways i'm gonna go ahead and just keep digging why not i was gonna try to finish up get home and upload this video because i need to get a video out doesn't look like it's gonna happen today but you know why i didn't i'm gonna dig this one live it's a nickel but 13 i've seen people get rings at 13 and maybe this will be this will be my turn i still haven't got a ring at 13. i've dug a lot of rings yeah still going to be that way nickel let's keep going i'm still right here by the pier i made it down to these rocks here and uh the waves are breaking like right on them that almost got me well i did actually probably got the screen too anyways this is uh actually the main part of ventura i just went ahead and walked it what the heck don't want to turn my back on that you want to see how close we can get all right um i was detecting right around here there's like a sewage outlet or something there's a lot of trash so i'm gonna walk up there and show you guys around a little bit and then we'll get out of here trying to be brave and get closer and closer all right we'll wait for another one all right here we go i'm about as close i can get i can get a little closer i didn't budge the spray just gets you wet there's a bigger one could be in trouble on this one spray anyways that was fun i gotta go playing with the waves i am getting farther and farther away from my car i look down the beach here and i see a big old cut well it looks good from here but we'll see when we get down there i'm going to go for it i went this far i might as well go all the way i see people leaning against it so yeah maybe it is a cut it's gonna be a long walk back all right i made it to the end well i'm deep into the cut i haven't gotten one signal i did all along the that part there so i think i'm going to go back down this way work my way back to the car i want to go up to the skate park or something to show you guys if i keep going that way i'll hit the santa monica pier i might show you guys on the map how far i went it's not that far but you know it's when you're going back and forth it's a long ways the boardwalk looks super busy all right check it out but i made it up here to the skatepark i don't know where's a good spot to get some footage all right we got a quarter sound see if it's actually a quarter and it is a quarter quarter and we made it up here by the skate park see if we can see any tricks i can't keep it on the copyright there's music playing all right check this out the spray paint on everything here like tagging but the thing is they're allowed to do it look at that it's all tagged up all these trees are it's crazy see those guys tagging right now so as we're talking we'll probably find a can or something here uh hello dang it smells like paint over here imagine how much paint is on this wall right here how thick it is it's probably like so thick i would imagine people are doing this every day just painting over it and over and over all right let's go on to the next thing i can make a separate video of this place uh see those palm trees i didn't know my camera was playing up kind of it was like a big thing of art it's like metal imagine finding that on the beach you would never be able to dig it up it's like the world's biggest piece of trash i don't know what it's supposed to be maybe an anchor or it's just a part of the earth sticking out of the uh i don't know i don't know where it's going with that but yeah it's kind of kind of cool in here this is like the spray paint area the tagging area i'll turn it back on if there's anything else cool all right here we go for the wrap up it is the next morning um look at that that's a lot of coins i'm not i haven't had a hunt like that in a while usually it's only a couple of quarters you know but that's good that's how it used to be um anyways there's about 26 or 27 pennies six nickels uh two four six eight ten twelve a bunch of dimes i lost track already i found a washer that went up really good and there's 21 quarters that's a lot that's good on the quarters uh one fishing weight and just very little trash this was from a different hunt the bullets and that um yeah and there's some more trash around the edges here um first of all i forgot to look up the coins darn it i'm assuming this is a mexican coin because it's got the mexican bird on there i think yeah i'm pretty sure i mean i didn't even look darn it but i'm sure it is has the bird with a snake in the mouth and then we got the this one again i wish i would have looked it says five on it and it's got the eagle with two heads one looking one way when looking the other way so i'm sure somebody out there knows what that is i don't um we got the ring let's get in the sunlight here with the opal it's a pretty nice little ring um it doesn't say if it's 95 or not or gold or anything so but the opal really does look real it's hard to tell i mean it's so small why would they fake it not worth anything we got this pendant as you can see there's a hole in the side where the chain would go through or it's a part of something else but it does say 925 on it i thought this might be gold and there is diamond three diamonds on it um they don't look real but who knows you know unless you test them i guess i got a tester i could have tested them but they're little little diamonds it really doesn't matter that's it for this hunt i'm not gonna go on and on this time because you know how i am i talk too much and the bird's still alive over there i have i haven't eaten them yet um oh yeah i wasn't gonna eat them that's right as far as the stocks go it's been the stock market's been closed for three days so we're not doing that either um that's the end of this video i just like to say thank you to all of you thank you for all the people who watch me my patreons people who sent me christmas cards i got two more after christmas amazing i mean amazing one had a visa card in it uh another one had cash in it oh my gosh you guys are amazing um yeah that's it for this video goodbye
Channel: robert ferguson
Views: 12,332
Rating: 4.9244184 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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