The Universe: Constellations & The 13th Zodiac Sign (S2, E10) | Full Episode | History

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Shittery fuckity titties. Not this shite again. Thank god this video is not available in my country. The amount of cock canckers I've had present this to me triumphantly....I don't even try and argue any more. I just say "oh RRRRrrrrrrRRRRRRRRrrrrreeealllly?????? Golly Gosh!! THANKYOU for saving me! I nearly BELIEVED in ASTROLOGY!!!! Let me call all my friends!!! hello? Is this Tiger Lilly Rainbow Love? Guess what! There's a 13th sign! Astrology is bullshit!!!! We need to tell the tofu farm co-op workers before the yoga session starts! We're FINALLY FREE!!!! OH LAH DI DA!!!! THANK YOU OH GREAT SCIENTICIAN!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! You're basically the idiot hippy's Carl Sagan!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!......




I'm sure there's more constructive ways to deal with this but....can you honestly be fucked? I mean these guys believe that constellations exist because some bloke on the telly told them. They've never even seen one before. They've never looked up, only down their FUCKING noses. Gob shites.

Sorry for the swears.

Actually, no that's ridiculous. I'm never sorry for the swears. Fuck off.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/banjonica 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Not available in your country"

Not white enough for NASA? OK

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/redianne 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's not really a new discovery. It's been a constellation for centuries, it's just that for whatever reason astrologers decided to go with 12. You'll see it crop up every now and then in some "What's your REAL star sign?!" type article but no one ever changes anything.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kimmalah 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies


I'm shook

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sadfacenobody 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

/uj these youtube comments tho

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ice-SheathedArcology 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
they've intrigued man for centuries  captivating astronomers and astrologers alike   a mysterious alignment between the great pyramids  of giza and the stars of orion could have been   more than a coincidence and instead of 12 zodiac  constellations we actually have 13. what is our   13th sign and why was it forgotten the patterns  that once navigated mariners across treacherous   waters now guide astronomers to uncover the  mysteries that lie within the constellations before the internet before movies the night sky   and the constellations were  the greatest show in town this gallery of stars forms more than just pretty  pictures it contains an enormous sampling of star   types through constellations we can learn a  lot about the galaxy and the universe beyond   before we had high-tech navigation devices gps  or even compasses we had stars like landmarks   along the road constellations can help us find  our way they give us direction distance and a   sense of where to go so on earth when we want to  tell where something is we give its coordinates   in latitude and longitude what that means  on earth is it's a measure of latitude is   a measure of the distance between the north pole  and the south pole and longitude is the east-west   distance so the other direction similarly we have  a celestial coordinate system but the coordinates   they're not called latitude and longitude  they're called declination and right ascension   they are just direct extensions of latitude and  longitude on earth projected out into the sky   ancient navigators used this imaginary grid to  plot stars and orient themselves across the seas   not a precise kind of indicator of direction  but certainly a cue to keep people reminded of   what the broad pathways through the seas might be  by using a sextant mariners were able to use guide   stars like polaris to navigate this is a sextant  it's a tool you use in celestial navigation once   a celestial body hits what's called its lower  limb to the horizon you'd mark the position   using the time and the numbers on this sextant  you can then use it in fixing your position at sea   today's navigation uses man-made stars satellites  with the use of our man-made stars per se   our gps positions and differential gps we're able  to fix the ship's position within a few yards   instantaneously anywhere we are in the  world that gps has replaced sextants   celestial coordinates are more important  to astronomers than they are to sailors even though the coordinate system gives them  an idea of where to point their telescopes   the grid falls short in a serious way it assumes  all the stars are all the same distance from us   an assumption that's flat out wrong when you look at the stars in the night  sky they all appear to be about the same   distance away as if they were in the same  plane the same happens when you look at a   a city skyline from a distance away such as  we are from the chicago skyline so while those   buildings look like they're the same distance  they're really at many different distances away   the same is true of the stars while they all look  like they're at the same distance some are close   some are much further away so how do we know  which stars are close and which are far away   as it turns out that's the most difficult question  of all that's been the single greatest frustration   in all of astronomy looking at the night sky  even with telescopes you cannot tell distances   that's been the holy grail  of astronomy for centuries we're here in the angelis national forest  and i've got with me a handy trail map   and i'd like to take a hike uh  maybe going to say switzer falls   which on my map looks like it's  not very far only maybe a mile but the trouble is i could badly underestimate  the difficulty of this hike because my flat map   here fails to take into account one very  significant factor which is the elevation so in fact my simple one mile hike could  turn out to be a five thousand foot climb so does my constellation map fail to tell  me about the true distance between two stars   even though in a constellation they might  look like they're right next to each other   in fact one could be much farther away than  the other and i would never know it if i just   looked at the celestial coordinates only like  hikers in the woods astronomers rely on clues   to help them gauge the distances in our vast  and mysterious universe so when we're hiking   in the forest even if we don't have a map that  tells us elevation we can use our knowledge of   the local topography and types of trees to tell us  something about our altitude for example certain   trees prefer lower elevation whereas other trees  prefer higher altitudes similarly astronomers   use certain types of reference stars as guide  posts familiar guideposts as a gauge of distance the first tool in the astronomers  kit is the phenomenon of parallax   it's something we use on a smaller scale  every day to see the world in three dimensions   the way to think of parallax is a very simple  exercise that everybody can do so take a look   at your finger and look at something really  really far away if you use your right eye   and line up your finger with a distant object and  then use your left eye you'll see that your finger   actually appears to move quite dramatically this  apparent shift is caused by the distance between   our two eyes astronomers measure parallax by  looking at a star at one position and then   looking at it again six months later when it's  moved as far as it could go from our vantage point   six months is really when the earth is as far  away from that original position as it can be   the closer the star the greater the parallax  the problem is that stars aren't very close even the parallax angle of our closest star  proxima centauri is difficult to measure   it's less than a second of arc what's a  second of art there's 360 degrees in a circle   in every degree there are 60 minutes of art and  in every minute of ark there are 60 seconds of arc   proxima centauri has a parallax of  0.7 seconds of arc so it's very small   to span the distance to more far-flung stars  astronomers count on a familiar guide post to lead   them much like the coast guard uses a lighthouse  the men and women of the coast guard know that   every lighthouse has a particular pulsation  frequency one might flash two times a minute   another four times they can use this to determine  exactly their position just based on the pattern   in the same way astronomers can use a cosmic  lighthouse called a cepheid variable star   the constellation cepheus named after the  mythical king of ethiopia claims 57 visible   stars including delta cephei a variable star  that is the prototype for cepheid variables   by a quirk of nature cepheids  keep time like a metronome   the bigger and brighter the cepheid  the slower it will pulsate so what   you do is find a cepheid variable measure  its pulsation period it might be 10 days   or 60 days and then you've got a standard candle  you can determine how far away that star is   a standard candle is a basis of comparison a  star of known luminosity and distance that we   can compare similar stars against you know a light  bulb gives off the amount of light it gives off   a certain amount of watts but that light is going  to look a lot brighter if you're right up close to   that light bulb than if you are 10 feet away and  so the luminosity of the star doesn't change you   know that is what it is but apparent magnitude you  know depends on where you are how far away you are   whether you're right up close to something or  you're seeing it from the other side of the street   if a cepheid doesn't appear that  bright then it must be far away   astronomers can calculate how far  it is based on how dim it appears looking at my sephia variable and plotting  the light curve how long it takes to go from   brightness to dim back to brightness again tells  me what the intrinsic brightness of that star is   so i can calculate distance to variable stars by  observing the period of their variation that's how   edwin hubble was able to determine that andromeda  was 2 million light years outside our galaxy but cepheid variables have their limits  to measure distances far beyond andromeda   astronomers rely on supernovas it turns out that supernovae can also  be categorized as standard candles   type 1 a supernovae are all the same throughout  the universe we know how to calibrate them and   that's how we determine the distances out to  the big bang and the very edges of the universe peering into the big bang scientists can nearly  see the beginning of time 300 000 years after the   big bang even our most familiar constellations  have a lot to teach us about the cosmos orion which is greek for hunter  has 77 visible stars al-nadak   al-nilam and mintaka make up the three  stars in orion's belt in modern times   astronomers have hunted orion finding  a variety of astonishing objects when i see orion i also see the life and death of  stars just below the belt there's a little smudge   called the orion nebula and that's a  nursery a nursery for baby stars and   you can actually see that with the naked eye  orion has also bagged a pair of stellar gems   if you look at the upper left-hand shoulder of  orion you see the red giant beetlejuice and if   you immediately look right down to the lower  right star the star that's sort of his leg uh   you'll see the blue supergiant rigel beetlejuice  as a red supergiant is a star in its death throws   a red supergiant is a star that is actually quite  a bit cooler than our sun but much much larger   beetlejuice is 14 times more massive than our  sun when it runs out of nuclear fuel beetlejuice   will become unstable and implode in a colossal  supernova it can detonate at any time and when   it explodes it will light up the entire night  sky and it will even be visible during daytime   and maybe it's already blown up  it's 427 light years from earth   which means that perhaps it has already exploded  but light hasn't had time to reach us yet   the supernova will draw more attention to a sky  that's been captivating us for thousands of years   the ancient egyptians consulted the heavens to  tell them when to plant and when to harvest every   star possessed a sacred meaning they called sirius  in the constellation canis major the star of isis   sirius's appearance before dawn during the summer  solstice forecasted the annual rise of the nile   river other constellations like orion might  have had a certain architectural significance   egyptologists have often asked the question  why did the ancient egyptians build three   great pyramids that are slightly misaligned did  they have bad ruler sticks thousands of years ago   the three pyramids seem to be aligned to  the three constellation stars of orion   what does this alignment mean was it a coincidence  or were the pyramids intentionally engineered   this way the pyramids of giza seduce us with  archaeological mystery and historical intrigue   some scientists think the pyramids have a certain  astronomical importance it has been claimed that   the layout of the three major pyramids on the giza  plateau including the great pyramid are set on the   ground to mimic the three stars in orion's belt  it's one of my favorite connections between events   on earth and events in the sky but the ancient  egyptians didn't see a hunter in orion like we do   they saw osiris god of rebirth some speculate  that air shafts within the great pyramids were   specifically designed to catapult the souls of  pharaohs to the heavens in those pyramids we   have two different shafts and those shafts  one points north one point south the south   shaft points toward orion so the soul of the  pharaoh would be launched through that shaft   in order to be connected to osiris orion and be  resurrected again enjoying eternal life but others   are a bit more skeptical in order to make it match  correctly you have to flip it upside down on the   ground or in the sky that the egyptians did place  an importance on north and on south in the pyramid   and it doesn't make any sense to say well yes they  lined the stars upright but then when it came to   mapping on the ground it was perfectly okay to  flip everything around and make it upside down   the north shaft points toward one specific star  the one pointing north points to the pole star   at the time 2000 years before christ 2000 bc  3000 bc and that pole star was thu band thuben   is located in the constellation draco  or the dragon draco has 79 visible stars   thuben has been replaced by our generation's  pole star polaris polaris illuminates the arctic   governing our sky as a beacon over the  north pole lying in the constellation   ursa minor it's 2500 times brighter than the sun  outshining its companion stars polaris a b and b although it's ruled the heavens as our north star  for as long as we can remember its rain won't last   forever as earth orbits the sun it teeters back  and forth this wobbling is called precession   if earth was a perfect sphere it wouldn't precess  but the gravitational pulls of the moon and sun   tug at the bulging equator upsetting earth's  spin now the earth is like a gyroscope or a   spinning top notice that if i spin this very  rapidly and then i move the axis it points   in the same direction this is the earth pointing  toward polaris that as the earth goes around the   sun it always points in the same direction however  precession is caused by gravitational interference   so the earth begins to wobble as earth  wobbles its axis draws a circle in the sky   it takes 26 000 years to make one complete  circle the north celestial pole will move   further and further away from the position of  polaris in about 14 000 years from now about   halfway around its circle it will be very close  to the bright star vega but because vegas so much   brighter than any other star in that part of the  sky it will be a very significant north polar star in 26 000 years earth's axis centered on the north  pole will make one complete circle and it will   point back to where it is today and polaris will  overthrow vega and reclaim its title as our north   star the closer a star is to one of earth's poles  the more its position remains fixed in the sky   astronomers call these stars circumpolar  meaning that they're visible all year long in fact all of the constellation of northern  stars such as the little dipper and the big   dipper just go around in a fairly small circle so  the result of that they go around polaris without   ever rising and setting the further south you go  the more constellations actually rise say at the   beginning of the night and set at the end of the  night and so they don't have that magical property   stars vary in size density and also  brightness instead of shining with a   steady glow like most stars variable stars pulsate  brightening and dimming in a hypnotic pattern   a variable star is like a pot of tea you take a  kettle and put it on a burner and it starts to   expand and then it releases its excess energy  and then drops and then it starts to build up   pressure and then it drops again so kind of in  the same way the variable star's atmospheres   expand and shrink with time and this makes  the star appear to get brighter and dimmer   sometimes this happens over a matter of  hours sometimes it can be days or even months a special class of variable stars called t-tory  stars pulsate because they're young and unstable   like stubborn teenagers t-tory stars have  erratic outbursts except their tantrums   involve a struggle with gravity as the nuclear  forces push it outward gravity pulls it back in   and it misses that equilibrium position sort of  like a pendulum and it oscillates back and forth t-tauries will outgrow their pulsations  as they age they'll reach equilibrium   becoming stable stars in fact before our sun  matured scientists think that it used to be   a t tauri this probably gives us our best look  at what our solar system and our sun looked   like when it had just formed in its earliest  evolution and we know that for example that the   clouds of dust and gas around these stars are very  messy and it must have been a pretty violent scene   with many lunks and chunks of rock colliding  into each other and bombarding each other   the first t tory stars were identified in  the constellation taurus taurus the bull   possesses 98 visible stars aldebaran a  red giant star is the bull's bloodshot eye   taurus is one of the zodiac constellations that  lie near the plane of the ecliptic it's called   the ecliptic plane because that's the only circle  around the sky where eclipses can occur the moon   has to pass through the ecliptic for example  in order to give us an eclipse of the sun   it's also the path that our earth travels along  as we orbit the sun eight degrees above and below   the ecliptic lies a region called the zodiac  every constellation that falls within this band   is referred to as a zodiac constellation at  any given time the sun is in a constellation   of the zodiac the sun lies between us  on the earth and a certain constellation   because we orbit our sun the sun appears  to move through zodiac constellations that   are fixed in the sky during night time the  opposite portion of our sky is lit by the sun astrologers linked each of the 12 zodiac  constellations to the month that the sun   passes through so in june the sun sweeps through  cancer and in july it glides across leo but you   see there's a problem with that each constellation  is of different sizes some are small some are big it takes the sun seven days  to pass through scorpius   the smallest zodiac constellation and  44 days to clear virgo the largest   so you cannot divide the year into 12 equal  pieces with 12 equally shaped constellations a lot of people put a great deal of  significance on their zodiac sign their sun sign   but in reality since the earth is precessing  the constellation in which the sun appears   today is different from the constellation  in which it appeared two thousand years   ago so the next time someone tells you that  you're competitive because you're a scorpio   tell them well you know today  i'm really not a scorpio anymore from the infamous what's your sign line to  predicting fortunes and defining personality   traits the 12 signs of the zodiac have  played a substantial role in pop culture   but where do these signs come  from and who named the stars   we have original names for stars in some cases  that came to us from mesopotamia some names were   added to the stars by the greeks and the romans  some of those survived some of them did not   with the collapse of the roman empire in about 450  a.d much of this knowledge was lost however it was   preserved by the arabs in fact much of astronomy  survives today because of the arabic astronomers   preserving and augmenting the calculations  and work of the greek and roman astronomers   in 150 a.d greek scientists claudius ptolemy  merged his own observations with historical   writings labeling more than one thousand stars and  out of all the constellations that cover our skies   we've learned that 12 are zodiac  constellations but in reality there are 13. even if we're not followers of astrology  most of us know what our astrological sign is   what most of us don't know is that instead of  having 12 zodiac constellations there are actually   13. ophiuchus which is greek for the serpent  bearer is our forgotten sign it has 55 visible   stars and is home to bernard's star which is  the fastest moving star through our night sky nestled between scorpius and sagittarius  ophiuchus dwarfs the constellations it surrounds   although it was one of the original 48 star  patterns the ptolemy catalogued some scientists   speculate that it might have been dropped as  a zodiac sign to keep an even number of twelve others think that precession could have nudged  ophiuchus off the zodiac but the real answer   remains a mystery the only star in the universe  that doesn't belong to a specific constellation   is our sun comparatively speaking the sun  is a typical aging star with an average mass but stars that have about fifty to a hundred  times the mass of our sun are called wolf reye   stars the brightest observable wolf raye is  called gamma v lorum in the constellation   vila these massive stars are incredibly luminous  and are in their final stages of evolution   the reason they get so luminous that they're  pouring out energy and radiation so furiously   it's actually powerful enough to push off the  outer layers of the star's atmosphere these   stars literally evaporate themselves from all  the heat and radiation that they're generating   leaving behind just the very very hot central  core although scientists haven't directly observed   the death of any they speculate that wolf ray  stars will end their lives in colossal supernova   explosions or possibly collapse into massive  black holes but before they do they put on a very   spectacular show of blowing out all of their outer  layers of gas into the interstellar medium today   our network of ground and space-based telescopes  allows astronomers to see any point in the sky   but ancient astronomers in the northern  hemisphere couldn't see that the southern   hemisphere looks out on an entirely different  view if you're in the southern hemisphere the   most prominent feature in the night sky is the  milky way and in the milky way you have these   zones that are dark they're dust clouds but when  you look at them from earth they're just dark   against the backdrop of the very bright milky way  and all the stars it's the most noticeable thing   these dark clouds appear as holes  within the milky way's starry swath   they're such a distinctive pattern these holes  that some civilizations in particular the incas   in south america identified these black splotches  these absorptions as constellations themselves   these dense patches of dust are  known as dark cloud constellations   there is an amazing complete blackout  of stars in a region near the center   the direction near the center of the galaxy and  it's called the coal sac it's just such a dense   cloud of dust it just blocks out all  the light from the stars behind it   today the coal sac lies in the constellation  crux crux commonly called the southern cross   is the smallest constellation and 20 stars are  visible sailors relied on alpha and gamma crux   to locate the south pole since there is no pole  star like polaris in the southern hemisphere as astronomy developed the scientific  community realized it needed to unify   the names and shapes of the constellations in  1922 a group formed called the international   astronomical union they were sort of the political  body of scientists assigned to divide up the sky   set up boundaries so that everybody could agree  here are the boundaries those boundaries were   based on historic constellations the iau adopted  most of ptolemy's original constellations   and added more to include every visible star  with no overlaps some of them were named more   recently in the southern hemisphere when western  europeans got a really good look at the southern   skies in all 88 official constellations cover the  night sky but there are other small collections   of stars that form obvious patterns called  asterisms like the little dipper and big dipper   the big dipper is made out of ursa major's  brightest stars ursa major or the great bear   has 71 visible stars the big dipper is recognized  by its resemblance to a ladle the big dipper is   probably the easiest object in the sky to find  even if you don't know anything else for being   such a familiar asterism the big dipper is still  full of surprises the second star in its handle   named mizar looks like a single point of light but  a closer look reveals that it's five blazing stars cygnus the swan claims 79 visible stars a star  named deneb is a thermonuclear powerhouse that   forms the swan's tail at 200 times the diameter  of our sun and as much as 250 000 times as bright   deneb is one of the largest examples of a white  supergiant star it's a star in a very unusual   phase of its evolution there's very few stars  like that and they don't spend very much time   of their lives in such a loom high luminosity  state white supergiants are rare because the star   is transitioning from a red to a blue supergiant a  phase that only lasts a few million years this may   sound like a long time by human standards but for  a star it's less than one percent of its lifetime for a constellation named after a graceful bird  cygnus bears the scars of a violent past so cygnus   is also home to something called the cygnus loop  which is a supernova remnant there was a star that   blew itself to bits basically a gaping black  hole called cygnus x1 lies in the swan's heart   cygnus x1 is an 8.7 solar mass black hole so it's  8.7 times the mass of our sun that's orbiting   another star cygnus x1 was the first black hole  to ever be recorded in fact we first detected   cygnus x1 not so much because of the black  hole because it's black it's very hard to see   but because of its effect on its companion which  is this giant star and in fact the black hole is   slowly devouring the companion and eventually  we'll probably swallow it up and when it does   a constellation will lose a star and our  perception of the night sky will change forever our night sky is in constant change within each  constellation stars are born while others are   swallowed by black holes every supernova explosion  exotic star and nebula has one thing in common   they are identified by the constellation  they're located in but even before we invented   high-powered telescopes to see them constellations  served an important purpose they brought people   the nightly news that they dared not ignore it's  a question of life and death you see the night sky   is a calendar that was the very first scientific  invention of us humans the calendar in the sky   the rising setting of the sun the changing  phases of the moon the seasonal reappearances   and disappearances of the stars people see that  there is in fact an order to the world they in   fact see order in the sky that is useful for them  to anticipate what's happening on the earth that's   a tool for survival when you look at the sky  you see these groups of stars that are connected   to important events that will prompt you to  behave in certain ways or to move in certain   ways or to plan to harvest besides seeing the  pattern of stars changing with the seasons   the ancients made another crucial observation  the shifting stellar canopy shaped their world travelers who went a long way south for example  from greece started being able to see different   constellations for many of the constellations  that have been visible in their hometown so   it's telling you that you're really moving on  a curved surface and changing your perspective today we understand the shape of the earth and the  parade of the seasons but constellations haven't   outlived their usefulness instead of telling us  about the earth they're helping us make sense   of the stars a constellation is a lot like an  art museum in an art museum you'll see artists   who've used different kinds of materials  painting photographs and ordinary objects   a constellation also has similar objects but  made of different materials some of them have   more helium or hydrogen or carbon silicon iron and  yet we can group them together in both cases the   objects that are gathered in an art museum or a  constellation they're artificial collections that   we've put together for some reason like  countries constellations divide the sky   into territories when you say orion i know exactly  what part of the sky you're talking about so to an   astronomer a constellation really is kind of a  handy map it's just a way of organizing things   so we kind of know where stuff is and even  though the night sky is infinite we can see   only a sampling of stars before dust and distance  blocks our view you'll probably see on a very dark   night maybe 1500 to 2000 stars with your naked  eye if you're not using binoculars or anything so what we're seeing is only a tiny  tiny fraction of what's really out there   that would be sort of like looking at the  whole population of the united states 350   million americans and seeing five people  centaurus or the centaur contains 101   visible stars two of its stars alpha and beta  centauri are the brightest stars in our night sky   centaurus holds alpha centauri the star  nearest to the earth after our own sun   and a closer look reveals that alpha  centauri is actually a triple star system it's not unusual for stars to share the spotlight  with one or two orbiting co-stars in fact it's the   norm over 60 percent of the stars you see  in the heavens are actually double stars   triple stars quadruple stars our sun is an  exception our son apparently has no companion   while our sun makes its lonely voyage  through space the stars of omega centauri   never lack company it is the brightest  globular star cluster that you can see   without a telescope just with a naked eye because  it is a giant cluster of about 10 million stars   omega centauri is the largest star cluster in  our galaxy these tightly bound stars all have   different complicated orbits but they still  manage to move together as a single group   where the cluster comes from is anyone's guess   it's an unusual object and a lot of astronomers  suspect that this might be the center of a galaxy   which got eaten consumed by the milky way when  it fell in it certainly happens fairly often that   big galaxies are cannibals and they eat little  galaxies and omega centauri may be a remnant   of this process the light from alpha centauri  takes about 4.2 years to reach us but when we   look at omega centauri we're seeing light that's  traveled 16 000 years that's some indication of   how large centaurus really is it also shows that  a constellation exists only in our mind's eye and each star like every piece  of art begs to be explored the constellations organize the night sky  and make it almost comprehensible as we gaze   at the twinkling lights it's easy to forget  that each is one of billions of blazing suns   fusing elements and possibly creating new worlds  our distance gives us no sense of the star's power it also gives us no sense of the endless depth  of space we're peering into the flat plains of   the constellations are an illusion as you start  getting away from the sun by several light years   the nearby stars begin shifting relative  to the more distant background stars so   the constellations start distorting by the time  you're out at 10 20 30 light years you probably   would recognize few of the constellations so if  you lived on a planet going around vega let's say   that's 25 light years away from here you'd have  a different set of constellations in your sky millennia of stargazing have made  the grand sweep of the constellations   predictable our rotation around the sun carries  us through their annual cycle the stars in the   constellations are in constant motion not just as  the galaxy spins but also as each star's gravity   tugs and pulls on its neighbors the fastest  motion of the stars is 150 miles per second   we don't have any man-made object that can go  that fast the random motions of these stars   with respect to each other are more like 10  or 20 miles a second and that is comparable   to the speed of our fastest spacecraft that's of  course way way faster than a high-speed bullet the stars are always moving and their  distance from us masks their enormous   speed it's like looking out the window of  a speeding automobile the fence posts and   trees closest to the highway whiz by while  the distant landscape creeps slowly past over our lifetime in fact close to a thousand  lifetimes most stars don't appear to move at all   it just intrigues me to think that if i could find  one of our quote recent relatives a cro-magnon   man for example he would probably correct me  because he would be more familiar with the sky   and he would know the constellations a  little bit better than the people do today   but little by little our star maps are reaching  their expiration dates in ten thousand years   the stars would be noticeably different the  constellation has been noticeably different   from what we see now in 500 000 years they'd  be unrecognizable and if you truly could see a   time lapse photo over a period of a million years  you would in fact see stars racing around the sky the constellations are a snapshot a  flattened portrait of the night sky   and like a portrait it's a good likeness but  not the whole story if we could fly into space   and see them from another angle these old familiar  star formations would be unidentifiable but right   here right now the 88 constellations provide  reassuring guideposts while reminding us of   our past the constellations really don't fulfill  the functions that they fulfilled originally for   the people that devised them for them there  was a direct cause and effect connection   between something that was of interest to them  and their lives they watched sirius because   it was a seasonal indicator we don't use the sky  that way anymore but the stories are resilient   and the images are resilient we hold on to those  constellations and frankly i'm delighted we do   instead of telling stories of the past  modern astronomy compels us to look at   constellations as a grouping of possibilities  most of the constellations have three to five   planets inside them and in a few more years  we're going to identify perhaps hundreds of   earth-like planets orbiting other stars so we  will have this epiphany every night realizing   that when we look at the constellations somebody  may be looking back in a space so vast that we can   only see a small fraction of our universe we  look to the stars wondering what it all means   making patterns inventing stories attempting to  solve the mysteries that our constellations hold you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the universe, history the universe, the universe show, the universe full episodes, the universe clips, full episodes, the universe season 2 episode 10, the universe s2 e10, the universe s02 e10, the universe 2X10, watch the universe, Watch the universe full episodes, Season 2, history clips, history channel full episodes, universe, the universe season 2, Constellations, The 13th Zodiac Sign, 13th zodiac sign
Id: o3OSe8HaRyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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