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police arrested Edward Norton yesterday after a domestic incident he appeared in court within the last hour our Deanna Benton s-she just got out of the courtroom so Deanna what have you found out Norton was in court here I'm telling you judge this is the setup all it is facial reconstruction we'll continue to follow this story and bring you the latest on wavy news 10 hey how's waiting for you actually it's spooky scary Sunday where you been you're kind of late this week what you look confused have you been paying attention to the news our plan went off without a hitch and would have been arrested don't tell me you forgot last week we we called Edward for the favor Eddie I'm calling in a favor I need a ghillie suit on i-94 right now my likeness he's been arrested on our behalf for the murders that took place at this residence that we actually did now we can continue with our spooky scary Sundays hey guys yeah with no concern or worry that the cops will be on to us or mess with us any further place that like button if you're excited yeah all right well this will be the first week in a while that we can watch and partake in our scary media uninterrupted I'm excited guys I'm gonna go ahead and uh we're gonna go to the cupboard over there if you guys or I guess people would call pantry but what are people exactly there's meat sacks ready to be murdered so if you don't know what spooky scary Sunday is by this point you must be an infant or you just subscribe 10 minutes ago in which case I appreciate you boo a scary Sunday is the show where every Sunday the samurai come together as a community we sit back grab some snacks and watch some scary videos sent in by you guys via twitter using the hashtag spooky scary sunday if your video gets big you get a shout out he works every two so grab some snacks go ahead and grab you a I don't know chewy bar maybe a hot pocket and I don't know who I am punch so with all that being said first video so the first video this week is T is for toilet the ABCs of death uploaded by the evil genius himself Lee Hardcastle I'm gonna just give y'all warning now Lee Hardcastle one of the most like you know what we're just this was sent to us by sweet tea everybody y'all know the rules clear out move I'm talking to y'all right now it's just me it's sweet tea sweet tea you so sweet I just want to say I hope you having a good Sunday and if you were here right now with me I do this to II bar is so chewy but I'm scared why would you like even the wrong I guess my boy got what was coming to him for what he did to them hamsters the next one is called afternoon class animation short film uploaded by us row now this was sent to us by master Yuki who creepily saved Oh you enjoy your sleep tonight so I don't I don't know if that's like a message surgeon if that's like a foreshadowing I don't you got camera you got cameras in my house Yuki already love the animation I remember those days afternoon class class Mac though why the teacher it'd really be like that move is silent concert bro he's really stabbing himself are you gonna talk to the class which is Egyptian hieroglyphs on the wall why is everybody else kids asleep I'm go to sleep [Applause] [Music] this is crazy uh just like a dream because he's like assaulting people [Music] [Music] okay dude everybody's asleep your class sucks you don't even talk [Music] okay that was a nice little break from the spooky I guess animation was really good so Yuki you can get a pass for that one but this is spooky straight Sundays this next one is blood is thicker than water uploaded by snarl how's it going I taste that fire this was sent to us by samurai brother Makai and my guy bars hopefully doing well today slow down what's going on Makai boo they blew up the whole house alright go in the trunk there is a lock the combination is 971 open it up there's an RPG ready la hey i'm sapphire money okay whoa lady Blanco whoa the following is inspired by a true story from hazel my parents split early in my life when I was around 7 years old mom got to keep the house and us along with it my mom blamed the divorce on my grandma grandma was from my father's side and she absolutely despised us we had to take her in as she got older but she was never grateful she would claim to feed me and my sister only to leave us hours without food Wow it was filthy and when make us clean up after her worst of all she constantly chided my father for marrying my mom Mary said she would call us worthless and she would tease me and my sister until we cried enough for my mom and dad left thankfully with Grandma Oda is that the theme for today because I just uploaded another granny video ok is this even an animation I mean we're already invested I'm not sure what to do at this point but this isn't like an animation all right I found another one let's see if it's good hey I'm sapphire want to hear something scary yeah I do it's not what I do chapter one autopilot cautionary tales about technology to creepypastas that will keep you up at night this next volume is all about the Internet have you ever forgotten your phone when did you realize you'd forgotten it the realization probably didn't dawn on you spontaneously more likely you've reached for your phone and were momentarily confused by it not being there then you did a mental reese Thep of the mornings events in my case my phone's alarm woke me up as normal but I realized the battery was lower than I expected so I put it on the counter to charge it while I showered instead of into my bag like normal it was a momentary slip from the routine but that was all it took once in the shower my brain got back into the routine it follows every morning and that was it forgotten this wasn't just me being clumsy as I later researched this is a recognized brain function your brain doesn't just work on one level it works on many like when you're walking somewhere you think about your destination and avoiding hazards but you don't think about keeping your legs moving properly I wasn't thinking about regulating my breathing I was thinking whether I should grab a coffee on the drive to work I wasn't thinking about moving my breakfast through my intestines I was wondering whether I'd finish on time to pick up my daughter Emily from daycare after work or get stuck with another late fee this is the thing there's a level of your brain that just deals with the routine so that the rest of the brain can think about other things most people call it autopilot but there's danger there if you have a break in your routine your ability to remember an account for the break is only as good as your ability to stop your brain going into routine mode but I didn't stop my brain entering routine mode I got on the showers normal routine started exception forgotten autopilot engaged I showered I shaved the radio forecast amazing weather I gave Emily her breakfast and loaded her into the car she was so adorable that morning she complained about the bad side blinding her saying it stopped her having a little sleep on the way to daycare that was the routine it didn't matter that my phone was on the counter charging silently my brain was in the routine and in the routine my phone was in my bag this is why I forgot my phone not clumsiness not negligence nothing more than my brain entering routine mode and overriding the exception out of highlight engaged I left for work it's a swelteringly hot day already the bad Sun had been burning since before my traitorously absent phone woke me the steering wheel was burning hot to the touch when I sat down I heard emily shift over behind my driver's seat to get out of the Claire but I got to work submitted the report attended the morning meeting it's not until I took a quick coffee break and reached for my phone that the illusion shattered it did a mental reese Thep hey I remembered the dying battery I remember plugging it into the wall I remembered leaving it there my phone was on the counter autopilot disengaged again therein lies the danger until you have that moment the moment you reach for your phone and shatter the illusion but that part of the brain is still in routine mode the day continued to bake the morning haze gave way to the relentless fever heat of the afternoon people swapped coffee's for eye smoothies jackets discarded sleaze rolled-up ties loosened brows mopped the park slowly filled with sunbathers and barbecues window frames threatened to warp the thermometer continued to swell thank offices are air-conditioned still cursing myself for forgetting my phone I drove home the day's Heat have baked the inside of the car releasing a horrible smell from somewhere when I arrived on the driveway the stones crunching comfortingly under my tires my wife greeted me at the door where's Emily as if the phone wasn't bad enough after everything I'd left Emily at the daycare after all I immediately sped back there and started press releases wondering vainly if I could charm my way out of a late fee I saw a piece of paper stuck to the door overnight what the door was finest more I froze many shook vandals a change in the retaining phone it was on the counter I hadn't been here this morning my phone was on the couch even past because I was drinking my coffee I'd not chopped Emily on phone was on the counter she'd moved her seat I hadn't seen her in the mirror iPhone was on the couch she was asleep out of the bad son she didn't speak when I drove past her daycare I fell and was on the couch she changed her routine I was on the couch and the teen and I forgotten to drop her off in his on the counter nine hours that car at baking Sun no power no help no heat a steering wheel too hot to touch that smells Wow I walked to the car door numb shocked I opened the door my phone was on the counter and my daughter was dead autopilot disengaged I'm about to start crying my eyes my eyes are watering oh my gosh Road this man left his daughter in the car when he went to work for nine hours I mean if he got child locks on when she went available all parents don't leave your freaking kids pets anything organic inside of a car I got a quick story there was this one time this actually happened to me it was for nine hours but my dad we were in Detroit like downtown Detroit and my dad was getting his hair cut at this place he always went to the same raggedy plate he left me in the car because he said like in a barber shop they smoked a lot and blah blah so he left me in the car he was like be right back about 20 25 minutes which is like even still a long time daddy I'm an adult now so we don't got to call it Child Protective Services but I was in that car for like two three hours now this last one's pretty long is called vexed uploaded by glass cabin films let's so since was by its miracle and I just want to say you are a miracle to the world we are so blessed to have you if you're a good person that is their call I will find you because with a name like that you better be doing the good work if not I'll put you in ask having films Papa combo no I'm not trying to watch me jumping right in today alternate Wow what do you think it was good anyone Instagram no yes you are I was just checking it you bring good money were you it's not like I haven't seen this before what are you talking about a group of unnaturally good-looking high school students getting stalked and murdered in the woods by a serial killer it's not always in the woods sometimes it's in a house or in a creepy Hospital I knew the entire plot of the movie just by reading the title that's not true blood summer for beach vacation Massacre okay let's so you don't like slash shirts how about any other horror movies hmm let's see haunted houses demon possessions or zombie apocalypses that's about it right how can you not like horror movies it's not that I don't like them they just don't scare me The Shining mm-hmm too many hallways a Nightmare on Elm Street I've had nightmares that are scarier The Exorcist I haven't watched all the way through but the crucifix scene was pretty hot right ill gross i known as hot as you Hey well next time maybe we can watch one of your silly Seth Rogen movies got him hey red battle hard it is to be funny dude I'm I don't even judge Apatow is a genius I'm hilarious and comedic timing is everything it's a lot harder than running around screaming being chased by some mouth breather with a steak knife mouth breather you know what I mean get to a new boyfriend facts don't be mad at me excuse me oh yeah you know I love watching your little horror movie us Oh your dad might face they don't scare me I mean I've seen a million of these movies and I just end up laughing more than they wanna be scared my camera died at the worst time or maybe the best time prepare your butt cheeks cause it's about to get scary hold up let me out let's rewind that you know a couple of seconds they don't scare me I mean I've seen a million of these movies and I just end up laughing more than anything I want to be scared it's the whole point right the point about what right to run are you okay how did you what nothing okay she's got all that makeup on and you better go to bed like that or somebody had uh-oh check it this time take your time where's that 224 times it's always important and scary stuff babe wake up Nick I sort of God what Shh pretty noise kind of noise Shh I don't hear anything reach pretty heater what is that go check I'm gonna go check you go check it neck I'm the man in the house I'll be back think I'm gonna have my girl check you stay you're pretty behind right here Who am I Nick okay wait up Ellie profile look like one of them freakin else from Grinch Stole Christmas you're unarmed that was your first mistake what are you gonna do if there's an intruder he's supposed to tell your girls to stay in a room and lock the door you don't want to be in a hostage situation why does no one think of these things look she could get grabbed up [Music] No what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you'll have a weapon look at him no you should have been ready with the heater how would I hit that corner like this get that chair hurry quick who are they what they want what are you going real no ok calm down pull the stop darling it's not working what your password is not working oh my I changed it it's 5 2 2 1 1 5 2 2 1 busy hurry young need your password you know we don't have time for this just call the cops Leah yeah alright they got a port Asian powers confirmed oh yeah what Leena [Applause] no were they down Aaron Carter it was a dream what oh did you have a nightmare we already did this and we went to bed in there there's these people but they weren't people they had these weird blank faces and they took you you disappeared oh I felt so real Nick baby it's okay you were dreaming god I never seemed so scared well maybe next time you won't fall asleep during a horror movie Brooke she buddy he grabbed well we know it's not over I have my intermission this was a long one all right I'm telling you I would have hit the corner like freakin Leon Oh Horry - all right I woulda came in like your girl mighty quiet in here there that's copyright we we mutant that or skipping it [Music] Oh oh my gosh he's dead he's dead how was her joint that loud when no speaker [Music] Wow are you making more popcorn Road so this is so weird well [Music] [Music] where the heck is he ass [Music] yeah Leo what's going on what is this what's happening my god I don't know you gotta help me okay I don't know what's going on so you're scared [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wha-whoa oil on your lip [Music] alright dye was just weird but I enjoyed that that was that was cool all right you guys we're gonna end it this week this week was I would say a banger we got toilets falling on heads we had the snart with the autopilot engaged in the freakin rex movie man nothing overtly scary just a bunch of horrible videos I'm gonna need y'all to bring the same energy next week all right go to Twitter follow me at Cory Kings use a hashtag spooky scary Sunday not SSS not spooky scary Sundays it's only one that works Pookie scary Sunday leave a link to the scariest video that you know hopefully enjoyed and slice that like button bye now I'll see you guys next week spooky scary Sunday it's becoming a staple on the channel I'm glad you guys like murder because the skits at the beginning they're not really skits I'm a killer masquerading as a killer for the enjoyment of YouTube guess my name is kori kimchi you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 11,618,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: be, afraid, of, your, toilets, very, lee, hardcastle, claymation, reaction, reacting, to, scary, horror, stories, sss, spooky, sunday, spooky scary sunday, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, memes, edits
Id: mnt4JiX-tUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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