BE THE BEST - Andrew Tate Motivational Speech

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[Music] you don't know what to talk about then you don't understand money so go learn how money Works go learn how a bank Works go sit on YouTube for free you don't to pay 50 Grand in four years like a university go sit on YouTube and understand money banking or the real estate market any of it understand the the last housing price crash why it happened understand mortgage rates how that's affected by interest rates understand it and then go sit with someone else who understands it and talk about it people should even if they haven't got a penny in the world should be going to these meetings about real estate say about investing especially if it's cheap they should go just meet other people who at least have money have conversations about money talk about it how you going to get what you don't talk about and yes the cycle of precipitation right so uh a cloud comes it rains falls down to the ground it goes under under the ground whatever goes into a stream it moves into the stream goes to the ocean evaporates again up to a cloud flow somewhere else falls down again always moving that's how money is people think that money is in the large stagnant pool is H hiden people Bing it's not really true money is constantly Ming all the time and then you can find a way to get in between it and stand in the right place at the right time you're going to get R I think that's the new modern way to view the world is an attention economy it doesn't matter what you do if you're getting attention you'll make money one habit that people need to adopt and this is a habit I had for a very long time and I've actually recently cleared it from my brain so I've reached a point where peace of mind is full money but every single time money is spent we need to identify how your money was taken and I say taken because money can't be made money is taken because the only people who can make money are the government they government even make M bank but if you're a person you're not making money you're convincing other people to give it to you you're taking money from others so every single time you my content existed because I tried my very hardest to be an absolutely not a realist especially with uncomfortable truth I was pointing out that very uncomfortable is that a truth it's an uncomfortable truth in many parts of the world it's not a truth that I'm happy about I don't want to be seen as a negative influence in the world I know that there's a whole bunch of men I get thousands of emails a week from men whose lives I've saved I get thousands of emails a week from men who were on the verge of suicide and I've saved their lives I believe in protecting and providing I've been misunderstood I don't want anybody to be offended by anything I say I want to be a positive force in the world I don't want anybody to hear what I say and make them feel bad about themselves I want all people to live righteous and good whether they're male or female I think righteous is living to your heart and knowing that you're doing good by people not snaking anybody not lying to anybody I know I live a very rightous life the government is not capable of helping the PO and this is why it's so important as a person you take personal responsibility and understand you're living in a world where the Matrix can be cracked you can make a bunch of money but you need to take responsibility and do it I refuse to accept that there are people out there who cannot become happy contented individuals I refuse to accept we live in a world where God is creating people who no matter how hard they work and how good their life becomes can't be happy I don't accept that I accept that the universe is a very giving place and that God loves all of us and if you try your best and you work hard you can become a better person I'm telling the younger generation that if they don't get up and work hard and make sure that they're important that the world's not going to give about 99% of my content was aimed at men telling them the truth saying that as a man you're born with no inherent value you have to become important you have to go through some pain or go through some suffering to make people care about you otherwise you're not going to matter as a dude if you walk into the party and you put no effort into your life nobody get nobody about you and every man out here knows and one of the great things about the masculine journey and masculinity is that we've all lived a semi- similar story it's kind of cool like we've all been the teenager gets heartbroken we've all been unimportant we've all like worked hard and then starting to get some clout and then we've all kind of lived the same kind of Journey so I say to everybody out there yeah if you don't follow that path and follow that journey and that you know one way or another get to talk whether it's fighting whether it's comedy whether it's musician whatever it is if you're just going to stay somewhere near the bottom and then at the age of 44 you know email me saying I'm depressed well of course you depressed but that was your choice because you you have to build yourself as a man and if you decide not to build yourself then then your life's going to suck my main message is to resist a slave mind uh to understand that every single thing you're being told has an agenda behind it or you would be told otherwise to examine every strongly held belief you have and try and identify where it comes from why you have it I sit and arguing with people I discuss things with people and they so fervently believe a point I say why do you believe that so much but do you have personal experience no but I saw the news the news told you X and now you are desperate you will sit here for hours arguing that point A lot of people are completely empty vessels ready to be programmed and I try and tell people listen to just stop for a second and understand that the things they're telling you to believe are not necessarily for your benefit the people who make the rules don't make the rules for the benefit of everybody they make the rules for the benefit of the people who make the rules the game so um telling people to resist a slave mind and just be critically critical thinkers keep their brain open pay attention to things be perspicacious that's the general theme and it doesn't matter whether you're left right liberal man woman Etc
Channel: The Motivational Suplex
Views: 3,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational speech, motivational video, speech
Id: Af6xyxznI7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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