Be the Salt | Jennifer Toledo | Expression 58

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are you welcome my beautiful bride I love her a lot I even give let her use my phone that's real love right that guy's okay well father I just thank you for gin father I thank you for the way that you speak to her God God thank you for the word that is inside of her and I pray that you anoint her words God with your spirit and she shares without this this today in Jesus name we pray amen well good afternoon I forgot what time it is back there it's good to see you all okay seriously we're gonna have soon I need to plan this I want to preach with her in the background the whole time like just hitting the keys at the right time we're gonna plan this we're gonna do it man I love it it's the right moment she just get all Pentecostal back there on me and I'll be good I'm into it well welcome everybody we're glad you're here this morning I don't know if we did this but do we have any of anybody visiting for the first time today we did that already so I miss that where was I I didn't get to say hi nice to meet you welcome anybody else I missed it sorry welcome we're glad you guys are here how many of you were here last week when Ben shared when that's so good how many of you got him just encourage with that word look I'm back in the fight I'm in the fight it's such a good word we're so excited with like kkona was saying just with what God is doing all over the world truly in just so many different places and the move of his spirit and what a powerful just testimony of what's happening in the Middle East and just the move of God that's happening and so we're pretty excited about that well I have a word this morning and something we're gonna actually take the next couple weeks and we're gonna be talking about this but God has been speaking to us as a team as a community for a while about this and kind of just been wrestling through like how do we how do we really do this how does this work and I want to talk this morning about being the salt being the salt of the earth and this is a huge piece of who we are this is you know just as our as a community we're not here to play Church we're here to be the living powerful hands and feet of Jesus and the earth we are here to put Jesus on display we are here to model the love of God to the world and truly be the church and so we've been in this wrestle as a community and there's just more and more that's stirring in our hearts about it this is our year this is our year expression to truly be salt and light to truly infiltrate into society and bring change and healing and restoration and so we're excited we're gonna talk about through the next couple of weeks but I'm gonna start with a very well-known verse Matthew 5:13 you are the salt of the earth but if the salt has become tasteless how can it be made salty again it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men you are the salt of the earth jesus never casually threw words around he was always deeply deeply intentional every time he spoke deeply intentional and he intentionally chose this word salt to define you to describe who you are and so we're gonna we're gonna really look at that but I want to give you the full context here if you have your Bibles Matthew 5 we're gonna start right at the beginning this is the famous Sermon on the Mount this is Jesus teaching his disciples what it looks like to kingdom' person what it looks like to be a follower of Christ he's explaining the culture of the kingdom he's explaining your personal characteristics as a follower of Christ he's speaking to you about who you are in this passage and it says when Jesus saw the crowds he went up to the mountain and after he sat down his disciples came to him he opened his mouth and began to teach them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the gentle for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me rejoice and be glad for your reward in heaven is great for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you you are the salt of the earth but if the salt has become tasteless how can it be made salty again it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men you are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket but on the lamp stand and it gives light to all who are in the house let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven I love this passage you know it's like you just took a super in-depth personality test and you just got the results back or it's like you just did an extensive DNA test and you just get the results back and you read it you begin to go oh my gosh this is Who I am I didn't even know this was a part of my heritage I didn't even know that was how I'm wired this is the results of your DNA test this is who you are this is who we are if you are a follower of Christ the one who created you looks at you and says I'm about to break it down this is who you are you are the salt of the world you don't try to be something enough to try to produce something it's just who you are you are the light of the world this is my nature in you it's how you're designed it's how you're wired it's how you're created this is who you are there's no contest there's no you no showdown about this this is the truth of who you are you are the salt of the world you are the light of the world that's terrifying and amazing right and if you'll notice each one of these which I think it's interesting because if we're going to figure out how to be the salt of the world I think there's so many clues in this passage blessed are the poor in spirit blessed are those who mourn right he's he's giving us clues as to how to be the salt and I think sometimes we've wanted the kingdom fruit but we're not willing to plant the kingdom sea and we're wondering why aren't we blessed why isn't the church in America blessed like it should be because it doesn't say blessed are the cool you've noticed great blessed are those and the really skinny jeans and the DVS and the big glasses I'm sorry that's kind of a mean job it's just true though what are we trying to emulate we think if we're more cool more people will come to God what blessed are the poor in spirit not those who have it all together not the rich not that this those are all fine but blessed are the poor in spirit that's the Kingdom way those who know they need God those who know they are nothing outside of God right those who are hungry and teachable blessed are the poor in spirit blessed are those who mourn those who grieve over sin not flirt with it and tolerate it and have it all up in their business those who grieve over sin those who grieve over injustice in the world not just oh we're too busy turn the channel I don't want to look at another starving child while I'm eating my dinner blessed are those who mourn who feel the heart of God for Humanity right blessed are those who are gentle not arrogant in rude and judgmental and proud blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness not hunger and thirst for favor and blessings hunger and thirst for righteousness being right before God and right before man you see we hunger and we thirst for the wrong things don't we many times and then we see the weed we see a very small harvest and I feel like there's this this call this awakening of the bride where heat Jesus is just saying I'm gonna tell you who you are I'm gonna remind you who you are I am gonna sing the song over you that I say that you are you are the salt of the world you are the light of the world and to do that we've got to do it his way right and he's outlining so beautiful his way blessed are the pure in heart not agenda not manipulation not I'm using God to get my mice you know a name for myself or I'm using God to have my dreams fulfilled or I'm using God there's no using God in purity of heart it's a it's all about him it's all for him right blessed are the peacemakers the peacemakers you know we're peacemakers need to be in places that aren't peaceful not running from those places they run into those places they run into the mess they run into the politics they run into the city government they run into racial issues they run into the mess not to just start throwing bombs and making a bigger mess they run into it to peace make to heal to unite that means they got to get over themselves to get in there and bring people together and he'll write blessed are the peacemakers I love that for they will be called sons of God when people look at my life I want them to say that one she's a daughter of God she looks like her daddy I don't even need to ask if she's a Christian I know I know I know I can see it all over her life she's a peacemaker right she's humble she's merciful she's hungry and thirsty for righteousness I love this this last part blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me you'll notice that verse doesn't say blessed are you when you're persecuted for being a religious jerk it doesn't say that people come to us and they're like I'm being so persecuted I'd like to tell me this story and then I hear this story and I'm like you're not being persecuted for Christ you're being persecuted because you're being a jerk to people right in the name of God that doesn't work now if you think about who persecuted Christ sinners love Jesus right I mean people felt known and loved even in their sin in the presence of Jesus man he really made the religious know-it-alls who thought they had it all together and he made them uncomfortable and they persecuted him you better make sure your persecution is coming from the right direction this is who we are he's telling us who we are salt is who you are you know this concept of salt it's obviously a metaphor but like I said Jesus didn't just casually choose words and there's so much meaning in what it means to be the salt of the earth and you know these one that are listening to Jesus they maybe didn't understand fully what he was saying when he chose that word but they definitely had a view of what salt was maybe a little different than our view today you know today every every one of us probably has salt in our home it's very easy it's very accessible you go to the store it's cheap it's easy assault had a different meaning in that day and I want to look at that for a moment so that you could have some some context for maybe how the disciples hearing this heard that word okay so first of all in numbers let's go Old Testament here numbers 18 19 whatever is set aside from the holy offerings the Israelites present to the Lord I give to you and your sons and daughters as your perpetual share it is an everlasting covenant of salt before the Lord for bow you and your offspring Leviticus 2:13 you shall season all your grain offerings with salt you shall not let the salt of the covenant with your God be missing from your grain offering with all of your offerings you shall offer salt and then second chronicles 13 5 don't you know that the Lord the God of Israel has given the kingship of Israel to David and his descendants forever by a covenant of salt how many were like I never read that in the Bible right what covenant of salt what is that covenant of salt so here hearing you know the Sermon on the Mount is all these good little Jewish boys and girls they they understood something powerful that maybe we don't have context for they understood that the people of God were in covenant with God in something called a salt covenant it represented something why would God call them in a covenant of salt not only a covenant of salt but every time they were to bring their offerings their sacrifices they had to bring that with salt why cuz God's just got a palate for salt I mean that's strange salt represented something in the culture that he wanted to make sure was tied in to every interaction between them and God salt in this era in this time salt represented something that was incorruptible salt could not be corrupted salt was a preservative it went into something that was decomposing and it preserved it salt didn't get corrupted when you put it in something that was decaying but the decay began to change salt was incorruptible it was powerful was a symbol of life it was a symbol of permanence it was a symbol of something that was sustained and so when God says we're in a covenant of salt he's speaking about this this covenant with mankind that cannot be corrupted that's pure that holds through the generations and so when he says bring me an offering but make sure you don't forget the salt make sure you remember make sure you bring something that you know you linked your heart to the unshakable Kingdom make sure you don't come with mixture right it was powerful as early as 550 before Christ around the time of the book of Ezra accepting salt from somebody was synonymous with drawing sustenance or taking pay or being in that person's service centuries ago the Romans contended that salt was the purest of all things because it came from the purest of all elements the Sun and the sea salt was something that was very revered in society it was very sought after in fact Roman soldiers were partly paid in salt there's an expression you're you know you're worth your weight in salt did you know that even in the English word salary comes from the latin word solarium meaning payment and salt wars many wars many Wars I've actually heard I couldn't verify this but I I read a few different places that there are more Wars fought over salt than wars fought over gold historically civilizations and royalty sought it out for its great value and historically it's always been a highly valued and important substance in society so when Jesus comes in and he says you are the salt of the world that meant something you have great value when Jesus called us the salt of the world he actually in that moment fully believed that you and I we're empowered to change the world he said that intentionally here's this thing of great value that will impact its environment that will change its environment that is who you are you are an environment changer you shift things you are you are the revolutionary you are the one who shifts things you are the one who turns things around you are the one who changes the flavor you are the one who preserves humanity you are me and you it's Christ in us Christ in us the hope of glory as Christians we have an identity that cannot be ignored and an influence that can't be neglected and we're gonna have to figure out how to get really intentional about that Jesus clearly believes and expects the world to be transformed through our lives now what I just most of us are very obviously very familiar with these things I just remind you a few of the things we use salt for first of all flavoring you know something important to remember with flavoring is that for salt to have its desired influence it must actually come into contact I know this is gonna sound really simple come into contact with whatever needs to be flavored that means you can't stay in the salt shaker and think you're gonna change the world you actually have to get up in the stuff you have to get up in the meat you got to get up in the soup you got to get up in the stuff a salt doesn't have any impact sitting in the salt shaker the big bad world out there we're just gonna all cuddle up here and be super Christians like it doesn't work that way salt was meant to be poured out dispersed right for a long time the church we tried to serve the world a big fat spoonful of salt we're like take it take it you know on the roads like I don't want Christiaan everything you know you do it will make a Christian will do it you know cheesy and just call a Christian and we just Christian everything we try to Christianize everything and and we we forget the reality salt is not meant to be served in a big fat he thinks you know teaspoonful that's not palatable salt has to immerse immerse and spread out and together that creates the flavor you were made to go in places that are kind of rotten and kind of stinky and kind of you know maybe not so flavorful that's where you are designed to be you know for a long time the church in America we try to get everybody into church and we're just trying to get everybody out of church we're trying to get everybody I mean coming to church is good but go out and be the church right go out and be salt go out and be lights this is who we are this is the gospel something else when your understanding flavoring one little speck of salt isn't gonna do a whole lot that's the truth our impact and our influence really greatly lies and how well we can work together it's you and me and you and all of us together it's a city on a hill right it's all of us together integrating into society integrating into business integrating into education integrating into politics integrating into you know civil jobs in our community integrating into every medicine all these areas and together we are salt and then together the flavor changes this isn't a one-man show this isn't the oh the man of god this is the Bride of Christ the sons the daughters the key was the priest all of us taking our place getting in the gate taking our place and being who God has called us to be that is how we're going to shift some things in culture that is how we're going to shift some things in society you know the church is not meant to be a club it's a city it's a city for the world to see what race relations can look like under the lordship of Jesus what business can look like under the lordship of Jesus the lordship of Jesus we're meant to put the beauty of God on display that's who we are that's what salton light does now salt is also a preservative right it stops decay the reality is you know I've said this already but we're meant to be in places that there there is there will be destruction and decay if we're not present being light and love and hope and truth right we can't run from those places the church has long tried to you know remove themselves from those places and we've done the enemy a great hand we've forfeited our right our identity our authority we've said take it it's too messy and we are designed and wired to be in places that will 100 percent decay if you're not present reality is everything kinda gist I know it's kind of a not super great news but everything kind of just falls apart and left to itself right if you just sat down all day and ate doughnuts all day long your body would just be to fall apart right you have to actively work to keep it healthy to stop that process from decaying there's there's action involved it's like you get married you love each other let me tell you what just because you love each other if you don't tend to that relationship that things gonna start to fall apart things really they will just begin to just fall apart it takes action it intentionality to work on that to keep it healthy right it's the same way in the world well you know if we're not involved in the world for real involved and and working for the peace and prosperity of the city then we look at me go it's just all falling apart it's going to hell in a handbasket and gods like really get out there you know like yes like this is this is what we were created for you see a master like my time to shine and you walk right into it that's what you're created for you see chaos you walk right it don't run from you walk right into the middle of it I'm the peacemaker here we go I'm the salt I'm gonna step up in this and I am gonna preserve I'm gonna preserve what God has for this neighborhood for this workplace for this industry for this city I am here to preserve what God has and I'm gonna fight to see whose dreams come forward all right I'm gonna take your action via take your place you mean to be salt salt also melts ice and snow we don't know anything about that here in LA but um I've heard I've heard but I think it's interesting to note ice is put on the hard cold frozen places and it melts it just by being there just melts the the ice melts the hard places I mean you know salt doesn't do some fancy dance and blow a shofar to make the ice melt it just just hits presence I mean you can do that but it's not like it has to like you know it's not about trying to perform that's what I'm saying it's not about like if I do the right thing and this and this and this it's it's just if you carry heaven hard hearts will be melted in your presence that is the truth when you carry the atmosphere of heaven hard difficult situations begin to just kind of come into order in your presence because you're the salt of the world that's who you are that's who he says you are my God's not a liar so salt is also used for traction you know when they're you're trying to get a vehicle or something moving and it's slippery wherever you put salt on the ground and salt provides traction to get something off the ground that's struggling to get off the ground your presence in an environment in a workplace in a business and in whatever in an industry you're there to provide some traction to get what the Holy Spirit's trying to release in that place off the ground it's a part of who you are you provide some grit and traction in people's lives around you to help God get some things moving that he's trying to move in their life salt is also odorless and I think that's important to note salt doesn't smell like agenda salt doesn't smell like negativity salt doesn't smell like fear right salt also affects the texture in food it produces tenderness it changes the feeling the experience the palatability of in food so when you're present when we're truly being salt one thing I want you to think Jesus could have picked any word he could have called you the flowers I mean he could have called you the you know I don't know the daisies of the world he chose salt he made salt so I'm pretty sure he knows all about how it works right salt present in food it makes something more tender it tenderizes just by being there it softens the texture changes the texture not only that but in meats it's a binder so it affects the structure of proteins and allows them to retain more water which keeps me moussed while cooking the presents mm-hmm somebody yeah system pot roast going at home waiting for me salt listen to this the presence of salt helps something retain water when it goes through the fire when somebody's going through the fire or something's going through the fire the presence of salt allows that thing not to get burnt up but to retain the flavor and the water and the juice and it stay moist and to stay in that place even though it's going through the fire the presence of salt does that who you are salt promotes healing it draws out infection it both irritates and heals it cleanses it purifies and my favorite thing about salt hands down salt creates thirst [Music] you won't even know you're thirsty until you eat something salty and you're like I'm so thirsty right it provokes thirst this is who we are we are designed by God to provoke thirst in those around us in the world around us now I'm telling you I want you to hear this because this has got to get in our spirit it's one thing to be like yeah yeah yeah are you actually provoking thirst in people's lives let's talk about that right are we doing this or do our lives look like everybody else around us and they're like cool I don't need what you got right like when you're actually truly connected to God in his life his peace his power his truth his love is flowing through you you don't have to try see we try to make people thirsty look how cool we are look at this song and dance me do like we're trying to make people thirsty and they're like not buying it you don't have to try to make people thirsty when you're truly salt when you're truly salt people gonna get thirsty I mean that is the end of it people are going to get thirsty right when we're walking in the love of God for real when we are putting the good news of Jesus on display when we walk in peace that's beyond our understanding when we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit people want to know what you have people get hungry for that hey how are you so peaceful how are you so happy how do you always have the best ideas why is your business thriving why do you always have strategy why aren't you freaking out why do you have joy in the midst of your storm what is that where do you what is that I want that you see that provokes thirst in people and I feel this stirring in my spirit of the church in America it is time we return to the undiluted gospel it is time we return undiluted gospel because it is time for salt and light for real to be for us to truly become who God has called us to be if we're gonna see the kingdom for it we've got to do it the kingdom way we've got to be merciful we've got to be hungry for for righteousness we've got to be humble we've got it you know we've got to do it the kingdom way because it's time to be salt you know the reality is is pure sodium chloride does not lose its saltiness there's no such thing as unsalted salt the pure thing never stops being salty but in Jesus's day they got their salt from the Dead Sea which was not pure it was mixed with other minerals there was some dirt and some junk and some minerals and some other stuff all mixed up in there salt so what this verse was referencing is that it doesn't even taste like salt so what use is it just to be thrown out and stepped on by the world and I wonder I wonder how many people in our generation got dished some salt that doesn't even taste like salt and they think I have there's no reason for Christianity there's no Regent reason for religion there's no reason for the church it doesn't change the flavor of anything in my life but you can't come saying you know preaching a gospel of good news but have no solutions for people's lives and the issues in society right can't have salt that doesn't taste salty there's no point in that and I feel this call of the Holy Spirit to us as the bride of it is time to get salty it's time to get real salty I think you should look to your neighbor and say I'm about to be salty and lit I'm about to get real salty and real lit holy spirit' version of that right it's time it's time to church get salty and lit for real we're gonna redeem that you know what Jesus is saying in this there can't be mixture the world is hungry for the real deal not just the world you you in this room you hunger whether you recognize it or not for the real deal you hunger it's who you were it's what you're made for you don't want some fake powerless Christianity you want your soul longs for true connection with God you are designed for real connection with God union with God it's who you are you were designed to see the power of God you were designed to do great things in your day for the glory of God it's who you are you cannot escape your own DNA right John 15 I love this you guys know this story probably the story of the vine and the branches John 15 I am The True Vine and my father is the gardener he cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful you are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you remain in me as I also remain in you no branch can bear fruit by itself it must remain in the vine neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me I am the vine and you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you you will bear much fruit say much fruit apart from me you can do nothing say nothing if you do not remain in me you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers such branches are picked up thrown into the fire and burned if you remain in me and my words remain in you ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you this is to my father's glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples I love this because your salt because writes who you are it's the desire of God that we bear much fruit in our lives you see this whole concept of God's like yeah where do you see that in Scripture you don't you don't take a light put it under a basket you put it on the lamp stand you do your good deeds in front of other so that all people can see the glory of God you put Jesus on display this is who we are doesn't mean you're gonna be arrogant and a weirdo you're gonna be humble you're gonna be meek right you're gonna do the beyond that's gonna be the posture of your heart but we have to figure out how the reality is I am called to bear much fruit but here's here's some frigging news for you if you're like oh my god sounds like a lot of work right anybody else know what I'm talking about you see if you you don't have to sit here and try to grow fruit like grow a watermelon it's a lot of work it's a lot of work to do that and then whatever you birth by yourself you have to sustain and that's exhausting right so here's this beautiful clue of how we do this we get to remain we get to remain in his love we could just stay connected to him we need to drink him and we need to drink in truth we get to this is how I fight my battles we stay in that place right you stay in that place of worship you stay in that place of connection with him and from that place as you remain fruit it just happens in your life fruit just happens I feel like the church for so long he's worked so hard to try to produce fruit and then they were tired and we don't really have much fruit and I feel this call back to guys it's come back remain in me we can do nothing outside of him he loves our gifts he loves our strength but let me tell you if we have for a second we think we can do anything with those things without him we've totally missed it this is all about him unless Christ builds the church right this is about him this is his glory if I be lifted up I'll draw all men unto me this about lifting him up this is about putting him in his place we get to remain we get to plug in we get to be in real union with God and I want to tell you there is there's no way we're gonna be able to do what we're called to do and be who are called to be if we forget this peace you cannot live on somebody else's connection to God you cannot be sustained on your girlfriend's relationship with God you cannot be sustained because of your parents relationship with God you can't be sustained with your pastors relationship with God every one of us plugging in drinking him in connecting with God communing with God knowing him hearing him in the word I'm telling you he wants to fill you he wants to strengthen you there's people in this room that are tired he wants to he wants to take that weight off of you and teach you how to walk with him how to work with him he wants to carry that load for you you're not meant to carry that load you're not meant to feel this oh my gosh I have to fix the whole world like no jesus fixes the world we just get to love him we need to plug into him we need to do whatever he says to do right we just get to stay in that place of union with him it's coming back to the undiluted gospel I think we make it way too complicated he's like just bring it in real simple it's you and me it's right here right here right here and when we get we get in this place we go god I want nothing more than you all of a sudden what do you know we're being salt we're changing we're changing the environment around us we're changing the flavor and it's time it is time I'm so stirred in my spirit I just feel like man last week Ben called us and back into the fight of faith right and I feel like the next step without this week it's like and that is it is time expression 50 it is time for us to truly be the salt it is time for us to truly get into these various arenas of society and begin to pull heaven down it is time to see transformation in this city in this nation and the issues of injustice in the world it's time we are not victims we are powerful we are sons and daughters of the Living God this is who we are we got the DNA test back it's who we are there's no arguing a DNA test we know who's we are we know the DNA the blood that runs through our veins we are the salt I'm gonna read something to you all around us we see humanity crying out for hope we feel heaven longing to break in it's time it's time for transformation to not just talk about it but to stir it up to birth it to bleed it into existence it's time we become the ones we've been waiting for ambassadors of love agents of change it's time for a new sound to rise for fearless voices of hope that are ready to put the brilliance of Jesus on display it's time for love to grow so loud that injustice and pain have no choice but to cease it's time we we have felt in this season as we've been praying this word has just been stirring in us we've got to do something as a church as a community we're committed to being on this journey to truly figure out how we take our place in society how we truly are the salt how we truly release heaven and put Jesus on display and we want to help the greater body of Christ get there so as we've been praying one of the one of the things that it's been in our heart that we felt that we're to do is we are going to do a big event this next year we're doing a big event called salt be the salt and we are so stirred about this we actually have something for you you can give these out we have something for you we felt the Lord say you know when we first moved to LA as a church over a decade ago we did a few like conferences and it was good and there was really powerful things that came out of those times but we really haven't done anything on that level in like a decade we felt God say it's time it's time for you guys to use your voice again it's time for it's time for you guys to stir something up and we're like okay Lord and our people really aren't conference type people you know and and we felt like God say this is so much more than a conference it's time to rally people together and infuse them with vision with testimonies with hope about how truly to be the salt looking at different arenas of society where people are bringing massive impact in medicine in politics in education in entertainment us tree how do we truly become the salt and be the salt together and so we're having an event called be the salt and we are so excited about it and I wanted to tell you guys about it first actually let's let's watch the video I have we have a your attention towards the screens I want you to see this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you ready to be the salt all right come on well we wanted to invite you first before we make this public we want to tell you about what we're doing and so may third through fifth we are all gathering and we can open it up we're going to be at Angeles temple which is so significant and if you've never been to Angeles temple incredible history with sister Aimee Semple McPherson but just the incredible move of God first mega church built in the u.s. actually that over 40 million people come through at the turn of the century I'm just phenomenal the healings the miracles the salvations crazy crazy crazy historical location here in Los Angeles phenomenal move of the Holy Spirit not only was there power encounters and healings and I mean literally ambulances when they would pick up people they would say do you want to go to the hospital or do you want to go to the temple and people would decide and people would be brought to Andersonville to be healed out of their cots raised up out of their wheelchairs I mean there's all these you know you can go to museum it's phenomenal what happened there but not only was there a major move and power of the Holy Spirit and revival one thing I love about the history of this building which is why we chose to have this here these guys were so involved in society what was birth out of this location so involved and we write Great Neck apart they fed more people during the Great Depression than the entire United States government talk about the church taking their place right talk about the church bringing transformation when earthquakes hit there were first responders every time you know people from from Angela simple they would just show up and they were there just bringing healing on the radio taking you know going after media and all these things truly what a legacy in our city of people who were salt salt and shifted shifted the city shifted the climate in various industries and so we're going back there we're gonna dig up some salt covenant we're gonna dig up some salt wells we remind ourselves who we are it's going to be a phenomenal time we have incredible speakers coming there'll be more to be announced but so far we've got Christine Caine you guys know Christine came we loved Christine Caine we've got dr. ed Silvo so who's just a legend he's such a father and transformation and taking the kingdom of God into the marketplace and business it's phenomenal Sean and us we've got Bethel music coming Anthony Evans we love Anthony Evans expression 58 worship and more there will be many more to be announced reviewing a panel and and we're just going to be interviewing different people who are really being the salt in their industries and so it's gonna be a time to be inspired and encouraged and just provoked and so we're really excited but if you have your phone's go to WWE to salt da la be the salt da la don't even think about getting on Facebook don't even think a Holy Spirit I pray conviction fitting be the salt la you guys there I think it freaks out maybe if we all try at the same time is that what's happening it's like okay well at least you have it there in your browser but be the salt la this is the website you can get all the information you can register on the website there tell people about it send it to your family and friends that want to come they're like hey I'm gonna wanting to check out your church come to this event we're doing in May right this would be a good thing to bring people to from the region also if you're I would encourage you to go on to Instagram and follow the conference Instagram which is going to be be the salt underscore la okay so you can follow us on Instagram to be getting updates and seeing you know more just what's happening and speakers and different things on there but we wanted to announce this to you guys because we're about to go public with this so before we open this up to the general public we want to just get all of our family there we want you guys to be there we've got like prime seating we want all of our key fifty-eight people up in the front doing what we do we're shipping our faces off and just setting the atmosphere in the place and so we are offering just for this week we are offering a super discount rate it's a it's a Thursday night all day Friday all day Saturday but we're offering just for a 58 and I guess whoever you tell but 119 dollars just for this week just for our family and then the price is going to go up next weekend we're gonna open up to the general public so we wanted to tell you guys first we only actually have 200 seats available at that price so it's first come first serve and we after service you can come to this table over here of these lovely ladies and they can sign you up with a discount right or you can do it on your phone right now and join us but we want to encourage you guys we want all of us to be there we want to go after this together we want to get on this journey we're gonna be taking the next two weeks or gonna be talking about salt more with hona and Shawn but we're gonna get on this journey together - for real figure out okay we're not here to play games we are not here to play games we are gonna see this city transformed in the name of Jesus we're gonna see industries transformed we're gonna see culture shift we're we're gonna look back and go because we were the salt look what happened because we refused to let go of this journey look what happened look where God took us and so I I'm just I'm excited for us our spirits are just like come on we just feel the backing of heaven and this there's been so much momentum and favor and we're like it is time and we're gonna be front center a 58 and we're gonna call everybody else in I mean you can seat a couple thousand gonna call everybody else in and we're gonna figure out we're gonna call the rest the body together how are we doing this and let's go after this and so you guys were so pumped but if you want to sign up you can do that today also there's some free posters back there I think - some cool posters for anybody first first ones that come all right well I'm gonna pray for us as we close well you guys stand alright Jesus we love you God I'm so grateful that you didn't tell us we're like cauliflower or something lame god I'm so grateful Lord that we are change makers guy that we are not powerless I'm so grateful or that we are infused with your nature that we get to put your beauty and your goodness on display I'm so grateful God that you're with us God that we don't have to somehow muster something up God we just get to lean into you we get to drink you in God we get to become like you and we get to get to release you through our life everywhere we go god we just put a stake in the ground today as a community we are the salt it's who we are and we're not backing down and we won't apologize for it God we're not shrinking back but God we give you permission to rewire us to rework us to do whatever you need to do God in our lives so that we can give you the most glory God that can bring the most impact the most life the most healing the most restoration to society God we open ourselves up to you God we say we want to do it your way God we want to be blessed by doing it your way so god when you teach us your way we submit to your process we submit God to to just your wisdom and we ask that you would move through us God we stand in agreement this morning and Lord we're asking for a Reformation we're asking for a move of your spirit God in our nation in this city and the nations of the world God I thank you Lord that you bring great harvest you bring great fruit and so Jesus we we just run into your heart this morning and we asked for your will to be done god I pray that you would make everyone in this room so salty and so lit this week God in your presence so salty and so lit God with your glory in Jesus name Amen [Applause]
Channel: Expression 58
Views: 3,010
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: -ShgYeNE2Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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